Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Fear and Loathing Across the Fruited Plain

I have friends that voted for Hillary Clinton and I make no bones about the fact that I wanted Donald Trump to win, largely out of a revulsion for the arrogance and criminal disregard of Hillary Clinton. With some of these friends I can have a reasonable ideological discussion of differences; with others I question whether they've ever had an original thought in their lives. I am astonished at the capacity for hate that some people have, especially those leaning progressively liberal  in their thoughts. It seems their poor jumbled up, nonsensical thoughts all seem organized by hatred. Some of these "friends" have mysteriously disappeared from my life, shunning me, apparently for being responsible for the outcome of this election. I concede to the allegation wholeheartedly, but regret the loss of these friends. When the topic arises among other Trump voters I find that many of them are having the same experience. It is like a line has been drawn and you are either on one side or the other. I've never witnessed this level of animosity before - brother against brother, husband against wife, and children against parents - like during the Civil War.

I cannot begin to understand the gleeful fury on the faces of women demanding that no one interfere with their “right” to murder their own unborn child, like we witnessed during the Women's March after the inauguration. Why is this hate and rage the standard response from those on the left? Why don't we see riots of a bunch of white guys demanding that hands be kept off their guns? Why are there no mass marches of people who have worked and paid taxes all of their lives demanding an end to subsidizing the willful idleness of people on public assistance and recent illegal immigrants? Decent, life-loving people will march for life, but they don’t riot for life.

So I must question why Trump is evoking such an emotional, angry response in such a large portion of the population. I don't think it is his policies, so it must be his personality. Or is it? There is something about the man, apparently, that frightens some people. Trump is a tough guy and does not take to being bullied. He is a strong and dominant father figure, with a reputation for having a big heart, very generous, thoughtful, and giving to those in need, when he doesn't have to. The hungry media couldn't find anyone that has known him to legitimately come forward and say anything bad about the guy. His words are not frightening - they are more like cliches - emptying the swamp, restoring power to the people, make America great again. I see a lot of playful humor in his oratory and verbal attacks on the status quo. He is very serious about bringing about positive change in this country, but he is mostly amusing in his presentation, so what is everyone so fearful of?

I really do not think that any fear of what Donald Trump may do or who he is or what he may say are the driving forces behind the anger. Donald Trump serves no more than a taunting catalyst for angry response that lies in wait, ready to spring. I am more inclined to believe that the left is by and large a group of angry people, mostly angry at themselves, angry about life, ready to show rage at the smallest of affronts. Their preferred candidate losing the election may have been the largest shared affront to this group ever perpetrated, considering that the world has been tilting in their favor for the past thirty years since Reagan. Such an event must have absolutely shattered the worldview of those with such an angry outlook. Their anger and intolerance are far more destructive than anything that will result from the Trump presidency. My advice to anyone on the left: Don't take yourself so damn seriously.

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