Saturday, April 30, 2022

Make Every Act Count

Facing our Shadow

Our greatest fear is that we are not adequate enough.... that there is something dreadfully wrong with us.... Deep inside a void is growing and instead of looking inwards for answers, most people start looking outwards for solutions, for kicks and for simply running away from having to face those fears and the shadow sides of themselves....

It is not that we are born with those fears, those feelings of inadequacy, the pain.... These are simply things that we learn and accumulate into our sub-consciousness, as we start growing up, in a world that has forgotten how to simply be in the state of pure love....

I am often asked how does one cope with the shadow side of life and most of all the fears and shadow deep inside....

Some simply give up and depression becomes part of their life... and endless visits to psychologists and psychiatrists become the norm. Some simply LIVE that polarity by only beginning to see the shadow side of life, and forgetting the Lighter side... some simply get so drugged with prescription drugs that they cannot think straight anymore.... So another visit to the psychologist.... who in the end merely adjusts their prescriptive medicines...

I had a case where a psychologist openly admitted that for most of his years in practice he never really cured any of his patients from the maladies haunting them - until he changed his mythology and then the healing started to come...

Others simply resort to escapacism in the form of taking drugs, (dope), alcohol, overeating, overspending, workaholics, endless partying, running the rat-race, orgies... anything, but having to sit down and face their own shadows.....

For the minute that all is clear and they have to sit down, that inner voice gets too loud and then, the fear start welling up.... the mountains of life become too steep... so it’s easier to take the dope, drink the alcohol, work yourself dilly, party, have a stream of one-night stands, orgies, eat, (or not eat - anorexia) go shopping etc. etc. etc.


Another form of not facing that shadow is the way one start blaming all of the bad things in life, the pain, the shadow side, onto others and never taking responsibility for your own life!

I have sat in the company of someone, who for two hours lamented about how badly she was treated by her parents, how she hated them, and how she hated going to school, how she hated being married to her hateful husband.... the list just went on and on...

When I could get a word in side-ways, I quietly asked her, if she had ever sat down, and made a thank you list for what is GOOD, and WHOLE in her life... No, she said, that will be the darn day, she loves moaning about everything!

Finding fault with others all the time, is one way, to hide from yourself... for if you always see and notice what others are doing wrong, you don’t have to put that self-same spot-light onto yourself. That one of the reasons why people love gossiping, pointing fingers and simply enjoying the calamities and struggles of others.....

There comes a time in one’s life though, when the scales start tipping, and when something will happen to give you a wake-up call. It might be in the way of a divorce... or a car accident... or losing something or someone very dear to you...

I remember my brother telling me, (who had joined the rat-race, climbing the success ladder, being somebody) how, when he had collapsed in a doctor’s surgery with a massive heart attack, and was rushed to the intensive care unit, his whole life flashed past him, and how he suddenly just felt the Presence of the Divine, and in that moment all that my mother had ever been trying to teach him about Love, about walking the Higher Road, and of the unconditional Love and Acceptance of the Divine Source, came up and he remembered the prayers of his childhood. “I remembered ALL of it!’

After coming out of three heart-bypass operations, this brother said: “There is ONLY LOVE.... That is the greatest lesson we have come to master here.... and the ONLY one!’

When we are forced to lie flat in a hospital bed, with literally no-where else to run to, we will be forced to start looking INWARDS and then we simply cannot run from ourselves anymore...

When we truly wish to heal, at a very deep SOUL level, (for this is where ALL healing truly starts - in the HEART), then we need to make peace with those shadows, the pain, that constant gnawing and most of all, our deepest fears and our greatest dragons... It simply is of no use to put the blame on our parents, our siblings, the educational system, the government and goodness knows who else....

All the roads in life LEAD BACK TO SELF!

We cannot always CHOSE what happens to us, BUT WE CAN CHOOSE HOW WE REACT to the circumstances, the people etc.!

Our parents did the best they could, under the circumstances.... They also were carrying soul wounds inside them, some unhealed parts of themselves... and sometimes they simply did not know better. I remember my mother always telling my middle sister, when she got rebellious etc. that you will never be able to understand your own parents until the day you have your own kids. For funnily enough YOUR CHILDREN WILL CHALLENGE YOU EXACTLY ON THOSE PART OF YOURSELF THAT YOU HAVE NOT OWNED NOR MADE PEACE WITH!

If you start reading the biographies of those people who really made a difference on this planet, and start OWING THE CHARACTER TRAITS OF THEM, THE GOOD AND BAD, you will notice that most of them did not have wonderful childhoods, some were badly abused, some were extremely poor, some had to overcome some of the greatest trauma and pain... Yet, what carried them through was making peace with the shadow and the RISING ABOVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES AND TOWARD SOMETHING GREATER THAN THEMSELVES...


You are not running away from yourself constantly, you are now learning to face the fears, face the feelings of inadequacy, face the void, and most of all face your MAKER.


Nobody else can live your life for you - not your parents, siblings, spouse, or boss. ONLY YOU CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE!

With the art of truly learning to face that shadow, becomes the art of truly forgiving yourself and others. Of letting go of the accumulated pain... all that baggage that you lug with you, because of your own refusal to let go.

I challenge you to write down the name of the person who most pushed or is pushing your buttons in this life and who gives you the most pain. Now, list all the traits that you cannot handle in the person’s behavior: arrogant, bully, slop, aggressive, etc.

Now, on the same piece of paper, go and list where YOU HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME TRAITS OR ARE EXPRESSING THE SELF-SAME BEHAVIOR! Aha! Now you start to balk, because here lies your own shadow and the one you do not wish to OWN! For this person is SERVING you, BY REFLECTING EXACTLY THOSE TRAITS BACK TO YOU THAT YOU HAVE NOT OWNED IN THIS LIFE - THE SHADOW!

Now go one step FURTHER - and then sit and write down, how, by doing this, (what the person is doing that is pushing your buttons) how THIS IS SERVING YOU INTO ACTION: - for instance the bullying might be making you stand up for yourself, or is pushing you to seek other means of supporting yourself etc. KEEP LOOKING AND YOU WILL FIND THAT BY DOING THIS, THEY WERE PUSHING YOU INTO ACTION, HONING YOUR INNER STRENGTH AND RESILIENCE AND WERE TEACHING YOU WONDERFUL LIFE LESSONS...

Now, go on, and then look at this person again. Now list HOW OTHER PEOPLE ARE SEEING THIS PERSON, THE POSITIVE TRAITS (yes, even the greatest criminals and dictators like Hitler had someone who loved them and thought the world of them), and then go and look where you have the same traits within you!

The interesting part comes, when you start thinking back to the MOMENT that this person, say for instance, bullied you: IN THAT SAME INSTANCE SOMEONE OUT THERE WAS SUPPORTING YOU: - it might have been Angels, God, or a feeling of Love, or your mother phoned and told you how much she loved you.... IF YOU START LOOKING CLOSELY YOU WILL FIND THAT THERE WAS ALWAYS THE OPPOSITE HAPPENING SIMULTANEOUSLY THAT THE PERCEIVED BAD WAS HAPPENING!

This is the moment that you start discharging all the emotional pain associated with the actions of people and then start getting GRATEFUL!

It is ONLY by looking INWARDS and confronting the shadow, the incidents that gave us pain, by starting to release the memory and collective pain, in truly forgiving others and most of all ourselves (for it is sometimes easier to forgive others and not so easy as to forgive ourselves), that true HEALING comes.


It is here that we start FREEING ourselves, and where our true wings lie... the wings that are waiting for us to be used, to master the true art of flying free and unencumbered... and to learning to SOAR!


by Judith Kusel at on July 17, 2019

Friday, April 29, 2022

Weaponized Food

Many of us have gotten a wake-up call recently with the public disclosure that the water that we drink has been most certainly weaponized against most of us. Nutrition, however, has also been weaponized to a great extent. It is very important that we pay closer attention to exactly what we put into our bodies because the fluids we drink and the foods we eat not only may be, but are being used against us by nefarious interests in the world with bad intent. It may be so essential that what we put into our mouths may in fact determine whether or not we will be able to ascend to the next level of consciousness.

There is very great value in learning to grow your own food. If you are going to optimize your psychic abilities, as well as your physical health, you have to have good nutrition and clean blood. You can't be living on junk food and expect to experience the full expression of what the mind and body are capable of.

An obscure example of how food is weaponized is wheat. Regular wheat has a protein in it called gliadin. Storage proteins in wheat are collectively referred to as gluten, but gluten is actually an aggregate formed from two major types of protein: gliadin and glutenin. The gluten in dough is created from these proteins by mixing wheat grain flour and water. The gliadin attacks the T3 and T4 receptors in your thyroid, however, reducing a person's energy. When you are low in energy, you become more hungry and want to eat even more food.

The wheat available today is different than it was even one hundred years ago. Today, it has far more gluten in it. Originally wheat was derived from a cross between three different grasses, going back 10,000 years ago. Until the 1870's wheat production consisted of “soft wheat” varieties. A “hard spring wheat” variety was introduced from Europe in the mid 1800's. Since then it has been repeatedly altered until what we have what is available today.

The wheat available in foods today has been turned into a destructive, toxic substance by the same nefarious interests that have poisoned public water. If you want to optimize your health, you literally should not eat wheat at all. In fact, while you are at it, stay away from eating any food that has been altered or messed with (processed) whatsoever. This includes virtually ALL fast foods. Stay away from them. Do not eat them. The weapon system in fast foods is designed to create autism because autism leads to victimhood and a reduction in resistance to tyranny. Processed foods have been weaponized against testosterone with the aim of feminizing males so that they becoming less threatening.

Do not assume what you put in your mouth is good for you just because it tastes good. Question everything. Each of us has a choice of what we load onto our forks. Always. Are there healthful alternatives to eating wheat? Of course. Flours made from grains such as spelt, fonio, amaranth, quinoa, tiff, kamut, and rye are commercially available and not weaponized.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Howard Hughes and the World Today

In his day, Howard Hughes was considered a gigantic threat by the CIA because of who he was and the huge amount of wealth that he controlled. At one time he alone was more powerful than any country in the world because of his resourcefulness to investigate and develop exotic technologies that even major nations could not imagine. Hughes created an enormous network of military facilities with remarkable stores of secret technologies. As J. Paul Getty collected fine art, Howard Hughes collected cutting edge, future technology.

Because his technology was so superior to that of any military, there was great concern that if this man ever became unraveled (which he did), the world could be under serious threat very quickly. They knew, and Hughes knew, that he had the power and wherewithal to run the entire planet if he so chose. Out of this concern, virtually everyone started denying him contracts and shutting him out.

In the end, after Hughes' passing, his entire operation got shut down, so his body had to be cloned, at least by the 1970's, in order to gain access to his enormous network of facilities because everything was protected by things like retinal and fingerprint scans.

Hughes recovered all sorts of technologies from extraterrestrial crash sites before governments could get their hands on them, and then reverse-engineered the alien tech to advance his capabilities far beyond conventional tech at the time. When the powers that be around the world began aligning against him, it not only angered Hughes, but made him suspicious that there must be some large, organized group behind all the seemingly disparate bodies of leadership around the world... because they all seemed to be in lock step with how they treated him then.

Sound familiar to what we are looking at today with the media, big pharma, elections, etc? If it seems that everyone is reading from the same script, then how in our complex, multifaceted world could this be possible?

Being resourceful, what Hughes did, all the way back in the early 1950's - was to hire a corps of attractive women spies/sex couriers that would literally get inside the pants of any organization to find out what was behind the concerted efforts against him. Through pillow talk, these agents provocateur of Howard Hughes found out that by and large his adversaries belonged to an organization they referred to as the “Illuminati”. The members of this Illuminati were told that they were members of a bloodline with an extra strand of DNA.

What Hughes ultimately uncovered was a really evil, sick, depraved, scary collective whose ultimate intent was to essentially kill most of the human population. This Illuminati was actively working on measures to effect this mass genocide back in the 1950's. So, with his vast wealth, what Hughes did was to initiate and finance a countermeasure under something he called “the Plan”.

Very quickly, the Plan became a three-ring binder that measured more than five inches thick by the time JFK was elected President in 1960. President Eisenhower was aware of the Plan when he warned against the rise of the unwarranted power and influence of the military-industrial complex in his final address to the nation. Eisenhower had been shut out from what was going on at Area 51 in the Nevada desert and was told that it was operating outside his purview on a need to know basis, completely outside of government oversight, and that he didn't have a need to know, so he shared with Kennedy his concerns about this competing power that was dangerously emerging behind the scenes.

What they discovered was that there is an extraneous political body that is actually ruling the world, above the jurisdiction of even the super powers, going back to at least the 1950's and most likely longer. There are a lot of different names for it... the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Cabal, etc.

When the Hughes Plan was passed to Kennedy, he tried to activate it. Under Executive Order 11110, JFK declared that the Treasury would no longer be selling off American silver, as the Treasury was removing silver from currency and replacing it with other metals. Kennedy was peeved and set about to reverse course back to a silver-backed currency with the issuance of Silver Certificates instead of Federal Reserve Notes, which would have ended the Federal Reserve.

Both JFK and his brother RFK (Bobby) were sharing intelligence about the workings of this worldwide Cabal with Khrushchev. In order to stop nuclear war as part of enacting the Plan, making peace with the Russians, secret talks proceeded behind the scenes to completely demilitarize both nations. The Kennedy's bold affront to the agenda of the New World Order, unfortunately, is what ultimately got them both assassinated.

Mind Kontrol (MKUltra) may have first been used on the public three months following the assassination of JFK with the emergence of the British rock band, the Beatles. Their music served as a cathartic release for the trauma felt around the globe with the killing of Kennedy. The world began to change with the Cabal's success at shifting broad public perceptions through the use of mind control stratagems at this time. The Cabal also began to displace our religious and spiritual aspirations away from political and public figures to musicians and Hollywood actors, who could be completely controlled.

The narrative since that time has been entirely falsified. Every bit of history since that time has been an agenda-driven lie by the Cabal-controlled media.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fear Psychosis and the Cult of Safety

Is the modern world caught in the grip of a fear psychosis and has a cult of safety entrenched itself in the West?

"Quite an experience, to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.” ~ Blade Runner

Today we live longer than ever before. Our chance of dying from war, natural disaster, pandemics, or starvation are at levels our ancestors could only have dreamed of. But given all this security we are more fearful than ever before. From all corners of society there are warnings of potential dangers and imminent disaster, and as the sociologist Barry Glassner observed:

“…we are living in the most fearmongering time in human history. And the main reason for this is that there’s a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears.” ~ Barry Glassner, Quoted in “Why We’re Living in the Age of Fear”

But it is not just manipulative fearmongering that is responsible for the disproportionate fear that infects our society, for in one way or another we all accept, and reinforce, the normality of fearing. We continually remind ourselves and others that threats exist everywhere – in the streets, in the food we eat, in the technology we use, in our fellow man and woman, and even in the air we breathe. The cultural narratives which inform how we make sense of the world seamlessly move from one fear to another. Hardly anyone questions, however, whether we should be so fearful. In his book How Fear Works the sociologist Frank Furedi exposes our culture of fear, and as he writes:

. . .in the current era fearing appears to be such a volatile and directionless activity. It seems as if one threat begets another, only to be contradicted by yet another newly discovered target of fear.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

Or as the philosopher Lars Svendsen likewise notes:

"There no longer seems to be anything that is really secure. . .We seem to be obsessed with every conceivable danger. . .Fear has become a basic characteristic of our entire culture.” ~ Lars Svendsen, A Philosophy of Fear

Life is unpredictable and the world is littered with dangers and threats to both our security and well-being, and so fearing is not unique to modern society. However, in some of the most flourishing civilizations of the past, fear was counterbalanced by hope and by an optimistic belief in the human potential. During the Renaissance and Enlightenment the idea that individuals and communities, through bold and creative action, could ward off dangers and shape the uncertain future, flourished. In Ancient Greece and Rome, courage was held in high regard and so individuals were proactive in the face of risks and daring in the presence of the unknown. “Fortune favours the brave”, according to the Latin proverb. Furthermore, in many past civilizations it was acknowledged that uncertainty is not only a source of potential danger but also of opportunity. But as Frank Furedi writes:

"That was then. In the twenty-first century, the optimistic belief in humankind’s ability to subdue the unknown has given way to a belief that it is powerless to deal with the perils that confront it…the flame of hope still flickers on but it is increasingly overshadowed by a dark mood of intangible anxiety.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

The courage, hope, and optimism that in civilizations past kept fear in check is all but lost in the modern world, and so the lives of many of us are consumed by fear. We see everything through the distorted lens of fear, and regarding this perspective Frank Furedi elaborates:

“…this perspective [of fear] has been so thoroughly internalized that many who adopt this outlook are not aware of its influence on their behaviour. For most people, such a perspective comes across as common sense. This does not mean that people are perpetually scared or fearful; rather, the perspective of fear works by sensitizing people to focus on potential threats and dangers while distracting attention from the probable positive outcome of engaging with uncertainty.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

In viewing the world through a perspective of fear, people see risks in things, behaviors, and activities which in generations past were not considered risky. They are overly fearful of threats which are an inevitable part of life. And they evaluate experiences first and foremost on the basis of the potential risks they entail.

"One of the accomplishments of the fear perspective is that it continually expands the number of issues that constitute a hazard and are therefore represented as risk. Since the 1980s numerous commentators have commented on the explosion of risks.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

What is more, the meaning of risk has taken on a largely negative connotation. Up until the latter half of the 20th century, it was common sense that many risks are worth taking. So long as one was motivated by a noble enterprise, self-realization, by the spirit of adventure or by values such as freedom and truth, facing up to risks was acknowledged to be a precondition for the cultivation of character and even the accomplishment of greatness. Or as Nietzsche put it:

"The devotion of the greatest is to encounter risk and danger and play dice for death.” ~ Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Instead of being celebrated, today the risk-taker is often castigated as foolish, selfish, and a danger to both himself and others. This negative perception of risk-taking is driven by worst-case thinking. Many people are predisposed to think of the worst that can happen, and then they behave as if it is likely to happen. This worst-case thinking has even infiltrated the highest levels of government, as some politicians and policy makers have adopted the utopian goal of socially-engineering a “zero-risk” society, and to the applause of the fearful masses.

"An ever-expanding obsession with risk is one of the most striking features of the culture of fear… In its most irrational version, some people demand ‘zero risk’ – a project that would require abolishing uncertainty completely.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

In seeing risks almost everywhere and in being highly risk-averse, many people, without explicitly knowing it, are guided by the “precautionary principle.” According to the precautionary principle, when faced with any degree of uncertainty, the best option is to protect oneself and others and to side with caution. In recent years the precautionary principle has entrenched itself in public policy in the form of the inverted quarantine. While the purpose of a traditional quarantine is to seclude a sick person to prevent a disease from spreading to others, an inverted quarantine, in contrast, involves healthy people isolating themselves from the dangers they perceive as threatening, and as Furedi writes:

"Inverted quarantine constitutes a response to the fear that the human condition is inherently unsafe.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

The belief that the human condition is inherently unsafe is the fundamental creed of the cult of safety, which has solidified itself in our society. In the last few decades safety has, in the words of Furedi, taken on a “quasi-religious quality”. The quest for safety has become the raison d’etre of the West, and the rules and restrictions erected at the altar of safety have ballooned to absurd proportions and intruded on evermore areas of life. To make matters worse, no matter how irrational or authoritarian they are, and no matter whether there is any evidence they are effective, safety rules and restrictions are held by most people to be essential and beyond question.

"Safety and security have become their own arguments. Officials and organizations seem to believe that the mere mention of these words is enough—no further justification is needed…Safety rules are often assumed to be doing something good just because they exist. “Safety and security theater,”…describes procedures whose main role is to convince everyone that someone somewhere is dealing with a threat, regardless of whether they are or not.” ~ Tracey Brown and Michael Hanlon, Playing by the Rules: How Our Obsession with Safety Is Putting Us All at Risk

An abundance of safety rules and restrictions are not making people feel safer; they are contributing to our culture of fear. For safety rules and restrictions communicate signals about potential dangers and threats, and so the more a society is inundated with them the more people assume that the environment is inherently unsafe. Furthermore, in placing limitations on the freedom to explore, experiment, and make one’s own choices, rules and restrictions implicitly communicate to people that they are incapable of making their own risk assessments and assuming responsibility for their own life. The modern cult of safety is infantilizing people and increasing the chances that, from cradle to grave, they remain dependent on overbearing authority figures to keep them safe from what they have been socialized to believe to be a dangerous world.

"The act of trading in freedom does not make people feel safe. It heightens people’s awareness of their lack of control over their lives and thereby enhances their sense of insecurity. The loss of any of our freedoms simply undermines people’s capacity to deal with the threats they face.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

Many safety rules and restrictions derive their perceived legitimacy from the authority of “The Science”. In contrast to science, which relies on evidence, experimentation, the testing of ideas, and whose conclusions are open to doubt and reinterpretation, The Science relies on trust in authority and does not tolerate skepticism. If The Science alerts us to a threat, or if politicians invoke The Science to justify heavy-handed measures, then those who refuse to blindly follow The Science are treated as the modern equivalent of a heretic.

"Statements like ‘The Science says’ serve as the twenty-first-century equivalent of the exhortation ‘God said’. Unlike science, the term ‘The Science’ serves a moralistic and political project. It has more in common with a pre-modern revealed truth than with the spirit of experimentation that emerged with modernity. The constant refrain of ‘Scientists Tell Us’ serves as a prelude for a lecture on what threat to fear…those who do not heed the warnings of experts are frequently castigated as irresponsible if not evil.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

The fear that is infecting society is socially conditioned into us from a young age, and it is fuelled by a pessimistic conception of what it means to be human that is deeply entrenched in our society.

“…people are educated to be preoccupied with their safety, and to regard being fearful as a sensible and responsible orientation towards the world…Policy makers, opinion formers, and advertisers act on the basis that people are risk averse and feel powerless, and their messages normalize the perception that people are vulnerable.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

This pessimistic conception of the human being is fundamentally flawed. For if vulnerability was the essential feature of the human being, the human race would have perished long ago. Although our lives are unpredictable and exposed, as humans we are more defined by our resilience and adaptability. Not only do we have a remarkable capacity to withstand threats, dangers, and hardships, but sometimes these even fast-track individual, familial, and societal growth.

The pessimistic pull of our culture of fear is strong. But if we can become more aware of how it operates, influences us, and shapes society, and if we can cultivate a more optimistic vision of the human condition and a courageous attitude toward the future, then it is possible to free ourselves from its crippling influence. Or as Furedi concludes in How Fear Works:

"Must we be defined by our vulnerability? Must we be fearful? The moment we ask these questions, we are well on the way to intuiting that there is always an alternative…Whether we adopt the philosophy of precaution or embrace a more courageous risk-taking approach depends on how [we perceive] what it means to be a human.” ~ Frank Furedi, How Fear Works: Culture of Fear in the Twenty-First Century

from / April 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Living Jesus Speaks

What have you done?

I came to sow peace, joy, and love.

But what have you made of it?

Instead of peace there are wars, instead of joy there is sorrow, and instead of love there is hatred. Generation after generation has been deceived and kept away from my true message. Suffering was elevated to a great necessity, so that people believed that holiness could only be attained through suffering. My death on the cross was presented to you as exemplary, and in this suffering your “spirituality” should find a reflection.

You have been deceived, beloved humanity. Thoroughly and knowingly deceived.

My death on the cross never took place!

This information is so important so that you stop identifying with this kind of suffering.

Suffering does not lead to the salvation that so many of you aspire to.

Beloved human child, I did not die on the cross, nor was I crucified. The Gospel of Peter, withheld from you, testifies to this.

It is a great error of your history, and those people who are responsible for it have a great burden upon themselves. Through this misrepresentation of my life and death, an infinite amount of suffering came to earth.

Suffering should ennoble you and be noble. But it is destructive and so painful, yet the whole earth has been covered with it. Wars were waged in the name of suffering and in the name of the cross, all joy was taken from you. The possibility of peace was denied you, and hatred was and still is a reality on earth.

How many wars, how much destruction of life on earth and how much personal suffering were in your everyday life!

And this only because you have believed in this wrong picture of my message for centuries.

You have also been robbed of the joy of the beauty of sexuality and the freedom to live it from the heart. You have been told that this is something indecent, something animal. You were and still are being asked to kill the sexuality within you. And again you are told to do violence to yourselves, and again suffering arises where joy should be.

The church is a man-made institution.

It was not my will to found such a community keeping man in suffering, joylessness and fear.

The historical events are well known, and the emergence of the Roman Catholic Church bears the stamp of men, and not my seal.

The so-called bowl delivery to Peter has never taken place!

Also the representation, I was not married, is wrong!

Many of my companions in the Jerusalem of that time were women. Besides my mother Mary, my wife Mary Magdalene and women who were close to my disciples. It was a mixed community.

For a man at that time and in that religious, cultural reality, it was completely common and almost required to marry.

We were meant for each other, and in this life on earth our love blossomed fully.

Miriam of Bethany was not a harlot or a sinner as she likes to be portrayed. She was and is a high initiate of life, and at that time we were intimately connected.

The wedding in Canaan was our wedding. I was her groom, she was my bride.

How important this information is, and how much it has been missing from the earth and especially from the people of strong Catholic character.

The most natural form of cohabitation on earth, that between man and woman, has been made mad to you, and you have been kept away from the joy of union. Without that joy you could not blossom, and so you were deceived.

I am telling you this so that you know, and now it is time for all the lies to come to light. So also the untruths, misrepresentations and deliberate lies about my life on earth two thousand years ago. There is so much that needs clarification and a new look, and this announcement will dissolve old images of me and bring a new awareness.

Finally the freedom so longed for by many people, the peace, the joy and the love.

And it was always love that accompanied me. My heart had so much of it, and everywhere it radiated. All by itself.

Many “miracles” occurred simply by people seeing me. The light that emanated from me healed everything and everyone, as personal development allowed.

I was on the road a lot, and we moved from place to place. For my companions, the apostles, the days were always exciting and full of surprises. I myself was open, and like a channel, the light of my Father flowed through me.

To bring light and love, and to anchor these qualities of energy on earth, that was my task.

However, time and events in Jerusalem came to a head, and so the day came when I left Jerusalem. The Last Supper points to this.

It was a farewell feast, and everyone was gathered. We ate dates and figs and shared bread. It was my farewell to my friends and companions.

Also from my wife and from my mother. There were not only twelve at this feast, but many more, and all came to bid me farewell. History would have you believe that my crucifixion took place afterwards.

All these representations are untrue and false!

Even before I began to work publicly, something happened that touched me deeply and most painfully. The beheading of my so beloved John the Baptist. I loved him so much, and it came all of a sudden. It was clear to me that my ministry in this area would be temporary.

And it is true, it took me a good three years before I took my leave and reached India, the border of Nepal, through many roads.

My message was full of love and joy. Full of love of life and of deep divine inspiration. And many understood it, but many were not given this realization. Until today.

Now mankind is given the opportunity to receive new information about the events of that time. So that you can accept what I already gave you at that time.

Start with your own discovery and find into your joy and love. This message is unchanged, and through these facts you can more easily free yourself from the old, suffering energies.

There is still so much that is being withheld from you, but that is over now. The whole truth is now given to you. The truth about the events as they actually happened, and not as it has been conveyed to you so far.

In the further chapters you will learn many things about my words and deeds and how they are to be understood.

God is with you.

as channeled by Jahn J Kassl at on April 18, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

A Game of Conscious Evolution

We have shared with you that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity, that all eyes are focused on your planet. Humanity on your planet has the grand opportunity to awaken from the illusion. Many realities and dimensions are watching because what happens here will affect the whole, will affect those realities and those dimensions. What happens here will affect the galactic family.

We begin this by sharing that there is much work to be done. We will also say there is much work being done across your globe. There are those awakened and looking around with new eyes. There are those who are awakening with fear and confusion. There are those of you who are awake and aware. It is your hands that will reach out to the others who are ready.

We have called you and those like you Bright Ones for it is your light, your energy, your radiance that precedes you. These are times of great shifts and changes on your planet. This is on every level and at every stage. You can sense or feel it.

Mass consciousness has been controlled through fear by your religions, your leaders, by your systems and your schools. These have been the programs, the vibrations that have been offered and have been taught. Everyone has been taught separation, prejudice, hatred, violence, mistrust, lack and scarcity. This is the undercurrent that runs through your planet. Each human, each being, has the opportunity to realize their divineness, their connection with the whole, their connection with divine mind. Each human, each being at every moment, in every exchange has the opportunity to shift and uplift the connection.

They can continue to add to the fear, mistrust, and prejudice by their thoughts, words, deeds and actions or they can claim their divineness, their wholeness, their belonging to the all, belonging to the oneness. This is what is taking place in this moment of time here on your planet. All are observing from many realms…uncertain of the outcome.

Each person is critical to the plan, to the awakening. Each person has the responsibility as a galactic citizen to realize who they are and to step into the place which radiates love and gratitude. Everywhere, there are those awakening to this purpose. This is an evolutionary shift in consciousness, it is critical to the survival of your planet.

Everyone is more aware of the total connectedness. Your internet is serving as an example of communication, like the energy communication from other dimensions. Earth is very much like the reflection in physical matter of the energetic patterns and geometric shapes carried by the frequencies, the vibrations through the dimensions.

Think of the dimensions not so much as going up but more like nested together, one inside the other, each in turn affecting the other. What happens in the galaxy ripples from the movement of the stars and is manifest on your planet. What happens on your planet, the energy from mass consciousness, ripples and is received by the galaxy. It is all one.

You as a human, with a body; carry within yourself a reflection of the stars, moon and sun. You carry an aspect, a reflection, an interface with the galaxy. Remember this is a game of evolution, a game of consciousness, a game which allows all energetic signatures to be experienced. You as human are like the most sophisticated, refined, highly developed probe that could be designed. You are information gatherers, sensing, feeling and ever expanding from Divine Mind. Planet earth has been a wonderful extension of Divine Mind.

The human body co-joined by spirit, interfacing with all possibilities, all emotional experiences, all thought forms, this is the incredible journey and opportunity in which non-physical beings long to participate. You are one of those selected to be in the wave, this group experience. Divine Mind is ever expanding through you and your experience.

The human body co-joined by spirit has capabilities that have not even been revealed at this time. There are those with whom these abilities were more visible and they are called your avatar, your Christ. All humans have the same connections, the same abilities, the same qualities and the same programs to work with energy and this physical reality in a more advanced, aware, awake way. The goal is to realize and activate the latent abilities to align group energy and group mind with the galaxy and with mother earth, all in one energetic flow, an example of nested realities.

We and many like us are contacting the “receptive ones” encouraging this shift within.

Each person adds to the grid of consciousness. They add to the fear or the love. It is always your choice. Each time you choose fear, worry, mistrust, prejudice, judgment, you are assisting the old paradigm to remain. Each time you choose love, joy, gratitude, any higher vibrational emotions you are assisting the new paradigm to manifest. This is a game. We are in the last quarter, it is a close game. It has been played out for thousands of years. Your earth and all life forms have suffered and are close to total destruction.

There has been cosmic support which has been assisting humanity to awaken. There are codes within each being, each human that are being activated, awarenesses are expanding. There is a waking up from the illusion that you are powerless. You are each masters, highly qualified, skilled beings who have cloaked themselves with flesh and stepped into a dimension, a reality, a game in order to transform the energy as the Alchemist.

The energy consciousness of Divine Mind vibrates, moves, shifts and flows through all.

Each one is responsible to wake and realize their part in this energetic flow. Each one is responsible for the thoughts, feelings and actions that they put forth into this grid. Do you put forth fear, hatred and chaos or joy, love and peace.  Each moment it is your choice as to what you send forth.  Practice sending forth only your best. Practice breathing, walking, sleeping and interacting as joy, love and peace.

Invite and call forth divine support in transforming events and energy that is negative and misqualified, harmful and hate filled. Focus your prayers and energy and send your love and light as the energy that will transform it all.

Begin by loving yourself. Begin by honoring yourself. Then love and honor others.

We bathe you in our love and we honor who you are. Be at Peace.

as channeled by Peggy Black from the Hathors at on April 18, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Beauty We Love

By John O'Donohue

Nearer to the earth's heart,
Deeper within its silence:
Animals know this world
In a way we never will.

We who are ever
Distanced and distracted
By the parade of bright
Windows thought opens:
Their seamless presence
Is not fractured thus.

Stranded between time
Gone and time emerging,
We manage seldom
To be where we are:
Whereas they are always
Looking out from
The here and now.

May we learn to return
And rest in the beauty
Of animal being,
Learn to lean low,
Leave our locked minds,
And with freed senses
Feel the earth
Breathing with us.

May we enter
Into lightness of spirit,
And slip frequently into
The feel of the wild.

Let the clear silence
Of our animal being
Cleanse our hearts
Of corrosive words.

May we learn to walk
Upon the earth
With all their confidence
And clear-eyed stillness

So that our minds
Might be baptized
In the name of the wind
And light and the rain.

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Silver Cord

People think that the ‘silver cord’ that connects your consciousness to it’s non-corporeal, non-body bound components goes off somewhere into a distant galaxy far far away where your ‘higher self’ resides.

Doesn’t work that way. The ‘silver cord’ is well known, frequently observed by people having NDE, or other ‘death’ experiences, more on those later.

Though, for many reasons, my favor is for the “chord” spelling, the ‘silver cord’ has been observed and documented for centuries. All around humanity’s many cultures.

"Or ever the silver cord be loosed…Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7).

As we observe in the quote from the Bible, the loosening of the cord sends one back, but there is no description that would indicate that the cord is itself connected to heaven. Though it has been considered as a ‘tube’ to heaven, the cord has been extensively studied in systematic ways over thousands of years by adepts in many different traditions.

The consensus continually converges on the concept that the silver cord joins us to our souls. This is a correct, but things get complicated from here.

You see, it really is a ‘chord’, and though it is not made of metallic silver, it is so purely silver in appearance, that no other description will suffice.

The point it all becomes a bit soft and squishy around the edges is when we consider that the ‘chord’ is actually that, ‘vibrations in a chord’, and further that the individual ‘strings’ within the more complex chord, are all terminating within your body on one end, and disappearing into inter-dimensional blackness on the other.

The silver threads that compose the silver chord that is called ‘the silver cord’ are all individually terminating into a nerve nexus in your body. Guess what? Yes, you knew it, didn’t you! The Vagus nervous system is the major key to our chord. All 10 of the Vagus to Brain nerves are tied into the silver chord/cord, as well as several thousand minor nerve nadi.

Mostly people have NO CLUE as to what it really means to be “human”. We are indeed special. But, through ignorance, and deception, most humans are denied their birthright of knowledge of all aspects of ‘self’. Including the interesting fact that we carry around this inter-dimensional blackness thing.

It’s not really that our silver chord threads are connecting to something lost in the vast reaches of Infinitely Dark Space. Rather it is a case of while we can glimpse ‘the silver cord’ when dying, or in a near dying state, we can’t see the other end for a very real and practical reason. As the other end connects to your soul, and forms the conduit for the transmission of all that your soul will record, your soul is not conscious of itself, only it’s task, and, therefore, may not be allowed to record direct knowledge of its own existence. It is not allowed. By the nature of the process. So, your soul can record you seeing the silver cord, but not itself being on the other end of of the cord, recording itself. Just the way things work.

Thus it appears to go off into inter-dimensional blackness. Just an illusion of process, nothing more. The actual terminating points are very near, and can be thought of as being on the ‘inside’ of the gap between your ‘spark of life’ and the surrounding soul that is recording that spark’s vibration changes over time. In a sense, it is like trying to see the inside of your eyeball using that eyeball.

The Silver Cord is also called the ‘Thread of Life’. Think how many religions use some form of cord as an expression of ritual. Note how many times, threads, cords, and fibers are used in religious texts. Countless…. are the ties that bind. And we note how many ancient sages were involved in some form of the fabric trades. Tent makers, even the fishermen constantly fiddling with cords, with repairing fabrics used for catching.

There are reasons for everything here in the Matterium.

The incredibly dense vibration shell of your soul transports you here through the fantastic energies within the Life-Death Barrier. It always suffers some damage. You do not.

Your soul makes the journey with you cocooned inside. It arrives and sets about instructing your mother’s body how to make your body. It does this through complex coordination between them. It must be this way as each body is individually created not only for the recipient, but also for the recipients’ karmic burden to be expressed during this Life.

It is not an easy task, but they manage the complex creation of a human body that has YOUR face on it.

Then that body gets born.

That body, like your vibrating consciousness is surrounded by your soul. Because it is without Matter, to our mothers, it doesn’t matter.

Your body is born.

Time passes as the soul adjust things.

Think hard, now, about your very very first memory in this body’s Life. Got it? You have it solidly in mind?

Well, likely it is not the rush down your mother’s birth canal. Sigmund Freud was an activist, not a scientist. He wanted to pollute the collective consciousness every bit as much as Karl Marx, and both for the same reasons. No such thing as ‘birth trauma’ for the baby in his meaning of the phrase.

Very very likely your first memory is when your body was many months old. Maybe even into its second year. This is not at all uncommon.

Again, our soul did it. Your body has to be taken through a settling-in period, which, from the outside of it, we call ‘infancy’. It is during this period that the soul connects all the ‘dots’, that is ties in all the connections from the silver cord to the body, as well as checking those to itself, and further, also has to integrate the karmic time connections. Much work.

When all this work is competed to the soul’s preset requirements, it starts recording.

That’s when our ‘Life’ begins.

by Clif High in his April 17, 2022 Substack Newsletter

Thursday, April 21, 2022

All Will Be Known

The Woo is ancient, deep, and obscuring. Those who know symbols know the 'why' of the timing of the 'resurrection' of certain symbols. You think the Punisher is a new symbol? Au contraire. It derives from an ancient pair of symbols used in the fight against the Elohim and their minions. These are seriously ancient, over 6000 years in continuous use. We see one of these symbols now reborn for this new age, for these new battles, in the Punisher skull.

This emblem is most recently derived from its use as the central symbol for The Phantom series of stories in the 1930s about a white man, cast into Africa, who fights against Slavers, and slavery. It is THE point of the series, this fight against the forces that would enslave humanity.

There are many Russian units wearing Punisher patches in the current warring in Ukraine against the Khazarians. To those who can read symbols, this speaks volumes.

We will soon witness many more symbols coming our of our global war against slavery. The Alliance will begin showing you how the Khazarian Mafia mark themselves when they thought you could not read their secret language.

As this manifests, as you are taught to read their secrets, watch for those other symbols, those shown to brand the information source as a reference mark. Yes, it is complicated, but important to know as you have been blind to it all your life, and the revealing of this to humanity will dominate the rest of your life.

All will be known by their symbols.

by Clif High in his April 9, 2022 Substack Newsletter

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...