Sunday, April 30, 2023

Kryon: Soul Journeying – Part 1

Dear Human Beings, you want to singularize everything. You have a tendency to take that which is understood in your dimensionality and place it upon God. It’s not surprising that you do this, and there’s no judgment, since it’s all you have to use as your guide. Your reality is your reality and, therefore, you place it upon God. It’s what you know. But now it’s up to me to give you this explanation yet again about what you call the Human soul, which is not really Human at all.

Let me state this: The creative source of the Universe always was and always will be. That which you call the Creative Source, which you have labeled God or Spirit, is what we are talking about right now. You might say that this concept is comprised of pieces of all that is, and you’d be right. Even before this Universe existed, this source was there. It is responsible for all that exists anywhere, including the universes that existed before yours and that coexistent with yours now. It’s responsible for things you know and things you know nothing about and never will. This is the Creative Source, which you call God. It’s a quantum soup of energy, which is beyond your known physics.

It is in a realm of reality all by itself, which is God. It is spectacular and beautiful and you were there! You were there because you, the very core of you, is part of this realm that is God. I want you to really get this straight: Can you imagine being in this reality? It literally enables you to see any part of your beautiful Universe, including very creation itself. Imagine existing in front of a super nova, watching it explode, seeing all the energy in a special way, and knowing it is all part of natural physics, part of the creating process, the cycles of energy – and no harm comes to you as you watch it.

You would be able to see and hear everything that is seeable or hearable in any dimension that exists! Your senses would be so grand and so great you would know of things at great distances as they were happening all at once around you, and you would be able to separate and view anything, no matter where it was, and even hold an image of it as long as you wished. The Creative Source is that way. Everything that you can imagine that is God is bigger than you can imagine! And you were there and have done this.

We only have the word you in this discussion, but I’m not talking about the Human you, which you are now. You are part of me and I am part of you. This is the hardest thing we will ever teach, but we’ll continue to teach it, for it is basic truth. The linear mind doesn’t understand it, and that is also on purpose. If you could see who you really were, you wouldn’t stick around being who you think you are. It’s hidden from you.

Some of the teachings in the new energy are an expansive consciousness, where you are seeing more of who you really are. In that expansive consciousness, it’s not just about discovery of a new biology or new inventions, but rather it’s a realization of the who, when it comes to who is in you. The Creator is imbued in every molecule of DNA. It’s there in a way you cannot itemize and you cannot count. So, dear one, neither can you count souls on the planet because they are not singular or ready to be counted.

The soup of energy, which is God, becomes your soul, and this is the hard part. Before I’m done today, if you think this is confusing, just wait. What I have to reveal is not something that you can cognize easily, and it’s not something that you are really ready to fully understand. But I want to tell you that even within your confusion, I want you to see the grandness of what is here.

The grandest thing is that you are a part of the Creative Source. When the restraints of humanism are lifted from you, dear Human Being, the God within begins to show. You’re not a part of God, you are God! This is because the soup of God does not compartmentalize itself and slip into Human bodies with names and personalities – and that is what I want to tell you about.

Souls are not singular

This is controversial to your intellect! The souls that you claim as “yours” are not singular, but rather they are part of the whole. That’s easy to say, but hard to grasp. When you look at another Human Being and you say, “Namaste,” you are honoring the God in you, greeting the God in them. Did you ever think they might represent the same soul? Are they the same God? Then they have to be the same soul! But you don’t think that way. You have your soul and they have theirs. That’s what you think, and it’s the best you can do because if you combine them together there are logic problems with your linear mind.

The mind that is linear sees your soul as yours alone, and this itself will keep you from understanding this message. What I’m going to tell you is that when you cross your own bridge of understanding, you’ll see that it amplifies perspective. It does not subtract from the magnificence of your soul in any way.

There’s no such thing as a singular soul, for it is always connected to the whole. The soup of God is always in a soup. You might call it a collective if you wish, for it does not separate itself from the whole. The pieces and parts of it, if you wish to call it that, inhabit Human consciousness and you identify these parts as your own, but they are greater than that. My partner’s teaching this year will be about the nine attributes of the Human Being. Three of those attributes are from the soul group, and he talks about the core. The core is what you feel when you get into a deep meditative state. You touch the core and you think it’s you. Well, it isn’t! It’s everyone! That’s why it feels so magnificent. I don’t want you to think this is a foreign entity inside you, either. It is you, but the bigger you. You are God.

The soul is not limited to Humans – and it isn’t “learning”

I’m going to break some paradigms that you’ve been taught. The Human soul, as you call it, does not belong to Humans. It’s part of creation in all parts of the Universe. Therefore, other spiritual biological entities also have souls just like yours. Not all intelligent life in your galaxy have souls, only the ones “seeded” from a spiritual source. We will leave this for another time. Just understand that the very nomenclature “Human soul” is incorrect.

There is no such thing as a soul in a “learning capacity”. Souls don’t learn. Humans do. Yet you are told that souls come and go in order to learn something. You are told that some are wiser than others. My partner uses the words old soul, which may be confusing. You’re all old, it’s just that some of you have been Humans longer than others. The actual term old soul doesn’t even make sense, because there’s no time for a soul. Souls always were and always will be a part of God. So really, old soul is not a correct label, but Humans will continue to use it because it means something different when you are in a 3D reality. It’s a descriptive of a Human who has lived many, many lives.

Listen, there’s no such thing as souls who are in a learning capacity in order to be better souls. They are not eventually going someplace else where they might be graduate souls. This is all in the bias of the mind of the Human Being who is attached to Human reality. Humans learn; Humans graduate; a Human moves from one level to another. Souls do not, dear ones. You simply have placed your reality onto another system, not understanding that it’s not like you. So get used to this, and other things about souls. A soul does not have a Human reality. A soul has God reality.

What if I told you that your soul is identical in its magnificence to every soul on this planet? Get ready: Who is the worst Human Being you can think of? In history, alive now, dead – who is the worst one? Guess what? He or she has the same soul you do – a perfect piece of God that allows discovery or not. That tells you a great deal about free choice. It tells you that this specific magnificent piece of God is available, at full strength, to any Human who wishes to look.

We gave you a channel once before that explained what the rules were of Spirit. The main one was that we cannot interfere with free choice. We can watch you make mistakes, watch you turn your back on the magnificence inside you, but we can’t interfere or even give you signals. We can watch you develop evil and nurture it. We can watch you kill and do horrendous things, sometimes even in the name of God, and we can’t do anything. It has to be you who makes the choice. Those who have been Human longer on this planet make far better choices. They are aware of the God inside at some level. That’s just one attribute that I want to demystify. There is no “level” of learning with souls.

There are no soul levels or advancement

This one is similar to the last one: There is no advancement of souls from one level to the next. There is an idea that Human Beings have that a soul might start as an animal and then graduate to a Human. In this thinking, somehow the soul goes through certain incarnations where it is a lesser Human Being or perhaps an animal in order to graduate to a wise, old soul. This is simply not the way of it.

Again, dear one, Human reality, logic and your basic Human nature create levels of advancement for yourselves. Then you place this system upon God and then even teach these things. Did you know that this diminishes the Creative Source? “Kryon, do you mean that animals don’t have souls?” I didn’t say that. Animals have a different kind of what you might call a soul, and yes, certain ones reincarnate. We have told you that before. But listen: The system never crosses the barrier of animal to Human – ever.

The energy of the creator that you carry is precious and it’s sacred. It only belongs to entities in this galaxy who have been seeded for spirituality and are given the free choice to expand to an ascended state. That is what is inside you, Human Being, and it’s not in a dolphin, a dog or a horse. It belongs to your spiritual Human DNA, and it’s part of a grand plan. It didn’t start as an animal. There are those who actually believe the lower the animal, the lower the soul. There is the thought that you start as a hamster and become a dolphin someday and eventually a Human. By the way, this is still taught in certain places on Earth. I want to tell you that’s not the way of it at all, and it is simply humanism carried into a mythological state and does not honor who you are or what is inside you.

So there is no learning, there are no levels of advancement, and there’s no hierarchy. “Wait a minute, Kryon, what about archangels and lesser angels?” We’ve given that discussion before. All of the categorizing of Spirit is your own Human organization. It’s where you put them in your importance and what you name them. That is a Human attribute, dear ones, and it is not God. There’s no management system or flow charts with God. There’s no hierarchy of who is in charge of whom with God. Instead, it is a system that is known by all who are on my side of the veil. It is beautiful, sacred and perfect. There is a “oneness” here.

There are scientists who have looked out into the Universe and are starting to realize it could not have happened by accident. Humans are taught that things happen randomly and that this leads to evolution. Some scientists are now struggling with what they see because it is outside of the reality of the evolution of life being chance. The odds are staggering that it was a benevolent system of design.

It’s true: Your galaxy was designed this way. It was created for life and postured in a way that allows for what is happening in this moment – allowing you to sit on this earth and hear these words. It’s all about you and free choice to find the God part, the soul within you. It really is. Everything revolves around the Human Being on this planet and many of the animals know it at some level. However, getting you to realize it has been slow. So right now, the task is to better understand the spiritual system that supports you.

It’s not you against the world

You are not bucking the system when you go outside and you look at the things that you don’t think you can control. Things happen to you; sometimes the weather seems to be your enemy, and sometimes you’re just bounced around from place to place. Many feel it’s you against everything around you. Is this how you feel? Did you know that all of these things are invitations for you to change? Perhaps you know Humans who have had very unfortunate lives? Everything bad has happened to them at every single juncture! Dear Human Being, that particular Human has actually had a grand opportunity to be brought to zero and to take the hand of God, perhaps over and over! But instead, they took the role of victim and eventually they claimed it! That’s who they are, and so it will continue happening. With free choice, many have turned their backs on the idea they might be able to control their lives better, and this kind of decision often creates more randomness of events and no control over life. That’s a path they willingly have taken. Some will wallow in the grief of life and some will take the hand of God and move forward.

These are the decision points that we give to humanity over and over. Dear ones, learning is not always through grief! Do you understand? Sometimes we get your attention through joy and celebration. It depends upon who you are, what you believe, and what might get your attention. Did you know that “random” things are only the beginning blueprint of your reality? Did you know that “average” is only a state of reality that exists if no other energy is involved in changing it? I want you to think about that one – and perhaps we will teach more about that later.

Your soul is forever. It’s unchangeable. It’s perfect and beautiful. What do you call it? Higher-Self? That’s a good name. That is the self that vibrates higher than you do – a part of God. But you still want this self to have your name on it, don’t you? Did you know that the soul has no personality? There are no attributes of humanism at all in the soul. Oh, if I could only give you the big picture! I would love you to see it! There is a perfection of the Universe that you share with every other Human Being on the planet. It’s inside, ready to be developed. Do you know what enhanced Human consciousness really is? It’s building the bridge to connectivity with the soul. It’s when you start to understand that, really, you’re all the same.

Will religion on the planet survive the new energy?

We have spoken in the past about the evolution of spiritual systems [religion] on the planet. We have discussed what to expect, and we have told you to look at how organized religion will shift. In fact, it’s already happening – a very slow understanding that your systems simply reflect the concept of branches of the same tree, and they are not opposed to each other but simply different. We describe it again, for it shows how the collective soul plays a part in awareness.

The question has arisen, “Will religion survive?” and the answer is yes. We told you before that it doesn’t matter how Humans find God. It really doesn’t matter! There will be many levels of Human awareness represented by many ways to worship and grow. Cultures don’t need to meld into one group to become enlightened. It’s important that all of the various processes remain, so that Human Beings just starting out can go through whatever spiritual processes they wish and have enough time to honor their own timing of learning. The search for God is unique to each Human Being.

So what about organized religion? How is it going to change? It’s going to start seeing connectivity, and this is what we teach. When the religions of this planet join together in dialogue and they eventually realize they are unique, but have much the same compassionate purpose, they will relax. When they see it’s fine to worship the way they wish, yet at the same time acknowledge the others’ right to worship the way they wish, wisdom will expand. You will see an expansion of this planet’s spiritual awareness, with increased knowledge and understanding and compassion. But as long as they separate into groups, where each one claims to be “right” and they don’t talk to each other, there can be no growth. But you knew that, didn’t you?

Religion is not going to diminish or go away. In fact, it’s going to get bigger! Look for better understanding between belief systems. When you see separation and radicalism, it will look alarming to you – yet it has been there all along. In the very new energy, it will start showing itself as being lower consciousness and not of God. Change is everywhere.

Isn’t it interesting that on your planet, there is a full realization of a monotheistic God? There is one God, a theme expressed by most of the Humans on Earth. Most of the earth also believes there is an afterlife [something beyond death]. Yet you segment yourself into thousands of “doctrinal pieces”, deciding who gets to worship the one God in the correct fashion. Those who do not somehow will be left behind. This attitude is what will change. It’s about connectivity and compassion for another’s process.

Walk-ins – Soul sharing

Now, what I’m about to give you will challenge your perception of connectivity to the max. We bring up the subject of soul sharing. You’re not going to like this, dear ones, because it breaks the paradigm of your traditional thought.

We’ll start simple, then we’ll get complex. Soul sharing: Have you heard of a walk-in? Many have. Let’s speak about what it is, what you think it is, what you’re taught it is, and then the problems of logic and singularity that exist because of it. Here is what you’re often told: A Human Being will pass in death and then come back. But in order to come back quickly and skip over an often seven- to 15-year growing-up period, they become “walk-ins”. In order to accomplish spiritual things quicker, they will soul share by agreement, and will “pop in” to another existing Human’s life at the approximate age of eight to 13. That’s a walk-in as you see it. So now, supposedly, you have two souls in one body. Follow me so far?

Now, the walk-in has an attribute that you have to ask about. “What happens to the first soul? Does it take a subservient position? If the first Human’s name is Sally and the second soul comes in and that used to be Henry, how does that work?” It’s confusing. “What does Henry think about it, being in another gender with Sally? Can they exist together? Does one take a back seat? Does one go forward? Does one simply give up and go back? What is the process of this?”

Human Beings who are esoteric wring their hands and have discussions where they argue and say, “How can this be, and what do we make of it?” And we sit by and we look at it and we say to you, what are you talking about? What is the issue?

You have a 3D argument going on, and all of the machinations of your logic reveal your singular bias. Henry and Sally are just fine with it all! You see, what you don’t know, and what you haven’t figured out yet, is that there are not two souls in that body! There is only one, and it’s called God. The Henry and the Sally separation is only what you made out of it. One soul joining another and soul sharing is like God with God. It’s you with you. You just got bigger. One soup joined another, and now there is a larger soup.

There will be arguments like, “Well, what attributes of the Akash belong to Sally and what attributes of the Akash belong to Henry?” What if I told you they combined them? What if I told you things just got bigger with the walk-in? Would that be alright? What if I told you that the whole purpose of the walk-in is the combined Akash? This is so the experiences of many lifetimes can combine to another Human Being as one. Now that’s confusing, since you want them to only be one. You see, it’s bigger than you think.

There are no puzzles to figure out with the majesty of God. Walk-ins are very common, especially with an old soul passing and coming back quickly into one who has already grown biologically. It is a system of benevolence and a fast-tracking system that allows things to happen better than they would have otherwise, and also take less time. Now, that was easy. But these explanations are going to get more confusing if you’re confused already.

Soul mates/Soul sharing

The next subject is soul mates. It’s not always what you think. Here is an example: One person meets another person and they have a connection. It doesn’t matter if it’s outside of romance, although that’s there, too, to really confuse things. It may be from a past life as a brother, sister, mother or dad, but they know each other. They think like one person. They can have conversations just looking in each other’s eyes and they are amazed. They must have spent lifetimes together in order to have this similarity of thought and thinking of ideas and passions. There’s an attraction to be with that person, to just stay with that person, because they represent something that is so special – and you call it soul mate.

What if I told you that you just met a portion of yourself? I told you, dear ones, it gets spooky. What if soul sharing is simply an attribute where you meet a piece of yourself in another Human Being? This is where many will put this information down, walk out of the room, and say, “This is not for me. This can’t be for me.” Dear Human, I want you to use your discernment right now and spiritual logic. If God is not singular and you are a piece of the whole, and everybody is in you and you are in everybody, then why is this so spooky? When you see a piece of yourself in another Human Being, why should that be so unusual? It’s simply part of the way soul sharing works. Instead of seeing God in that person, you’re seeing you in them! That’s how it feels, doesn’t it? Perhaps you have been together as a walk-in during the past, sharing one Human body? Now you are in two bodies again. That’s what a soul mate is. No wonder you’re attracted to them and they’re attracted to you!

Soul sharing cannot be explained satisfactorily to any single-digit dimensional Human Being, and everything that I’m doing now will simply complicate it by a huge factor.

Reincarnation/Soul sharing

Let me tell you the most complicated one, and then I want to give you an example. I have told you that there is a system of reincarnation that honors the family and that at the very least, the system has one generation skipped for reincarnation within a family. Most of the time it’s two generations, but often it’s every other generation. This allows for new souls coming in to learn and for old souls to be their children and their parents. It mixes it up and it’s helpful for both. For instance, old soul, you’re children are probably not old souls, but your grandchildren are (or will be). Skipping every other generation, or two generations, is the most common. It’s very common to see your parents in the eyes of these children.

Some of you know what I mean, for in general you say that you know your children best, but when your grandchildren came in, you saw something in them that you recognized as unusual. Now, I want to make this very clear, yet I cannot easily. All this talk about reincarnation and skipping generations is very understandable to you and it’s fine, as long as the grandparents are gone. But if they’re still alive, there’s a problem. How can your living parents be your grandchildren if they are still alive? What do you think of that? You look in the eyes of the kids and you know who they are, but they can’t be! Or can they?

The answer is that they can be and it’s soul sharing. It’s not complicated if your parents have passed, but very complicated if they are still around. Do you understand this is a Human linearity puzzle? It’s not a puzzle for God. Have you heard that in quantum physics, light can be in two places at the same time? Welcome to a new reality! It’s not that complicated when you take it out of your 3D box.

There is more, and I’ll talk about inheritance that is different between Akashic and chemical tomorrow. We are really going to mix it all up. So now that I have put a stick into what you have been told and stirred it up, who are you? Is it possible the more you get to know each other, the more you see the same God in all of you? The connectivity is what solves the problems of Human variety – of you not getting along for centuries.

There will come a day, dear ones, if you follow the same progressions as those before you on other planets have, there will come a time where you acknowledge the similar God in all Humans first, and then the personality differences in you second. This is the secret to peace on Earth.

Looking at other Humans and recognizing that their desires are the same as yours is a type of compassion. This eventually creates generosity, not bullying and conquering. You start to look at what you have in common and not your differences. Many will observe you and will observe your graciousness and maturity in how you live day by day. That’s the only vehicle through which you have to teach other Human Beings about God. Let them see the attributes of God in you.

The story of Evelyn, the everlasting tree

Let me give you a little story and then we’ll close. I want to talk about Evelyn, the everlasting tree. You know, sometimes parables don’t make a lot of sense. Because they are allegories, you have to forgive some of the 3D logic and just listen. Evelyn doesn’t really exist in nature, but it’s a story that comes close enough to what nature does that you’ll understand.

Evelyn had an essence about her as a tree. The essence of Gaia was there and she knew that she was Evelyn the tree. She had a consciousness of the grand plant that she was. Her purpose, her sole purpose, was to grow as much as she could, as tall as she could, to supply her share of oxygen to the planet for humanity.

Evelyn put down roots as trees do, and she could feel her roots go down deep. Then they would absorb the nutrients that she needed for her growth, the resources of the soil of the earth. She grew even taller. As she grew taller, her roots spread out more and more in order to anchor the size that she was and the majesty she represented in her forest.

Now, Evelyn wasn’t really aware of the roots any more than you are aware of each Human hair. There were so many of them! But one in particular, a great distance away, found its way back to the surface and began to grow upwards. It sprouted and grew, and this sprout then became another tree. This little sprout also became aware of Gaia and started growing just like Evelyn had. It also had a name – Martha.

Evelyn is now aware of her neighboring tree, since it’s now big. Evelyn is watching Martha grow up. But Martha is Evelyn’s root. In fact, they are still attached! Over a period of time, Martha put down some roots and the same thing happened with her. At the same time, Evelyn had other sprouts going on the surface in the other direction. They were all Evelyn’s roots, still attached to Evelyn, but sprouting as other trees with other names. You see where I’m going with this?

Eventually there became a forest and all the roots were connected, all connected. The life-force of the nutrients of the planet are surging through all of them. There is no end or beginning of any root, since they are all connected with each other and all have individual names and “tree consciousness”.

Now, let’s interview Evelyn. “Evelyn, who are you? As you look around the forest, are you Evelyn or are you also Martha and George and Sally? Who are you?” Evelyn would have to stand tall and say, “I am all of them, and they are all of me, for our roots are combined together from the same source.”

I want you to look at this story and understand that it is a metaphor for who you are. In nature, you look at these kinds of things and say how unique. You don’t see it as you do yourselves, with individual personalities and lives to live as Human individuals. But the story of Evelyn is more true to Humans than you think. Connectivity, and the realization and oneness of it all, is going to be the salvation of humanity. But it has to start, literally start, with you understanding that the soul inside you is bigger than anything you ever thought.

Now, I told you a moment ago that soul has no personality, not like you think. But it does have attributes. It has perfection, love and benevolence. That’s what you feel when you are in touch with the core. The hand of the soul, which is God, is always open to you, always. From the moment you’re born, the invitation is to discover who you are, and take that hand and begin changing your reality. Move into a position where you can change the planet by living a sacred reality of awareness. You know I’m right, because you wouldn’t be reading this message otherwise.

Finally, a word of advice: These decisions must be with your free choice and your intent and your full understanding. “That’s what I want to do,” is what you hear yourself saying. Don’t do anything because you should or because you came to a meeting and heard a channel that compelled you to do something. Don’t do that. I want you to sit by yourself, alone in the chair, and ask your body, “Is there more?” Be honest and listen for an answer. It will shiver in response [chills] and the first thing it’s going to say back to you is, “What took you so long to ask?” It will say, “Yes!” And that is the beginning of discovery.

That’s really the unspoken invitation, dear one, of every single Human Being on the planet. If you relax and talk to that which is the innate of your body and let it help guide you to the truth, you’ll get it. Don’t listen to me or a Human Being to do this. I want you to start listening to you. Is this channelling real or is it not? Use your discretion and discernment and discern the energy of this message through the God in you.

This time has passed tonight for me to give you a message of love, coming from that source that is within all of you. You ought to recognize a small voice, not the Human voice, but the other one that’s been talking to you in the third language all this time. It has been whispering, “Listen, listen, listen, this is what you came for.” It really is! Dear old soul, you are the hope of the planet. Whoever is listening to this and cognizes the truth of it will understand that this is your time. Get on with it.

And so it is.


channeled by Lee Carroll at on March 22, 2014

Friday, April 28, 2023

It's About Evil

Prior to being fired by Fox News, Tucker Carlson spoke to a Heritage Foundation audience. Carlson’s remarks were seminal. He identified the clash between traditional America and the Left as rising to an entirely new and ominous level.

We’ve moved beyond mere politics and policy differences, Carlson claimed. The conflict is with a Left that has increasingly embraced evil. That’s hard to accept. Most Americans don’t want to regard other Americans as evil. But the evidence is abundant and growing.

Maybe Carlson’s bold assertion was a reason why the Murdochs canned him. The Murdochs are quintessential players. Their interests aren’t served when their network’s marquee personality infers that a civilizational clash is underway.

Per the Daily Wire, April 22: Tucker Carlson delivered a speech on Friday contending that the American political debate has moved beyond a contest between rival policy positions and is now driven by [left-wing] factions with fundamentally “evil” objectives.

The veteran television host and journalist, whose Fox News show attracts millions of viewers every evening, remarked at an event for the Heritage Foundation that fellow conservatives must swiftly adjust their approaches to the national conversation since some political forces desire to tear down the nation rather than engage in legitimate political dialogue.

Conservatives, as Carlson suggests, really have no choice. American civilization hangs in the balance. If conservatives fail to acknowledge this evil, they’ll surrender unearned advantages to the Left and its allies, who’ll continue to claim good moral intent while upending the nation.

The Left - which has captured the Democrat party, portions of the establishment, corporate media, corporate America, and a wide range of institutions - is destructive because it is thoroughly Marxist. Marx proclaimed the need to destroy traditional civilization as a prerequisite for utopia. Marxism has always been a cult. The American Left exhibits all the traits of being a cult driven to ruin and domination.

Let’s make a quick qualifier, lest critics charge labeling the Left and its allies as evil paints too broadly. Not everyone on the Left and among its allies are evil. Some are cynics angling for personal gain. Many others are useful idiots.

Posted April 25 at Twitter by Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and a “defender of liberty”: Mao was a master of collecting & mobilizing useful idiots to help him to gain power. American useful idiots have no idea that the same fate awaits them [exile and reeducation] after their usefulness is over. They don’t know because they were never taught the history of communism.

The American Left has no Mao to lead it… no living deity, though it does have priests -- in academia, media, the arts, nonprofits, corporations, and government. It does have Marx’s and Mao’s ghosts. Mao’s Little Red Book is the New Testament compliment to Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

Today’s Marxism encompasses more than politics and economics. It’s cultural in scope. It has no relationship to the old liberalism of mid-20th Century America. Old liberalism - the JFK brand - and conservativism once shared similar values.

Liberals and conservatives once attended the same churches; their kids went to the same schools. All were patriots, extolling American virtues. They opposed tyranny. They had different ideas about the role of government but shared the same ends: make America better, more prosperous, preserve rights and liberties. RFK Jr. echoed some of that old liberalism in his presidential campaign kickoff remarks, speaking against what he regards as the new tyranny: the merger of state and corporate power.

Kennedy is right, in part, but is too limited in scope. Today’s Left despises the shared values that once gave liberals and conservatives common ground. The Left is a cult instigating a movement to destroy traditional mores and culture, and then impose a radically new, perverse morality and order on Americans. It is fanatical, uncompromising, and bloodless as it pursues power and domination.

Carlson sums up why conservatives need to change their thinking. Per Daily Wire: “We write our papers and they write their papers, and may the best papers win. I don’t think that’s what we’re watching now at all. I don’t think we’re watching a debate on how to get to the best outcome. I think that’s completely wrong,” Carlson said. “There is no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement with that mindset. Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea, let’s castrate the next generation, let’s sexually mutilate children,’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate. That has nothing to do with politics.”

Indeed, sexually mutilating children to “change their gender” is well beyond politics. It’s deranged, for starters, and abusive and demeaning of a child’s personhood. As Carlson pointed out, proclaiming killing babies in the womb a “positive good” is morally grotesque. Sexually indoctrinating children - from kindergarten forward - is a lurid act of mental and emotional molestation.

Razing the working and middle classes by choking off conventional energy production; attacking law and order; imposing reverse racist policies as retributions against non-blacks for the false charge of ongoing “systemic racism;” forcing woke in schools and businesses; dictating where citizens should live; even dictating what cars - if any - Americans drive; and what constitutes diets make the argument all the more persuasive that the Left is a cult with no stop built in.

There’s a cold war underway that’s unlimited in scope, initiated by a pernicious, destructive leftist cult, a war whereby society is to be consumed, spit out, and remade. Failure isn’t an option. Fanatics aren’t interested in splitting differences. They want nothing to do with peaceful coexistence. There’s no “national divorce” in the offing. They’re predatory, sanctimonious, and very willing to blow up everything rather than concede. They’re true believers, whose souls are entirely consumed.

A leftist cult on the scale we’re discussing rarely self-immolates without destroying the innocent, too. As with Germany’s Nazi cult, if this evil American cult isn’t vanquished first, it will rule ruinously. And if its hold on power falters, it means to leave nothing behind.

From the Daily Wire: Carlson noted that Americans should turn to heaven for hope as the nation’s foundations collapse. “Maybe we should all just take 10 minutes per day to say a prayer about it,” he concluded. That prayer needs to be a call for strength, resolve, and acceptance of realities, and the courage to fight to defeat the malicious forces loose among us. Our rights, our freedom, our very lives are at stake.

by J. Robert Smith at on April 27, 2023

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Transforming the World of Our Experience

Within the space/time continuum, it is possible for us to choose to align with vibrations that give us more vitality and exuberance for life. To do this successfully, it can be helpful to be aware of the source of our conscious life force within ourselves. This we may identify as our heart-consciousness, expressing Creator consciousness through all of the energy centers in our body and etheric presence. This is our natural way of Being. Except for our intention and openness, we do not need effort to feel and live in our natural vibrations. These are natural for us beyond our time/space enclosure as well as within it. Through the natural vibrations of our heart-consciousness, we receive and radiate the energies of abundance, joy, freedom and love. When we allow ourselves the experience of these vibrations, we are aligning with our true essence of infinite consciousness.

By aligning with our Source vibrations, we no longer experience negativity, which stimulates our feelings as fear. When we no longer align with it, fear no longer exists for us, because it needs us to create it for ourselves. By following our intuition, we are no longer subject to conditions that stimulate fear, because they are in a different, parallel dimension that we do not need to engage with, even though we may be aware of it. Without emotionally interacting with it, we do not give it our life-force, making it unreal for ourselves. In order for us to experience this kind of alignment, we must release all doubt about our abilities and replace it with continuous confidence, gratitude, joy and love, our natural state of Being.

Making the transition from a life of ego-consciousness struggling to survive, to a life of gratitude, joy, love and abundance, requires transformation of awareness. It requires confidence and trust in our heart-consciousness and intuitive knowing, which comes to us as realization. Through our realization, we create our reality, subject to any limiting beliefs about ourselves. As we learn to trust ourselves to enhance the energy within and all around us in alignment with our heart-consciousness, we empower our creative visions and feelings. Once we are able to command every situation within ourselves, we can become energy transformers and shapers of our reality.

To transform negative energy patterns in the world of human experience, we can change the energy within ourselves. By seeing the light in any negative person or circumstance, we allow the negativity to become unstable and dissolve. We can modulate the energies in our thoughts and feelings into alignment with heart-consciousness. By transforming our own awareness and energetic alignment, we transform the world of our experience.

by Kenneth Schmitt at on April 14, 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Many have woken up to not only the darkness of the true reality of our world but just how global corporacy has hijacked our lives. Many are paying close attention to their shrinking wallets and the political circus currently being played out on the global stage. The system is now in the limelight but not how the global power structure would like. The social engineering agenda of dumbing the masses down to obedient little minions has been successful but too many are suffering and looking for answers now.

Many have turned against MSM to alternative media which is successfully waking the masses to their enslavement. We're waking up to the lies, deception and toxicity of this control Matrix. In response, grassroots, sovereignty movements are popping up all over the planet. Humanity is organizing peacefully all over Earth to peacefully resist the encroachment on our freedoms. In my opinion, the existing order has embarrassed themselves and continues to everyday. Their propaganda narratives have been exposed again and again and the awakened are on to it. Ask any average Joe on the street and they will say to you that we are not being represented by the corporate and political elite. This great shame is the beginning of the end of their game.

The type of attention that is being generated by a restless, awakened population is unwanted by the powers that will not be. They're fumbling and making mistake after mistake. We are seeing an incredible show of desperation by these psychopaths who have lost all power only being held up by a firewall we know as the mainstream media. They are not as powerful as they want you and I to think.

Even with all the control they have over the media, money and information they have not been able to stop the Great Awakening. Truthfully, they never had a chance with this expansion of consciousness working against them and they know it. Their time is over but make no mistake they will fight. We need to remember this shadow order still controls the system at its core. Did we really think the devil was going to go down easy?

It's an absolute embarrassment that humanity has let it get this far. But, it's all part of the process of the spiritual advancement in this 3D realm. We are seeing an incredible show of internal conflict in those who choose to remain ignorant to how the world really works. What's happening is many of us are looking for a new way of being which is why all eyes are on this control system.

If the hidden hand continued to have its way it would just carry on with the same old story while humanity would sink deeper and deeper under their control. We have been under a left right illusion where people are under the impression we have a genuine choice in the outcome of our future. This is why the Trump vs the establishment theater has been a good thing for America and the world. It's exposing just how money, not morality nor intelligence runs the world.

There will be many that will remain fighting for the status quo meaning the left right illusion but I believe we're heading to a government not only in America but globally run by the people. The left and right scenario is just an example of the duality in this realm. We, who have awakened are refusing to continue lining the pockets of these elites that want nothing to do with bettering our future, it's all about enslavement, always has been. We must fight not only for our future generations but our natural evolutionary process. It has been incredibly stunted and damaged and that cannot continue. The hibernation of humanity is currently being shocked into action and there will be no stopping it. We are waking up to the political sellouts, environmental degradation, debt implosion, the dying middle class, increasing health issues, societal unrest and the drugging and spiritual suppression of humanity's evolutionary process etc.

Even the most indoctrinated has got to see this happening from time to time. If you think about it all this chaos is creating order meaning it's bringing everything that has been so out of whack back to balance. This new world order that we are seeing being accelerated before our eyes will only be in control for a short time. The tide has already turned and the New Order will be one of truth, equality, abundance and freedom. Ultimately, we will all look back one day at the current times and see it for what it is. A Matrix of control that enslaved us not just materially but spiritually as well. We will all see very clearly the Harbingers that were always there that we somehow missed. But, was that all by design? Was that all part of the process? Was it because we were just not ready?

from the Facebook page of Teri Wade on April 15, 2023

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Barbarians At The Gates

If you have failed to realize we are living through the most significant social, economic, and political revolution in history, it can only be by a herculean effort in self-deception. So powerful is man’s ability “to thrust aside what they do not desire,” is it any wonder history is replete with catastrophes born of those who would substitute hope for reason?

On the Ides of March, Caesar, by ignoring the soothsayer’s pleas, brought about his death, decades of civil war, and the fall of the Roman Republic. Constantine XI thought the walls of Constantinople were impregnable against the sword of Allah, but on the morning of March 29th, 1453, Christendom in the East came to a bloody and unspeakably brutal end. And after meeting with a genocidal madman, Chamberlain proclaimed “peace in our time” with an appeasement that would leave 85 million dead and end the British Empire.

In the latter case, mercifully, a country with immense resources, shared values, and the unwavering moral courage needed to save the world from a tyranny hellbent on racially purifying and enslaving the globe was still standing. That nation exists today, but only in name. As Thucydides warned, it is “men who make the city and not walls nor ships without men.” Indeed, it was the men of the Greatest Generation that manned the ships that saved the world, and they too are gone, and worse, forgotten.

What makes today’s revolution different is the unholy coalescence of inconceivable powerful, yet wholly corrupt institutions; unimaginable technological capability; and the systematic indoctrination of the most depraved ideology the world has ever known.

That our institutions are corrupt and untrustworthy is beyond doubt. The CDC brazenly lied about natural immunity, masks, gain-of-function research, vaccine effectiveness, and safety; the same DOJ that eviscerated immigration law, repeatedly manufactured false allegations against a sitting president and raided his home. A New York City attorney general has indicted a former president, all while actual criminals, both on the streets and in the White House, pillage with impunity. And SCOTUS, our erstwhile constitutional protector, is denounced even by one of its own justices for “reducing constitutional law to policy-driven value judgments until the last shreds of its legitimacy disappear.”

Never before has resistance been so futile. Protestors, without trial, are simply swept away into the D.C. Gulag Archipelago. Bank accounts are summarily closed. Wrong speech, if not censored, will cost you your job, or buy you an armed pre-dawn raid to help get your thinking right. With a $175 billion annual budget, the Department of Homeland “Security” has established the greatest surveillance state ever to have existed outside of the telescreen in Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

With dissent silenced, the unchallenged Uniparty message has infested every crevice of society, including, most ominously, the very soul of the nation.

If this weren’t enough, Uniparty functionaries have embedded their pernicious and radical ideology in every classroom, every boardroom, and every newsroom with the express purpose of creating a new generation of subjects stripped of any sense of justice, any knowledge of history, and, most appallingly, any ability to reason. Thoughtful discourse has given way to temper tantrums, reasoned arguments to obscene shouting, and civility to mob violence.

The new ideology’s revisionism is a direct assault on American exceptionalism. After millennia of human slavery affecting all races, the men who built a country on the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” who did more to advance freedom than any who had come before, and who sacrificed their sons and treasure to end slavery forever, are now poisoned by the original sin of having been born into a world that doesn’t meet the approval of its ungrateful 21st-century descendants, who have no conception that their own freedom was purchased with the blood of those they condemn.

Denounced as heresy are these same constitutional freedoms that have unleashed the immense power of capitalism which, in turn, exponentially improved the quality of life worldwide. No longer would life be, as Hobbs described, “solitary, poor, brutish, nasty, and short;” instead, men could expect the future to be better for their children than it was for them, and still better for their children’s children. Who can think this today?

Public schools have stopped teaching. Instead, children are denigrated for their skin color. They are terrorized by predictions of an imminent climate apocalypse taught as science by a death cult. Their innocence is stolen by debauched drag shows where every conceivable sexual act is simulated. And their heads are filled with the tribal nonsense of multiculturalism, diversity and, now, transgenderism. The absurd notion that you can change your gender, which would be laughable if not for the monstrous surgical mutilations that, reportedly, have Josef Mengele blushing in Hell.

Every second, every day, every year, it only grows worse. The tentacles of the Deep State and its depraved ideology sink deeper and deeper into the roots of society, and, unlike WWII, there is no champion of liberty somewhere across the globe that will be coming to our rescue. In fact, there is the exact opposite. Across the globe waits a sadistic, fascist regime that, like all rising powers, is determined to destroy and enslave the country it perceives as its former oppressor.

The window is closing on saving America, if it’s not closed already. The conservative movement—a shrinking coalition of those who still understand the invaluable worth of a traditionally liberal society and institutions that ensure freedom of speech, freedom of religion and association, advancement on merit, and race and class-blind justice—is, by its nature, ill-equipped for the contest. You cannot fight barbarians by Marquess of Queensberry rules. As with all decent men, to both their credit and their demise, they are unable to bring themselves to fight any other way.

But we have experience fighting barbarians. With nearly a half million American casualties in the Pacific, Curtis Lemay was given command.

He was extraordinarily belligerent, many thought brutal. He got the report. He issued an order. He said, ‘I will be in the lead plane on every mission. Any plane that takes off will go over the target, or the crew will be court-martialed.

Lemay’s campaign of firebombing Japanese cities would burn to death nearly a million people. In the firebombing over Tokyo, 100,000 were incinerated in a single night. Years later, one B29 pilot confessed he could never forget the smell of burning human flesh as he dropped his incendiary bombs from 9,000 feet. Lemay himself said, if we had lost the war, he “would have been prosecuted as a war criminal.”

Relieved from command for famously slapping two shell-shocked soldiers, Patton was the scourge of the high-brow and cultured allied command:

I am personally going to shoot that paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. We’re not just going to shoot the bastards, we’re going to rip out their living goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket.

But with the war in Europe going badly, Patton was given command of the Third Army and, in less than a year, had killed, wounded or captured nearly 2 million Germans assuring victory in Europe. Such are the men who win victories.

Today, barbarians are not just at the gate... they have breached the barricades. They are coming for your children, your religion, your guns, and especially your soul. It is no longer enough merely to comply; you must repent, you must believe, and you must swear your allegiance.

Who is to save us? Who is our LeMay, our Patton? A man so coarse and vulgar no civilized man would dare associate with him—if not for desperation—but who knows how to “rip the goddamn living guts out” of the woke ideologues and dismantle the Deep State? Forget whatever you may have thought before, because today, Trump is our Patton and our last chance. If it is still possible to save the country from the fate of Constantinople or Rome, it’s not going to be by some upstanding gentleman from Queensbury but from an insolent pugilist from Queens.

by Huck Davenport at on April 17, 2023

Monday, April 24, 2023

Lin Biao and the Weaponization of Munchhausen by Proxy

In 1965 Mao Tse Tung was losing power and influence in China. To counter this, he plotted with his chief aide, Lin Biao. The issue was Mao’s waning influence, along with his age. This was the ‘new China’, in the process of exerting its influence in the world , and the Youth of China, did not want to hear from the old men of the Revolution. Mao and Lin had been together since 1925, when Lin joined the CCP, and became first a driver, then a military commander for Mao in the Wars against the Nationalists.

Lin was the brains behind the Cultural Revolution which was a deliberate plot to restore Mao to complete power within the CCP. The revolution was not an organic product of the society of China at the time. Lin planned it all. Just as he planned and let loose his curse on the USA.

Lin had been a deep student of psychological warfare ever since he had seen the effects of it during the Korean War on the American soldiers. It was in the 1950s that Lin started his studies in psychological warfare techniques that would lead to his test of this knowledge in the launch of the Cultural Revolution.

Lin had discovered that the psychological techniques so effective on the American soldiers in captivity in Korea did not require the structure that existed in that War. That is, Lin discovered that these same psychological techniques could be applied without incarceration, nor direct threats to life from an ‘authority/captor’. He had researched these techniques for a decade before unleashing them within the Cultural Revolution. Mao and Lin’s cultural revolution was based on making 'china sick'. Lin’s discovery of a ‘mind virus’ that could be propagated by propaganda was the ultimate prize for dictators. Lin weaponized Munchhausen by Proxy. Lin took the language, as well as the structure of communication, in the form of those parts of the MBP disease normally communicated subconsciously, and brought them forward into propaganda such that he could ‘broadcast’ the disease. Lin analyzed, and codified, all the language involved in MBP, and using propaganda techniques, he weaponized it against the Chinese population on Mao’s behalf.

Lin created a sexual revolution among Chinese youth starting in 1965, as he brought out the ‘Four Olds’. These were to be his ‘enemy’ for the population to hate, while the sexual relaxation of mores, and liberation of behavior was intended to disrupt the ‘traditional China’ social order (one of the 4 Olds needing to be destroyed). The idea is to create an ‘outside’ enemy, one that is ‘close’ in order to hype the fear component of the MBP, and to have the enemy ready as the mind of the victim becomes destabilized due to, in part, the redefinition of the language, or as it is known in the West, ‘language queering’.

Note that Lin’s Four Olds played a harmonious role in the MBP process by not only being a convenient enemy, but also greatly adding to both personal, and collective destabilization of the social construct.

The Four Olds were described as :

        Old Customs: This referred to the traditional customs and practices  of Chinese society, including religious beliefs, superstitions, and  feudalistic practices.

        Old Culture: This included traditional art, literature, music, and other cultural artifacts that were considered to be products of the old feudal society.

        Old Habits: This referred to the behaviors and attitudes that were associated with the old society, such as hierarchical relationships, patriarchy, and obedience to authority.

        Old Ideas: This included the old ways of thinking about society and the world, such as Confucianism and other traditional philosophies, that were seen as incompatible with socialist ideology.

The movement challenged traditional Confucian values around gender roles and sexuality, and it encouraged greater freedom and experimentation in these areas.

One way that this manifested was through the promotion of gender equality and the inclusion of women in the workforce and in positions of power. Lin’s propaganda machine encouraged women to participate in the revolution and to take on traditionally male roles in society, such as factory workers and soldiers. This led to a significant increase in the number of women in the workforce and in leadership positions, and it helped to break down some of the patriarchal norms that had been entrenched in Chinese society for centuries. Aiding this breakdown of the norms was an intensive assault on the Chinese language of the time. Without getting into the weeds on the subject of the language alterations, it was Lin’s ‘language modernization’ program, and the propaganda that supported it, that allowed for the profound impact of the Cultural Revolution.

In addition, Mao's regime was generally permissive of sexual experimentation and encouraged people to challenge traditional norms around sexuality. The government distributed contraceptives and promoted birth control as a way to control population growth, and Lin also used these programs to encourage people to explore their sexuality more openly, as per Lin’s psychological warfare technique of breaking the ‘generational bonds/chains’ that were implicit within the attack on the ‘Four Olds’. Lin further promoted new ‘gender identities’, including early forms of chemical augmentation of gender changes. Under Lin’s direction, the CCP recruited and trained a large number of ‘prostitute spies’ for the Party. These spies included women, encouraged to release their sexual identity to the State, as well as ‘homosexual, transvestite’ prostitutes/spies. The unofficial numbers for Lin’s Legions of sex spies were in the millions. The official histories of the CCP deny that any of this took place.

Lin Biao’s transgender spies were known within the CCP as the ‘army of hairy crabs’. There are many, now disputed, reports of the ‘hairy crabs’ also being used as assassins. It was noted in the CCP literature in the late 1970s, that those people, of a homosexual inclination, or behavior, when they had been given “Lin’s ghost illness” (also referred to as ‘whispers illness’), were easily persuaded to kill. In fact, it is noted in the CCP literature of the period that the ‘hairy crabs’ were very ‘fragile’ in their minds, and would instantly turn to violence if the ‘ghost illness’ in them was confronted. Also known within the CCP as the ‘invisible illness’ in official literature.

Lin’s plot to make China ‘sick’ with weaponized MBP succeeded for Mao, keeping him in power for an additional decade. Lin was made VP of the CCP as a reward by Mao, and was the acknowledged successor to Mao at the time. Lin was killed in a very mysterious plane crash in 1971. There were rumors about him trying to lead a coup against Mao. In my opinion, that was just the usual tarnishing of the reputation. Lin was not an opportunist. Lin was a true believer. It seems likely he was ‘removed’ as a result of internal power politics within the CCP of 1971. This has support as that was the year in which the rapprochement to the USA was initiated by the WEF. It was the WEF that induced the Bush clan to open up to China.

During the negotiations with the WEF on the ‘dialogue’ with the West, it was decided that Lin was an impediment to progress. Lin was, after his death, labeled as a ‘counter revolutionary’, though this seems to be mere posturing by the winning faction in the CCP.

Lin was respected, but not personally a charismatic leader within the CCP at the time. He was actually hated, and blamed for the problems of the Cultural Revolution sitting on China. He was known as the ‘architect’ of the cult of personality around Mao, and many in the CCP wanted to prevent Lin from ascending to the Chairman’s role as they feared him as the object of Chinese people’s adoration due to his profound abilities with psychological warfare.

The CCP spent the next 9 years of the 1970s in deep exploration of the techniques of Lin Biao’s psychological warfare. In 1979, the CCP began the process of preparing for the export of these techniques. Their first target, described in CCP documents of the period, was “first, the British, then the American”, University, and college systems.

The CCP began operations in the 1980s to ‘prepare the ground’ in the West for the CCP assault we now face. They began exporting Lin’s Disease by way of the college system then. They gamed the system to get an entre, then gamed the entre to take over the system, using Lin’s techniques. These are very powerful, and in essence, the CCP now owns the college system within the West’s republics.

by Clif High in his Substack Newsletter of April 14, 2023

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Thomas Jefferson Deserves Respect From All Americans

Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and is widely believed by able and honorable people to have raped the enslaved child Sally Hemings and fathered all her children. Therefore, it’s understandable that some wish to see our third president “canceled,” to use the Woke vernacular.

Today would be Jefferson’s 280th birthday, so it seems fitting to pause briefly and reassess these horrendous allegations. I have studied Thomas Jefferson for more than half a century, and I am delighted to report that his critics are misinformed.

In reality, Thomas Jefferson may well have been America’s first abolitionist. Moreover, by far the most thorough investigation of the alleged Jefferson-Hemings sexual relationship - a year-long inquiry involving more than a dozen senior professors from all over the country - concluded (with but a single mild dissent) that the allegation is false.

Jefferson’s critics are not wrong about everything. He did own slaves, and (to use his language) slavery was certainly “an abomination.” But when he inherited slaves upon the deaths of his father and father-in-law, it was illegal in Virginia to free them. And it was Thomas Jefferson who, in 1769, drafted the law that permitted manumitting slaves and, later, the 1778 law prohibiting importing new slaves into Virginia.

The first of these laws led Marxist Professor Philip Foner - who edited a book of Jefferson’s writings, a two-volume collection of The Complete Writings of Thomas Paine, and a five-volume collection of the writings of abolitionist Frederick Douglass - to identify Jefferson (rather than Paine) as America’s “first abolitionist.”

In his original draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson denounced King George III for having “waged cruel war against human nature itself” on “a distant people who never offended him” by “carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere.” Most Americans today don’t know this, because the language was removed to keep Georgia and South Carolina from walking out of the convention.

Addressing slavery in his only book, Notes on the State of Virginia (1783), Jefferson reasoned,

[C]an the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever…. The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest.

Article 1, Section 9, of the Constitution, prohibited Congress from banning the slave trade for two decades. More than a year before that period elapsed, President Jefferson congratulated Congress on its approaching “opportunity to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country, have long been eager to proscribe.” Congress concurred at the earliest opportunity.

As a member of the Second Continental Congress in 1784, Jefferson was called upon to draft rules to govern the Northwest Territories. Article Six read: “There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” It failed by one vote, leading Jefferson to lament, “heaven was silent in that awful moment!” But seven decades later, near the end of the Civil War, the authors of the Thirteenth Amendment incorporated Jefferson’s language to honor his courageous struggle against slavery.

In the past Jefferson has been described as a “reluctant racist,” because he did express the “tentative” view that African slaves were not as intelligent as other races (while giving blacks the nod in such areas as physical courage and musical talent). But he was certainly not a “white supremacist,” having argued in 1785 that Native Americans were in body and mind “equal to the white man.” The following year, he wrote, “The want of attention to their rights is a principal source of dishonor to the American character.” Many were also offended by Jefferson’s defense of the rights of Jews and Muslims.

Days before concluding his second term as president, Jefferson wrote, in a February 25, 1809, letter to Henri Grégoire, that no person would be more pleased than himself to see refuted the doubts he had expressed about the intellectual abilities of black slaves—a distinction he repeatedly emphasized might be but a consequence of their enslaved circumstances. He added, “[W]hatever be their degree of talent, it is no measure of their rights. Because Sir Isaac Newton was superior to others in understanding, he was not therefore lord of the person or property of others.”

In American Sphinx, Professor Joseph Ellis asserted Jefferson could have passed a polygraph test confirming his conviction that his own slaves “were more content and better off as members of his extended family than under any other imaginable circumstances.” This view was reinforced when Jefferson manumitted the highly talented James Hemings in 1796, after which James soon turned to alcohol and committed suicide. Jefferson died deeply in debt in 1826, and Section 54 of the Revised Virginia Code of 1819 made it illegal to free slaves (like livestock, legally considered chattel property) until all an estate’s creditors were satisfied.

In 2000-2001, I chaired the above-mentioned Jefferson-Hemings Scholars Commission, which included professors who had taught at Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Brown, UVA, and several other prestigious universities. After an intensive, year-long study, we concluded (with one mild dissent) that the charge that Thomas Jefferson fathered even one child by the enslaved Ms. Hemings is likely false.

The 1998 DNA study reported in the science journal Nature as having established Thomas Jefferson’s paternity of Sally Hemings’ youngest son Eston did not even have a sample of Thomas Jefferson’s DNA to test. Dr. Eugene Foster, who designed and oversaw the study, emphasized that the results pointed equally to any of the more than two-dozen adult Jefferson males known to have been in Virginia at the time. Based entirely upon the DNA evidence, the odds that Thomas Jefferson fathered Eston are under 5%.

For many generations, Eston’s descendants passed down the story that he was not President Jefferson’s child but the son of an “uncle.” President Jefferson’s much younger brother Randolph was known at Monticello as “Uncle Randolph” because of his relationship to the president’s daughter Martha, who ran the plantation when her father was in the White House.

Roughly 15 days before Eston’s most likely conception date, Randolph was invited to visit Monticello to see his beloved twin sister, who had returned from an extended absence. Randolph had five sons between the ages of 14 and 27 who would likely have accompanied him and would be more likely suspects than the 64-year-old President. The book Memoirs of a Monticello Slave notes that, when Randolph visited Monticello, he would “come out among black people, play his fiddle, and dance half the night.”

by Robert F. Turner at on April 13, 2023

Friday, April 21, 2023

De-Dollarization and Trade

Be careful what you wish for, because currencies are not abstractions we ponder, they are commodities that serve real-world functions that place demands on the currency as a mechanism of trade, trust, value and risk.

The current telling of the story of de-dollarization - the replacement of the US dollar as the global economy's primary reserve currency with a new BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) funded reserve currency - depicts the loss of the reserve currency as a catastrophe that will crush America.

As delightful as this prospect may be to various audiences, once we shift from considering a reserve currency as an abstraction to a mechanism of trade and finance, then another outcome takes shape: supporting a reserve currency is a burden, and lifting that burden from the US will benefit the US and hurt mercantilist exporting nations.

As a bonus, it will also shift the burden of supporting a reserve currency to the BRIC participants, who will then have to do what the US has done for decades:

1. Export their new reserve currency in size by running vast, sustained trade deficits, for the only way a reserve currency can function is there is sufficient quantities of it floating around as a transparently traded, market-priced commodity to grease trade and finance.

2. Become the dumping ground for the world's surplus production of goods and services as the means to run the vast, sustained trade deficits that are the other side of exporting currency so others can use it in global trade.

Many commentators such as Mish Shedlock and Michael Pettis have explained these mechanisms of reserve currencies and pointed out that being relieved of the burden of supporting the primary reserve currency would be a great long-term benefit to the US. I have written about Triffin's Paradox for many years, the reality that no currency can serve both the domestic economy and the global economy (i.e. be a reserve currency) as issuing a reserve currency demands running trade deficits as a means of exporting trillions of units of the currency for use by others.

In a similar fashion, proponents of a gold-backed currency view such a currency as an abstraction without considering the actual mechanics of backing a currency with a tangible commodity. The currency isn't actually "backed" by the commodity unless it can be converted into the commodity upon demand. A currency is only "backed by gold" if there is a conversion mechanism in which the holder of the currency can trade the currency for the equivalent quantity of gold.

This is the only mechanism that counts. Waving around the phrase "backed by gold" doesn't turn a fiat currency backed by nothing tangible into a currency backed by gold unless that currency can be converted into gold upon demand.

So let's think this through a bit rather than expound on abstractions. Let's say the US loses its reserve status; nobody wants the USD any more and so nobody will trade goods and services for dollars. That means the US can only import as much as it exports, i.e. a trade balance.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the US exports about $3 trillion of goods and services and imports about $4 trillion. So once surplus imports can no longer be purchased with dollars, that surplus $1 trillion in sales to mercantilist economies like China vanishes.

Globalists love to weep and gnash their teeth over the fact that costs of goods made in the US will be higher than in sweatshops overseas. But globalists never consider quality, which has been declining since globalization took the world by the throat. Let's do the math: a poorly made imported item that only lasts a year before it must be replaced costs $25. This item costs $50 when manufactured in the US.

Oh, boo-hoo, right? Not so fast. If the domestically produced item lasts 5 years, the total cost over 5 years is $50. The total cost of the shoddy imported item is 5 X $25 or $125. The domestic product is much, much cheaper once we expand the time frame to the entire lifetime of the product.

Who's going to be crying real tears of anguish are all the mercantilist economies that have dumped their surplus production in the US for decades, as there is no alternative economy large enough to absorb the $1 trillion in (mostly shoddy) goods and services that the US will no longer buy.

The issuers of the new reserve currency will have to run massive, sustained trade deficits to export enough of their new currency to meet the demands of a reserve currency and they'll have to let the price of the new currency float freely on global markets, or it cannot be trusted to retain its value - a key attribute of a reserve currency.

If this new reserve currency is "backed by gold," then nations that pile up the new currency in trade must be able to demand gold in exchange for the currency, as France demanded (and received) gold in exchange for its surplus US dollars in 1971. If the currency can't be converted into gold, it's not a gold-backed currency. It's only backed by, well, nothing, just like all the other fiat currencies.

Actually, fiat currencies are backed by something: interest-paying bonds. The higher the interest and the lower the risk profile of the bonds, the greater demand for that currency above others with riskier profiles and lower rates of return on the bonds.

This leads to an irony: the US dollar will become much more valuable once it is no longer a reserve currency as it will no longer be exported in vast quantities. US dollars will be scarce and will thus increase in value.

Personally, I'm in favor of competition in currencies - the more the merrier. The more options available on a transparent global market where all currencies are floating freely on market supply and demand, the better for everyone.

But be careful what you wish for, because currencies are not abstractions we ponder, they are commodities that serve real-world functions that place demands on the currency as a mechanism of trade, trust, value and risk.

by Charles Hugh Smith at on April 10, 2023

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