Thursday, September 16, 2021

Just Be Yourself

I sometimes wonder whether I personally could do more to contribute to a more accelerated collective awakening in this uncertain time of ascentive transition. The general feedback I have been receiving from my angels is to just remain calm at all times, centered in love, with faith that we each move the world by example. All I need to do is be the best me I can be, without a hint of fear, trusting that the universe is unfolding just as it should. We each plant a seed in the world with those we encounter by our words and our actions; that is all that anyone needs to do; it then is up to other souls to germinate that seed at a time decided upon by those souls. Below, I copy a confirmation of this idea with a pointed message from off-world entities that interact with us from a higher perspective. Their words of wisdom resonate wih everything else I am receiving these days.

        As we witness you interacting with your fellow humans, we see that they respond to your energy much more than they respond to your beliefs. You have much more of an effect on people than you realize, whether you say anything at all. You are walking transmitters of a higher frequency vibration. You take downloads that you receive from us and beings like us, and you share them with others. Those downloads then can rest in one of your fellow human’s energy fields until that person is ready for it. But you don’t have to preach. You don’t have to write a manifesto. You don’t have to make a YouTube video about ascension or how to heal the world. You just have to be yourselves.

        This is the primary mission that you have that goes beyond all the other missions. If you are yourself, you will get exactly what you need, in terms of circumstances in your lives, to ascend. If you are yourselves, you will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans to awaken and ascend. There is no need to try. There is no need to put on airs or some kind of facade about what it means to be a spiritual person in this day and age. You just have to be honest and authentic, and people will want to know what your secret is.

        And the beautiful part is you don’t even have to tell them. You don’t even have to be a good orator to share what you know about ascension, what you know about being awake. You just have to continue to be yourselves, and let everything else be taken care of for you. Let us do all the heavy lifting. Let us figure out exactly what the people you interact with are going to need in the near future, and you all just relax, be yourselves, feel your feelings, and do your best. That’s all we can ask of you, and that’s all your higher selves are asking of you as well.

Communication from the 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council at, September 13, 2021

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