Monday, April 26, 2021

Shifting From 3D to 5D Consciousness

You do not have to be “religious” to walk in Christ Consciousness or Enlightenment.  The Universe is Conscious, and Consciousness is essentially energy. Our soul is a descension of that energy in this physical 3D Earthly plane.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. Everything Jesus, Buddha, and other Ascended Masters and Spiritual Leaders stood for and taught their followers how to align the body, mind, and soul to achieve Oneness with The Creator, Divine Source, God, Universe. 

The struggle has always been bridging the gap between Religion and Spiritual Ascension, but from a higher perspective there is no difference.

We are talking about the same thing in the end.  Their practices of self-love, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, mindfulness and meditation, healthy boundaries, non-attachment, responsibility, release of victim or lack mentality, and acceptance were all means to connect to the Higher Power as doing so holds the highest of frequencies.

Everything is energy and sends out vibrations into the Universe… our thoughts, emotions, and actions... and as such, we are multidimensional beings.

Universal Law tells us that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.  Spirituality identifies with One Creator versus Religion identifying with The Creator as “God”.

Spiritualists hold the belief that we have an active part in the Light versus Dark battle, Heart versus Ego, or Love versus Fear And it’s true.  We are much more powerful than we have been programmed to believe. We’ve all been given such power and gifts by Our Creator and over the course of time, we have been blinded to, lost, or “forgotten” how to use these intuitive abilities, or what would commonly be referred to as the chakras, or energy centers within the human body.

They can also be thought of as realms of consciousness.  Jesus said: The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you.~ Luke 17:21

Throughout our life, our energy centers have become blocked causing a variety of ailments and we must do the balancing work to realign and activate them.  For example, prayer and meditation can and should coexist.  

The Ego and Subconscious programming developed in the first 6 years of life is what controls our 3D human “packaging” and keeps us on “Auto Pilot” until we experience a Spiritual “Awakening” causing a shift into higher consciousness and/or frequency. Something will trigger this, most likely hitting rock bottom and going through the “Dark Night of the Soul” and/or “Ego Death” as that was the case for me.  Number synchronicities are also usually a good sign of being awakened.

Buddha said: “Our thoughts create our reality.” and it’s true.

We have the power to deprogram and retrain the brain in order to reinvent ourselves and manifest anything we choose in life, but not without doing the inner energy work, and it most definitely is WORK.

The power and vibration of our thoughts and the mind/body connection are so strong that we have the potential to heal ourselves and any “disease” that might plague us.

You are the Placebo.

That’s where the Law of Attraction comes into play.  You cannot merely speak or think something into existence when co-creating with the Divine.  You have to FEEL it into existence. Just as Albert Einstein said, “You have to align your frequency with whatever reality you are trying to pull in.” 

And the most effective way to do this is through the Heart. Because True Love vibrates at the most ultimate frequency, and True Love has NO conditions, expectations, judgment, or attachment.

When you are living in your authentic self and doing what your heart truly desires (and we all have a Divine purpose/mission/dharma in this incarnation), that’s where the magic lies and when abundance seems to appear as if out of nowhere. The challenge is figuring out who we are, what we want, and then taking the leap.

Seeing is not believing.  


And the Universe is the ultimate psychic. 

God is Love & Love is Light & Light is Energy.  Everything is connected. We are all One. By the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect (Karma), the energy that you put out will be returned back to you. So anything in your 3D reality is a reflection of your inner self. As within, so without.

If you want your life to change, YOU have to change.

You cannot control or change anyone else, only how your choose to respond (not react) to situations. People will continue to treat you how you ALLOW them to. Anything or anyone that triggers you emotionally or causes pain are typically wounds that need to be healed WITHIN you.

Everyone is a mirror and a teacher for us to grow at a soul level.  You deeply have to feel the pain at the core of your being to fully purge the shadow self in order to restore balance, wholeness, and break/release any toxic patterns/energies and co-dependencies.

Nothing ever happens TO you, it happens FOR you.  And boy oh boy, have I had some great “teachers” along the way…

Everything boils down to frequency. We’re here to learn lessons through our experiences in order to master our energy (thoughts, emotions, behavior) and Ascend to where we merge the subconscious (your intuition) to the conscious.

It’s only then can we direct our free will, instead of manifesting by default through the subconscious as it’s been shown that the average person only uses 10% of their conscious brain. Spirit will keep throwing you the same lesson, just in different clothing, until you finally “Get it” so you can turn the Karmic Wheel in your favor.

It certainly is a process as we, the human race, are constantly evolving in this wild journey called Life.  When elevating one’s own Love-Light frequency, you help to raise another’s, and eventually that of the Planet//Mother Earth into higher dimensions and consciousness creating Heaven on Earth as all that energy is entangled and/or commingled amongst us all.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Quiet Friend Who Has Come So Far

 Quiet friend who has come so far,

feel how your breathing makes more space around you.
Let this darkness be a bell tower
and you the bell. As you ring,

what batters you becomes your strength.
Move back and forth into the change.
What is it like, such intensity of pain?
If the drink is bitter, turn yourself to wine.

In this uncontainable night,
be the mystery at the crossroads of your senses,
the meaning discovered there.

And if the world has ceased to hear you,
say to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water, speak: I am.

by Rainer Maria Rilke - Sonnets to Orpheus II, 29

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Peace is Always Here, Waiting for Us

Happiness cannot be found
through great effort and willpower
for it is already present
in relaxation and letting go.

So don’t strain yourself;
for there is nothing to do.
Whatever arises in the mind
has no real importance,
for it has no lasting reality.
Don’t be attached to it;
don’t identify with it and
don’t pass judgment upon it.
Without changing or manipulating anything
let the entire game of life happen on its own,
springing up and falling back like waves;
everything vanishes and reappears,
magically without end.

Our searching for happiness
prevents us from Being it
like rainbows that we pursue
without ever catching.
What is real already exists
always here
accompanying us in every instant.

Wanting to grasp the ungraspable
you exhaust yourself in vain.
As soon as you open and relax,
space is here;
open, inviting and comfortable.
Don’t search any further.
Don’t go into the tangled jungle
looking for the great elephant
who’s already resting quietly here at home.

Nothing to do,
nothing to force.
Nothing to want—
everything happening by itself.

Venerable Lama Gendun Rinpoche

We all desire unchanging peace, well-being, and freedom from suffering. Fortunately, we don’t need to go anywhere to realize peace and freedom, for it’s already innate within us, as our birthright, as a fundamental expression of our underlying essential nature, that’s waiting for our discovery in each and every moment. But how do we recognize this essential aspect of unchanging peace? How can we learn to embody peace amidst the challenging and ever-changing circumstances of our life?

First, we must realize and accept that everything around and within us will always be constantly changing. Lasting and unchanging peace can never be found in outer objects, current affairs, weather patterns, or within our bodily sensations, emotions or thoughts. These are constantly changing and offer no lasting stability or peace.

Second, we must realize and accept how our mind is constantly seeking peace, but is usually looking in all the wrong places. Unchanging peace is not to be found in any inner or outer place, person, or thing. When we truly understood this to be true, only then are we poised to inquire and realize the truth of lasting peace. Here we are ready to ask, “Is there something, then, that doesn’t change, that offers us unchanging stability, peace and equanimity; that is unshakable, no matter our changing circumstance?”

Third, the question now is: “Are you ready to give up seeking for peace in outer objects, circumstances, and people, or in some future time and place? Are you willing to find peace right now, in this moment, for this moment is truly all there is?” If we are truly concerned about realizing peace, then it is this moment that we should be concerned about, for here, in this moment, as in every moment that follows, is where we find true peace.

If you’re truly ready, then take this moment, now, to stop, and experience your essential “beingness.” Being is right here, right now; always present, as the portal that opens us to realizing unchanging peace, equanimity, well-being, and freedom from suffering.

Stop now, and engage the following five inquiries. Answer them from your direct, first-hand experience. Take your time with each inquiry. Go slowly, so that your answers come from the depth of your beingness, rather than from your intellectual mind.

Rest and remain as being. Notice how, as being, you feel spacious, outside of time, beyond lack and need, and complete and whole just as you are, as being. Notice, also, how attention may move away from experiencing being, to identifying with the changing objects of your body (sensation and feelings), mind (emotions and thoughts) and senses (the world around you). Keep bringing your attention back to experiencing yourself as being.

As being, notice what spontaneously arises within your body, as a felt-sense of unchanging peace, equanimity, well-being, joy, and freedom. Notice how, as being, you feel being as familiar and always present, no matter what else is present (be it a sensation, thought, emotion, or worldly object).

Being peace is so simple that we easily overlook and dismiss it. But the fact remains that as being, we discover, right here, in this and every moment, unchanging peace that’s innate and always present. As we realize this fact and take time 24-7-365 to keep attention in being peace, we’ll come to realize that it’s present, no matter our circumstance. Then, peace will saturate our life and give rise to unchanging stability within ourselves that allows us to stand and respond, rather than react, to the ever-changing hurricanes and circumstances that inevitably blow through our lives.

by Richard Miller on April 6, 2021, at

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

An Environmentalist Recants

On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30.

But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as expert reviewer of its next assessment report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.

Here are some facts few people know:

  • Humans are not causing a “sixth mass extinction”

  • The Amazon is not “the lungs of the world”

  • Climate change is not making natural disasters worse

  • Fires have declined 25 percent around the world since 2003

  • The amount of land we use for meat—humankind’s biggest use of land—has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska

  • The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous fires in Australia and California

  • Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s

  • The Netherlands became rich, not poor while adapting to life below sea level

  • We produce 25 percent more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter

  • Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change

  • Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels

  • Preventing future pandemics requires more not less “industrial” agriculture

I know that the above facts will sound like “climate denialism” to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism.

In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies.

Some people will, when they read this, imagine that I’m some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I’m not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women’s cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia.

I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions.

But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that’s because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an “existential” threat to human civilization, and called it a “crisis.”

But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public.

I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren’t getting worse.

But then, last year, things spiraled out of control.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Britain’s most high-profile environmental group claimed “Climate Change Kills Children.”

The world’s most influential green journalist, Bill McKibben, called climate change the “greatest challenge humans have ever faced” and said it would “wipe out civilizations.” Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was “the lungs of the world,” and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off.

As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn’t be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence.

 And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them end notes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables.

Some highlights from the book:

  • Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress

  • The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land

  • The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium

  • 100 percent renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today’s 0.5 percent to 50 percent

  • We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities

  • Vegetarianism reduces one’s emissions by less than 4 percent

  • Greenpeace didn’t save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did

  • “Free-range” beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300 percent more emissions

  • Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon

  • The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants

Why were we all so misled?

In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty “sustainable.” And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism.

Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it.

The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmism—Malthusianism—has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever.

But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate “crisis” into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, COVID-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe.

Scientific institutions including the World Health Organization and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to out-compete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications.

Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neo-liberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to.

The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. “Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book,” writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. “This may be the most important book on the environment ever written,” says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley.

“We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias,” wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy, Steve McCormick. “But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers ‘tough love:’ a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the ‘mental muscle’ we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future.”

That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ll agree that it’s perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism.

I further hope that you’ll accept my apology.

by Michael Shellenberger, a Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment,” and president of Environmental Progress, an independent research and policy organization, is the author of Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Dark Path to the Light

We live in a time of the emergence of great darkness in our world. The great doctor of the soul, C. G. Jung, who came up with the idea of the existence of the shadow within the human psyche, had deeply valuable insights into the nature of the psychological situation in the world today, particularly the role that the darkness of the shadow plays in our modern world. Jung felt that the catastrophic evil that is manifesting in our world today is an archetypal expression of the process of humanity’s transition from one epoch—and state of consciousness—to another. He was of the opinion that the fate of the world literally depended upon the recognition of the shadow elements within us and their assimilation into a more expanded sense of self that includes both our light and dark aspects. 

What we don’t accept in ourselves, but rather, exclude from our self-image and push into the shadows of netherworld of the unconscious—thereby depriving it of light—becomes toxic. These repressed shadowy contents build up a charge in the unconscious, becoming contaminated with archaic archetypal energies from the collective unconscious. It is truly frightening how many of us are so out of touch with our own shadow that we can easily become unconscious instruments through which archetypal evil, which lies hidden within the dark side of the human psyche, can act itself out through us into the world.

We still go on thinking that we are "simplex and not duplex," to use Jung's words. We thus imagine ourselves to be "innocuous, reasonable and humane." We don’t deny that terrible things are happening, but since we regard ourselves as harmless, Jung points out, “it is always ‘the others’ who do them.” When we are not in touch with the potential evil that dwells within us, we project it outside of ourselves in a futile attempt to disown it, thereby falling prey to and unknowingly acting out in the external world the very evil that we are turning away from within ourselves. Evil thrives on our turning a blind eye towards it.

To quote Jung, “Evil today has become a visible Great Power…. We stand face to face with the terrible question of evil and do not even know what is before us, let alone what to pit against it.” Most ordinary, psychologically and/or spiritually under-developed people have trouble even imagining the utter depravity of the evil that can potentially play itself out through individuals or groups (not to mention through themselves) who are taken over by the will-to-power of the shadow. In order to develop a sense of how to deal with evil, however, we first have to try and understand the nature of the beast with which we are dealing.

The first principle of psychological method is that any phenomenon to be understood must be sympathetically imagined. No syndrome can be truly dislodged from its cursed condition until we first move imagination into its heart. One of the most crucially important steps in dealing with evil is, according to Jung, to develop what he calls an “imagination for evil.” If we can’t imagine the evil that human beings are potentially capable of—and of which we ourselves, under the right circumstances, could also be capable of—in our naivety, we offer ourselves into evil’s hands. If evil escapes the reach of our imagination, it will dictate, enforce and establish dominion over us, both within our imagination and in our concrete lives. Because our imagination can help us get a handle on evil, evil tries to stifle and ultimately destroy the imagination, which is why mobilizing the creative imagination is crucial in dealing with the powers of darkness. 

If we don’t develop an imagination for evil, we can lose touch with our shadow and identify with what Jung calls a “fictive personality,” which is to say, in splitting off from our darkness, we conceive of ourselves as being someone who we’re not – a “lite” version of our selves. We all have a darker half, but to the extent we are overly identified with our lighter side at the expense of the darkness within us, we wind up being unable to imagine the depths of darkness of which we are capable. Jung pulls no punches in making this exact point when he writes, “we are always, thanks to our human nature, potential criminals. In reality we merely lacked a suitable opportunity to be drawn into the infernal melee.” We are all inseparably interconnected and partake of the shared collective (darker) unconscious of humanity—the shadow side of being a human being—which is why Jung wrote, “None of us stands outside humanity’s black collective shadow.” 

There are impersonal forces that animate and inform the collective shadow that lurks in our unconscious. In Jung’s words, “We are blissfully unconscious of these forces because they never, or almost never, appear in our personal relations or under ordinary circumstances. But if people crowd together and form a mob, then the dynamisms of the collective man are let loose—beasts or demons that lie dormant in every person [are let loose] …. The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast.” The petri dish of the masses is a breeding ground for evil to flourish and propagate itself. We are dealing not just with merely personal forces that have to do with us as individuals, but with impersonal, transpersonal forces – the Bible’s “powers and principalities.” 

These collective, impersonal and archetypal forces can be so overwhelming that—when we come together in a larger group—they can take on a seeming life of their own, possessing our egoic identity, turning us into their accessories such that we become the unwitting puppets and marionettes of these forces. Collective possession can then easily turn into a psychic epidemic—a collective psychosis—something that is important for us to be alert to in times such as ours when mob violence is increasing in our world.  

Jung writes, “The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events…. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution … modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth.” In other words, the great power—and seemingly darker force—that is threatening us today is to be found in the place where it originates, within our psyche. We should no longer underestimate, but rather, recognize the primary role that the psyche is playing in world affairs. 

The next step for us to take in dealing with evil—in Jung’s words, “what to pit against it”—is to recognize that the darkness in our world is revealing to us something within ourselves that it greatly behooves us to know. To look for the solution to the world-wide problem of evil outside of ourselves is to distance and distract ourselves from the source of the problem (as well as the potential solution), which as Jung points out again and again, is only to be found within the individual. Although the roots of evil can only be discovered within the individual, this doesn’t mean that the forces of evil that can be encountered within an individual psyche are merely a personal matter. In probing into our own depths, we can potentially come face to face with the vast and formidable forces of the archetypal, collective shadow within ourselves, as we are all, in the deepest recesses of our being, fundamentally connected to the transpersonal psyche, in both its light and dark aspects. 

A failure of imagination has been the cause of some of the major calamities in world history. Jung was of the opinion that if we have no imagination for evil, “evil has us in its grip.” Being out of touch with our own potential for evil ensures that we will unknowingly act it out. If we don’t develop a multi-faceted imagination for evil, there is no way for us to know what we are up against. Our lack of imagination for evil is the best way of making us, to use Jung’s words, “an instrument of evil.” Our lack of insight into the evil that any of us are capable of, to quote Jung, “deprives us of the capacity to deal with evil.” We need to be on intimate terms and know the darkness within ourselves if we want to have any hope of effectively dealing with the darkness in the world at large.

It is crucially important for us to cultivate the faculty of the imagination so as to be able to deal with the evil in our world. “Evil,” Jung writes, “can no longer be dismissed from the world by a circumlocution. We must learn to handle it, since it is here to stay.” We can deny this all we want, insisting on staying blind - like ostriches, putting our heads in the sand. There is, however, no getting away from the fact that—as a way of finding and deepening our connection to the light—we are fated to come to terms with the darker side of ourselves and of the universe as a whole, which is only emerging into view because of the proximity and intensity of a great light. 

Integrating our shadow is not an intellectual pursuit, but is a moral problem that challenges the whole person. Becoming conscious of the shadow is essential for any degree of self-knowledge. The process of shedding light on the shadow is usually met with strong inner resistance because ignorance has an inertia that must be overcome to make way for the light of self-knowledge.

To quote Jung, “Therefore the individual who wishes to have an answer to the problem of evil, as it is posed today, has need, first and foremost, of self-knowledge, that is, the utmost possible knowledge of his own wholeness.” In our current catastrophic times, knowledge of the innermost foundation of our being—our intrinsic wholeness—is absolutely imperative. Jung concludes, “Individual self-reflection, return of the individual to the ground of human nature, to his own deepest being … here is the beginning of a cure for that blindness which reigns at the present hour.” Whenever we reflect upon ourselves we are bound to encounter the living frontiers of the unconscious itself, which is where the very medicine that heals our blindness is to be found.

by Paul Levy at

Monday, April 12, 2021

A Dream is a Portal

A dream is a portal;
A portal, perhaps,
To a higher knowing.

A dream is a finger beckoning;
An invitation given;
A clue to what is more
But mistaken
For what is less.

A dream is a gift given
And a gift received.

The wise attend to dreams,
Knowing well that
Dreams attend to them,
Nurturing them gently
With milk

From the Mothership.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

We are All Magicians

We all start out knowing magic.
We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, 
and comets within us. 
We are born able to sing to birds 
and read the clouds 
and see our destiny in grains of sand. 
But then we get the magic educated 
right out of our souls. 
Robert R. McCammon

We are all spell-casters

Words are spells. Every word you choose to write or speak has the power of life and death. You can cause someone torment, or dramatically bring them joy. And yet we throw words around with abandon, especially in the digital battleground where a level of anonymity can bring the worst out of people.

With this much power, clarity becomes key. Is communication actually taking place? Is your meaning being heard? What was your goal in saying or writing that?

You will see what power something as simple as a meme can have. One will cause a smile, another may give hope in the battle for mental health, another may cause a tear.

Of course, sometimes, an element of ritual can increase its impact. What impact would a handwritten thank you card with a personal message mean to its recipient? You can influence another person’s emotions, for better or for worse.

Will you use your power to compliment someone and increase their confidence? Or to belittle and put them into the shade?

We are all enchanters

Not only are you surrounded by enchanted items, but you have the ability to enchant (or curse) them yourself. Do you have a dress that has been complimented so often that it feels like it has a confidence enchantment on? Have you kept your child’s early drawings because they give you a happiness boost?

Some of these magical artifacts might be anchored to memories, such as a concert, or a celebration, while others might be pop-culture references. Perhaps a key-ring of Wonder Woman that brings you strength.

You are surrounded by these items and you can charge them by recognising their power every time you hold them. Imagine them glowing, or surrounding you in a rainbow of light.

You can also create them by complimenting other people’s clothes, jewelry, or even their car. You can anchor positive associations to any physical item, or you can curse them.

Those snide remarks about someone’s top, or furniture, might not have a dramatic effect, but it moves the needle of happiness a percentage or two into the dark.

We are all shamans

You have grown up understanding the meaning of things. It is linked to storytelling, and out of that comes metaphor and symbolism.

We all dream, and if we pay attention, those dreams can force us to be introspective. To reflect and decide what the truth is. Whether you think it is some sort of message from the universe, or your subconscious processing your experiences, they can be of benefit.

The meaning will be personal to you — perhaps a dream of drowning means being overwhelmed, or a wasp sting suggesting dangers lie ahead. Taking a moment to consider that message will allow you to be self-aware, consider your actions and thoughts, and make more informed life decisions.

They can get you to slow down and interrogate your current situation and possible outcomes. Spending this time will highlight possible dangers or opportunities that you may have missed on the autopilot of everyday life.

Words aren’t just words — they are powerful spells. Communication is magic, and if you embrace a less mundane label for yourself, you might just remember the incredible influence you can have on the world around you.

No matter what word you choose, you have the ability to impact your reality and the reality of others.

What impact will you have?

Adapted from the writing of Darren Horne on October 16, 2019, at

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Wake Up

Your true purpose is to wake up. Your true purpose is to leave this third dimensional Earth. Indeed, in stories from the Church, you are told that heaven is the ultimate goal. It is not through death that you reach heaven; it is through awakening that you reach heaven. It is by waking that you raise your vibration enough to join us in the non-physical realms, which are delightful, full of love, and completely different from the world in which you find yourself.

Jesus, My Autobiography, p 207

Friday, April 9, 2021

Mountain Spectre

If you were mountain climbing at a time of day when the sun was low and behind you, and if you climbed high enough to look down into an evening mist settling in below you, you might witness the shadowy figure of what is referred to as a Mountain Spectre or Brocken Spectre, like these three photos from Ireland.

I have yet to witness this remarkable phenomenon, due mostly to my habit of being sure that after I summit a peak I am headed back down by noon to avoid electrical storms. Some day I will have to climb late in the afternoon, planning to spend the night on the summit, and hope I am fortunate enough to experience a Mountain Spectre.

Essentially, a Mountain Spectre is your own shadow that you see, cast on the surface of the mists below, surrounded by a wonderful, yet mysterious halo-like rainbow-colored ring of light. The sun must be behind you. You’re seeing your shadow projected in front of you, through the mist.

The Brocken Spectre is a type of what is called a Glory. Glories are often seen by air travelers, who see the shadow of their airplane cast on clouds below. The airplane’s shadow will be moving along on the cloud tops, as the plane speeds through the air. It’ll be surrounded by a rainbow-like halo of light. It is the same thing with a mountain glory, or Brocken Spectre. You’ll be standing with the sun at your back, gazing at your own haloed shadow cast on fog.

The spectacle takes its name from the Brocken, a peak in the Harz Mountains in Germany. This region is known for frequent fogs. Johann Silberschlag, a German Lutheran theologian and natural scientist, is said to have first described the Brocken Spectre in 1780. It has since figured in stories about the region and elsewhere.

At times, your shadow in a Brocken Spectre will appear enormous, but this is an optical illusion. At his great website Atmospheric Optics, Les Cowley explains why the shadow of the Brocken Spectre can appear so huge: “The spectre sometimes appears to be huge. This is probably caused by the presence of the glory and the mist obscuring more familiar reference points with which to judge its size.

Additional Air Glories and Brocken Spectres may be seen at Les Cowley’s website

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Time to Stop Acquiescing to Enslavement

The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are. – David Icke

When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses. – David Icke

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

The cost of freedom is always high, 
but Americans have always paid it. 
  And one path we shall never choose,  
and that is the path of surrender, or submission.   
John F. Kennedy

In all my life I have never seen a presidential administration that is so un-American. I never would have thought in a thousand years that I would be writing anything political. But now, since the Biden administration is antithetical to freedom, and as a warrior with freedom as my core value, it has become political and I will defend my freedom.

America is known as a melting pot and the history of America began with immigrants from around the world bringing their cultures to this country. America stands out as an incredibly diverse country with people from different countries, races, and religions.

America, known as the land of the free and home of the brave is being brought to its knees and without good reason. For millennia people have been coming to America for, among other things, freedom from oppression, better opportunities, recognition as individuals, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, justice, equal rights, diversity, and the generosity of its people. In America you are allowed to dream, to envision something and embark upon the creation of it. This might be to start a business, become an author, take up a sport, an instrument, or any hobby.

Americans have the freedom to work at any job for which they are qualified; to marry and raise a family, to receive a free education in good public schools; and the freedom to join a political party. In America equal opportunity is the law and extends from the workplace into sports, housing, schools and universities, the military, with the foundation being that all men are created equal and that everyone has the opportunity to succeed equally in whatever way they choose to reach their highest dreams and aspirations. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we all have the same opportunities. All of us.

Americans also have the freedom to live or travel anywhere within our nation but all of that’s about to change. While vaccines against a fake pandemic are not mandated, unless you get the vaccines you cannot become a member of the vaccine passport program. And without a vaccine passport, you will be essentially shut out from society. Yes, that’s right and it is along the lines of what the Great Reset from the WEF is attempting to create and what the Biden administration supports. Access only for the elitists and denied access to who they term on their website as “swathes of discontents.” Don’t believe me? Take a look at the World Economic Forum (WEF) website to see it for yourself. We, my fellow Americans, are entering into The Hunger Games and eventually you will not be allowed to go grocery shopping, attend events, rent vehicles or hotel rooms, eat at restaurants, fly on airplanes and potentially not be able to leave your state and perhaps, county lines.

And now, the Biden administration wants to modify the Bill of Rights, erase history, censor speech, keep schools closed, shut-down businesses, allow cartels (both drug and human trafficking) to enter our country freely, and to dismantle the voting process. The linked article is to the Heritage Foundation who rejected hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Tech giants Facebook and Google. Cudos to them for not selling out to Big Tech who censor conservatives by paying them off.  From everything I am witnessing since the election of Biden, who can’t string a sentence together, I can only guess that the entire Biden administration is un-American.

People in opposition to the agenda of the current presidential administration, both democrats and republicans alike, are not allowed to speak against their agenda. Why? Because, only those afraid of the truth will seek to silence debate. They will intimidate those with whom they disagree or ban them from social media. They will slander them and instead of acknowledging that they have valid concerns they will simply cast them off as being Trump supporters. Half of the country voted for Trump not because they are all Trump supporters, but because they are Americans who are aligned with the values of what America has represented since its inception! And so what if people do support Trump, it’s a free country and they can like and support whoever they want and should be able to do so without getting shunned, cancelled, banned, and fired for God’s sake! Unless, of course, this absurd far-left propaganda gets its way with eliminating patriotism altogether so they can stamp their own boot on our face to deliver us into slavery and socialism once and for all, forever and ever, amen.

For as long as I can remember my father always had a bumper sticker on any car he ever owned that said, Freedom isn’t Free. And I argued with him saying, “Of course it is! All we have to do is choose it!” How naĆÆve I was. Americans have always come together to fight for the betterment of human rights with liberty and justice for all. Through our solidarity we have introduced the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. We have successfully accomplished the abolition of slavery, gave women the right to vote, incorporated the Civil Rights Act, and guaranteed freedom to marry for same-sex couples. There are many more humanitarian accomplishments that Americans have and will continue to stand up for. You are right, dad, freedom isn’t free, we have to fight for it.

It’s plain to see that American citizens are lucky to be born or legally immigrated into a country with so much freedom and with so many people willing to come together to fight for basic human rights. We must never lose faith in the greatness of our country and we must never let some idiotic un-American political machine attempt to dismantle our allegiance to country. So, hold your head high, fight for your basic rights to live in freedom, share your truth, let your voices be heard, and let everyone know why you are proud to be American.

by Lorraine Voss on March 28, 2021, at

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Only Way Out is Through

Don’t look for peace. 
Don’t look for any other state 
than the one you are in now; 
otherwise, you will set up inner conflict 
and unconscious resistance. 
Forgive yourself for not being at peace.
The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, 
will take you into peace. 
This is the miracle of surrender. 
Eckhart Tolle

Monday, April 5, 2021

New Rules Changing America

There are ten new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently. Americans privately fear these rules, while publicly appearing to tolerate them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.

    1) Money is a construct. It can be created out of thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much. Prior presidents ran up huge annual deficits, but at least there were some concessions that the money was real and had to be paid back. Not now. As we near $30 trillion in national debt and 110 percent of annual GDP, our elites either believe permanent zero interest rates make the cascading obligation irrelevant, or the larger the debt, the more likely we will be forced to address needed income redistribution.

    2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions, and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law. Crime rates do not necessarily matter. If someone is carjacked, assaulted, or shot, it can be understood to be as much the victim’s fault as the perpetrator’s. Either the victim was too lax, uncaring, and insensitive, or he provoked his attacker. How useful the crime is to the larger agendas of the left determines whether a victim is really a victim, and the victimizer really a victimizer.

3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily—if at all—by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces, and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.

4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws. Yet those entering the United States illegally need not follow such apparently superfluous COVID-19 rules. Their children should be immediately schooled without worry of quarantine. Immigrants need not worry about their illegal entry or residence in America. Our elites believe illegal entrants more closely resemble the “founders” than do legal citizens, about half of whom they consider irredeemable.

5) Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children. They cannot be asked to provide an ID to vote. “Noble lies” by our elites about COVID-19 rules are necessary to protect “Neanderthals” from themselves. Americans deserve relief from the stress of grades, standardized testing, and normative rules of school behavior. They still are clueless about why it is good for them to pay far more for their gasoline, heating, and air conditioning.

6) Hypocrisy is passƩ. Virtue-signaling is alive. Climate change activists fly on private jets. Social justice warriors live in gated communities. Multibillionaire elitists pose as victims of sexism, racism, and homophobia. The elite need these exemptions to help the helpless. It is what you say to lesser others about how to live, not how you yourself live, that matters.

7) Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness is preferable to ending it. It is more humane to let thousands of homeless people live, eat, defecate, and use drugs on public streets and sidewalks than it is to green-light affordable housing, mandate hospitalization for the mentally ill, and create sufficient public shelter areas.

8) McCarthyism is good. Destroying lives and careers for incorrect thoughts saves more lives and careers. Cancel culture and the Twitter Reign of Terror provide needed deterrence. Now that Americans know they are one wrong word, act, or look away from losing their livelihoods, they are more careful and will behave in a more enlightened fashion. The social media guillotine is the humane, scientific tool of the woke.

9) Ignorance is preferable to knowledge. Neither statue-toppling, nor name-changing, nor the 1619 Project require any evidence or historical knowledge. Heroes of the past were simple constructs. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees reflect credentials, not knowledge. The brand, not what created it, is all that matters.

10) Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity. Its priesthood outnumbers the clergy and exercises far more power. Silicon Valley is the new Vatican, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the new gospels.

by Victor Davis Hanson on April 1, 2021, at

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Shifting Vibrational Manifestation

In one respect, the entire international drama over what has been termed a pandemic has been confounding, but mostly it is sad to see just how far removed the majority of people are from an understanding of how it all works. No one needs to be sick – ever. When a person comes to an understanding that we can each manifest whatever it is that we wish at any time, there should no longer be any need for illness.

You create your own reality. It is how the universe works. No one is ever a victim. We choose either sickness or well-being. Why choose sickness, unless it serves you to learn an important life lesson? Wake up. Learn to raise your vibration and the simplest experiences of day-to-day life will become better and better and better as your life and relationships are healed. It truly is that simple.

Sickness is the manifestation of negative thinking in the physical body. If you see yourself other than as one with Source, if you see your physical body as anything less than the perfection of All That Is, if you are disconnected by your own perceived separation from God, then the body becomes a great place where you can project your fears and limitations so that you can physically see them and come to understand exactly what they are.

A shift of consciousness will heal the body. Don't worry if you don't understand the principle. Don't fret just because this sounds too esoteric. Understand that the way you feel at any given moment can be changed – changed by you – changed by the way you think – by changing what you focus on and what you believe to be true.

What does vibrational manifestation involve? Simply that lower vibrations feel bad, while higher vibrations feel good. So find a way to feel better by choosing to shift what you focus on. Do it today. Start right now.

You don't need some great spiritual revelation. As creative beings created in the image of our Creator, we each have all we need to change things. Seek that which you can do in the next minute that will make you feel better (without the use of drugs, alcohol, or media stimulation). It has to come from within – from your consciousness – not from without. A shift in vibration requires you to think about something differently. Entertain the notion that perhaps you feel bad because you have been looking at the world in the wrong way and that there is, in fact, nothing wrong with the world; the problem is the way you have been taught to look at it. Retrain your mind to look at the world in a different way to begin to feel relief from suffering.

This simple understanding and simple technique is something you can begin right now to wake from the suffering you experience and shift your consciousness so that your world will literally shift right before your eyes. You are responsible for how you feel in this moment, in this time and place. You are responsible for your state of being.

You have arrived where you are because of your focus moment to moment. Your internal guidance system – the little voice within – is forever reminding you when you are and when you are not in alignment. Know that you have created the situation you find yourself in. Listen closely to your thoughts, judgments, and assessments of people, places, and things. See whether you can spot where negative ideas live in your mind and where negative sayings are repeated within you over and over again. This is where you can shift not only your consciousness and your vibration, but also the manifestations you experience in your body and how you see the world through the people you interact with and experiences you have. Pay attention. You have ultimate control over every moment of your life. You are the captain; you steer the boat. Pay attention so you don't run aground.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

“Look on My Works and Despair... Nothing Beside Remains”

I must have first read Percy Bysshe Shelley’s 1818 sonnet Ozymandias back when I was in middle school, but its historic look-back and haunting outlook has never left the recesses of my memory.

I met a traveler from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed ;
And on the pedestal, these words appear :
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings ;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair !
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Shelly’s great poem should remind us that civilization is ever a fragile thing, not to be taken for granted. Human history is not always a march of progress from barbarism to shopping malls. We do not always move forward in wisdom, intelligence, and technology, or in economic or political accomplishment. Sometimes we go backward. And sometimes we collapse.

The human subject of Ozymandias was Ramses II, the Great Pharaoh who ruled Egypt from 1279–1213 BCE when it was the most powerful empire in the world. During the late Bronze Age, the Mediterranean world had developed a surprisingly complex network of cultural and commercial ties. These societies, including Mycenaean Greece, Pharaonic Egypt, and the sprawling kingdoms of the Levant and Asia Minor, had a level of sophistication that would not be seen again in the world for hundreds of years. In or around 1177 BCE, however, all of these cultures collapsed. The commercial and cultural networks unraveled, the ability to read and write was largely lost, and this highly organized magnificent culture crashed to the ground.

Are we witnessing a repeat of history with the imminent collapse of our modern way of life that we take for granted? Below are a few charts that reflect the illusion of financial growth that currently has a death grip on the public psyche. Something for nothing is a powerful attractor, but it doesn't offer a narrative that the delusionally self-important demand: I earned this by working hard and being smart. It had nothing to do with currency being created out of thin air and made available to insiders, financiers, banks, etc., or being able to leverage this new money into ever-larger bets, all guaranteed to be winning trades by the Federal Reserve.

Note that tangible assets - real as opposed to financial conjuring - are at historic lows relative to financial-bubble assets: tangible assets represent such a meager proportion of total assets that we might assume they could slip to zero without affecting our "wealth" much at all. If we compare financial-bubble assets to the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a flawed measure of real-world activity, we find they are worth over six times the nation's real-world economy. This reflects what happens to the valuations of these illusory assets when "money" is created out of thin air and then leveraged into fantastic, monstrous illusions of "wealth."

Take a look at the chart of M2 money stock, and understand how this is not just plain old normal healthy "capitalism" at work. And then try to explain who is getting all the Fed's free money. It certainly isn't those working for a living, as evidenced by the chart of money velocity, which has plummeted into the Dead Money black hole from which there is no escape.

If you are comfortable with your financial circumstances continuing and optimistic of the easy street you have created, feel free to lavish yourself with praise for constructing a castle of wealth in the sky with your hard work and genius, and keep chasing your tail because the Fed has promised us all it will always be there to bail us out. It is all fantasy. But ask yourself... will it be your head in the sand when the castle comes down, as all castles inevitably do?


Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...