The recent infusion of millions of Muslim immigrants into Europe has resulted in the quick decline of Western ideals and the erosion of legal frameworks in communities where the immigrants concentrate. It is primarily because Sharia law is a direct antithesis to traditional Western values of religious freedom, free speech, freedom of association, individual rights, economic independence, and free markets. The underlying principles of Muslim society are completely incompatible with those of free societies in the West. And unfortunately, Muslim principles allow absolutely no leeway for reconciliation with Western principles. The two societies can only coexist if they are mutually independent.
Such a circumstance is described as tribalism. Groups tend to form around clearly defined principles. When their fundamental differences are no more than minor deviations and disagreements, there is room for an amenable reconciliation. When their principles are diametrically opposed, groups simply cannot live in close proximity with other groups. When they do, one will invariably absorb the other, or destroy the other. That is what we are experiencing throughout Europe today.
Transplanted Sharia-based groups do not assimilate within Western society. Instead they act to devour the surrounding culture and turn it into something that sublimates in accordance with Sharia principles. When there are two diametrically opposed "tribes" such as this within the same society, one must ultimately take precedence over the other. Multiculturalism, in this sense, does not work. Those that push for multiculturalism in Western society at the expense of sovereign independent tribalism are well aware of what they are doing.
The very clear aim of globalists and their left-leaning advocates is to destroy the sovereignty of nation states throughout the world. They associate tribalism with nationalism and populism and falsely associate all three concepts with totalitarianism. Tribalism has become the go-to denouncement of the Trump Administration and other western nationalist movements, and is increasingly being falsely labeled fascism. Dismantling sovereignty has long been a fundamental objective of collectivists (socialists and communists). Encouraging the infusion of Muslim culture into the West is merely the latest strategy in a destructive thrust to accomplish their objective. The cultural destabilization of Europe is a well-defined and deliberate Cloward-Piven strategy, and globalists know this. Using multiculturalism to undermine nations specifically built upon traditional sovereign values is a direct assault to achieve collectivist objectives.
Most leftists are little more than useful idiots for the globalist agenda, advocating multiculturalism as a means of some sort of penance to ease their "feelings" of cultural guilt. Their argument is that traditional western culture should be punished for past transgressions and eventually phased out completely to make way for a new utopian global system. Globalists use the naivety and ignorance of the young and angry to their advantage, caring no more for protestors and leftist politicians than they do for the rest.
Globalists and their leftist minions argue that if all sovereign tribalism was dissolved throughout the world there would ultimately be no differences between Muslims and Westerners, or any other groups for that matter. But what they are knowingly glossing over is the inevitability that groups of people will always separate based upon localized principles. Their solution for all groups to get along peacefully in close proximity in the multicultural context that they imagine is for ALL value systems to be eliminated entirely, except for one - theirs - not left or right, or Western or Muslim, but the globalist's set of values. Globalists and leftists argue for the adoption and toleration of all ideologies and principles as a means to peace, but what they really want in the end is the erasure of all the ideologies and principles they see as disagreeable in order to make way for their own.
Plain and simple, globalists seek an outcome in which traditional values are obliterated by any means and replaced with a New World Order that is rooted in a collectivist suppression of individual liberty; where freedom is exchanged for harmony and fairness and justice for all with the entire global tribe worshiping one global god — the state. The suppression of one group's values for the sake of harmony is nothing less than fraud and misdirection.
Tribalism as it has existed throughout the world from time immemorial nearly always experiences conflict when antithetical cultures are deliberately forced to coexist. Globalists seek to irritate existing divisions and trigger chaos between opposing groups to ultimately destroy tribalism to make way for a single world ideal that fits their globalist agenda.
Leftists who are decidedly less self-aware love the tribalism of victim groups like Muslims. Their hypocritical hatred of tribalism rises only when it is defended by conservatives and traditional nationalists. Their indoctrinated view is that cultural division of any kind is inherently evil. But these social-justice warriors will selectively argue that the aggressively divisive behavior of any victim groups is off limits to criticism. Tribalism on the part of designated victim groups is beyond reproach, but tribalism on the part of westerners must be eradicated. Immigrant crime is empathetically tolerable, but anti-immigrant sentiments are racist and homophobic.
Leftist ideology is not based in logic or self examination, but depends upon thought control by indoctrination and manipulation in order to remain relevant. Leftists don’t have the ability to win people over through compelling arguments; all they have are lies and force. When in power, they use the force of government; when out of power, they use the threat of mobs. Globalists imagine themselves as social architects, but are impotent without the ability to impose their will and the ability to undermine practical divisions between ideological opposites.
Tribalism in the name of sovereignty and free society is a major hurdle to globalization. All the globalists can do is to utilize and exploit groups that are anti-liberty as a weapon against existing societies that still have some basis in sovereignty. This is much easier to do when anti-liberty groups are organized within those free systems, or, when they are imported into them, such as with Muslims. Globalists are quite well aware that a strong, free nation cannot be destroyed by enemies from without, but only from within.
The New World Order offers the world a false choice: either we continue our existing tribalism at the cost of endless social conflict (which is being deliberately instigated by globalists and their minions), or we choose to let go of our tribalism and traditional principles to achieve peace for all, by their definition. There is a better way, however, to solve problems that arise between people with differing world views, without giving up tribal values to become a one-world collectivist utopia - that being the time-honored principle of non-aggression as taught by all great spiritual leaders. It is a natural law that no person or group has the right to impose their beliefs or will upon another person or group, ever. The only time force is warranted is in self-defense and in the defense of innocent and helpless people.
An agreed-upon principle of non-aggression is the single easiest way to achieve One World of Peace and Order. Those who cannot abide by the principle of non-aggression can be separated from society until such time as they can abide. For those who are incapable of accepting non-aggression, they must be separated permanently. The advantage of tribalism has always been that it allows us to discriminate against groups with destructive principles and behaviors, or against those that have different objectives, allowing for a group with shared goals to accomplish those goals without constant internal obstruction or sabotage. As long as the non-aggression principle in society is adhered to, tribalism is and always has been the ideal system, as close to utopia as we may ever see.