Saturday, December 31, 2022

America: Communism for the Rich

The irony of constantly being accused of being a communist is rather rich. When I point out that "free market capitalism" in America is neither a real market nor real capitalism, those who equate any criticism of "capitalism" as proof of communist leanings are triggered.

Noting that Marx got monopoly capitalism and alienation right triggers another group who equate any favorable mention of Marx as proof of communist leanings.
There are two ironies in these accusations of being a communist. One is that I've spent 17 years tirelessly critiquing centralized wealth and power--the acme of communism--as the source of our moral, social and economic decay.

The other irony is that Communism is absolutely thriving in America in broad daylight: the monopolies, quasi-monopolies and cartels that dominate the American economy and governance are Communism for the Rich.

The core goals and functions of communism and monopolies/cartels are identical: snuff out unfettered markets (competition, transparent price information for all participants, etc.) and take control of all market functions, restricting supply and controlling all regulation with the sole goals of further concentrating centralized power and maximizing steady profits (i.e. maximum greed) to benefit those who own/control the concentrated wealth and power.

And of course both pump out an endless spew of propaganda about the wonderfulness of the system that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

This centralized power to benefit the few at the expense of the many characterizes both Communism and monopolies / cartels. There is no difference between the two other than the structures of control that eliminate competitors, regulates supply and keeps prices high enough to further enrich the already-rich.

Those operating monopolies and cartels in America are in effect a private-public Politburo, a concentration of wealth that buys whatever political power is needed to increase profits and protect the monopoly from threats.

What's unfettered in America is Communism for the Rich and the normalization of corruption that results from the auctioning of political power to protect monopolies and cartels. "Markets" and "capitalism" only exist on the fringes of the economy, but the myth that America is the home of "unfettered capitalism" is extremely useful cover for the actual system, which is Communism for the Rich.

by Charles Hugh Smith at on December 13, 2022

Friday, December 30, 2022

Transitioning to 5D

Is your mental functioning switching to that of a higher dimension?

The way we process thoughts and communicate in 3D and 5D are completely different experiences. As we ascend into the higher dimensions we will begin to notice at times that we are not processing our thoughts and communication the same. In 3D we use words that have definition to communicate with each other. In the higher realms, there is a lot more perception involved.

Sometimes, I find myself seeing, feeling, and experiencing my reality in a 5D perspective. Some of you may have begun to experience some shifting of consciousness into 5D thought forms as well. Ascension is a gradual process. Each person ascends in their own way.

Words in the higher dimensions don’t have nearly as much substance as they do in 3D. They are communicated more with thoughts, feelings, and images. In this state words are often replaced, and your logical side of your brain will begin to work at a more accelerated rate to process and translate it all back in a 3D format for understanding and relaying information.

You can find yourself seeing multiple dimensions simultaneously. This includes but is not limited to co-existing in more than one place and time while you’re in this reality. You function more on a knowing. Answers just begin to flood in from multiple places. These aren’t necessarily in the 3D thought form. At first, your mind will work harder to understand and process this information into a 3D thought form.

Your movements can become more like that of a dream-like state. You can move around going up and down stairs, but it will be perceived from a hazy and light- headedness. This could take some getting used to. There may even be entities around that may just jump in your face to see if they can get a reaction, and you may find that you can sense these entities in the other dimensions you’re in as well as their vibrations.

by Troylynn Scott at on May 27, 2015

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Jump

As you all know Earth is going thru a transition, a transition to a higher frequency of existence. Earth is splitting into two different realities. Earth is separating the two frequencies… one of the dogmatic, ideologic Archon controlled structure to a more free thinking, freedom from control and authority to liberation.

Many are choosing to leave the old frequencies and many are resisting. The 2016 Trump Presidency was a tipping point of that separation of the two realities. This was the beginning of a complete planetary control transformation. From Dark to Light…

These new energies are like a wave that raised the awareness of many of you that something just isn’t right and it needs to change. The resistance and the friction we are seeing between these two energies are being felt by planetary chaos being brought on by the revealing of the old and oppressive planetary control grid.

The last several years was a major push to Light it was a sink or swim scenario so to speak. This is a reason for many of you reading this have had illnesses or just felt like Beep! Your physical body is adapting and calibrating these new frequencies. This was the final push for human souls to return to Light. Those out of no where emotions, crying for good and bad reasons on a dime will stabilize.

Everything has sped up and many have chosen whether you know it or not to move into the new Earth energies. Your Soul has already made the decision to move on or stay because your soul is you and knows more about you and what you need than you’ll ever realize as a human in this reality.

It all starts with those voices, those voices that loudly yell your name and you look around and no one’s there. They’re coming from the outside and at first you dismiss them because it’s uncomfortable but eventually those voices start to come from inside and it all starts to make sense. It eventually becomes normal, familiar and comforting.

You will start to gravitate towards people that have heard this voice from within. This voice is you, your guides etc. Remember, awareness is key! Eventually, some of those people that you gravitate towards will feel familiar. No coincidence!

However, you’ll come to realize that there will be people that you can share your experience with and then there are those that you better not.

At first having someone communicating with us, inside of us is a bit disconcerning. But, eventually this inner voice begins to feel comfortable, helpful and protective. It’s like you begin to realize that this is not your imagination and there is someone with a higher perspective that has now entered your life showing you possible and probable realities.

You will begin to let go and let this guidance guide you and you will then realize everything flows in sort of a synchronistic way. Synchronicity is an example of you being in harmony with Universal flow. You will begin to understand to follow this Universal flow or resist it and by resisting it the suffering can be quite intense. Meaning, you are always being communicated with and sometimes those nudges can be harsh if you’re not listening.

It’s like we finally realized there was an alternative to climbing that steep trek of everyday life. When you decided to follow this inner directive you found out just how much you’ve been alone.

In this 3d reality our communication is about our work, our kids, our daily lives but that is separate people talking about separate lives. So, once you merge with this flow you’re still an individual but we don’t feel separate from each other. Basically, your external bodies are just an encasement for that unity consciousness that you’ll feel with this Universal flow.

As we become aware of our higher dimensional lives on other worlds we learn that many of those around us in the physical are from the same lineage, Galactic family and in many cases come from the same ship. Many of us will return to that ship or planet of origin or decide to stay on the New 5d Earth and help with the new energy patterns. Many will participate in both.

Basically, what’s happening is many of us are resonating on 5d Earth already meaning, with the experiences of higher dimensional ET communication, higher insight and thought, higher awareness and intuitive abilities etc. Many are recovering memory of past worlds and experiences that are stored deep in your DNA’s cellular memory. This is being brought on by these higher frequencies that are activating your DNA. Listen to that inner directive, it’s there for a reason.

posted on the Facebook page of Teri Wad on December 11, 2022

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Use the Power

What does it mean to be powerful? What are your power qualities? What color is your power? What vibrations does your power express? How can you manifest your power in your current reality and what would it manifest as? Would you feel the power within your being? What would it feel like?

How would you experience it and then how would it manifest in your reality? If you were able to look forward a year, can you imagine yourself living powerfully, fully expressing your inner power? What would you be doing? What would you be saying? What would you be thinking?

We can begin to understand the Ascension shifts taking place right now, and we can also recognize that many experiences in reality are connected to claiming and accepting your power.

Sometimes, when you heal yourself or change your perspective it is nothing more than claiming and accepting your power. Sometimes, when you choose kindness over anger or chaos, you are accepting and claiming your power. It is important to begin to recognize that many of your experiences, maybe even challenges or areas that are causing confusion or struggle simply demonstrate a need for you to claim your power in a unique and perfect way by recognizing that many of your challenges are connected to claiming your power.

You are seeding the Ascension energies and the Ascension initiations. You are grounding and anchoring them deep within your being; you are embodying them. This allows you to move through your Ascension initiations with greater ease because you’re calling forth all of the energies that are required - the activation energies and the embodiment - energies you’re drawing into your being to serve you.

It is not for you to struggle alone. Support is all around you. You are safe; you have everything that you need and require to achieve these Ascension initiations, and you can begin by seeding that support and those qualities to serve you. You do this by contemplating your power and recognizing that many of your experiences are encouraging you to claim your power and with that whole process of understanding and acknowledgment comes the seeding of your Ascension. You move through your Ascension with a quicker speed because you’re grasping everything and allowing everything to be embodied within your being.

So how do you claim your power and how do you explore it? The exploration can be achieved in quiet time or meditation where you invite your soul or your essence to show you your power. Let it come forth in a way that serves you. It might present as a symbol or a vision, a sound, or a simple knowingness.

Imagine that your power is a new friend that you want to get to know deeply, so ask your power questions, anything that comes to your mind and allow the answers to flow. You may not understand them or you may; whatever you receive, simply accept it.

Now, the seeding of your power, the recognition, the embodiment, the creation of power in your reality, comes through overcoming the current challenges. As you resolve these aspects and recognize them you are claiming your power, so you plant the seeds of power and ground its anchors into your reality. You become an embodiment of power.

If there is an area of your reality that you dislike or causes discomfort, contemplate it. What would this area of your reality look like if you were in a space of power and if you were able to achieve this? Understand what you need to move into that space of power, what you need to receive or what you need to do, and that will act as a seeding of your power.

It’s almost like a root, extending from your power and grounding itself very thoroughly and deeply into your being and your reality. Each time you do this you’re seeding your power - you’re claiming your power - and you’re walking as your power on the Earth. And you will feel liberated through this process because not only are you resolving stuck energy, but you’re claiming your power maybe bit by bit until you can recognize it more fully within your reality and within your being. It is a unique journey to explore and achieve an alignment with the Ascension shifts; the Ascension energy will carry you forth, offering you all the support and nourishment that you require.

adapted from channeling by Natalie Glasson at on December 12, 2022

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Imagining What If?

We are frequently harangued about “re-imagining” whatever it is the left wants to destroy - re-imagine sexuality, policing, education, elections. For me, “imagining” is for fairy tales, for Tolkeinish worlds of orcs, hobbits, and magic rings, for Narnia and Cair Paravel. It’s not for public policy, not for laws and regulations that can adversely affect millions of real, flesh-and-blood people. Our nation is suffering mightily under fantastical decisions made by people who either don’t know what they’re doing, or do know and don’t care; they’re too busy imagining their own wealth and power.

I’d like to turn the tables on this make-believe, pie-in-the-sky rip-off and do a different kind of “imagining.” I’d like to explore a different tact - one that hasn’t been in effect for quite a while - in fact, has rarely in human history been tried. Let’s imagine….

What, for instance, would happen if we - at least, say a quarter of us, actually saw God as an absolute reality? Not as one of many “religious” options, but as the reality of realities, as the one Being that exists outside of time, outside of space, Who is actually the Inventor of those two dimensions. What if our days were filled with wonder - wonder at the amazing minuteness of creation, at the immensity of the universe, at the beauty and efficacy of all that He has made? This shouldn’t be hard to do; science is discovering daily new evidence that this is so. Our own observations - the hummingbirds at the feeder, the glories of the sunrise, the thunderous power of the weather - should at least make us ponder. Surely the ability of all animal life to “see” is a miracle, the complexity of reproduction, the glories of gemstones found buried in the earth, the wonders of a seed -- doesn’t all that at least give us pause?

What would life be like if daily we were aware of the presence of this God, if we remembered, now and then, the necessity and the sacrifice of the crucifixion? What would happen if we lived in a wash of gratitude? Would our children dose themselves with Fentanyl? Would they riot in the streets? Kill their babies? I doubt it. But we have systematically taught them that God isn’t, that the planet is dying, that all is hopeless. We have taught them that man is the ultimate good, but is also destroying nature so many of us must die. We have taught them that there is no truth except for the truth that there is no truth. What would they be like if they knew God’s plan for this world, if they knew they were the creation of that God, if they knew that He loves them - personally, individually, eternally?

What would it be like if generation after generation we taught our children these wonderful things? What would happen to those children who grew up taking time each week to pay homage to such a God? What would happen if those children were taught the lessons that God laid out for them? Wouldn’t those children grow up to love and adore the parents that gave them that legacy? Would some kids run amok? Yes, but not nearly as many as plague our society today.

What would happen if, instead of glorifying killing with pro-abortion propaganda, with violent games, with “entertainment” that features torture and death, we revered each life that God created, if we recognized that each person is a work of art - a unique marvel with a purpose, a plan, and a world of opportunities? What if we realized that we seldom have the moral right to take that from another person? Why aren’t we raising our children to understand that?

What if we also revered marriage and worked at making each union fruitful and fabulous? What if we tied marriage back to the original Adam-and-Eve scenario? What if we saw each wedding as a celebration of grand opportunity? What if we saw it as also designed and produced by the same God who made us? What if we saw each child as a holy gift? Let’s imagine a society where a man and woman seriously work together on this third entity - the marriage - as if it were a palace they were building. Why not? Biblically speaking, we have the information we need to make that happen - so why don’t we live that way?

What if, in our societal rule book, we learn to despise envy and jealousy? It seems that just the opposite oozes out of our textbooks and classrooms, even out of many of our churches. What if, instead of mere namby-pamby tolerance, we inculcate students with an understanding that the best human beings are those who help others succeed? Why can’t we all practice gratitude for the good fortune of others? Would we even need prohibitions about theft or infidelity?

Okay. Yes, we would because human nature is seriously flawed and at any given time in history there have existed millions of individuals who, out of the perversity of their own souls, refuse to think in the ways I’ve just outlined. We’ve made laws pertaining to some of that thinking. We’ve outlawed murder and stealing and violence of all kinds, but the laws themselves only benefit society when they’re enforced. And general morality only works to create peace and prosperity when we mostly agree on what is and is not moral.

What would happen if a substantive portion of our society favored the Golden Rule and personally (not governmentally) practiced it without hesitancy, without judgment, without hope of reward? What would happen if we, generally speaking, attempted to love God and our fellow man? If we worked at treating people better than they deserve?

We all know that nothing bad would happen. We all know society would be kinder, more loving, more relaxed. Some would balk at being held morally responsible for their failures here, but not holding each other responsible doesn’t seem to be producing a more viable social fabric, either. Our crime rates are skyrocketing, we have the homeless clogging our streets, and elections we can’t count on (no pun intended).

We can learn from history - as did our Founding Fathers - what kind of government works and what decidedly doesn’t work. That’s not hard to do. None of our current problems are unsolvable. We can clean up elections. We can let parents choose the schools their kids attend. We can build the wall and drill for oil. We can prosecute criminals. We can stop spending money we don’t have. This isn’t rocket science. What would happen if we just did those things?

Thinking people know that we’re up against something bigger and more sinister than we’ve ever faced. We’re up against truly satanic forces. But we have directions from the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, and following His lead will pull us back from the edge of doom.

by Deana Chadwell at on December 11, 2022

Monday, December 26, 2022

Timing, Synchronicity, and Focused Intent

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

The subject of this month and even partially of last month, is timing. The timing we talk about right now is more personal than an overview. In this particular channel, I want to talk about something that is really part of your everyday life and your existence.

We have spoken many times about the energy of expectations, and about your way of thinking, both positive and negative. That subject deals with what happens when you direct consciousness toward something. We are going to talk now about timing and synchronicity.

Specifically, the energies that we want to talk about now are the attributes that bring to you that which you wish to create. Now, you can call that type of energy whatever you want to, but the way it works is very profound. It’s almost too profound for some, because they will tell you it’s impossible.

How Most People Think About Life

If you could interview most Humans on the planet about life, they will tell you that you are born here, and, if you are lucky, you survive. If you’re lucky, you won’t have accidents that may terminate your life or cripple you – if you’re lucky. Of course, if you’re not lucky, it will be the opposite, and you won’t survive. So, at some level, you are, then, a victim of chance. Most would say that this is absolutely correct. After all, why wouldn’t it be? You can’t control the future.

You may not be able to control the future, dear ones, but you can control the present. We have told you about what some call “The Law of Attraction.” It’s where you put energy in front of you somehow, so that when you arrive at that place where you put that energy of expectation or intent, you get synchronicity. Synchronicity is having something occur that changes your path. Some call it luck.

So, let’s back up and talk a little more about that. There is something on this planet around the energy of consciousness which is not necessarily esoteric. It is physical, and it is called The Field. It is a multidimensional soup of energy, where the consciousness of Human thinking and action reside as a type of field.

This entire idea, odd as it sounds, is being studied and validated at so many levels, that someday, it will have a name given to it that is much better than The Field. Additionally, the experiments determine if consciousness can affect randomness. In other words, can you create your own “Luck”? The answer has been YES!

For those who expect good things to happen and put the energy of expectation and intent into The Field, synchronicity begins to happen far too often to be called luck, and those Humans have a lot more control over their own paths.

Let me put it this way: When you travel on unknown roads, you don’t know where the potholes and rocks are or where the smooth areas are. So, in life, it’s the same. It’s like you are blindfolded, and you may trip on the rocks or step in the potholes. It’s called chance and luck.

Then I come along and tell you that, if you were to project the energy of your travel path to the smooth areas, there is some kind of energy that leads you there. That is synchronicity. Indeed, some just call synchronicity luck! “Boy, are you lucky you met that guy,” they might say. I’m going to go further. I’m going to call it created synchronicity. It wasn’t luck at all.

Sending Intent Works in Both Directions

Now, synchronicity doesn’t always have to be positive. I have discussed with you before something you cannot hear too many times: If you are always negative, if you are invested in how this planet has victimized you, and that you’ll never get ahead, you are creating your own synchronicity. You are actually custom-building energy that will take you directly into what you are verbalizing. You’re going to step into every pothole that exists. Are you getting this? Then you turn to someone else and tell them you are a victim of the planet. The truth? You ordered this from your own “menu.”

It’s Not Creating the Future

You create your present reality as you walk. You’re not necessarily creating your future. Instead, you’re creating your present. You have put in front of you the expectation of synchronicity for your NOW, and you’ve given it a positive twist. Consciousness is energy, and this has now been proven. You are now learning to use this energy, in combination with The Field. You might say, The Field is what is giving you information to have the intuition of where to go to meet the ones who are there for you. Remember that all things that are currently happening are in The Field.

When it comes to synchronicity, it’s not created by hoping, dear ones. We have given you information in the past that this energy of expectation is almost like ordering from a menu. If you expect benevolent things on a daily basis, they occur. Now, there are always those who doubt this and are going to say, “Well, that’s absurd because, if I have a problem and I don’t know the solution, how can I put in front of me, what I don’t know, Kryon?”

So, oh linear one, let me give you the answer to that. Here is your projection. Here is a sample of your affirmation:

As I walk forward, I will always step into that which will give me solutions to my problems.

In other words, you don’t have to put in front of you the details of absolutely everything that you’re wanting or looking for or expect. Instead, see what is best for you, which is whatever the synchronicity of the moment will bring.

Dear Spirit, let me always walk in the light.”

“Dear Spirit, put me in the best places I could be.”

Now, there are things you can give yourself in these affirmations and intentions that people seldom think of.

Some Situations to Know About

What kind of control do you think you have with this method? Let me ask a question. Have you ever had an experience where you are about to do something, something you planned perhaps, something you looked forward to, or something you’ve expected … and you were stopped? Did you ever think this might be an answer to your intent? What if there is something better for you than what you are proceeding with?

If you were asking to create synchronicity and there is something in front of you that’s inappropriate, intuition may stop you if you’re tuned into it.

I’ll tell you what gets in the way, dear ones. It’s when you set your mind to something no matter what, and you get all kinds of esoteric signs and signals and intuition that perhaps you should wait. Do you “listen,” or do you just plow forward because you want it? Then immediately you proceed, metaphorically, to step into a pothole! I think some of you have had this experience. (Kryon smile)

It’s One of Your Greatest New Tools

We are talking about one of the greatest tools in this new energy, and it’s being enhanced all the time. Some of you who are learning how this works have had these amazing things happen more than one time. Some of you who understand how all this works are expecting things, and know the way it feels as you do it, and are using it every day.

You wake up in the morning and say: “No matter what happens to me this day, I will project the things that will solve them. I won’t know what those things are, but I will be led to be in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, and staying attuned to the synchronicity that I need to see.”

There are also those who are starting to understand something very special: Those you meet along the way may very well have something for you, even though it doesn’t seem like it. Those you might meet along the way, who you might normally just say “hello” to and move on, may have profound information or direction for you that will change your life. So, that means that you need to examine differently situations that Spirit brings to you, because you asked for them! You simply didn’t recognize what they were.

More than synchronicity, now we’re talking about gifts that you have actually projected and asked for, which sometimes you miss. It’s all about timing. It’s a beautiful thought, is it not, that, perhaps, you, as a Human Being, have control over your life or luck?

I want you to think with me for just a moment, maybe even project your path a bit. There you sit. For some of you, this is new, and perhaps you’d like a little more of an idea of what I’m talking about. So, let’s go through it.

It’s so important that you understand that this is doable. More than doable, this is something that you can use now. It’s everyday, practical, esoteric information that works.

“Dear Spirit, I’m uncertain about my future.”

“Dear Spirit, I may have this or that wrong with me.”

Then, project how you want this to unfold: Say, “Let me project in front of me what I need for my life to be smooth.”

Do this for yourself, not for others. They must do it for themselves, since it’s “Human-specific.” But in the process, others will see in you what you have done, so it can help them as well.

“Dear Spirit, let me walk into my solutions.”

“Dear Spirit, bring me the right scenarios, and the right people, and the right relationships that I need to move forward in love.”

And – the best one we told you about many times:

“Dear Spirit, show me what I need to know.”

If you have the courage to say that, then also have the courage to dismiss the details of what you expect. What if you were expecting “A” and you got “B” instead? What if “B” was far more valuable than “A,” but you were so stuck on “A” that you went down the “A” path and you missed “B”?

These are things that you must get used to: Dismissing the details of your expectations and being okay with something better. You never know what Spirit is going to give you, especially when you’re more open to love and beauty than you even expected.

You are magnificent. God loves you so much and is so willing to take your hand and lead you right into the synchronicity that you deserve. But with free choice, your intent is KING!

You do not live in a chance-world if you choose to use this tool for a smoother path, dear ones. I would not tell you these things if they were not true. There are now many who have experienced this exact thing, and they now depend on it for their day-to-day lives.

Blessed is the Human Being who understands the power they really have over everyday life and occurrences. Relax in this, dear ones.

And so it is.

as channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon on May 8, 2022 at

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Pleiadian Message

Embrace What You Know To Be Light And Let Go Of The Rest!

Meditate Each Day With Gratitude To Intensify The Vibrational Frequency Of Self And The Planet!

You Will Begin To Feel Pressed To Assess Your Life Decisions And Direction As You Observe That Your Choices Are Indeed Making A Difference In The Collective As Well As Your Individual Lives!

This Observation Will Intensify And Allow You Moments To Make Obvious Changes To Assist Your Well Being And That Of The Sacred Planet Earth.

You Cannot Change Another But You Can Change Yourself With Intention!

You May Find Yourself Feeling Compelled To Make Radical Changes In Your Life Circumstances That Would Result In The Severing Of Ties With Situations That No Longer Serve Your Highest Purpose.

It Will Become Clear To You That Certain Relationships And Certain Activities Have Become Obsolete, In Terms Of Your Soul’s Journey!

telepathic message from Pleiadian Collective on Twitter page of Family of Taygeta

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Solstice 2022

On days when you feel the heaviness of the planetary consciousness, stop your doing and take a moment to sit and breathe, go within, access your heart and find love. Breathe that love through your being, feel it filling your body and expanding out into your field. Then when you have allowed it to fill you, begin to radiate it outward. Like the rings when you drop a stone into water, radiate it out into the world. You can connect with the crystalline grid of light around the planet and radiate it into that grid. This is part of your mission as a human on earth – all who read these words. Send love into the quantum field, adding light to the crystalline grid that feeds all of life throughout the Earth. You are all transmitters of energy. Transmitters and receivers, and you are powerful. So, on those heavy days, cultivate the lightness within and send it outward in any way that feels right to you. Set it up so that it continues to radiate and go back about your business. You can do this in 10 minutes – or as long as you want, with the intention to continue growing and expanding the love within you and sending it out into the world. Your energy matters. Your energy is important for the Whole.

Many who read these words have lived lives in other galactic experiences where you lived in your Light Body, in a realm of light. So, coming to Earth has felt very constricting. You may have come here eons ago, to bring that light to the Earth realm. Many have been altered by the Earth experience through lifetimes in different timelines. Light bodies became dulled, just as the crystalline grid around the Earth became dulled by lightless energies that attached like dust motes to the grid and to Human light bodies. But the light has been coming back because Human Beings have started to awaken and have done the work to clear the density out of their light bodies. Humans reached critical mass of this awareness and awakening in 2011 and so you have been polishing, as it were, your light bodies and the crystalline grid around the earth. Many people who have been born in the last 20 – 30 years have come in with their light bodies shining but dealing with the density has dulled some beings, so there is still work to do.

Look at what you focus on in your day. Are you focusing too much on what is transpiring out in the world? Are you focusing on people who behave as greedy narcissists who think they are of more elevated status than the rest humanity, and are in control of the socio-political system of the world? Yes, perhaps it is good to check in and see what they’re up to, but know that you have an energetic input to your world and when people gather with similar frequency and amplify the energy of love together, many great and beneficial changes can be seen in the world. So we say, more of that, please. Amplify love and remember that your love is a powerful, universal frequency.

When you are alone and amplifying the energy – for it isn’t often convenient to sit with a group and do this – you will begin to notice that you are connecting with others in the quantum field. Reach out, intend to connect with all the people who love the Earth and love life on Earth and are sending their love into the field and you will help to strengthen the frequency of love. You will feel the Oneness – of you being a seed of Source, sharing energy with other Source seedlings, growing a new Humanity. A new Humanity with an open consciousness experiencing connection with all that is, for that is the truth of your being. The life force energy that flows through the waters, the plants, animals, insects, birds, fire, air, earth, also flows through Humanity and the entire Universe. When you tune in to this force, the Love Force, Life Force, you know yourselves to be part of one another. This doesn’t mean your own uniqueness disappears into an ocean of being. No, your unique Soul vibrational frequency is part of a vast harmonic of energy, part of the tapestry that is Life in all its forms.

It is the illusion of separation that Humanity is growing out of. Separation breeds fear and competition, which is what the world has been built upon. But now, Humanity is evolving into Oneness, which radiates love, acceptance, cooperation. It’s a healthier, creative and lovely way to live on the Earth and it is birthing through Human Beings, right now. Play with this concept – with your heart more than your mind – feel into this truth of being and you will find joy there, mirth, curiosity, a lightness that you can travel through your life with.

We are your Arcturian soul family and it is our honor to be here with you whenever you need us to help strengthen the evolutionary expansion that you are intending and creating in your lives.

In the chrysalis of transformation

The entire Universe is expanding. We are feeling this on a personal level, and of course seeing it in the bigger picture of the world around us. To expand into this acceleration of high vibrational frequencies, we let go of the density of the past – the density of beliefs and patterns that arise from our past, including ancestral energies still held in our DNA. This is a time of purging energies that still pull at us, causing memories to rise into our conscious awareness along with the emotions of those memories. Sending them up and out of our field – perhaps sending them into violet flames of transformation – helps in the purging process. A lot of people are purging through physical illness at this time. We are going through a cleansing. This will help us to expand into the accelerating, “higher” frequencies that are all around us. In order to expand, we have to clear away that which no longer vibrates to the song of our souls. Sending love to those we know who are having deep challenges will be a blessing to them.

When we think of rising into higher frequencies, it sounds wonderful, expansive, freeing. However, the journey there often doesn’t feel good at all. Sometimes, it’s more like an internal agony of energy is twisting through us like a slow, tortuous tornado. Or it may feel like a dull ennui with no motivation, just a slow plodding along. There are energies shifting so deeply within us. We are undergoing a very deep, very intense transformation, still in the goo of the chrysalis, dissolving and re-forming.

Try practicing the art of doing nothing. Allow yourself to be completely unproductive. Just let go as best you can. This is often a very busy time of year for people, but does it need to be? Not entirely. If we can take moments to just be quiet for a while, to let go of striving to accomplish something, we will allow our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to relax into being. And in that space, we can touch in on the vastness of our being and our connection to all that is. In that space of non-doing, we allow for the deep transformation to find its way within us, trusting our own harmonic energetic tones to create balance and harmony even within the chaos of our metamorphosis.

Fire Magic

At this time of the Solstice, we can put this clearing into physical form by writing down all we wish to let go of and clear from our field and then burning it in a sacred fire. I like to write each aspect I want to clear on separate pieces of paper. Then, if I can have a fire outside, that’s wonderful, but if that isn’t possible, a fire in a fireplace or a candle with a burning bowl is fine. On the darkest day of the year, we work with fire to release and transform what we do not wish to carry forward into the next journey around the sun. I like to hold each paper with what I want to release and meditate on it for a moment, having gratitude for the wisdom learned, if that feels appropriate, or perhaps there is a feeling of good riddance – whatever is the truest feeling is honored in the moment. Then I speak my intention to release the bonds of connection to this – belief, memory borne of trauma, emotion, pattern – whatever it is that I am clearing from my field – and then I take a deep breath and throw the paper into the fire, releasing my breath as I watch the paper burn and see the smoke rise from the ashes. When complete with this process, I gaze into the fire and contemplate what I want to create going forward and I ask the power of fire, air, earth and water to assist me in this creation.

We have so much support from the unseen world of energy as it moves about us, strengthening our toroidal field, bringing us into balance and harmony. Something miraculous is happening within Humanity and the Earth, and the entire Universe. It is amazing to be part of this and to have the ability to be of assistance through the radiance of love.

Many Blessings to all who read this.

Let us vibe in the radiance of love together.

Channeled Arcturians by Leilah at on December 21, 2022

Friday, December 23, 2022

On the Other Side of Fear

Through the 22-11 Activations we successfully finished the clearing of all remaining reversals and interference patterns that are now being fully dissolved and removed from our Planetary and Cosmic morphogenetic fields. This so also fully healing the gender divide and split and is now going to bring the Collective Soul Groups, Tribes and Divine Counterparts together, a part of our Cosmic Re-Union. It's truly ALL ONE and interconnected.

This is also clearing out and overwriting any remaining limiting thought forms and beliefs/ Matrix programming, including mind control and MK-Ultra Technologies, programming and conditioning. As our false ego mind with all its fear based programming, doubts, worries, insecurities, anxieties and disbelief, is being shift deleted, and as it goes offline, linear thoughts become challenging to hold together at times. Our memories of the false Matrix are coming up for their final review and time before they fade away completely.

Many of the forerunners are now fully anchored in the ZERO POINT FIELD of Divine Neutrality and Love in Quantum NO-TIME, which is the place we collapse and co-create realities from. We live in the present now moment from where everything becomes possible, as we fully reconnect with Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Godhead, atOne with ALL!

Clearing of everything that is false and artificial completes, AI materials, structures and architecture, toxins and weather manipulation Technologies which I was shown is also connected to the mind control programming and has been detrimental to our mental body functions along with the bombardment of EMF's, radiation and other artificial frequencies we have been targeted with - also part of the Elemental clearing and re-encryption.

The ozone layer is also being cleared as this is part of the artificial magnetic field of Earth that is being reset back to Mother's Organic Supermagnetism as part of the pole shift and flip that is about to fully complete.

Full removal of all remaining negative alien technologies, machinery and facilities, tunnel systems, psychotronic and electromagnetic weapons, negative entities and beings, fallen angelics, shadow beings, demons, parasitic and vampiric entities and parasites, AI, nanotechnology, black goo, graphene, spiked proteins, holographic overlays, inserts, implants, seals, membranes, and false light constructs and matrices. All that was part of the old, artificial realities.

Clearing and removal of clones, cloned identities and retrieval of Emerald Founder DNA and clearing of Guardian / Ascended Master level identities and Blueprints. Also part of the full healing, re-encryption and reset of our Dark Matter/ Rasha Body template.

Imposter identities and those that have committed grave crimes against humanity are being and will continue to be fully exposed and removed and/ or disappear.

As we go BACK TO THE FUTURE, as if none of this has ever happened. back to the Beginning to start all over again where it will be as if none of the holocausts or invasions ever happened, but we will remember the lessons learned, as we continue to re-member what really happened, our true history - which is what completes this TOTAL RESET of REALity. Back to our organic Divine Blueprints, plus upgrades.

ALL IS QUANTUM COMPLETING AS PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE CONVERGE IN THIS NOW!  As we merge all of our incarnational and Multi-dimensional Selfs as ONE, and with it also ALL Realities/ Timelines, Dimensions, World's, Realms and Universes as ONE NEW DIVINE CREATRIX FIELD!


We are clearing and dissolving all remaining interference patterns, reversals, Artificial Intelligence field, nets, materials, structures and architecture. We are also letting go of any remaining karmic load and miasmas, black magic spells, hexes, courses and fully clearing all back magic nets and grids.

Healing and reunification of the Cosmic Monad is us healing our ancestral lines, the soul groups, Graillines and bloodlines we are connected to, and together we're helping to HEAL ALL as we heal ourselves. Quantum style.

Clearing of all false memories and history records also connected to clearing of lower codings and interference patterns, holocaust and hybridization traumas within our DNA and cellular memories. Also part of our Soul retrieval process and Multi-dimensional integration and merging, as we clear and return all attachments, entities, shadow beings, and lost and stuck Soul's back to Source and/ or their original spiritual home, as part of the completion of The Emerald Covenant.

As the Halls of Amenti and Interdimensional Stargates have been fully re-claimed and are wide open, allowing Planetary Ascension and for the Halls of Records, Emerald Tablets and Sphere of Amenti to be accessed once again. All through our own multi-dimensional integration, DNA, Plasma Lightbody, Krystal Cathedral Network, New Ascension Earth Diamond Grid and Crystalline networks activating, unlocking our true memories, history records and Cosmic Origins as part of the new instruction sets of our Divine Blueprints. The Truth that is everlasting and that cannot be questioned, is arising from deep within each ONE of us through our interconnectedness with One another through the Cosmic Diamond Rose and Emerald Heart Grid and Planetary Crystalline Networks.

We have to keep re-membering that most of what we're looking at are in our outer realities are synthetic and artificial holographic overlays that will dissolve fully now.

RE-MEMBER::::::::::::: IT'S NOT REAL!!

Allow the artificial Matrix simulation to fully dissolve as you continue to hold the balance, Neutrality and Love and shining your light for those that need it for what is to come! Withdraw your attention from any outside distractions trying to take you off course from you manifesting and igniting your biggest dreams becoming real and available now. We keep co-creating our future in every now moment, as we fully align with our Hearts calling and Souls destiny.


As all the fear programming and negative entities and energies are being fully removed very quickly now, they come up collectively and many of us can feel this in our fields as we also help transmute these. Also, the memories and traumas being fully removed now are also what connect us ALL as ONE with the Collective traumas that we all hold the memories of within our cellular memories. Some of us are just much more aware of them and what is happening and others more unconscious.

I see the MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGHS & QUANTUM LEAP'S COMPLETING in this now and the next few days with BIG CHANGES & SHIFTS ABOUT TO UNFOLD! Like no-thing we have seen before and many of us can feel it!


This will become very tangible any moment now!

Keep calling forth & BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!


Timelessly so.

BIG SUDDEN SHIFTS and CHANGES are brewing imminently and we will, or already have, received guidance on which are the next steps for us to take or at least a deep inner push into making big changes in our lives happen now, as we're done with the old, and to bring us into full alignment with our destiny and highest realities! I feel the next few days will reveal how far we're Quantum leaping.

A lot is still to be surrendered, it's both RELAX and OPEN UP WIDE now to receive all that we have already seeded and that is ready to be harvested. Knowing all of our hard work is finally paying off and everything is coming together for us now as all blocks and interference patterns are fully dissolving. All that we can not resolve ourselves is being surrendered to Source and us CALLing FORTH & BELIEVING IN BIG ASS MIRACLES to unfold NOW! That's what makes them happen! What we focus upon right now with our attention and energy will become ever more important as manifestations will become instant as we fully merge with our already ascended Diamond Avatar Self and the infinite possibilities of the New Divine Organic Creatrix field.

I can see the Divine Masculine ready to fully rise in his new Essence, overcoming and fully trance-ending his false ego self and mind, which has kept him in a mental cage and prison of his own fears (false evidence appearing real) and stuck in loops of limiting thought forms and beliefs. As he fully rises in his power now, re-claiming his kingship, returning HOME to the Heart, home to his Queen, the old world's will fall and fully collapse on a physical level, and the new will be born, as THEY RISE TOGETHER AS ONE, and start all over again...

Womb Healing is coming to completion for both masculine and feminine principles, which is helping us free and re-claim our sexual and creative energies, life force and power. Fully clearing any karmic remnants of previous sexual and karmic relationships, sexual traumas and misery programming. As the return of true Sacred Sexuality and New Divine Relationship patterns and Blueprints, is very much at the core of the New Earth Realities and part of our New Eden becoming ignited and realised.

Our Hearts and Minds are being opening wide along with our throat chakras as they do play such an important part and role in us speaking, feeling and thinking ALL NEW WORLD'S into manifestation, and fully aligning with our True authentic Self. We are being prepared for the Supernova of the Heart Event and our mind's being blown wide open by what God Source has in store for us! Which is basically all of us together as ONE having co-created the many Miracles and OUR BIGGEST DREAM'S COMING TRUE NOW.

True Divine Love is in the air, it is what we are made of, and it is what makes the i'm-possible possible, the invisible visible and it is Love that moves mountains! Divine Love is to be realized through us as the Brave-Hearts that we are! After all..

'Everything you want is on the other side of fear'.

~ Jack Canfield

The choice is ours, between love or fear, in every now.

from the Facebook page of Ramona Lappin on November 25, 2022

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Passing of a Legend

Franco Harris passed away yesterday at age 72. He will be remembered by the Pittsburgh Nation for far more than his Immaculate Reception of fifty years ago, almost to the day. I watched him play at West Virginia University Stadium in his senior year as a Nittany Lion before joining the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 1972 draft, and loved to watch him on the field as he was a major factor in the dominance of the team in professional football in the 1970's with four Super Bowl victories. But the thing I choose to remember most about Franco Harris, above his magnanimous generosity, good humor, gentle nature, and humility, are the two lines he was famous for leading with. May his life always be an example for each of us. Thank you, Franco, for showing us the way. RIP #32.

What do you need?

What can I do?

The Big Picture

We have all attuned to the resonant frequency of humanity as young children. Once we habituated our consciousness to the frequency range of our empirical realm, few humans venture outside of that frequency band, but some do. They are the seers and mystics. What they see in the next higher octave of energy is a realm of shared love, compassion, joy, peacefulness, kindness and thoughtfulness. This is a realm where there is no dark force.

We are all energy beings with a defined frequency range. We’ll call it an octave of energy that we all perceive ourselves within. In terms of quantum physics, the empirical realm is interpreted by each of us as having density—properties that we can be aware of through our senses. Energy has a much larger frequency range than only the empirical. Our imaginations enter those realms. The seers and mystics go even higher in frequency. This is where the Earth is going. The Schumann Resonance is occurring in higher octave ranges, and humanity must make the same jump in order to remain in consciousness on this planet. Earth is moving through a highly-charged photon cloud that is raising her frequency and the frequency of every conscious being on the planet.

​Although we are experiencing chaos and destruction, all of the evil that has been hidden from us must come to light. The moves toward peace are planet-wide. The new realm exists now right here where we are. Most of us are still unaware of it. It’s just a frequency jump away. It’s the frequency of unconditional love and joy, which we feel in our heart. We intuitively know that feeling, and we can attune to it. Once we know that deepest love and joy, it’s what we want to perceive always. For most of us, however, the empirical program demands our attention, and we need to train our ego to honor our heart energy. With determination we can continue to return to the higher realm, until we reside in this energy spectrum predominately. The empirical realm that we’ve known is dissolving as we withdraw our energy from it. The new joyous world already exists. In order to experience it we only need to recognize it.

by Kenneth Schmitt at

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Feel Good Hormones

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. Once released by glands into your bloodstream, they act on various organs and tissues to control everything from the way your body functions to how you feel.

One group of hormones are nicknamed the "feel-good hormones" because of the happy and, sometimes, euphoric feelings they produce. They're also considered neurotransmitters, which means they carry messages across the spaces between nerve cells. What are the four feel-good hormones? Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.

You can boost levels of these hormones with some simple lifestyle changes, like diet, exercise, and meditation, and possibly improve your mood in the process.

There are many natural ways to increase levels of feel-good hormones in your brain, including with diet, exercise, and by spending time with the people you care about. In a quest to feel better and prevent depression, it’s tempting to reach for a supplement as a quick pick-me-up.

For most people, supplementing these hormones isn’t necessary. And in some cases, supplements can cause unwanted and even serious side effects. For example, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) supplements help to raise serotonin levels in the brain. However, their use is linked to liver and brain damage, as well as a rare but potentially fatal condition called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) that affects the muscles, skin, and lungs.

Before taking any supplements, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure the product you plan to buy is safe for you. You may not even need a supplement unless you are deficient in a particular hormone. And if you have a condition that’s marked by abnormally low levels of one of these hormones, such as Parkinson’s disease, your doctor can recommend medication to treat it.

Dopamine can provide an intense feeling of reward. Dopamine is most notably involved in helping us feel pleasure as part of the brain’s reward system. Sex, shopping, smelling cookies baking in the oven — all these things can trigger dopamine release, or a "dopamine rush."

This feel-good neurotransmitter is also involved in reinforcement. That’s why, once we try one of those cookies, we might come back for another one (or two, or three). The darker side of dopamine is the intense feeling of reward people feel when they take drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, which can lead to addiction.

Dopamine also plays a role in these functions:

  • learning and attention

  • mood

  • movement

  • heart rate

  • kidney function

  • blood vessel function

  • sleep

  • pain processing

  • lactation

Neurons in the region at the base of the brain produce dopamine in a two-step process. First, the amino acid tyrosine is converted into another amino acid, called L-dopa. Then L-dopa undergoes another change, as enzymes turn it into dopamine.

Too little dopamine causes the stiff movements that are the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease. Although depression is more often linked to a lack of serotonin, studies find that a dopamine deficiency also contributes to a down mood. In particular, people with depression often suffer from a lack of motivation and concentration.

Because dopamine is made from tyrosine, getting more of this amino acid from food could potentially boost dopamine levels in your brain. There is evidence that a diet rich in tyrosine also may improve memory and mental performance.

Foods high in tyrosine include:

  • chicken and other types of poultry

  • dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt

  • avocadoes

  • bananas

  • pumpkin and sesame seeds

  • soy

There is also some evidence that the brain releases more dopamine when we meditate. The change in consciousness that occurs during meditation may trigger its release.

Serotonin can stave off depression and provide a feeling a euphoria. When you feel happy and all seems right with the world, you’re feeling the effects of serotonin. This hormone is responsible for boosting mood, as well as a host of other functions.

An area in the center of the brainstem produces serotonin, which then acts on many different parts of the brain to affect a variety of functions and behaviors, including:

  • memory

  • fear

  • the stress response

  • digestion

  • addiction

  • sexuality

  • sleep

  • breathing

  • body temperature

Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression. The most commonly used antidepressants, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

It’s also possible to increase serotonin levels without taking medicine. One natural way to increase serotonin is by working out. When you pedal your bicycle or lift weights, your body releases more tryptophan, the amino acid your brain uses to make serotonin. This boost in serotonin (along with other endorphins and other neurotransmitters) is why many people get that feeling of euphoria known as a "runner’s high" after an intense workout. 

Exposure to either the sun or to the bright light meant to replicate it is another way to naturally increase serotonin levels. Light therapy is one of the main treatments for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the winter blues that may be triggered by a drop in serotonin levels.

Getting extra serotonin from foods is a bit trickier. Protein-rich foods such as turkey are high in tryptophan, but our bodies don’t convert it to serotonin very efficiently. And when you eat turkey together with other high-protein foods, the protein breaks down into amino acids, which compete with tryptophan to get across your blood-brain barrier (the border that prevents potentially harmful substances from reaching your brain). As a result, less tryptophan gets in.

One way to sneak more tryptophan into your brain is to get it from complex carbohydrate sources, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. When you eat these carbs, your body produces insulin, which helps your muscles pull in more amino acids, giving tryptophan a better chance at reaching your brain.

Endorphins can also release stress and create a feeling of well-being. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain or stress, this group of peptide hormones both relieves pain and creates a general feeling of well-being.

The name of these hormones comes from the term "endogenous morphine." "Endogenous" because they’re produced in our bodies. Morphine refers to the opioid painkiller whose actions they mimic.

About 20 different types of endorphins exist. The best studied of these is beta-endorphin, which is the one associated with the runner’s high. We also release endorphins when we laugh, fall in love, have sex, and even eat a delicious meal.

You can increase your body’s endorphin release by engaging in these activities:

  • Exercise. A moderately intense pace, whether you’re walking fast or doing another form of aerobic activity, seems to be best for releasing endorphins.

  • Acupuncture. An effective way to release endorphin is with pressure points. Placing fine needles into the skin at specific points around the body triggers the release of endorphins.

  • Meditation. Breathing deeply and focusing your brain calms your mind and eases pain.

  • Sex. These hormones are the reason for that blissful feeling many of us get after having sex. Experts believe that endorphins promote the release of other hormones that are involved in feelings of love.

  • Playing music. When you sing, dance, or bang on a drum, you do more than entertain others. You also release a rush of endorphins, which research suggests might increase tolerance to pain.

  • Laughter. A good belly laugh can do wonders for your state of mind. Along with releasing endorphins, laughter alters levels of serotonin and dopamine.

  • Ultraviolet light. It’s no wonder that some people feel happy when they spend time outdoors in the sun. Ultraviolet light stimulates the release of beta-endorphins in the skin.

Oxytocin can help us bond with loved ones and can be released through touch, music and exercise. Oxytocin is a hormone that’s produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to facilitate childbirth, which is one of the reasons it is called the "love drug" or "love hormone."

Oxytocin both stimulates the muscles of the uterus to contract, and boosts the production of prostaglandins, which also increase uterine contractions. Women whose labor is slow to proceed are sometimes given oxytocin to speed the process. Once the baby is born, oxytocin helps to move milk from the ducts in the breast to the nipple, and foster a bond between mom and baby.

Our bodies also produce oxytocin when we’re excited by our sexual partner, and when we fall in love. That’s why it has earned the nicknames, "love hormone" and "cuddle hormone."

Low oxytocin levels have been linked to symptoms of depression, including postpartum depression. Researchers have been studying whether giving oxytocin in a pill or nasal spray might help to ease anxiety and depression, but so far the results have been disappointing. In part, that’s because it’s hard for this hormone to slip across the blood-brain barrier.

A more promising way to boost oxytocin naturally is with exercise. One study noted a jump in oxytocin levels measured in participants’ saliva after high-intensity martial arts training. Music also seems to have the ability to increase oxytocin levels, especially when people sing in a group, which adds the element of bonding.

Just the simple act of touch seems boost oxytocin release. Giving someone a massage, cuddling, making love, or giving someone a hug leads to higher levels of this hormone and a greater sense of well-being.

by Stephanie Watson at the Harvard Health Publishing website on July 30, 2021

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...