Sunday, September 25, 2022

Gnomes, Elves, Faeries, Leprechauns, Trolls and Ogres

Far from being only fanciful folklore characters, gnomes, elves, faeries and leprechauns are living among us and diligently stewarding Nature. These souls’ small forms, which cannot be seen with 3D vision - very young children often see them, though - were designed in antiquity by members of highly advanced civilizations living then on Jupiter. That is where not only the devas’ bodies, but most species in Earth’s animal and plant kingdoms were co-created in consonance with the desires of God, Gaia and Sol.

You can rightly think of Sol, God and Gaia as the trinity that used Creator’s energy to put into motion their ideas that manifested the magnificent planet now called Earth. Sol provides the light that enables life in your world, and solar flares are his power surges that are adding impetus to Earth’s ascension course, releasing her humankind from the bondage of mass mind control, and strengthening all life forms that absorb the light.

Incrementally various groups of “wee folk” - we use that term respectfully and lovingly - were introduced during an era when humans, animals and plants communicated telepathically and all knew they were inseparable parts of the Oneness of All. After amassed negativity destroyed all life on the planet, those souls were the last to return.

Some theories about devas have them in the same category as air, fire, water and earth, probably because they continuously interact with the four elementals to serve the needs of Earth and its residents. But these intelligent, kind and sensitive wise souls are distinctly different. They have families, live in communities, enjoy group events and move around as their services are needed. Their lifespans can be half a century or longer, and while their evolutionary status qualifies them to incarnate as humans, they don’t wish to do so.

Always they have had a symbiotic and synergistic relationship with the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, and several decades ago they took on the mission of sending forth light rays to inspire humankind to once again live harmoniously with all of Nature. As vibrations keep rising, you will start seeing their auras on the ground, in bushes and trees or fluttering in the air, and eventually you and these loving little people will become friends.

Trolls and ogres also are more than characters in tales. These souls, whose bodies typically are larger than the devas but also are invisible to 3D vision, are inclined to cause inconvenience or even hardship to other life forms. As the planet’s ascension journey continues, they will absorb the light or leave and find a third density world to call home.

excerpted from Matthew Ward at

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