Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Final Chapter of 3D Earth

We are in the last chapter of a 3D story that humanity has become weary of. Earth is in transition to becoming a 5D world because of its exposure to energy that our solar system is passing through as it revolves around the center of our galaxy. There is nothing that we can do to slow down or stop what is transpiring. A new Age of Aquarius is destined and inevitable as Earth shifts into a higher frequency reality.

Before us we see another war, this one in Ukraine, and there is talk of restarting the old cold war and the use of nuclear weapons. But this war will come to a close sooner than many think. It will not escalate beyond the borders of Ukraine. The new light entering our planet simply does not support the old energy patterns that we have experienced our entire lives. Whatever chaos exists in 3D now is only fueled by the thoughts of the Collective of humanity. This too is becoming minimal, as the Human Collective is tired of the same old episodes on replay.

The shift continues. Trust that change on a grand scale is occurring. What you see as chaos, is simply the old dense energy pockets being transmuted. Prepare to say goodbye to the old ways forever.

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