Friday, July 29, 2022

Powerful Emerald Heart and Network Activations are bringing the new inter-dimensional communication network online, as the new Diamond Grid is ready to rock and roll and we merge and ignite our inner dragon aspect, and with it our true history records, memories of our Cosmic Origins and true identities, our gifts, abilities and with it our Power!

We came to reclaim our Guardianship, it doesn't just get handed to us. We have to reclaim our power and responsibilities over our realities from deep within to complete this shift. To re-claim it from the imposters. We do this by fully re-membering who we truly are, our mission and purpose, our memories, and True Self, and align all of our-selfs with that.

This is what ignites the New Edenic, One True Organic Ascension Realities and projects them out into the hologram! All are held within our DNA acting as the film strip, ready to fully activate.

by Ramona Lippan on her Facebook page on July 22, 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

One Song

                                            Every war and every conflict
                                between human beings has happened
                                because of some disagreement about names.

                                It is such an unnecessary foolishness,
                                because just beyond the arguing
                                there is a long table of companionship
                               set and waiting for us to sit down.

                                What is praised is one, so the praise is one too,
                                many jugs being poured into a huge basin.
                                All religions, all this singing, one song.

                                The differences are just illusion and vanity.
                                Sunlight looks a little different
                                on this wall than it does on that wall
                                and a lot different on this other one,
                                but it is still the same light.

                                We have borrowed these clothes,
                                these time-and-space personalities,
                                from a light, and when we praise,
                                we are pouring them back in.

by Rumi

Increased Sensitivity of Perception

The more you drink wine, the more you are going to taste the difference of quality between wines. The same way, when you listen to songs, your hearing deepens. For body sensations, it’s the same. At first, most people feel the body of heaviness, the body of density, and then, little by little, they begin to feel their body become supple, light, vast, etc. Your sensitivity will pass through, let’s say, a tamasic state, then a rajasic state, then a sattvic state. It is part of the process. That would be true of any traditional art. When you listen to music, first you hear the whole notes, then you hear the half notes, then the quarter notes, and so on.

It’s the same for yoga, and it’s the same for life. Being sensitive to yourself, to your emotions, to your fear, to your jealousy, to your anxiety, will deepen your body sensitivity. And since the body is emotion, you will be more and more open to see when you pretend, when you defend, when you assert, without the slightest comment, because we are what we are and there is nothing to change as such. We cannot change ourselves anyway, but we can be open to what we are, even if, later on, we are going to see that this ‘what we are’ is actually what we are not. First, we must encounter it as what we are.

This sensitivity of the body, this sensitivity to the emotion is very important. That will bring us closer to stillness because when you feel your own noise, actually you become more silent. When you feel your sensitivity, it is because you are open. Actually, it’s not about feeling sensitivity, it’s feeling how much you are not sensitive. So, you feel how much your body is reacting, you feel how much your body is asserting, how much your body is defending, how much your body is trying. You feel how much your body reacts when somebody says “I love you,” when somebody says “I don't love you.” When someone says you are bright, when someone says you are stupid. You just watch all this live within your body and the more this sensitivity unravels, the more you will become silent, because listening is silence. And the body is not actually what we listen to; we listen to the listening. As a practical tool, first we listen to emotion and body, but then later on we will see that the heart of the listening is listening to the listening, where there is nobody listening and nobody listened to.

The sensitivity of all perception will definitely expand, but it is very important not to focus on perception, as people do in yoga. Some people who practice yoga want to feel more and more and more, and that's a horizontal way. What we are interested in is a vertical way. The vertical way is feeling not more, or less, it is feeling the intensity of the present moment. So, we seem to focus on perception, we seem to focus on what is felt, but actually what we focus on is the listening. As we cannot listen to the listening as such, because it’s not an object, pedagogically we teach listening to something, the body sensations or the emotions. But as we don't focus on what we listen to, this feeling that we listen to will unravel, will go through a certain transition and transformation and, if we let it be free of attachment, of yes and no, it will disappear. And when the felt object disappears, the listening subject also disappears because there's no more object. When there is no longer subject nor object, there is pure listening. So, the point of listening to something is to eliminate the idea of anything listened to and anyone listening. Understood in that way, unraveling of perception is very important.

by Eric Baret at

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Nothing Between God and Me

God is nothing special.
There's a lot of it about.
You see it all over the place.
God is All That Is.

There is nothing outside God.
Everything is inside God.

That's why there is no sin
And no devil
And no hell,
Unless you want them to exist
Inside your own manufactured illusions.

What would be the point
Of a thing called God
If it had things inside it
Such as sin, the devil or hell?

God isn't silly.
God is love.
That which is not love
Does not live inside God.

Where do sin, the devil and hell live then?
And who used their God-given free will
To invent them
To promote suffering and death
For the religious agenda?

And there's another thing to consider too:
God is not a person.

Most modern people who frequent
The transdimensional coffee shops
Of pan-galactic being agree that
God does not have compliant photo ID.

Journalists of all persuasions have noticed this.

When the senior management team of All That Is
Convenes a General Purposes Sub-Committee
In the executive suite of the multiverse,
There is no discrete individuated being present
Wearing a name-plate which says 'God'
Or anything which means 'God'.

This doesn't mean that God couldn't make the meeting,
Or that God has thrown a sickie.
It simply means that God is not a person.
Only persons attend meetings.

Alert Earthlings who notice this fact trending on their screens may choose to tap the FAQs icon.

Q: If God is not a person, what is it?
A: God is the conscious creative energy of love, part of which becomes luminous. Small globs of this emitted light slow down and become people.

A few billion of these people evolve into creators. These creators then continuously create a few billion or more creations all of which are different from each other.

Some of these creations may be universes. Some of the universes may be partly physical, but most are entirely non-physical.

The physical is created from the non-physical. That is the First Law of Future Physics.

None of this has anything to do with religion.
All of it has everything to do with spirituality.

Generally speaking,
Spirituality does better
If the religion is washed off.

It's a bit like dirty potatoes.
If you don't wash the mud off
It thickens the stew
But diminishes the gastronomic experience
At the taste-bud level.

Back in the coffee shop
If you wanted to risk
A second cup of coffee,
You might hear that that which we call God
Is just the absolute and all-pervasive force
Which permeates everything
And which keeps everything
Whirling and living.

Someone else
Thought by some to be rather significant,
Said that himself.

He also said that there is a strange energy
Afoot on Planet Earth at the moment:
It is the energy of a galactic speed-up.
We're at the end of a spiritual season, apparently.

He said
that in 2019.
God is inevitable.

In other news, last week's football results will follow again shortly.

from on July 15, 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022

Expanding Debt is Not Growth

Waste is not growth, and neither are the unlimited expansion of debt and speculative bubbles.

The financial punditry is whipping itself into a frenzy about a Federal Reserve "policy error," which is code for "if the music finally stops, we're doomed!" In other words, any policy which reduces the flow of juice sluicing through the sewage pipes of the financial system (credit, leverage and liquidity--the essential mechanisms of financialization and globalization) endangers the entire rickety, rotten structure of phantom wealth that's enriched the few at the expense of the many.

The entire notion that central bank policy makes or breaks the economy is the original Policy Error #1. That is to say, whatever policy a central bank pursues is a policy error because every policy is an attempt to manipulate the self-organizing cycle of credit / economic expansion and contraction.

The history of central banking is actually quite simple:

1. Central banks act to protect the wealth and power of those who own / control most of the wealth. This is their core unstated reason to exist.

2. To justify this absurdly transparent protection of the elite in the eyes of the public, central banks go through the motions of trying to extinguish the business / credit cycle, that is, trying to eliminate defaults and credit crunches which are the frequent but low-intensity fires that burn up the financial deadwood.

This destruction of excessive credit, leverage and liquidity is necessary to protect the forest--the entire economy-- from a much larger, out-of-control conflagration.

Central banks sell this endless expansion of financialization to the public as "we're getting rid of those horrible nasty recessions that hurt all you little folk," but in letting the deadwood pile up ever higher, central banks are only guaranteeing the eventual conflagration will consume the entire forest.

This is basically what happened in 2008-09: the deadwood caught fire despite the best efforts of central banks and almost burned down the entire forest.

Anything that constricts the expansion of financialization (credit, leverage and liquidity) constricts the expansion of the phantom wealth of elites, and so central banks are loathe to limit credit expansion. Central banks and economists need a cover story for this dynamic, and so they purposefully call debt expansion "growth": hey, look, the economy is expanding, everybody's getting richer, our policies are working!

Nice, but this isn't reality. The reality is the top few get much, much richer than the little folk. That's the only possible output of financialization, which generates hyper-rewards for those few with the most expansive access to credit, leverage and liquidity: corporations, financiers and the super-wealthy.

Every policy that protects the deadwood is a policy error, which means every policy of central banks is a policy error. The one and only useful role of central banks is to be a short-term lender of last resort in financial crunches in which the deadwood catches fire and excessive credit, leverage and liquidity is consumed.

The deadwood burning greatly reduces the risk of the forest being destroyed, but some enterprises that are not overleveraged find that they're no longer able to roll over their short-term debt due to lenders cutting off lines of credit. A credit crunch can burn down otherwise prudent enterprises, and so central banks can protect well-managed businesses that need short-term credit by being the lender of last resort.

Credit panics don't last long. Loans of 90 days are typically enough to tide over those firms who need credit lines to function.

But instead of this limited role, central banks are always trying to expand credit, leverage and liquidity under the guise of "promoting growth". All that they're really doing is expanding financial deadwood by enabling the expansion of excessive waste and fraud. Thanks to central banks, the frivolous conspicuous consumption of the central-bank funded elite is glorified as "growth," along with the complete waste of planned obsolescence and speculative bubbles that generate the illusion of capital expansion.

Waste is not growth, and neither are the unlimited expansion of debt and speculative bubbles. Every policy of central banks is a policy error with the sole exception of short-term lending in standard business-credit cycles in which credit crunches cleanse the system of the deadwood of excessive credit, leverage and liquidity as a means of protecting the entire forest from destruction.

When $100 trillion in global deadwood-debt burns to the ground, that merely returns global debt to the levels of 2012. Central bank policies guarantee the forest will be consumed by an uncontrolled conflagration. That's the cost of claiming waste and debt are "growth" and protecting the phantom wealth of the few at the expense of the many.

by Charles Hugh Smith at on July 18, 2022


 Secret paths

forward leapt,

boughs spring open

gate shuts fast.


Open door

thieves implore,

closed door

grow no more.


Private garden

invite to visit,

prying eyes

ought resist it.


Open windows

no defense,

closed windows



Shameful content

shared in measure,

sacred hearts

protect forever.


Open exam

progress together,

closed society

festered tether.


Chessboard strategy

revealed piecemeal,

queen’s gambit

always concealed.


Open the future

the only option,

close the past,

Impossible task.


Pandora’s box

full of ills,

hope included

an overdue bill.


Open and closed

hide and seek,

less the child’s pique

accuracy become conceit.


Legal rights as abstractions

no surety of right actions,

discretion hushed silence

discernment passion.


Insiders smug, afraid

secret organizations deceit,

outsiders lonely, afraid

nothing to parade.

by John A. Zeier

Sunday, July 24, 2022


Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment,
and bow their heads.

by Mary Oliver, from her poem Mysteries, Yes

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ego-based versus Spiritual Desire

There is much greater depth to our consciousness than most of us have explored. We’ve kept our awareness limited to the realm of duality. To become unlimited, we must open our conscious awareness to expansion. It begins with spiritual as well as ego-based desire. We choose which one we want to align with. Ego-based desire wants fulfillment of a perceived lack. Spiritual desire reaches out to infinity and is fulfilling in every way. This kind of desire is life-enhancing, and when we recognize it and want to share in it, it radiates its energies all around us,. It is the energy of compassion and gratitude.

When we desire to know the heart of our Being, we can begin to expand our awareness into the realm of love, joy and immortality. This is our natural state of Self-expression, and we can feel it throughout our awareness. As we come to know this level of personal presence, we can expand beyond time and space into pure presence of awareness.

Within the world that we share with humanity, we are constantly creating our personal experiences by our energetic presence. We have done this unconsciously, and we can also do it consciously with awareness of our true desires and inner guidance. We can learn to be Self-directed in every moment, and be moved by our inner knowing.

Although we’ve been trained to react from ego-consciousness in our interactions with others, we can instead direct our attention to the radiance that is present in everyone and the energy of our hearts. Since we are all the same Being in universal consciousness, we are interacting with an aspect of ourselves in every encounter. We can be creative or reactive. It’s our choice. In either case, we’re imprinting our vibrations into our subconscious and sending them into the quantum field for manifestation in our experience.

Our free will has vast implications for us. Every moment holds a choice. The essence of our choices is the polarity and vibratory frequency of our mental and emotional expressions. This is our creative essence and is functioning constantly with or without our direction. By being aware of our vibratory levels, we can learn to call forth emotions and create visionary scenarios of a quality that we can resonate with. Anything that we can align with energetically, we can experience. This is how we can ascend into a higher dimension of living in joy and unconditional love.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on July 14, 2022

Friday, July 22, 2022

Fifty Years Ago

It was July 22, 1972, exactly fifty years ago, when I received my first order to find my place on one of a set of yellow painted foot prints on the tarmac at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego, where I would begin thirteen weeks of enlisted training as a United States Marine. The eight inches of my full head of hair that was shaved off in my first official act as a military man, only weeks before had provided good cover for my hippy persona as I sat in the middle of a busy downtown street at university, politically protesting our nation's involvement in Viet Nam. For some, my enlistment was quite a turn-around. In my heart, I think I always knew I was destined to be a United States Marine.

My father was a Marine during the Second World War, serving honorably for three years in the South Pacific theater in several heated campaigns. I was proud of his service. Quite a few of my direct ancestors had volunteered to serve our country, all the way back to the Revolutionary War. I was not about to be the one to break with tradition. Besides, my draft number was 24 and when I made a plan to drop out of college after my second year, I knew the draft board would be coming after me and probably stick me in the Army... which would have been totally unsatisfactory. While I sincerely had an issue with our military intervention in Southeast Asia, I had no taste for abandoning my responsibility by heading to Canada, so I did the next most honorable thing – I enlisted. Military enlistment was by my choice, so my aim was to serve with honor.

My parents drove me to the bus station in Pittsburgh where I would cut my apron strings and take my first step into a larger world unknown to me. At twenty years old and naive, “a little man in such a big world” I was enlisting to stand for my country during a time of war. I had a lot of growing up to do. This is where it would begin.

Boarding a bus with sixteen other recruits and accompanied by our recruiter, I could only sit there and wonder about a world beyond my imagination that awaited me. I sat next to a black fellow who pressed me to tell him exactly how I managed to be the only recruit on the bus with a plane ticket to San Diego. Everyone else was bound for MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina. Looking sideways at this guy with a big smile, I just said “Everything is Negotiable.” San Diego was a condition of my recruitment. I would sign the bottom line when they showed me the ticket to California. My father had trained at Parris Island (PI). I knew about the sand flees and insufferable humidity there in July, and wanted no part of it.

As with most everything else so far in my life, I made up my mind that the Marine Corps was going to be an adventure. I had never flown on a jet aircraft before. I had never seen the Pacific Ocean. I had never been to California. This was an opportunity for adventure that I wasn't going to miss cashing in on. If they wanted me to wear the uniform, they were going to have to make me a Hollywood Marine. And so it was negotiated.

Marine Corps boot camp was one of the highlights of my entire life experience. Fifty years later, I still recall it very clearly, and must take the time to record many of the stories that remain a delight in my memory. It was all good – all formative – and instrumental in delivering me on the path I have followed since. While they trained me to kill in combat, I never had to put that training to use, nor hurt anyone in any way. But I was ready and willing. When my country needed me, I stood up and said “take me”. That has made all the difference.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Awaken from the Trance

On the path to full awakening from the hypnotic trance of humanity, our goal is to resonate with the universal consciousness of the Creator of all. We can recognize that we are fractals of the Creator, endowed with infinite creative ability. Access to the abilities that we have blocked ourselves from comes through our Intuition in the energy of our heart. Our intuition is our conjunction with universal consciousness. Intuition is its own proof of what we know without any other proof. It is always life-enhancing and compassionate, and it guides us in the way that we choose. When we search for it, it is always present in a positive way for us to be aware of.

In order to truly to open ourselves to our potential, we can transcend our limiting beliefs about ourselves, by intentionally focusing on scenarios filled with joy and love, while choosing not to pay attention to thoughts and feelings that diminish life. We can set our preferences to the greatest brightness, and be able to feel it, even in the darkest of beings. They also are us in the deepest aspect of being, where we have shut a supremely fearful experience into a private compartment of our consciousness. Unavailable to our conscious awareness, the unresolved, deep-seated feelings of disconnection from life still haunt us vibrationally and keep us from knowing our true essence.

By realizing that we are free in our awareness, we can understand how limitations diminish our lives. They are manifestations of fear and are the opposite polarity of love. True love is unlimited, as is our awareness. When we are in resonance with universal consciousness, we can realize that we are our eternal, presence of Self-awareness, apart from our physical identity. Our physical body is a manifestation of each moment of our energetic presence, the alignment of our thoughts and emotions.

Since the universe is always balanced, every action that we take is what we are doing to ourselves. This is what is known as karma. We experience sending the energy out and receiving it back into our experience. Being always positive in the energy we send out, brings compatible energy back to us. As we are able to maintain a positive perspective of brightness, we gain the ability to transcend our limiting beliefs. Without beliefs, we can be guided by our intuitive thoughts and feelings. This attention enables us to be lavished in creative manifestations of the natural desires of our heart.

When we can realize that we are the creators of the energies that form our experiences, we can learn how to align with the energies that we want to experience, including energies that we have considered impossible for us personally, like higher mathematics, telepathy and thought travel. Since all of our limitations are self-imposed, we can transcend them by paying attention to the qualities, in all of their richness and subtleties, of our intuitive guidance in each moment.

by Kenneth Schmitt at on July 14, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Scapegoating and the Road to Political Persecution

Humanity is arming itself, in dread and fascinated horror, for a stupendous crime.” Carl Jung, Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

While we cannot create a heaven on earth, we can create a hell and history is full of examples. Many of these man-made hells are the result of war and conquest, but many others are the result of governments persecuting their own people. Be it the Gulags of the Soviet Union, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Nazi concentration camps, the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda, or the Cultural Revolution in China, power-hungry political leaders are responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the 20th century.

How much have we learned from these recent horrors? Could a modern democratic government commit a political persecution and kill a portion of its own population? Are we naĆÆve and sheepish enough to permit the rise of totalitarian rule.

. . .the totalitarian hell proves only that the power of man is greater than they ever dared to think, and that man can realize hellish fantasies without making the sky fall or the earth open.” Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism

Totalitarian government is a modern phenomenon. It first emerged in the 20th century and as Rod Dreher explains:

“…a totalitarian society is one in which an ideology seeks to displace all prior traditions and institutions, with the goal of bringing all aspects of society under control of that ideology. A totalitarian state is one that aspires to nothing less than defining and controlling reality.” Rod Dreher, Live Not by Lies

To achieve its ideological ends a totalitarian government mobilizes all the mechanisms of the state to exert a strict top-down control of the populace, a mass surveillance system is put in place, and all aspects of life become politicized.

In the 20th century Nazism was the ideology that drove totalitarianism in Germany, it was Fascism in Italy, while in Asia and other parts of Europe it was Communism. Today a new totalitarian ideology appears to be taking root. This ideology is built on the belief that at current population levels human beings are parasitic creatures, and if allowed to be free, will run roughshod over mother earth. Harmony can be returned to our planet, and ecological disaster averted, but only if certain politicians and bureaucrats are granted the power to control our lives. What to eat, what type of energy to use, where to work, how to spend one’s recreation time, how many children to have, and where one travels – all these questions are to be answered by the totalitarian ruling class, not by free individuals planning their lives within the law and order of a free society.

The controlling mind [of the totalitarian] foresees a paradise in which every action and every object is monitored, labeled, and controlled. There will be no room for any bad thing to exist. Nothing and no one will be out of place.” Charles Eisenstein, Fascism and the Antifestival

Will we in the modern world allow another group of sick minds the opportunity to remake society in the image of a deluded ideology? Will we permit the rise of totalitarian rule? If we do the result will be same as it was in the 20th century, society will be destroyed, poverty will be the norm, and many people will be killed. To understand why every time totalitarianism is tried it devolves into mass killings by the government in power, we must examine the mind of the totalitarian politician and bureaucrat. For when we understand the pathologies that afflict these individuals it will be clear why totalitarians will drive society into ruin before abandoning course and admitting failure.

A first characteristic of the politicians and bureaucrats who make up the totalitarian government is that they are deluded true believers in their ideology. They are convinced, in other words, that what they are trying to accomplish is for the good of humanity and that society would be worse off absent their rule. The totalitarian mind is similar to the schizophrenic mind. It believes the web of delusions in which it is caught; it sticks to its ideological model of the world in the face of disconfirming evidence; and it tends to hate those who try to pierce its illusions.

A second characteristic of totalitarians is that they hold a contemptuous view of the masses and see normal men and women as inferior and incapable of making good choices. For their own good, it follows, and for the good of mother earth, the masses must obey the government. Totalitarians also tend to view the masses as unneeded, in such large numbers, for the realization of their ideological aims and so view whole segments of the populace as useless eaters who are overpopulating the world.

Only where great masses are [viewed as] superfluous. . .is totalitarian rule. . .at all possible.” Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism

A further characteristic of totalitarians is their tendency to judge moral issues through a utilitarian lens. When making policy decisions, in other words, totalitarians tend to use the criteria of the greatest good, for the greatest number of people as the justification for their actions. Individual rights matter little to the utilitarian, what matters is the good of the collective and to the totalitarian the good of the collective always means achieving its ideological ends. This utilitarian approach to moral issues is reflective of a very disturbed mind, or as Iain McGilchrist explains:

The tendency to adopt a calculating and utilitarian approach in judging moral issues is more marked in those with reduced aversion to harming others, lower trait empathy, higher psychoticism (which is itself characterised by reduced empathy and emotional blunting). . .and greater Machiavellianism. It is also characteristic of the moral thinking of psychopaths. . .” Iain McGilchrist, The Matter with Things

A deluded true believer in a utopian ideology, viewing him or herself as a superior being, seeing the world as overpopulated, and judging moral issues through a utilitarian lens, such is the mind of a totalitarian, and such is a mind capable of committing a mass atrocity. After totalitarians have taken power, all that is needed to initiate the process of political persecution is the inevitable failure of their rule. And fail they will, as all attempts to control society in a strict top-down manner are doomed from the start. The more order the totalitarians try to impose on a society the more chaos they create, and with such chaos comes a never-ending series of crises. But when the crises come instead of admitting that the fault lies with their rule, totalitarians deflect blame to others through the process of scapegoating. For as true believers totalitarians never consider the possibility that the crisis is a by-product of trying to force a deluded ideology on society through top-down control. Rather they convince themselves, and strive to convince others, that responsibility for the crisis lies elsewhere.

Who is to be offered as the scapegoat? In the early stages of totalitarian rule, it is the non-believer or dissident who becomes the scapegoat for government failures. Such individuals are blamed for disseminating misinformation and sabotaging the ability of the government to fix the crisis. A quick utilitarian calculus will deem free speech expendable when the benefit, in the mind of the totalitarian, is quicker progress toward ideological aims. But this cracking down on free speech is but a preliminary step, and a dangerous warning sign, that a society is moving in the direction of a violent political persecution, for as Arthur Versluis explains:

Key to this transformation [of the totalitarian] into [the role of] a persecutor is a set of doctrines that one holds to be absolute or universal truth: thus everyone else is made into an unbeliever, or a traitor. . .It is only a short step from this to the belief that one’s duty is to impose the doctrines on everyone else, and that such an imposition is for “their own good,” or for the “good of society.” From this point, it is not far to persecuting the recalcitrant and, in the frenzy of persecution, only a small further step to rationalize even mass murder under the guise of “the greater good”.” Arthur Versluis, The New Inquisitions

To move from the mere silencing of dissidents, to imprisoning and committing violence against them, totalitarians must turn them into what Hannah Arendt calls the objective enemy. The objective enemy is the ultimate scapegoat. These people are not guilty of any crimes, nor are they a threat to society, rather they are men and women whose way of life is incongruent with the totalitarian ideology. The objective enemy could be a certain ethnicity, they could be owners of private property in a communist country, or they could be the educated class, as in communist Cambodia. Or as Arendt explains:

. . .the Jews in Nazi Germany or the descendants of the former ruling classes in Soviet Russia were not really suspected of any hostile action; they had been declared “objective” enemies of the regime in accordance with its ideology. . .the [objective enemy] is never an individual whose dangerous thoughts must be provoked or whose past justifies suspicion, but a “carrier of tendencies” like the carrier of a disease.” Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism

Rampant and repetitive propaganda is the tool used to create the objective enemy, and in this situation words matter. For it is the terminology with which the objective enemy is branded that eventually convinces the totalitarians, and much of the public, that violence can legitimately be used against them. Or as Donald Dutton writes in his book The Psychology of Genocide:

“…a common perception of [totalitarians] is that their target group are vermin or a virus.” Donald Dutton, The Psychology of Genocide

As the crisis intensifies, so too will the propaganda used to demonize the objective enemy. The totalitarians will become increasingly desperate to deflect blame, and with free speech outlawed those with sane and reasoned opinions will find it increasingly difficult to reveal the absurdity of the totalitarian’s claims. The masses will be desperate as well – wanting to escape from the misery of a society deteriorating and an economy collapsing, they too will need someone to blame. If the propaganda is successful, the frustration of the masses will turn toward the objective enemy and the ground will be paved for the ultimate crime to be committed:

If the [objective enemies] are vermin,” writes Arendt “it is logical that they should be killed by poison gas; if they are degenerate, they should not be allowed to contaminate the population. . .” Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism

But it is not the ruling class who commits the violence against the objective enemy, but so-called normal men and women who occupy lower levels of government bureaucracies. How can these individuals commit such horrific crimes? And how can such a large segment of the population be convinced to support the political persecution, or at least to stand idly by and watch as innocent men and women are stripped of their rights, imprisoned, and then sent to an early grave?

The road to totalitarian domination leads through many intermediate stages . . .[during this process] what common sense and “normal people” refuse to believe is that everything is possible.” Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism

from on July 14, 2022

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20220717

This shared post by channeled teachers of Light is dedicated to the promotion of truth and Light at this powerful evolutionary time. Mankind has journeyed through lifetimes in which false concepts, beliefs, and fears were blindly accepted as the truth and in our ignorance, we gave away our power. The Arcturians, one group of many highly evolved beings from other galaxies, wish to present their messages of love and guidance in order to assist the people of Earth in letting go of the false fears that were given to and accepted by mankind. They stand ready to offer spiritual and technical assistance when and if desired. Free will does not allow them to step in unless asked. It is time to embrace the truth of who we are and why we are here. The answers are now pouring in from multiple Sources of Light. Events of great energy and change began manifesting in 2012 and will continue. It is crucial that mankind become informed and thus be prepared as changes occur. There is absolutely no reason to fear. This is a graduation.

We are the Arcturian Group – July 17, 2022 - from

Welcome dear readers. We observe that many of you are discouraged and tired of waiting for signs of change and new earth energy. The changes you hope and wait for cannot happen quickly because earth's ascension is a process. Because of thousands and more years in which earth's dominant consciousness was that of separation and two powers, the collective continues to express outwardly as forms of violence, power over, disease, lack, and hundreds of other ways that represent separation from God and other life forms even as it gradually becomes more enlightened.

Separation beliefs remain ingrained in the collective and effect everyone born into earth's third dimensional energy. Even the very evolved who are on earth to assist with earth's ascension process are experiencing the effects of living in a world where the dominant energy is that of duality, separation, and two powers.

The presence of increasingly more Light is exposing many dense energies of separation and as they surface, those in alignment with them often feel a sense of permission and empowerment to act on them. Thus the increase in violence in the world.

As a result of the high resonating energies now pouring to earth as well as it being carried in awakened states of consciousness, shadow energies are dissolving. However, because earth is a planet of time and space and also because material bodies could not withstand intense situations of high resonating energy, its ascension out of third dimensional energies must be a process.

Remember, you are in the midst of a Divine Plan and Divine Plans cannot be swayed or stopped by human thinking because the ideas of Divine Mind are held forever in place by Divine Law. If disease, lack, limitation, etc. actually existed in Divine Consciousness as realities, they could never be healed or changed because Divine Law would be permanently sustaining and maintaining them.

It is a time of suffering for many and you dear light workers, are helping to soften it through the Light of your awareness. You need "do" nothing because the Light you hold in consciousness automatically lifts and awakens those ready and able to align with it. As humans you have become accustomed to solving all issues through thinking and outer activities that are often necessary. However, you have evolved to levels in which your first step is to go within in the realization that consciousness is the real and only power, not human thought.

The world sees appearances and judges them through filters of good and evil, old and young, male and female, lack and abundance, sickness and health - beliefs of duality that remain well established in the three dimensional belief system. Spiritual masters over the centuries have tried to explain this as being illusion but most thought this meant that everything on earth was illusion and therefore conditions of pain and suffering didn't really matter and could be ignored. What these masters were trying to tell them was that the earth, her people, and all life forms are very real, spiritually real, but that the way they are being seen and beliefs about them constitute a state of hypnotism or illusion.

As manifestations of creative Divine Consciousness you also are creators. Just as Source Consciousness continues to express ITself, individuals likewise express their consciousness which is the ONE consciousness individualized, but conditioned with false beliefs. This is not a judgement, it is simply a fact. In reality there are no victims, only those who as of yet do not know that they are creating their situations from the contents of their consciousness because there is no unexpressed consciousness.

God always has, is, and will continue forever to express ITself as infinite form and variety. These forms are spiritual but in lower resonating energy appear as material. Example: Physical eyes are only able to see a tree materially as wood useful for human consumption but in reality the expression of a tree in Divine Mind is a beautiful form of high resonating light connected to every other tree and all of like resonance. Yes, you can talk to trees because all life is the ONE and only Life.

The essence of every form is a Divine idea. Something cannot be made out of nothing. Observe the blades of grass, do you see any lack? The harmony and intelligence of Divine Consciousness manifests as roses always coming from rose bushes and oranges always coming from orange trees. What causes a seed to open when it is placed in the right element? What element am I choosing to live in?

Harmony, completeness, abundance, intelligence, love etc. are realities because they are qualities of the only Reality, an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness infinitely expressing ITself. Most as of yet do not comprehend this because they are still creating from states of consciousness enmeshed in duality, separation and the belief in two powers.

Many are hurting financially at this time while others lack proper housing and food. Abundance is a quality of Divine Consciousness and therefore exists permanently as a Divine Law. Remember this with every appearance of lack or limitation. Example: Realize that in reality no one is or can be separate from their perfect home which is, always has been, and always will be Divine Consciousness. Everyone is an expression of God individualized, therefore lack and limitation can only be a manifestation of the separation beliefs that dominate collective and personal consciousness.

You, the awakened ones are on earth to acknowledge the higher truth about everything in the world and by doing so help create a new and higher collective consciousness. If you are personally facing some form of lack or limitation, step back and ponder the truth you know about abundance. Take truth, not the problem, into meditation in order to attain deeper awareness of your beliefs about abundance and realizing that you are God individualized and thus complete, self sustained, and maintained. God knows nothing about lack and limitation. If lack was a part of Divine Consciousness it would be a permanent reality.

Individuals create situations of lack through their consciousness of lack and limitation. Money is energy and as such can and does flow when and where needed and often least expected. Supply is infinite spiritual completeness interpreted in three dimensional energy as material and limited. In order to attain a consciousness of abundance you must cease looking to persons, job, inheritance, husband/wife, or anything outside of self for it and start looking where it actually exists - within. Yes, your good will probably come through one or more of these outer sources, but is never from them because humans don't have abundance to give. Abundance is a Divine quality.

Acknowledging that you are infinitely abundant because you are one with Source does not mean you sit back doing nothing while shouting to others that God is all. Rather it means that if or when experiences of lack and limitation arise, you first acknowledge the truth about abundance and then allow your intuition (not some well meaning friend, family, expert, or the government) to guide your steps which may appear to be ordinary and three dimensional.

Until a truth becomes an attained state of consciousness, it can not fully manifest outwardly. It is not spiritual failure to take advantage of available assistance if needed because help is offered at all levels of consciousness. Just remember that it is a stepping stone and not a permanent residence. Be alert to mental traps of; "I don't have. Poor me. I always fail. Nothing ever works for me. It won't work. etc. etc." which only serve to hold you in that energy. Remember consciousness is the substance of form.

Up to a certain point in your spiritual journey, the human mind conditioned with three dimensional beliefs will consistently step up with warnings about why that which you may be guided to do will or can only fail. The human mind tries to protect and help but draws its information from the collective and past experiences. The time comes in everyone's evolution when on occasion they must tell their human thinking mind to go sit in the corner while they do what they need to do.

Experiences of lack and limitation are frightening. Do not resist them but rather allow them to flow through and out in the realization that they have only whatever power you give them.

Seriously consider opportunities that may present to you even if they aren't what you were imagining, hoping for. Situations that seem to just appear in your experience are often doorways leading to something new and better. Always trust your intuition. Continuing to hold to outgrown three dimensional concepts about anything simply because they are familiar or align with the beliefs of family and friends simply serves to hold you in that energy.

Make your first action at all times and in every situation that of acknowledging the spiritual reality underlying every appearance.

Monday, July 18, 2022

To Understand History, Always Follow the Money

The BIS, or central bank of central banks, was founded in 1930 using Asian gold. This gold was lent to the Germans to help them pay their obligations under the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of World War I. In exchange, the Asians were promised the United Nations would be set up as a world parliament with the ancient royal families of East and West (the dragon family) acting as background supervisors.

However, at the end of World War II the victorious allies reneged on their promise to spend the gold that was lent to them to develop the entire planet, Instead, their Marshall Plan only developed the countries they controlled (now known as the G7).

In retaliation, the Asians cut off any further access to their gold. When the US ran out of gold, we had the “Nixon shock” of 1971. That is when the dollar was decoupled from gold. Instead, the countries of the world had to use dollars to buy oil.

This was a giant sugar high to the US. The countries of the world had to have a trade surplus with the US in order to buy oil. This led to a strong dollar and free money for the Americans. However, the result was US industry lost its competitiveness and over 50 years of trade deficits turned the US into the most indebted country in world history.

Then finally the rest of the world decided to stop lending money to the US in 2008, leading to the “Lehman shock.”

The Americans were able to buy time then by promising to put a black communist in as president. At this point, readers need to know that communism was created by the Vatican or should I say the P2 freemasons who control the Vatican and that Obama was/is their house slave.

In any case, the Obama ruse convinced the Asians to hand over 700 tons of gold to the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan. This was leveraged over a thousand-fold to create $23 trillion that kept the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION going until 2020.

When the money ran out in January of 2020 the Khazarian Mafia-controlled West responded with a massive bio-weapons and vaccine attack. They hoped to murder enough people so that they could stay in power. This effort has failed.

They also managed to get some funding for the US CORPORATION by promising to bring back Barack Obama with Joe Biden acting as his front man.

Now, as a result of general disgust with the antics of the fake Biden regime, this money has been cut off. This is the background to the truly historic events that are unfolding before our eyes. In the news, this can be seen in the fall of multiple governments and the isolation of the G7 from the rest of the world economy.

by Benjamin Fulford in his weekly Geo-Political Report on July 18, 2022

The Trans Question

For a long time I have wondered whether the concept of “trans” was genuine or contrived. I'm a “live and let live” kind of person, so it really didn't matter to me one way or the other. I leave phobias and judgements to others. The following is an historic perspective that breathes fresh air into the conversation from one of the smartest guys on the planet - Clif High – from his newsletter on July 16, 2022, at :

The idea for ‘trans’ as a modern ‘thing’ comes from the jews, specifically from the Talmud, in which we find a description of humans as having 6 genders between “breeding male” and “breeding female” for a total of 8 genders. This idea enters the Talmud from the Elohim, those beings who came down to earth 6000 years ago, and by power of superior technology, including many flying machines, conquered the hunter-gatherer tribes for the genetic experimentation that produced modern humanity. The Torah, and Talmud, Zohar, and other jewish religious books are all about the Elohim and their adventures here on earth.

The El (one of the many Elohim) who was in charge of the jews was known as YHWH, or Adonai. He, and his wife/mate had help in organizing, and leading the population that they controlled. Some of this help came from those of the Elohim who were titled as “BAAL”. All of the Cananite tribes used the word ‘BAAL’ to mean ‘Lord’. So it was BAAL YHWH to his tribe. There were also traveling ‘Lords’, such as BAAL ZHBB, which, with the vowels put in sounds out as ‘BAAL ZhiBuB’, or ‘Beelzebub’. These traveling ‘lords’ are thought to have been inspectors, or assurance officers of the Elohim organization. Their jobs were basically quality control, as we may understand from ancient writings. Thus Beelzebub gets a very bad rep with the Adamites (those people from the GAN Eden genetic experiment laboratory complex) as he is in charge of making sure the genetic experiments were up to specifications required, or terminating them.

The idea of the six genders between breeding male and breeding female comes directly from the Elohim. Their species may have had such a spectrum of genders. There are historical texts relating just such information. The descriptions that we have of the Elohim include a range of ‘types’ that included androgynous beings that the religious literature refers to as ‘arch angels’ in the christian translations. These many classes, or types, of Elohim are also described in Vedic, and Sumerian, and other historic texts from around this planet that also provide a picture of a species with multiple genders. There are hints in some ancient descriptions that the Elohim ‘managed’ their genders shortly after birth based on the requirements their planning indicated for future generations, and so, even for the Elohim, multiple genders between breeding male and female may have been artificial, and an aspect of how they organized their species.

It is assumed by scholars that the tribe of Jacob, as primitive humans, ruled by YHWH, from whom judaism derives, were victims of a sort of ‘cult of personality’ in which ‘all things Elohim’ were to be imitated, and emulated. This desire to elevate themselves to the status (and technology) of the Elohim is a dominating theme within the Talmud. This proclivity is discussed, and alluded to constantly, with discussions about the Elohim taking their leave of our planet. This departure left a big power vacuum within human society that was filled by people we came to call ‘the priest class’.

The priest class, from all religions, are human bullshit artists who walked into an already sweet set-up & took over when the Elohim bugged off planet. These bovine excrement spewing priest people have been able to keep the scam going up to this present day, though it appears to be falling apart now.

The idea behind ‘trans’ is that the personality does not agree with the body. That is to say, a male personality gets put ‘accidentally’ into a female body, and vice versa. This means that Nature had fucked up. This is analogous to saying that the Sun broke today, or that gravity is puking buildings, & people & stuff out into space.

To my research, observation, and conclusion, there is NO evidence to support ‘trans’ within humans. Maybe in the Elohim, from which the idea originates, but not in humans.

The selling of ‘trans’ as a concept into the society at large is an aspect of the psychological war being waged against white people by the Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia believe themselves to be both jews, and the natural heirs to the Elohim. Neither is true. But the Khazarian Mafia are quite convinced of both. The KM believes themselves to be the ‘chosen’ heirs to Earth, Humanity, and all the Resources. The KM recognizes NO LAW that is not in their understanding of the Talmud. They believe themselves to be ‘holding place’ for the Elohim, who they expect to return to earth when ‘conditions’ are correct. Further, the KM believes that they have the absolute right to mess about with humanity in order that such conditions may be created.

The Khazarian Mafia are not nice humans. They are not particularly smart, but are cleaver and manipulative as they believe that they have ‘Elohim (divine) authority’ delegated to them. They think of all humans who are not Khazarian Mafia as ‘herd beasts’, or ‘cattle’.

The Khazarian Mafia is using ‘trans’ as a psychological warfare tactic to reduce the population of white people. They are doing this as part of their continuing, on-going attempt at world domination. They find it easier to control non-white people, and thus want to reduce their problems, now, and in the future where they are totally in charge in an open manner, by greatly reducing, or even eliminating white people.

The Khazarian Mafia created, owns, and controls the complete ‘psychiatry’ industry. Every person that gets gender queered by KM psychiatric warfare is one less breeder causing them problems. This is part of their agenda to proceed to their goal of taking over & creating the conditions for the Elohim to return.

The whole ‘global warming’, and all the ‘planet is doomed’, and ‘overpopulation’ memes are also related tactics in the broader Khazarian Mafia strategy to conquer the world. As is their primary weapon, the Central Bank system led by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not part of the Federal government, is not a bank and has no reserves. The Khazarian Mafia are ‘name stealers’. They use language confusion as a tactic within their strategy.

So, my conclusion is that ‘trans’ is not a real thing, as for it to be so would require, absolutely require, that Nature be broken. There is no evidence of such.

But if I say this, I will be labeled as ‘transphobic’. This word means to ‘fear trans people’. When you criticize the mind controlled trans people, or their psychiatric handlers, or their woke supporters, you are labeled as ‘transphobic’ by them, the same way that the Khazarian Mafia, the pretend jews, will label you as ‘anti-semite’ for criticizing them. This is a primary, personal, and collective tactic of the name-stealers, to pejoratively label their critics for pointing out their name stealing.

I am not transphobic. I don’t fear trans people. As people I sympathize with them being mind control victims of the psychiatric ‘industry’. I feel very bad for them being in this situation as people.

I am not transphobic, I am educated, and thus, ‘trans’ rejecting.”

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...