Tuesday, January 31, 2023

How Smartphones and Social Media Create a Schizophrenic Society

I am body entirely, and nothing beside.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Many people spend more time staring at screens, than interacting with the real world. Hour-upon-hour, day-after-day, it is just eyes and ears that act as inputs, and mouths and fingers that act as outputs. We are a population, in the words of the author Matthew Walker, whose “minds are elsewhere than our bodies”. Let's explore how excessive use of screen-based technologies, be it televisions, computers, smartphones, or social media, disconnects us from our body and pushes us toward a schizophrenic-like manner of experiencing the world.

The distinction between mind and body is an artificial dichotomy. . .The continuity of nature knows nothing of those antithetical distinctions which the human intellect is forced to set up as aids to understanding.” ~ Carl Jung, Psychological Types

In a state of optimal health, we are firmly rooted in our body, and body and mind are experienced as a unitary phenomenon, not as separate entities. However, the connection between the body and the mind can become disrupted and when it does, we say that one is disembodied. In a state of disembodiment, we do not feel that we are a body, but that we possess a body. Instead of being firmly rooted in our body, we feel alienated from it, and we tend to view the body not as an integral part of our selfhood, but as a thing, or collection of things, that we carry around with us.

Screen-based technologies have altered the dominant mode of sensory perception in our society and in ways that promote disembodiment. For these technologies have placed us on a trajectory where sight reigns supreme over all other senses. We have become, in other words, an ocularcentric society, and as Giovanni Stanghellini and Louis Sass explain in their paper The Bracketing of Presence

In [an] ocularcentric [or sight-centred] society, not only does the individual become a passive receptor of images coming from the media; relationships between people also come increasingly to be mediated, even produced, by images. The other becomes an image for me – and I an image for the other. In such a society, the more embodied, participatory, and “immersed” kinds of visual experience are replaced by passive forms of “seeing”: a disembodied witnessing of mere images and representations. ~ Giovanni Stanghellini and Louis Sass, The Bracketing of Presence

No longer are social interactions primarily between men and women in the flesh-and-blood, as was the case for practically all human history. Now pictures, videos, strings of text and emojis, such are the disembodied forms of representation that define many of our relationships.  

Everything that was directly lived has receded into a representation.” ~ Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle

Screen-based technologies have also led to a surge in forms of work and pastimes that sever the connection between body and mind. A lot of us spend upwards of 8 hours a day staring at a screen and tapping on a keyboard or mouse as the rest of our body stays stationary. In our leisure we take part in activities such as playing video games, watching Netflix or sports on TV, browsing the internet or scrolling social media feeds, all activities that are mind rich and body poor.

In the last few years there has been a further accelerant added to the disembodying trends of modern society, namely, lockdowns and the fear of COVID, or as Sass and Stanghellini write:

Sight is usurping touch. Images are deposing bodies. Virtuality is replacing reality. . . And now the fear of being contaminated by the COVID virus has further reinforced the tendencies toward decorporealization, dematerialization, and social isolation, at least in terms of body-to-body relationships.” ~ Giovanni Stanghellini and Louis Sass, The Bracketing of Presence

Instead of working in the presence of others and attending face-to-face meetings in the flesh, lockdowns forced many into remote work and a reliance on the disembodied video chat. Some people became so afraid of other people that social events over video became the norm. Children were conditioned to fear playing with friends and even doctor’s visits were done remotely. While some have overcome this neurotic fear of other people in the flesh-and-blood, others are still petrified and remain working remotely, socializing with images and taking part in pastimes that lack the presence of real people.

A severing of the connection between body and mind is disorienting and leads to a myriad of life problems. To understand some of these we can turn to the condition of schizophrenia which as Louis Sass and Elizabeth Pienkos write, consists of an “extreme disembodiment, a sense of radical separation from one’s own being as a physical entity” (Louis Sass and Elizabeth Pienkos, Varieties of Self-Experience).

Firstly, disembodiment affects movement. When disconnected from the body we do not move in the graceful manner that signifies health, but in a jerky and rigid manner:

. . . literal jerkiness of body movement is already found in the prodrome to schizophrenia (ie, before the illness is manifest)” ~ Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things

Disembodiment also disrupts the ability to tap into the power of the intuitive self. Intuition is knowledge or wisdom which is not preceded by chains of explicit thought or reasoning. Instead, intuition occurs in flashes of insight, or wells up through physical sensations in the body. For example, we may have a gut feeling or butterflies in our stomach. To access our intuitions, we must be firmly connected to the body and capable of sensing the physical signals that emanate from it, or as Iain McGilchrist explains: 

Even if [intuitions] manifest as cognitive, they are embodied, in the sense that they are both informed by and inform the motion of our limbs, our breathing and pulse, the emotion of our heart and gut and mind, together with alert perception, and intelligent insight, all manifest in interaction with, rather than abstraction from, the world.” ~ Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things

When disconnected from the body the ability to act with the intuitive skill of common sense, or what the Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico called “judgment without reflection”, will falter. For common sense, as McGilchrist explains, “is the ultimate embodied skill” (Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things) and much of the suffering of the schizophrenic, arises from their lack of common sense, or as McGilchrist explains:

. . .a loss [of common sense] is perhaps the most invariable accompaniment of schizophrenia, in such patients, a return of common sense. . .if it can be procured, is a sign of recovery. . .” ~ Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things

Lacking common sense, the schizophrenic, will turn to overthinking as a replacement. The schizophrenic mind, in other words, runs wild in a state of hyper-awareness as they consciously process information that for others is dealt with implicitly with the power of intuition and common sense, or as McGilchrist writes:

. . .schizophrenics attempt to compensate for a loss of intuition [and common sense], of that vital, pre-reflective grasp of reality, by a sort of pseudo-philosophising, or ‘hyper-reflection’ on experience – essentially a disease of over-awareness, in which things that should run smoothly at the preconscious level are yanked into the focus of awareness, where life comes to a juddering halt.” ~ Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things

It is not just the schizophrenic who over-thinks in response to a lack of common sense, rather this cognitive style, albeit in a milder form, has spread throughout the population at large. Disconnected from the body many of us rely too little on its intuitive wisdom and lean too heavily on the power of consciousness:

The growing consciousness is a danger [and] a disease.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

These disembodying social trends, fueled by the excessive use of screen-based technologies, are not leading us in a positive direction. If allowed to progress in the direction of a virtual world, or a metaverse, where representations flood all our senses, we may reach the point where the representation becomes more important than the reality behind it. Or to quote the German anthropologist Ludwig Feuerbach we will become a society who “prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, appearance to essence(Ludwig Feuerbach, Preface to the Second Edition of The Essence of Christianity). In 1962, when screen-based technologies were still in their infancy, Daniel Boorstin saw such a dystopic society begin to form in-embryo, and as he warned:

We suffer primarily not from our vices or our weaknesses, but from our illusions. We are haunted, not by reality, but by those images we have put in their place.” ~ Daniel Boorstin, The Image

In a world where the image and representation are more important than the reality of what is signified, man will become increasingly disembodied and so move further down the spectrum of a schizophrenic-like condition. However, unlike the schizophrenic we live in this disembodied world of our own accord. We choose to take part in the activities that disconnect us from our body, and we choose to do it for hour-upon-hour, day-after-day. But we can make different choices. We can increase the amount of time we spend with people in the flesh-and-blood, take part in pastimes that use more than just eyes, ears, and fingertips, and limit how often we stare at screens. And for those who choose more of the real over the virtual, and who use more of the body in interaction with the real world, such a choice will be a step toward a revitalization of life, for as Nietzsche wrote:

The body is a great sage, a Many with One purpose, a war and a peace, a flock and a shepherd … There is more sense in your body than in your best wisdom.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
from academyofideas.com on January 5, 2023

Monday, January 30, 2023

The SANDs of Time Flow Through Space, Arrive as Knowledge

I. Time

Absolute lack of resistance to the now,
          isn’t that happiness?
Is time perhaps the mind of God?
Yet time itself is never experienced.
Light travels outside of time;
          to be timeless, just think like a photon.

The eleven-year cycle of solar activity
          impacts hearts and brains.
You can go outside of time with ayahuasca,
          or be driven outside by sound,
          by the steady beat of a drum.
Rumi: Step out of the circle of time,
          into the circle of love.
There are not really altered states of time,
          but there is a continuum of times,
          with tick-tock time at one extreme,
          and timeless time at the other.

The time of monotheism is linear,
          from creation to fall to redemption.
Progress is the secular version of Christian eschatology.
Terence McKenna: our history is just shockwaves
          from our encounters with death.

Clocks turn time into a limited precious resource.
Clock time is dull and black;
          you can let your subjective time, your consciousness,
          be brightly colored.
Quantum mechanics allows time to flow backward;
          research shows that our actions can influence
          not just the future but also the past.

II. Space

Space is NOW.
We are organized to be dual,
          to get energy and information from the outside.
Fear of solipsism drives scientists to believe in matter.
The Hubble deep space probe found 10,000 new galaxies
          in a fingernail of the sky.
The big bang: now there was radical nonduality!
We find no this here to be different from that over there.
Relax, everything is still intact,
          no thing is going away.

A dimension is a potential for sensory information:
          mass and acceleration are 5th and 6th dimensions
          that we can feel, but can’t see.
When I look inside and see that I am no thing, that’s wisdom;
          when I look outside and see no things, that’s love.
Two approaches to the self:
          Buddhism shrinks the self to nothing;
          in Vedanta, the self expands to everything.
Nonduality is not in opposition to duality.
We cannot “return to nature”,
          but can realize we have always been part of it.

III. Knowledge

Every perspective illuminates some things,
          and fuzzes others.
Knower and known arise together.
One certainty: we know that we know.
But we do not see truth and thus become convinced;
          rather, when we are totally convinced,
          we say, “It is true.”

Consciousness is not a thing.
Asking “What is consciousness?” is like asking
          “Where does light come from?”,
          while watching a movie.
Yet perhaps we will come to identify consciousness
          with the physicists’ unified field.

Evolution is fourfold:
          cosmic, biological, cultural, and personal.
Share, aware, care, fair:
          belong, agree, give, wait.
Manifest your intention:
          pay it forward.

Those who do not believe in free will tend to cheat.
Buddha’s Three Poisons: greed, aggression, and delusion,
          manifest socially as
          capitalism, the military-industrial complex, and the media.
Why is more always better, if it can never be enough?
First we grope, then we cope, then we hope.

Psychedelics are therapy for normality.
The point is not the experience,
          but rather the state-specific knowledge you bring back.
A common LSD side effect:
          it upsets people who haven’t used it.
We can influence dreams but not control them, as
          the sailor does not control the sea.

Stories were the first technique used to
          alter states of reality, consciousness, time.
A story creates a morphogenetic field.
“I hear you” is the expression of love,
          but your experience can only be yours.
Out of the worst places,
there can be an opening of the heart.

Tell the truth about what changes,
          and what stays the same.
It’s not about time or words,
          it’s all about love.
God is a verb.
Jesus never intended us
          to be other than good Jews.

by Newcomb Greenleaf

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Peace Is This Moment Without Judgment

Do you think peace requires an end to war?
Or tigers eating only vegetables?
Does peace require an absence from
your boss, your spouse, yourself?...
Do you think peace will come some other place than here?
Some other time than Now?
In some other heart than yours?
Peace is this moment without judgment.
That is all. This moment in the Heart-space
where everything that is is welcome.
Peace is this moment without thinking
that it should be some other way,
that you should feel some other thing,
that your life should unfold according to your plans. 

Peace is this moment without judgment,
this moment in the Heart-space where
everything that is is welcome.

By Dorothy Hunt

Friday, January 27, 2023

Escalating Activity

A light forces vs dark forces battle is being waged off-planet. For many decades dark ones in some of your military organizations and corporations have been working secretly with members of other civilizations in space projects with negative intentions. Just as darkness on Earth is coming to light so it can be vanquished, so it will be with the dismantling of those projects that are using technology most think exists only in science fiction novels and movies. In the not-too-distant future, the technology will be used benevolently on the planet.

Everything to rid Earth of darkness is progressing according to the divine plan conceived by the highly evolved souls in charge of the Milky Way galaxy in conjunction with the highest universal council. It is at that height of divine order you were chosen to participate because you are the strongest of the billions of souls who volunteered. You don’t remember that you knew then you are pure love-light energy—the only “weapon” the darkness has no defense against—and well-experienced in the mission you undertook. Dear ones, trust what we often have told you: Simply by BEing, you are helping our Earth family transform their world—your light is that powerful!

All truths becoming publicly known is part of Earth’s vast cleansing, and with all activity amping up, it might seem that soon those truths will be coming forth. That is most unlikely. If all revelations came simultaneously, the collective psyche of Earth’s civilization would go into shock. That would block the people’s ability to respond rationally and undo most of lightworkers’ progress in awakening them. Therefore, so we are told, the plan is to first reveal what you could call “easier-to-accept-truths,” and other areas where pervasive deception, corruption and depravity existed—and some still are being uncovered and eradicated—will be disclosed when the civilization can assimilate another wave of stunning information.

We have been asked what NESARA/GNESARA is, also when it will be implemented, and we don’t know the answer to “when.” The United States legislation, National Economic Security and Reformation Act, has two primary provisions and both are complex. The first, establishing the sovereign republic the founders intended, requires abolishing the current government. Only a comparative handful of the populace know that a few centuries ago that country’s governance was surreptitiously set up as a privately-owned corporation and all citizens are its employees. Discussions are underway about how best to handle this situation with minimum confusion and “partisan politics” backlash.

This isn’t a political matter. This is ridding that nation of the Illuminati influence that quickly crossed the Atlantic Ocean after the colonies won independence from British rule. Once that secret society entrenched itself in every institution, system and organization that impacts life in that country, it spread north and south of the states’ borders.

The second primary provision forms a new global economy—that is why G was added to NESARA—and ends current forms of banking, lending, stock markets and currency trading the Illuminati established so they could amass fortunes. Headway is being made to obtain those funds, which were acquired illegally and immorally, so they can be used to end impoverishment worldwide.

This provision also will end the Federal Reserve System—it has nothing at all to do with “federal”—and its collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service. The “Feds” are a consortium of bankers whose influence spans the globe like an octopus with a thousand arms. In the new system, all national currencies will be based on precious metals, thereby leveling the global economic playing field.

Although we can’t give you a timeframe for the implementation of those provisions, with everything in acceleration mode and vibratory levels continuing to rise, all benevolent changes are coming closer. Your confidence and patience will be rewarded!

I heard Gaia wants her entire population to go with her back to high fifth density. Do you know how long it will be before everyone ‘wakes up’?”

First, let us clarify “back to high fifth density.” Beloved soul Gaia always has been in that density where she originated and, with God, co-created her planetary body that now is called Earth. Only her body descended to low third density when darkness pervaded a series of civilizations. Throughout the eons that her love and caring were with her life forms living in 3D conditions, Gaia’s evolvement status remained high fifth density.

It is similar with you, dear brothers and sisters. You are in third density bodies because you went to Earth to help the civilization awaken so they can evolve. But you are not those bodies, you are souls with the same high-density evolvement status as when you volunteered for this lifetime.

Now then, eighty-some years ago an infusion of massive light from powerful spiritually evolved civilizations let Earth jar loose from her dense moorings and start ascending. It was indeed Gaia’s desire then that her entire population also ascend into successively higher planes of light. However, as time passed, she realized that she had to choose whether to continue her ascension pace or slow down considerably and wait for all her humankind to waken spiritually and consciously—personal ascension.

Gaia did not want to delay the benefits of higher vibratory planes to souls who were advancing along the ascension pathway, so she kept her pace steady. Her awareness of the mindset of her peoples let her accept that not all were ready to live in fourth and fifth density civilizations. Some would not believe religious dogma were devised to control the masses; some would not believe that most science taught is incorrect; and others were soundly sleeping in the familiarity of bigotry, unjustness, financial disparity and other low vibratory societal conditions.

Rather than embrace truths and change, at soul level they will choose to leave this lifetime. Who transitions to spirit life for that reason and who transitions in accordance with the life span chosen in soul contracts is pertinent only to those souls. What is important is, Gaia is joyfully on target in her ascension course.

What kind of world will it be if today’s children aren’t capable of being tomorrow’s leaders in governments, corporations, legal and justice systems, education, communication, transportation and technology?” That email, which expressed the same concerns as many others have, too, also cited worrisome circumstances: psychological effects of isolation and interruption of classroom education due to pandemic mandates; potential health issues from vaccines and widespread pollution; unstable national economies; bleak employment opportunities for children who can’t afford college as industries become more robotic; war mongering and increased military spending.

While those are logical considerations in this moment, let us tell you about numerous affective factors in addition to children’s remarkable capacity for resiliency and adaptability to circumstances. The confident outlook and encouragement of parents, teachers, counselors and others whom children respect gives them confidence and inspires them to do well in undertakings. Lightworkers, the high vibrations of your optimism and feelings of security will benefit people of all ages and the domino effect can work wonders.

As for potential health issues, intensifying light is changing cells from carbon-based to the crystalline structure that strengthens the immune system and provides resistance to toxicity that causes illness. Crystalline cells have another essential function: They enable bodies to thrive in the higher vibratory planes Earth is approaching.

Let us digress a moment to reply to a related question: “Please ask Matthew how we change cells from carbon to crystalline.”Light is what changes cellular structure from carbon to crystalline, and persons who live in godly ways automatically absorb light. As God said, “It is as simple as be kind.”

The new global economic system will stabilize all national economies, and as for education, the economic, institutional and cultural standards that have disadvantaged so many children will be undergoing numerous changes. All levels will be structured so that children are accommodated according to their interests, talents, skills and abilities, and cost will not be an issue from pre-school throughout post graduate. Changes will come more slowly where schooling for girls is made difficult, but continuously rising vibrations will end that unjustness, and ultimately unlimited educational opportunities will be available to every child in your world.

War mongering will end and money for military spending will be diverted to rebuilding national infrastructures, research and development projects, and other beneficial programs. Troops, no longer needed for national defense, will be otherwise employed, and employment itself will change dramatically to the benefit of the entire population.

All those developments are indeed significant, but the most important affective factor is DNA. Let us give you a bit of background here. In the Beginning, humans were designed with 12 strands of DNA. Bodies had no disease or disability and the aging process ended at what you consider the prime of life, thirty or so years. Brain power was fully used and so were all innate capacities—people communicated telepathically with the natural kingdom, manifested whatever they desired, traveled at the speed of thought, and soul level knowledge reached consciousness. Because people were healthy in body, mind and spirit, they could live for thousands of years if they wished before moving on to higher levels of self-discovery.

Like everything else in existence, DNA is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. So, when dark forces entered the picture, their puppets devised another way to control inexperienced civilizations. They put into a state of dormancy ten of the humans’ twelve strands of DNA—two were left active because that is the minimum for bodies to be functional. Thus, throughout the many long eras of darkness on the planet, most souls who incarnated there had bodies with only two active DNA strands.

The correlation between DNA and crystalline cellular structure is this: The light in a body’s countless cells “nudges” dormant DNA strands to reactivate. Starting some time ago, many souls on Earth came in with a level of spiritual and conscious awareness possible only when more than two strands are active. These individuals have advanced intelligence levels, ancient wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity, and the innate desire to achieve international peace, equality, prosperity and life in harmony with Nature.

They are tomorrow’s leaders. Have no concerns about them! As souls with increasing numbers of strands continue incarnating on Earth, unity will come to the collective consciousness and the Golden Age can bloom in all its glorious fullness.

Matthew Ward update of January 4, 2023 at matthewbooks.com

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Mastering the Laws of Creation

When it comes to words and thoughts, there are three simple ‘laws’ that govern our reality, and understanding these concepts will have you creating your own reality and seeing your needs and desires manifest before your eyes. A powerful book by Rich Work called “The Healer Within” breaks these laws down:

#1 – The Law of Magnetic Attraction

You are a magnet for whatever you FOCUS ON…be it what you truly want or be it situations you wish you weren’t currently in. So if you want to attract love, you cannot be in the mindset of pining for it, and if you want success, you cannot find yourself filled with negative thoughts like “I’ll never get that raise.” Your thoughts and words send out vibrations into the universe, and the universe takes its cues from the resonance of the collective consciousness – which we are all a part of. Essentially, just focusing on what you want and don’t have almost ensures that you will never have it! Eliminate negative thoughts and words concerning it via the principles of Law #2.

#2 – The Law of Creative Manifestation

Einstein once said, “Thought is energy, to create it, just use your imagination.” Essentially rather than focusing intently on what you want, put your energy into creative visualization. Act and live every day as if you already HAVE what you desire, which reinforces and supports manifestation in both the physical and multi-dimensional universe. Avoid negative energies and situations that don’t reinforce your manifestation goals or desires.

#3 – The Law of Allowing

If you are truly freeing yourself to the manifestation energies of the universe, you can’t get in the middle and attempt to control the traffic or the speed in which things unfold. One doesn’t typically ask the assistance of a doctor or lawyer and then tell them how to do their job. One doesn’t typically pray and then tell God how and when to get their request fulfilled – and the universe doesn’t work that way either. In fact, the more you EXPECT, PRAY, TRY, HOPE, ASK WHEN etc. concerning your desires – the less power you give the universe to assist you via the Law of Allowing.While it can be challenging to ‘let it all go’ once your desire is put out into the collective conscious you must allow the universe the time and space to do it’s manifestation magic.

Knowing that you can create your own reality is empowering. Know that you are only limited by your own conscious and subconscious actions, thoughts, and words.

by Alexa Pellegrini at QuantumStones.com on August 8, 2015

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Creating Our New Reality

We experience what we believe is real. If we change our beliefs about reality, our reality changes to align with our beliefs and realizations. The empirical world begins by arising from consciousness and takes form by attracting and organizing all of the entities that make it a physical experience in a range of resonating vibrations that we can feel and perceive. It is a manifestation of consciousness, ours and everyone else’s, who is participating in this dimension. With our imagination and realization we provide the modulation of the energies that we focus upon and align with.

In our personal lives we direct the qualities of our experiences with our state of being. Our recognition and belief in the qualities that are present in our awareness in any given moment are the creative impulses that bring us our experiences. The only difference between something that is real for us and the same thing that is imaginary is our belief and realization. The energies themselves are the same, and they attract experiences in the same way.

We can use our imagination in alignment with the energy of our heart. By being in gratitude and joy, we can imagine every encounter, whether with nature or with people, as an exchange of love and light. This will create its reality in our experience. When we can be this way, we transform our lives and live in a dimension beyond duality. When we are heart-centered, we love to be in each other’s presence.

If we have negative experiences, we can resolve them by continuing to interact with whatever level of light may be present in everyone involved. Making our way through the experience with intuitive guidance, we can stay in gratitude and compassion. All of this is a leap beyond ego-consciousness, which we can resolve within ourselves by paying attention to our inner knowing and aligning with the feeling of our heart-consciousness.

There are many ways to mastery of human life as we know it. Many spiritual masters in the past have shown us the ways. Their message was always the same, that we are masters who have been unaware of who we are. Our intuitive knowing opens our awareness to a greater life that is a conscious expression of unconditional love, joy, abundance and freedom in a dimension beyond negativity.

by Kenneth Schmitt at consciousnessexpansion.org on January 10, 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


You’re the only one that you can affect through changes; others are sovereign beings. We are the only ones responsible for ourselves. We cannot enforce anything onto others.

One can create happiness out of nothing. We don’t need money for it, we don’t need grandiose happenings for it. We only need to accept that we create it.

There is never a loss. Even a perceived loss is a gain of experience. Everyone who we perceive as “lost” and deceased is actually more alive than any of us here. We will see everyone we need to see again, and reunite with everyone we need to reunite with.

We're here to turn the whole of reality inside-out and to have a final self-realization of awakening and awareness of a truth that changes everything.


Monday, January 23, 2023

How Timing Works

Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, "I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity. How can I fight the darkness?"

The answer I have always given, dear ones, is that you never have to fight the darkness. All you must do is create light. That’s all. Darkness cannot exist when light is there. It simply cannot. This is the premise that we have presented to you for decades. It states that the light around you that you yourself create, is far, far more effective than you think. Instead of trying to fight that which is dark, creating light around you via compassion, understanding, and kindness, goes directly into the FIELD and darkness starts to diminish due to that … by itself.

The subject today is regarding the timing of spiritual messages you receive in any way. Many of you listening to my voice right now, or watching this program, or reading it, have had inklings, intuitions, even direct messages from Spirit about your life. These are messages about what you’re able to do in the future, or what you can create around you.

Sometimes, you resound to these messages and feel that, for years, this was exactly why you came! For instance: Perhaps it’s time to write that book, or maybe it’s time to open some kind of spiritual center or healing practice? Perhaps, within this new energy, there is a grander kind of communication you can offer or a new modality of healing? What I mean by “resounding message” is that you might have had an intuition all along that says, “Yes, I’ve always wanted to do this! I knew it! Yes, this is what I know that I am here for.” When it came, you knew these ideas were a direct message from Spirit. “Yes,” you think, “This is what I am here to do. Thank you, God!”

Sometimes, there is a wonderful feeling of relief, to know you were right about your dreams. So, if you have been so fortunate as to have this validation, and you absolutely feel that you have received a good, solid signal that confirms your thoughts, and you respond with, “Yes, this is what I’m supposed to do,” then what is next for you?

Well, the answer for you is obvious: You do it!

Let’s say, you always had an idea, or dreamed of starting some kind of healing center, or creating programs online. You feel good about going ahead now, so you begin. Perhaps it’s financially ambitious and you rent or lease a space or purchase many items – whatever it is that is needed. You make the plans, borrow the money, and begin. AND … it doesn’t work. It actually fails, quickly.

So, what happened? Many of you already have had this happen in an older energy, so you know what this feels like. You were certain it was for you, but nothing “clicked.” You had energy blocked where the people weren’t right for you, or the funding wasn’t right for you, or you tried to fund it yourself and it didn’t work. All that is very common due to a bias you all have that I will discuss in a moment. Having such a failure of spiritual action is like having a scar. It’s a scar on what you thought was your spiritual goal: You tried it and it didn’t work, even though you got a message that said it was supposed to.

So what happens next? Many times, there is guilt or feelings of “never again” or “Spirit tricked me.” These are all manifestations of your own process of lack of self-worth, and a product of your own non-understanding of how Spirit works. It’s time for a full explanation of what may have happened.

Let’s say, this scenario fits some of you who are listening and reading right now. You had a big message in the past to do something, and you tried it, and it didn’t work. I have a message for all of you, and this message shows the bias you all have. Are you ready for this message?

The answer you would give is one of logic: “Well, of course I am supposed to do it now! The message was given now.” Listen: This is where it gets good, because here is where your linearity and your humanness get in the way of wonderful spiritual messages and plans.

In your life, dear ones, the signals from any authority figure, whether it was in school or at home, shaped your behavior and thoughts. If your boss at work told you to do something, when do you think you should do it? The obvious answer is now. After all, the boss would have waited until later if that authority figure wanted it later.

When your father told you to “clean up your room,” when did he mean for you do to it? You have been trained in a linear fashion to respond a certain way to what you feel is authority. However, when Spirit shows you something, it’s not that way. Here is the message I really want to get across to you today about timing for these things for yourself. Here is the message:

The first step when you receive these kinds of messages from Spirit is: BE INFORMED. You are simply receiving confirmation of your own intuitive thoughts or those transmitted from your Akash about your real work for the planet. Then you start finding the ideas that will go into your project and what will be needed to accomplish it. Then STOP.

When you purchase a plane ticket for travel on a date two months from now, do you run down to the airport and try to board any plane? Your answer: “Of course not, Kryon. That’s a poor logic example.” I’m not finished, dear one. Let’s say, you purchase a plane ticket on a special airline that will inform you when the plane is ready. The airline promises you that you will have plenty of time to get to the airport. But the airline might be waiting for the correct weather, or (ready?) the airplane hasn’t been built yet. BUT … you still have your ticket, and your bags are now already packed. So, get ready.

The entire premise is that the timing must be right for the action you take, and when that timing is correct, you will be ready. For those of you who tried something when you thought the timing was right in a past energy, and it didn’t work, it’s far harder for you to do it again because you now feel that you failed. How linear of you. All that happened was that it was at the wrong time!

The next question is, “How do I know the right time?” Here is a great, loving, and intuitive answer: It will be shown to you! AND … there will be no question about it when that happens.

When the time is right, synchronicity will yell at you … GO!

Let’s suppose you wanted to build a healing center. You got all ready to go and nothing fell into place. Now you’re sitting there saying, “I failed!” Then, a year later, somebody comes up to you and says, “You know, I’d like to build a healing center with you, and I’ve got all the resources. Can you provide the expertise?” This is how it works.

Then you start to get the bigger picture, and you realize you should have waited. Intuition and synchronicity are the vehicles for the message. Most of the time it will “smack you on the head” that NOW is the correct time.

We want you to understand that Human consciousness has free choice. Even if you are supposed to build a healing center, there are others who may have answers, and they are not ready yet. Perhaps, there are things that must fall into place which were not finished yet. There are many, many factors that go into the beautiful kinds of answers that Spirit has ready for you.

There are many of these kinds of things that we present to you, slowly. Slowly, because they go against your life-training and are difficult to implement out of your 4D existence. Spirit loves you so much that it’s not going to let you sit and wallow and wonder. If you did that anyway, then you gave up and shut the door on us. When you have something really good to spread the light to this planet: programs that will work, classes to teach, songs to sing, books to write, or healing centers to build, you WILL be given the intuition and the synchronicity for all of them. This is why you’re here, dear one.

Wait for the right things to come along and they will. They will because your talents and intuitions were given to you for that reason – not so you could sit there and wonder if you failed.

Now, the big one: Spirit loves you enough to go for the second round with you, to show you what can happen when you are tuned into a greater truth and greater purpose. In other words, try it again, even if you feel it didn’t work the first time, and apply these new ideas I have just given to you.

Spirit loves you enough to give you information in advance for you to look at, ponder, and let mature and grow. Then, when the timing is right to activate that which you knew you came for, you will be fully ready.

Does that make sense to you, dear ones, that there would be that much love? These life designs and manifestations don’t have to happen all at once to be seen as successful. Don’t let any linear thinker step on your dream! The next time you get a wonderful idea, or, perhaps, you’re shown something that you truly are here to do, just stop and say, “Thank you, Spirit, for showing me this fine future for me. Give me the handshake that I will recognize when it’s time to take the action. I am peaceful with all of this.”

Know this: There is no hurry with Spirit. Nothing will be harmed in waiting for the right things at the right time. Timing is the key, dear ones, and we are with you with the timing – completely. We will supply you with what you need to accomplish the things that you came for.

There’s more, but for now, I am Kryon in love with humanity.

And so it is.

channelled at kryon.com on April 22. 2022

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Time to Up-Level Your Manifestations

It is time to up-level your manifestations. When you try to create within what is already known, or within what you think is possible, you limit yourselves. If you have been feeling like you don’t know where to go or what to do next, it is because you have already gone as far as you can in the energies of the known.

The old method of manifestation, which involves holding a very specific vision of what you want, does work, but it is still playing within the energy of the known. That method involves micro-managing the universe, and completely limits what you are willing to receive. It is like having access to an entire ocean, but only being willing to accept what can trickle through a straw.

But you are pioneers, and your soul craves expansion! It is time to allow yourself to be led into the discovery of what exists for you just beyond what you can see, in the realm of potentiality. You get there by casting your net wider, being curious, and by being willing to be led. It involves letting go of all expectations and attachments to things looking a certain way.

It means allowing your soul, and your guides, to reveal the highest matches for you that you never could have dreamed existed. It is through your broad intention and willingness to move forward, even if you don’t know where you are going, that you become a truly empowered co-creator with a universe that adores you.

Archangel Gabriel channelled by Shelley Young at trinityesoterics.com on January 10, 2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20230115

This shared post by channeled teachers of Light is dedicated to the promotion of truth and Light at this powerful evolutionary time. Mankind has journeyed through lifetimes in which false concepts, beliefs, and fears were blindly accepted as the truth and in our ignorance, we gave away our power. The Arcturians, one group of many highly evolved beings from other galaxies, wish to present their messages of love and guidance in order to assist the people of Earth in letting go of the false fears that were given to and accepted by mankind. They stand ready to offer spiritual and technical assistance when and if desired. Free will does not allow them to step in unless asked. It is time to embrace the truth of who we are and why we are here. The answers are now pouring in from multiple Sources of Light. Events of great energy and change began manifesting in 2012 and will continue. It is crucial that mankind become informed and thus be prepared as changes occur. There is absolutely no reason to fear. This is a graduation.

We are the Arcturian Group – January 15, 2023 - from OnenessofAll.com

Welcome dear readers. During these times of change and new beginnings, remember that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan. High frequency energy is omnipresent because it is in and of Divine Consciousness but the majority has not been at levels of consciousness able to align with them. Because there is only ONE and because there are now increasingly more highly evolved states of consciousness on earth, more and more people are starting to access Light energies that have always been present but mostly unknown, allowing them to be experienced and integrated by more individuals which in turn is enlightening collective consciousness.

Everyone is beginning to experience these higher frequencies and translate them according to their state of consciousness. For some it may be fear and confusion, but for others it means shifting to new levels of awareness that allow them for the first time to recognize that many commonly accepted world beliefs really represent "power over" under the heading of what is in the best interests of others.

Many concepts of right and wrong are dissolving and will continue to dissolve as individuals evolve beyond the need for others to tell them what to do and begin trusting and living from their intuition. Many concepts for "right living" will simply fade away without the energy of belief to maintain and sustain them. As increasingly more individuals awaken to the fact that much of what they have been taught by parents, teachers, priests, rabbis, and ministers is simply not true, the world will change.

Evolving into a consciousness of personal spiritual empowerment is frequently preceded by the full or partial collapse of a person's three dimensional foundation. The fear and chaos that results from the breaking down of a person's firmly established and never questioned three dimensional foundation is often the only way those who are spiritually ready for more can evolve to their next level. In spiritual circles, this is known as a "wake up call".

Everyone innately desires peace, comfort, and security, and seeks these things according to their state of consciousness. Most are as of yet unaware that these are God qualities and therefore can only flow from within to the without if they are to be permanent. The three dimensional state of consciousness seeks these things in the outer, attempting to build themselves a "perfect life" from concepts of duality, separation, and two powers.

When one's "perfect life" collapses the result is shock, confusion, and frantic attempts to restore everything back the way it was even if what it was no longer resonated and the person was miserable. There is emotional pain, fear, and confusion because personal foundations are built from what is believed to be true and necessary for happiness and a person's sense of security and confidence.

If the person continues attempting to recreating the past, the process may take awhile but at some point every individual tires of the struggle, begins to move beyond the past, and opens to new ways of looking at the situation. At first it may simply consist of opening to intuition and allowing it to guide them to three dimensional sources of help. Most then begin to question the situation and their beliefs about it gaining a deeper awareness of themselves, past choices, what they really want or don't want, and a recognition of beliefs that have held them in bondage.

Empowerment is a spiritual quality, a state of consciousness. The process of attaining this state of consciousness is initiated by the Higher Self and may simply unfold naturally but because most resist change "Wake up calls" are often necessary. Empowerment is a consciousness of truth about Self and all life which in turn manifests as living that awareness while expressing it in practical ways. It is the ability to lovingly but firmly state; "Enough is enough." or "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this." Regardless of who these words are being spoken to.

Empowerment is women integrating and living in balance with their masculine aspect and men integrating and feeling comfortable expressing their feminine with mutual love and respect for both. Most of you have already done this work.

In the presence of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual distress, always remember - God is.

If God alone is, IT must be omnipresent. Where does omnipresence leave fear? What does it say about who I and all other life forms are? If God alone is, where is the need for petitionary prayer or rites and rituals meant to bring one closer to God? If God alone is, where does this leave beliefs of death, lack and limitation, separation, suffering etc.? Do I really believe that God alone is?

Because human beings are in reality expressions of God, they are like God, creative. A collective consciousness of ignorance and the rejection of ONEness manifests in and as infinite forms of duality and separation. Yes, situations created out of beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers seem very real on earth, and those involved must deal with them in accord with their state of consciousness, but you who are awake are on earth not to get caught up in the illusions of sense, but to add the Light of your evolved state of consciousness to the collective.

Increasing more dark information and actions are going to be exposed, but your job is not to fix things on a three dimensional level, but rather to always have a part of your awareness in alignment with the truth that God alone is. What does this mean? It means remembering that aches, pains, and diseases have no spiritual law to support them. It means that an empty wallet or lack has no spiritual reality. It means that every world wide situation of good versus bad or us versus them has no real Divine law to support, sustain, or maintain it because God alone is.

Once a person realizes that 2 x 2 is 4 and not 5, where does the 5 go? It only existed in thought. This is how truth works. You wake up and begin to live from truth rather than the false, no longer accepting 2 x 2 as 5. There is a statement made by Jesus that is often quoted incorrectly, which is; "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John) The "You will know the truth" part is often left out; it is the most important part of the whole statement. You must know, live, be, trust, and allow truth to grow and strengthen before it can evolve into a state of consciousness that can and will then manifest outwardly.

You are the Light illuminating pathways for those coming along behind you even if you never say a word. The Light of even one evolved consciousness constitutes a majority automatically because there is only ONE.

God alone is.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Making a Leap in Consciousness

 In learning to be aware of our inner guidance, we can choose to transcend ego-consciousness by eliciting the higher-dimensional energies of gratitude, joy and compassion. The vibratory spectrum of these feelings and their way of being is the kind of energy that comes through the conscious life force that flows through our heart and our higher chakras. Our guidance is what excites us most at this vibratory level. Our guidance is the energy we are being attracted to as much as we will allow. If we do not resist it through our limiting beliefs about ourselves, it draws experiences into our lives in alignment with our gratitude. Without our resistance, fulfillment is our natural state of being.

When we can direct ourselves into a state of gratitude and joy, opportunities arise for our participation with mutual love and delight in our encounters. Everything we need comes to us when we can realize its vibratory quality in our attention. We are naturally fed well, clothed as we desire, housed beautifully and transported in style. This can happen when we use our consciousness for the enhancement of all life. Taking the initiative to maintain an emotional and mental state of gratitude, joy, compassion, acceptance and love gives us access to greater realization and opens up our experience of magical living.

When we have confidence in our creative ability, we receive flashes of insight and knowing. Things happen in alignment with our own state of being. The qualities of energy that we pay attention to and align with are the qualities that manifest in our experiences. Only our limiting beliefs can keep us from realizing fulfillment for ourselves and for everyone. Our lack of Self-Realization can keep us from being our true Selves. This is our great challenge. In transcending our limiting beliefs about ourselves, we must change our attention from stress and lack of fulfillment to the enjoyment of what we love.

Making this leap in conscious realization happens in conjunction with our ability to follow our most attractive guidance. We can be aware of what feels most fulfilling in every moment, guiding us in every way. We can train our subconscious self thoroughly by much practice in learning to realize our infinite presence of awareness and creative ability. We are inherently masters of this dimension and any other that we want to participate in. Our Creator has endowed us with everything we could need and want in order to participate in experiences of all kinds in the expansion of universal consciousness. We get to choose how we want to experience our lives as expressions of Creator consciousness. We are the Self-aware ones, the ones with infinite creative ability.

by Kenneth Schmitt on January 3, 20223 at consciousexpansion.org

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The War of Consciousness has Ended


We are fully returning to Cosmic God Source Consciousness and with it we return to our natural state of beingness and Original Innocence, but with the lessons learned.

WE ARE FULLY RE-MEMBERING OUR ONE TRUE SELF! We have returned to the SINGULARITY, fully re-membering the ONEness that we are, DREAMing ALL NEW WORLDS INTO BEING from within our inner dream field! Our own Consciousness and Imagination atOne with Source as we allow the Holy Spirit to full-fill & work miracles through us.



And as we become atOne with Source & ALL of life everywhere, in harmony, balance and peace, WE TAKE OVER THE WORLD, AS ONE UNIFIED FIELD, HIGHER HEART-MIND, BODY & SOUL/ COSMIC MONAD!


We no longer fight, judge, resist or run away from anyOne or anything, least of all our own inner guidance and wisdom, and with it all fights and wars outside of us also come to an end. All illusions of separation fully dissolve from within us! We simply stand powerfully in our truth and authentic Self Embodiment atOne with Source and atONE with ALL!

Finally at HOME within our sacred Crystal HEARTs and true authentic Self.

Although it's the false ego that is meant here, the fictitious character that is attached to the illusion of the material world, false identity and feels separate from its true authentic Self, nature, others and Source. It's very much about true self realisation. This is not about us having come here to save the HUman or any other race either, although that's part of it. But this is about saving ourselves as we have seeded ourselves and ALL IS ONE CONSCIOUSNESS! Simultaneously it is about acknowledging and re-claiming our responsibilities over our and the Collective Realities as we literally hold the Blueprints of New Ascension Earth within us.

Re-claiming & taken back this world and all others, returning our true Cosmic history records, Organic Realities, Divine Blueprints, our New Eden and Heaven on Earth, along with the Freedom and Abundance that is our birthright!

The game of good versus evil plays out until every war within has come to peace and we have integrated every victim and victimizer, every hero and villain, and dissolved them, all from inside of us. No longer will we then project them out onto the holographic screen! As when we create the hero you also create the villain, and we have had enough of these distorted polarity and war games!!

We're completing the healing of our ancient wounds of betrayal, abandonment and separation, from being persecuted for who we are, the powers, wisdom, keys, codes, light and Divine Love we hold. Just like now. All also part of the Collective Heart Healing and Opening that is part of the Supernova and The Heart Event, which is culminating in this very now!

ALL HAS CHANGED & no longer are we afraid to fully stand in our REAL TRUTH, Power and Sovereignty! Even if that means we get attacked, ostracized, rejected and others unacknowledged shadows projected at us. They no longer get to us as we have trance-ended our false ego self that feels separate from our creations, having trance-ended all feelings of superiority and inferiority, insecurities, doubts, fears and lack of self-love, worth and believe in our power to co-create the Realities we wish to experience! As we had forgotten who we truly are, a unique fractal of God Source Consciousness.

Sexual healing is completing as we have trance-ended any false beliefs based in guilt and shame around our sexuality, fully re-claiming our sacred sexual life force and creative energies!

The false Masculine and Feminine, father and mother energies, archetypes and principles have been fully cleared and RESET as the New Divine Blueprint of the Androgenous Krystar SAphiRA Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Merkaba vehicle fully ignites along with our multi-dimensional DNA rapidly being fully activated, and that of the planet.


The last war has been won within, where we no longer have any doubts or insecurities telling us others know better than us, allow others to gaslight, belittle or attack us. As we come to Divine Union within we no longer allow others to treat is disrespectfully or take on others healing or burdens. We have brought to peace any remaining inner discord, often reflected back at us through our relationships and interactions with others. The Forerunners have fully integrated their true authentic Self, and with it, all that was false and artificial fully dissolves.

Our fields are being basked in Golden Diamond White Platinum Cosmic Christ Consciousness Love Light, intervowen with beautiful periwinkle, copper rose gold and aqua and royal blue, pink, amethyst, violet and emerald green and opalescent plasma waves. A Diamond White and Pink Flame is coming from our Twinning Heart Centres.


The War over Consciousness, which is the war between service to self and service to others has ended, as we align with The Law of One and being in SERVICE TO ALL!




We have retrieved and merged with our Lyran aspects of the Royal Houses, as our true memories return of what really happened. The Maji Grail King's and Queen's are being crowned as the Cosmic Dragons and Mother of Dragons having fully returned and are re-claiming their body parts, all of their true, full power, memories, keys, codes, Quantum and Edenic REALities!

Time out of time to forget and LET GO OF ALL THAT WAS, all we think we know, and re-member what has really happened, the REAL TRUTH, that arises from within and that cannot be questioned!


from the Facebook page of Ramona Lappin on January 3, 2023

Do We Live in an Advanced Civilization?

  Are we, the peoples of the earth, considered to be an advanced civilization by the standards of other advanced civilizations across the u...