Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Unplugging From the Matrix

Whenever Neo takes his Red Pill in the movie The Matrix, and wakes up, he looks around and sees the Matrix in its true reality as just a bunch of numbers. When he wakes up he realizes he has all these tubes hooked up to him with this plug in the back of his head. That plug is his connection to the Matrix. In the illusion we live in today, that plug is our cell phones; it is our televisions; it is our computers; our links to the contrived reality that we live in - an illusion set up by the Masters of the Universe that seek to control and subdue us all. Our brains are biologically wired to factor in all of the information that we perceive with our senses. It doesn't matter if it is all just an imaginary illusion on a TV screen or laptop; our brains are taking it all in and reading it as reality. Our brains can not tell the difference between real and imaginary.

When Neo unplugs from the Matrix, he gets physically very sick as he is shocked out of his perception of what he believed to be reality and figures out he has been lied to. Withdrawing from the illusion is like withdrawing from a drug. Most people are not prepared to leave, to withdraw from the illusion, or as Morpheus said, “most people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”' That's what we are seeing today.

Think of Donald Trump as being Morpheus and Neo as being the people of the world. Trump has been working to show the rest of us the Matrix. Most of us think we are free, but we are not. We think things are just the way they are, but they are not. We think we cannot change the world, but we can. We can all unplug and everything will change. Trump is showing us all the illusion. Some are less afraid than others and prepared to unplug and wake up.

Morpheus spends the entire movie attempting to convince Neo that he is being controlled within one big illusion. Neo gradually wakes up to understand that the illusion only works when you let it. Once you are awake, the illusion no longer works. Just as Neo froze the bullets fired at him in mid-air, when you are awake, the misinformation bullets fired at you can no longer influence or hurt you. When you are awake, the narrative of the media will never again be believed. It is all fake. It's not real.

As a nation, we are increasingly waking up to the illusion, and the Matrix is coming apart. What Trump is all about is not just winning an election – he's all about showing the rest of us the destruction caused by the illusion and revealing what is real. The network effect has begun to kick into high gear. It has reached and exceeded critical mass. Nothing now can stand in the way of its momentum. The people will only increasingly say “NO” and unplug from the Matrix. Sit back, unplug, and Enjoy the Show.

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