Saturday, November 5, 2016

Seeding Reality

 Following a Near-Death Experience of drowning in 1973, loving messages from guardian entities were subsequently conveyed to me regarding my specific purpose for being here in this incarnation - my mission, so to speak. When asked in casual conversation what I do for a living (since I don't have an occupation other than to play) I am always tempted to tell someone what it is, actually, that occupies my attention outside of play. The short answer is that I am involved with nurturing the evolution of consciousness on this planet through measured focus and prayer. Of course, that begs further inquiry, so I'll briefly open my kimono and elaborate for those who have their windows and doors open, who otherwise recognize the light.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, we are in the middle of a shift of consciousness at this point in our evolutionary history on this planet. Perhaps you have begun to notice subtle shifts in your own awareness of the world. All of us are involved and will experience the impact of the change that is occurring to one degree or another.

One of the most readily acknowledged laws of the universe is that you get what you focus upon. Our world seems to reflect a considerable amount of chaotic and disturbing energy right now. You may feel things are getting worse, but you must recognize it is your focus that is directly feeding this energy and keeping it going. My prayers and focus are upon promoting a balanced vision for the world. That's my job. Focusing on negative events is a misuse of our incredible gift of co-creating our reality. Without realizing it you may be manifesting and perpetuating what you don't want in physical reality by focusing your thoughts/emotions/creative energy upon negative manifestations.

Thoughts and emotions imprint energy. Einstein told us everything is vibration. The field of energy of which we are all a part is neutral until given an impetus. Energy waits for your imprint, your projection. If you find yourself in an ocean of mis-creation, characterized by poverty, illness, violence, and limitation, you have a choice, an opportunity to shift your focus. You alone are responsible for calling forth this shift to begin to reconcile creation.

Every advance of humanity, every revolution was the result of people re-directing their focus toward a different outcome, thinking outside the box, so to speak. Even the tiniest of shifts moved the consciousness of humanity along its evolutionary path. Examples abound - fire, agriculture, flying like a bird, computers. Advances in scientific inquiry and focus are opening a heretofore unimagined reality with all manner of quantum entanglements. It is proven beyond question that when any two particles of matter interact, they continue to interact regardless of the distance between them. They remain connected, or entangled. When there is any sort of energetic change to either one of the particles, the other particle will change at the same instant. Any thought or act that you have impacts every other part of the universe simultaneously - a proven fact.

While it is convenient to believe the 'you of you' stops at the physical edges of your body, you have an energy component that extends beyond your body without limits. Everything you think, feel, and do has unrealized impact. If you fear, worry, and allow stress to negatively impact you, your DNA and that of those around you contracts; when you experience joy, gratitude, and appreciation, DNA strands expand. Your cells respond to everything you do energetically. You have an awesome underlying awareness of the world around you and abilities that you may only be discovering how to use to influence that world. Everything is interconnected. All of nature is interdependent.

All words, thoughts, emotions, actions, and focus influence the quantum field of reality. We each have the power to shift the entire field of collective consciousness. One person can make a huge difference. It may seem that you have made no impact, but the science of quantum physics demonstrates otherwise. When you begin to imagine the possibility of a new reality around you, you set into motion the seeding of that new world you envision.

So think BIG. Imagine the possibilities. Explore beyond the limits you perceive. Focus on the world that you want, and not on the world that you don't want, and along with other kindred spirits you begin to co-create that world and shift away from mis-creations. Stretch your imagination and have faith in the unseen. We are all entangled and interfaced with a quantum energy field of limitless potentiality. The more you hone your focus the more you increase the potency of your individual impact, as well as making a contribution to collective creation. Each of us is far more magnificent that we appreciate. Pay attention to what you focus on at each moment and embrace your magnificence as you seed the reality that you most desire.

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