Thursday, January 5, 2023

Union of the Cosmic Monad

Can you feel this massive shift in the energies and all the remaining illusions and density lifting now?! All remaining fear-based beliefs and thought forms, which is what the old Matrix realities were based upon, are fully dissolving now within this sea of pure True Divine Love and the inflowing of pure Divine Source Love Light streaming in, purifying and ASCENDING ALL, one way or another! Along with this all remaining parasitic life forms are being removed and dissolved from our and the Cosmic field, with the Diamond White Flame of Purification and Ascension led by the Cosmic Mother.

As we re-member our ONE TRUE SELF, what has really happened, our true history records and Cosmic Origins, our ONE TRUE DIVINE REALITY, as the veils of forgetfulness fully lift on this miracle now, and our ancient future memories and realities awaken fully from within us!

As we fully awaken from the dream and start to re-member how truly powerful we are and how we are co-creating our future in every now moment with every word, thought, feeling, belief and the actions we take! FINAL QUANTUM LEAPS are completing in this now, triggering the FINAL & FULL IGNITION OF OUR and the Earth's SACRED CRYSTAL HEARTS, and Heaven on Earth awakens as we start to become the Masters over our Realities again, and full-fill our own biggest dreams!

It is the Frequency of true Divine Self Love which ignites our multi-dimensional DNA. Self Love enables us to come to Divine Union within which is what creates Divine Union with Source and ALL of life everywhere, which is what Ascension and Divine Union is truly all about. Our way back HOME to the HEART, and our true Soul Family. When we truly know and love ourselves as we are now, we start to re-member our True Self and re-claim our true power, wisdom, gifts and abilities. It's us believing and TRUSTing IN the SELF, is us believing in the Universe and ONE another, what trance-ends all remaining illusions of separation of this false Matrix simulation and with it the artificial overlays fully dissolve, revealing our True REALity!

As our Hearts fully heal and open, it's sacred secrets are being revealed and we RISE AS ONE IN LOVE! All made possible and accessible through the power of true Divine Self Love as we fully align with, and ignite our own unique, authentic Soul Signature and Frequency! Re-claiming our true Cosmic history and return to our Natural state of Beingness which is a forever expanding and contracting field of The ONE Consciousness.

Much rest will allow all these powerful Activations and remaining density to clear with much more ease and grace now from our and Planetary and Cosmic field. Ease and Grace is our new normal as the negative thought forms and beliefs of the fear-based Matrix mind programming are fully dissolving and overwritten with pure Cosmic God Source Consciousness, which is what returns Eternal Life and God Source Flows to ALL worlds. We are serving as the new Kryst/ Christ Consciousness Broadcasting towers, network, and pillars of New Ascension Earth and the new Divine Organic Creatrix Field, that is being fully ignited in this Quantum now, all from within us as our New Divine Blueprints and true memories are arising from deep within us and the Crystalline Core and networks of Earth.

Our gifts, abilities, power and true RE-MEMBERING of our true Cosmic history is being fully ignited in this sacred now. As we re-member our True Self and real Cosmic Origins and ancient future history, not the fallen Timelines and Realities (!), we start to project ALL NEW WORLDS onto the holographic screen of our New Divine Creatrix Field, a REALity in which it will be as if non of the Galactic and Interdimensional wars ever happened, but retaining the wisdom of the lessons learned. Where we were never separated from ONE another.

Think no fear! Or rather FEEL & BE THE LOVE THAT HEALS & SAVES US ALL!

All as WE RE-MEMBER AGAIN, what truly happened and all is exposed, the masks fall off and veils fully dissolve, to reveal what is REALly real! The Truth that is everlasting and arises from within, and that cannot be questioned.

We are fully merging with the God Worlds and many of us are anchoring this pure Source Divine Love Light through their fully opening Emerald and Crystal Rose and Lotus Hearts, as well as our Cosmic God Seed Atom and Krystal Body's fully igniting now. Our and the planetary Merkaba are being fully activated, as we are

READY FOR OUR FULL & FINAL ASCENT out of the false Matrix!


The Cosmic Monad and Cosmic Diamond Heart is healing, opening, and fully Awakening, heralding our Cosmic Re-Union of The ONE Heart-Mind Body and Soul/ Logos! This is causing powerful Heart openings and Thymus Activations as this is where our and higher Soul and spiritual identities and Cosmic Monad integrate and merge through. Our sacred Crystal Hearts truly hold the Key to our Ascension, now coming to its full completion as the One Consciousness has been reconciled at a higher dimensional Consciousness level, all merging as ONE FIELD NOW, which is what enables the re-unification of THE ONE! Which brings Peace to ALL!

This is all very much connected and interlinked with the full Healing of the Cosmic Monad, The Holy Trinity, 12/13 Original Tribes, the split within the Royal Lyran families that led to the destruction of the Lyran Stargate, the God Worlds and pre-matter realms that have also been fragmented. All of this is healing now and as all-ways, this ultimately happens as we heal all remaining fragmentation still held within us that keeps us feeling separate from our realities, God and our True Self. As we fully dissolve into the ONEness that we are, clarity returns and we see through the Eye/s of God and start to project our New Eden!

I am being shown that this SOLSTICE SIGNIFIES the FINAL CURTAIN CALL BETWEEN THE OLD & NEW WORLDS and of all that has been hidden to be fully revealed now. The FINAL FORK IN THE ROAD is where everyOne will have decided at higher Soul level which path to take forward and how (far) they will ascend, depending on the choices made thus far. Whole Soul Groups are leaving. This is directly interlinked and completes the full collapse of the artificial Matrix simulation and merging of ALL Timelines/ Realities, Realms, Dimensions and Universes as ONE, as our multi-dimensional Self also merges as ONE Consciousness Embodiment.

We're going beyond compartmentalized and dogmatic perceptions, belief systems and concepts that have kept us stuck in distorted Polarity Consciousness, trance-ending and fully Healing the spilt in between the genders, Realities, Dimensions and the Wall in Time!

All is already here and accessible in the Quantum Field NOW, as the matter and anti-matter particle worlds unify as ONE ORGANIC DIVINE CREATRIX FIELD, in no-time whatsoever! We ALIGN WITH THE FREQUENCY of these Realities to access them, as all fallen timelines/ realities and worlds dissolve completely now and ALL AWAKEN FROM THE SLUMBER OF FORGETFULNESS.

Listen to your inner wisdom and guidance and use your Superpowers of Imagination, gifts, and abilities wisely to co-create ALL NEW BEGINNINGS & WORLDS - RIGHT NOW!!

All happening through a total PARADIGM SHIFT OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, that we are ALL part of, completing NOW!

Now is all there truly ever is, ever was, and ever will be and everything can, does, and will, ultimately change within the blink of an eye.

adapted from the Facebook page of Ramona Lappin on December 21, 2022

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