Friday, March 31, 2023

Our Greatest Gifts Within

Because our greatest gifts and deepest wounds reside in the same area; because the resurrection of old pains can be so fearful and painful, people need to be reminded in diverse ways that the inner dream of life, the wise word set within and the psychic gold are the natural inheritance of each human soul. Because it is so easy to forget what we so desperately need to remember; old stories talk of golden treasures and great dreams that call us to undertake adventures and pilgrimages that in the end reveal what was within us all along.

from the Facebook page of Michael Meade, February 19, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20230326

This shared post by channeled teachers of Light is dedicated to the promotion of truth and Light at this powerful evolutionary time. Mankind has journeyed through lifetimes in which false concepts, beliefs, and fears were blindly accepted as the truth and in our ignorance, we gave away our power. The Arcturians, one group of many highly evolved beings from other galaxies, wish to present their messages of love and guidance in order to assist the people of Earth in letting go of the false fears that were given to and accepted by mankind. They stand ready to offer spiritual and technical assistance when and if desired. Free will does not allow them to step in unless asked. It is time to embrace the truth of who we are and why we are here. The answers are now pouring in from multiple Sources of Light. Events of great energy and change began manifesting in 2012 and will continue. It is crucial that mankind become informed and thus be prepared as changes occur. There is absolutely no reason to fear. This is a graduation.

We are the Arcturian Group – March 26, 2023 - from

Welcome dear readers. The world seems to have become increasingly polarized with duality seeming to affect every aspect of daily living. Some live in great wealth while others live in fear and poverty struggling simply to survive. Women are treated as non-people in some countries while in others they hold positions of authority and are respected. Manifestations of duality, separation, and two powers seem to be increasing rather than diminishing.

Many of these issues are not new but seem new to many because they have always been ignored, hidden, or simply considered normal. Now for the first time increasingly more of these manifestations are being recognized and questioned. The high resonating energies flowing to earth at this time as well as the presence of many evolved states of consciousness are acting to open minds and hearts allowing people to see the world in ways they were previously ignorant of or simply without thought, accepted.

When an individual reaches a place of spiritual receptivity, their consciousness begins opening to truth. Just the tiniest bit of spiritual insight often indicates spiritual awakening. This is happening for many at this time and can be observed as increasingly more individuals begin recognizing that most of the world's problems are a result of laws, beliefs, concepts, traditions, and religious rules that have been accepted and even embraced by the majority simply because they were promoted by those in positions of authority.

Throughout time "leaders" in every field have forced or bought their way into positions of power. Even today there are those in government, finance, business, organized religion, education, and health who promote agendas disguised as being "for the good of the people" but which are primarily meant to serve themselves and their cronies. The three dimensional world has simply accepted this because the collective belief in separation has programmed the majority to believe that others (those in power, experts, religious leaders etc.) know better than they do what is best for them. As eyes begin to open many are going to discover that the 'emperor has no clothes'.

Portals of high resonating energy are now open and flowing. Even though you may not yet be seeing the changes you have hoped for or expected, most of you are experiencing these energies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Meditation is getting easier. You may find that you have become more discerning and are now questioning what you are told. Things you previously gave importance to have begun to feel unimportant and irrelevant. You begin to recognize the debris in your personal belief system and discover that many of the things you have always considered as being necessary for happiness (foods, entertainments, relationships, religious beliefs) simply aren't.

On the other hand, the presence of high resonating Light is also serving to expose pockets of obsolete energy needing to be recognized, acknowledged, and released - presently being experienced by many as physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual discords that seem to come from nowhere. Trust and allow the process dear ones, always remembering that your Higher Self is always running the show, not three dimensional concepts and beliefs.

Trust that there is a Divine plan and allow it to unfold without resistance. Resistance is a natural human response to anything unwanted, but resistance is a form of energy that simply feeds and gives power to the appearance being resisted. Non-resistance does not mean ignoring an issue, or saying; "God is all, this isn't real" all the while struggling with some physical or emotional issue.

Spiritual non-resistance is doing what you are guided to do but doing it without giving the situation power or reality through the realization that although everything in the third dimension has an underlying reality, three dimensional creations have no law to maintain or sustain them, are not God ordained, and simply manifest three dimensional beliefs which is why they are always temporary.

It is difficult to trust that there is a Divine Plan when you witness the suffering of so many or when everything that seems to hold your life in order begins to crumble. However, anyone honestly seeking truth must trust the reality of who and what they are. Those who live three dimensional lives in the belief that they are just a physical body subject to all the diseases, accidents, lacks and limitations of the third dimensional belief system, will simply continue to create and suffer from the creations of their consciousness.

It is time to really, truly, and honestly accept that a consciousness of oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with all that God is and therefore there is no need to continue constantly seeking good from the outer world. As this becomes your state of consciousness, the abundance, harmony, creativity, completeness, intelligence etc. etc. already fully present in your individualized Divine Consciousness will begin to manifest in seemingly ordinary ways and without effort.

You who read these messages are spiritually prepared to live from a consciousness of trust, in the realization that whatever is taking place in your life at this time is part of an unstoppable evolutionary process that is lovingly guiding you out of a conditioned consciousness of duality, separation, and two powers and into the reality of Divine Consciousness already fully present within you.

You must be willing to surrender concepts and beliefs based in duality, separation, and two powers even if doing this separates you from the beliefs of some close to you. There is no need to broadcast the changes you make within or attempt to "save" others through them. Make these choices silently and secretly, living them to the best of your ability. Your trust in the truth rather than in world concepts about truth will allow you to recognize and release anything still holding you in bondage to the false.

Many ready to move into a deeper state of consciousness say; "I have been unloving and unkind. I have hurt others. I am not worthy, I am not ready. I have been a bad person and must atone for my sins before I am ready." HEAR THIS - Human beings never have been and never can be worthy. You are not a human being but are a Divine Being living in dense energy and having three dimensional experiences. It is impossible for anyone to be unworthy whether they believe it or not. Concepts and beliefs of "unworthiness" represent nothing more than spiritual ignorance taught and promoted by those as of yet unaware of truth.

Do you really believe in one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God? If so, then where could a person filled with sin and error possibly come from? What would they be made of? Where would this sin and error come from if God is omnipresent? You are ready to lift the foot that remains planted in the third dimension up and out, placing it fully alongside the other in the world of God's creating. No one can move into alignment with the high resonating energies of a new earth while continuing to grasp tightly to familiar but low resonating energies they have outgrown.

Spiritual trust is not a blind faith in some nebulous giving and withholding God. Rather it is accepting that because you are the manifestation/expression of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness, you embody all that God is, making everything unlike God, illusion.

Do what you are guided to do when three dimensional experiences demand practical three dimensional actions but always remain centered in the knowledge and trust that your Higher Self is guiding you through every experience toward full remembrance of who you already are but have forgotten.

Trust that you are being guided in every moment regardless of how difficult your human world may seem because ONEness is the reality.

Trust and allow.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

You Have the Power to Change the World

There is no place on the planet now where change is not developing, for you are in the midst of that Great Changeover. True, it is difficult sometimes to see it with your physical eyes. But as you can move more fully out of the matrix, out of the third-dimensional illusion, see life for what it really is, the reality that is the life that you are creating.

You are creating this. You, the collective you, all of those that are working together to bring mankind up into the higher realms of consciousness, you are the ones that are creating this new world, this new Golden Age of Gaia.

What you are seeing now across the planet of all the chaos and tumultuousness that is occurring–all that is, is the ending of the old ways, the ending of the matrix. The letting go, once and for all, of the old illusion, moving beyond it to create whatever it is that you want life to be, however you want your life to continue on.

You are the Creator and created, all at the same time. For you are the God Source working through each and every one of you. The God Source that is working to bring about this Great Changeover, to bring the Solar Flash from the heavens to the Earth that will once and for all move you out of the dark times and into the times of Light, into the times of Oneness and higher consciousness.

The only thing that is stopping you at this time is you; you, again, the collective you. For if the “collective you” would all at once rise and say, “No more!” to those beings that have attempted to run the show for so long, if you would all rise as one voice and say, “No more!” your world would instantaneously be changed, those forces of darkness would completely leave this realm.

But alas, we know that you will not rise as one voice across the planet. So those of you that are that voice rising up as one together: you, the Lightworking Community, those of the Starseeds, all of the volunteers, the Alliance, working together as one, all of you rising together is enough to move the Great Changeover forward more rapidly.

It is up to you, each and every one of you, to do your part, whatever that part may be, whether it is speaking to the masses or just finding the Life Source within you and showing that to the world. You do not have to be the one that speaks out. But if you have the opportunity, when you have the opportunity, speak out your truth. For it will not fall on deaf ears for those that are ready to hear it. And more, and more, and more are awakening to be ready to hear those words of truth.

by Saint Germain as channeled by James McConnell at on March 12, 2023

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


If the red slayer think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.

Far or forgot to me is near;
Shadow and sunlight are the same;
The vanished gods to me appear;
And one to me are shame and fame.

They reckon ill who leave me out;
When me they fly, I am the wings;
I am the doubter and the doubt,
I am the hymn the Brahmin sings.

The strong gods pine for my abode,
And pine in vain the sacred Seven;
But thou, meek lover of the good!
Find me, and turn thy back on heaven.

by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 27, 2023

Humanity vs the Bug

A cult exists.

This cult was created a long time ago. Perhaps more than 1000 years ago. It is not known precisely when this cult came into existence.

Much is unknown about this cult, as it has an operating principle of ‘paranoia’. The cult deliberately obscures information about itself, its origins, its members, and its plans. Where the cult is not able to hide the information, it attempts to pollute the information by discrediting the source, discrediting the history of the information, or it dilutes the information by way of flooding the information channels with provably false, or misleading trails designed to obscure facts about the cult.

It is understood, in a broad way, though details are necessarily difficult to obtain, that the following would be accepted by cult members as factual, or near to it:

  • the cult believes, due to some level of historical evidence, that they are the inheritors to a group of humans who had been conquered by space aliens that came down to earth in some numbers, and conquered their tribal ancestors.

  • The cult believes that the space aliens placed their ancestors in a ‘ruling position’ over the rest of humanity by virtue of having conquered the tribes, and using their ancestors as ‘intermediaries’ in ruling their conquered humans.

  • The cult believes that the space aliens who conquered their ancestors will return at some point in the future. There is evidence from the behavior of the cult that they are expecting to be rewarded by the space aliens for their stewardship of humanity during the absence.

  • We can call this the “Bug Cult” or the “cult of the Bug”.

The cult of the Bug believes that they must control all of Humanity by the time of the return of their space alien lords. The Bug Cult has a problem in that they don’t control all of humanity, and, for reasons of their own, believe that their space alien over lords, are returning in an ‘undefined’ short term time frame.

The cult is infiltrating the power structures of humanity for several hundreds of years, slowly assuming positions of power. They also create minions in positions of power by way of blackmail, frequently using nefarious acts such as pedophilia, and worse, as points of leverage with the chosen victim. They chose these victims in positions of power based on the strategy that they are pursuing in their long range plan at that time. They will also use extortion, bribery, and other nefarious tactics to compel allegiance, and performance. The cult is known to use murder to silence weak members, weak minions, and critics, or those who threaten to expose the cult, or their plan, or their tactics.

The cult uses a ‘divide to conquer’ approach, and seeks to find ways to destroy cohesiveness within human civilization at all levels, with the goal that all humans should only, always, and constantly, listen to, and obey, the dictates of the cult through its hidden members ensconced in positions of power in human society.

To the end of not allowing exposure, all the cult’s social engineering is designed to appear within humanity to the unaware as ‘organic’, or ‘naturally arising’ within the social order.

All the cult’s social engineering is with the intent of consolidation, and retention of power by the cult, and its hidden members, and minions.

The Bug Cult is known to destroy history that would expose either its existence, or its origin, or the space aliens in their past. The cult is known to obscure, and alter history where it cannot hide it. The cult will also pollute the history by defaming persons in the past in order to cast doubt on history that does not suit their needs. The cult will deliberately distort time lines of history, inserting, and removing centuries when it conforms to their needs.

What the cult does to history, it does to current events. It will plan, and deliberately distort current events that do not agree with its agenda. The cult has many members, and minions within the media, at all levels, and does attempt control.

Humanity, in the main, in the large, is NOT aware of the cult, nor its actions on their history, nor current events. Such of humanity that is not aware, are called ‘the normies’.

The cult believes that there are too many normies. They wish to kill 13 out of 14 humans before the return of their space alien masters such that humanity would be both more manageable, and closer to its size at the time that the space aliens left earth for their own reasons.

The cult uses their positions of power of their members and minions in banking, government, media, science, technology, law enforcement, judiciary, and academia, to control the normies paradigm, in a mostly, unseen, and unknown fashion.

From this position of controlling the ‘consensus paradigm’ via narrative through their minions, over the centuries, the cult of the Bug has engineered wars, plagues, revolutions, and famines (holomodor), to reduce, and control, the human population. The cult will plan for, and create, conditions that manifest, deaths on the order of hundreds of millions of humans over just a few years.

Through their control of banking, and central banking fiat currencies, the cult of the Bug will fund both sides of wars, profiting from each destroying the other at many levels, including land, wealth, industry, even slaves. All the while laying the blame at the feet of others; the cult perpetually hidden, and hiding, in the shadows behind the acts.

The aware part of humanity is called ‘awake’ or ‘awakened’. These are those people who know that the cult exists, that its plans are evil for humanity, and who are aware that others also know, and are actively resisting.

The cult of the Bug will use its positions of owning, and controlling most media, excepting some social media platforms that have been set up in opposition to the cult by the aware populace, to promulgate and project its cult mind and behavior control on the normie population. They do this to destabilize the cohesion of the social order that they may rule by divide to conquer. The Bug Cult projects out behavior and mind control that creates cults in humanity where the Bug Cult is able to control the human cults in its own interest. In this sense the Bug Cult has ‘weaponized’ human cults.

To do the weaponization of the human cults, the Bug Cult uses the psychological states involved in Munchhausen by Proxy, also known as Factitious Disease Induced in Another, ICD-10 code F68.1. It projects out language, imagery, videos, that support its attack on the normie humanity through the media in support of the objects of the weaponized compassion within the caregiver dynamic of MBP, and also uses non human objects for the ill role in the MBP dynamic such that ‘recovery’ would not be possible, and the control thus engendered would be perpetual.

Using this dynamic of weaponized MBP, the cult of the Bug has its infiltrated members corrupt other politicians, doctors, administrators, et al, in the cult’s quest to control humanity.

The cult will deliberately distort, or introduce behavior into the social order that it then promotes into a distorting weapon that the cult uses to induce laws to be made, changes to be made, power to be ceded, and other society impacting alterations by way of induced, then amplified social trends. What allow the cult to do this is the normies are not aware to its existence, nor its methods. However, when these are pointed out, usually as the method is being used, some normies may be able to be awakened to their presence.

Once fully awakened, and aware of the method and dynamics of MBP being used, the normies will no longer fall for these. It can take some time to get the normie awakened, with repeated demonstrations of the MBP in action required.

It must always be remembered constantly that all data has been under the control of the Cult of the Bug for at least the last 200 years, if not much longer. ALL of history, and all of the historical record, has been distorted, altered, or obscured to suit the need of the cult of the Bug. Thus all data is suspect unless confirmed.

by Clif High from his email Newsletter of March 16, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Cosmology of the Universe

Time is not what you think it is, dear ones. For you, it is linear, but for us, it is all at once. There is no difference between you, right now, as you sit here, and you, a thousand years ago, in another body. We see your soul, and that is the “you” we know. We know your name, and it’s the name we sing in light, because the you we know is your eternal Soul.

Each of you is part of a family that is so much larger than the one you think you are a part of, and I want to tell a story about that. It’s going to be the story of you, but not the one you expect and not one I’ve necessarily told in this fashion before.

It’s a grand story that stands alone with its purity and its truth and its accuracy, but most scientists won’t agree at all. If you want to know about beginnings, you’re not in luck today. The reason? There aren’t any! This is a premise that humanity and Humans in general cannot conceive of. The term “no beginning and no end” sounds fine for a meditation, but not for an actual reality. Yet, this term is totally accurate in all ways, but the perception of its reality does not exist.

Humans think of everything as a string.
“How long is a string?" you may ask. Well, it’s as long as you want it to be, but even the premise of your question gives away your linearity. You assume that string has two things in common with everything you believe. It has a beginning and an end, and this is the way you think about absolutely everything. Therefore, you ask how long it is.

Anything you can think of in your perception has a beginning and an end. You, your life, your job, your car … the universe – everything has a beginning and an end. You think this way because that is the way your daily linear existence seems to be. If you understood about time, the multidimensionality of the things we have been speaking of today, you would start to understand that almost everything you can think of is not the way it seems. What if I told you that the string has no beginning and has no end?
“Okay, I’ll tie it into a circle. Then the string has no beginning or end because it’s in a circle.” That’s not accurate at all. That’s just the Human Being trying to work with a mind-puzzle about a reality concept that is not available yet. You just make the string into a circle, so you are happy with that concept.

Want to try something? THINK: What if something always was? Is this possible? Would you say there was a beginning of God? All the theologians will say,
“No, no, no, because God always was.” Follow the logic: If God always was, that would mean that the pieces and parts of God are the same. You can’t select what parts of God are different to suit you. You and your Soul are a part of this as well, and therefore, “You always existed.”

What if the Creator, who was always there, and never had a beginning, also never had a “creation beginning” of the things that the Creator is responsible for? That would mean that universes were always there. Yes, dear ones, I said universes (plural). TRUTH: There are multiverses even today. You think your universe is beyond measure and size and scope? Think of that multiplied many times. There have always been multiverses and there is a creative system that goes to make another universe on a regular basis. How do you like that so far?

There was no “first universe.” It’s a part of God – always was and always will be. However, within the scope of all of this, there are, indeed, new universe creations all the time. One of those creations would be your universe, created from other multiverses that were always there.

“Kryon, I know it’s semantics, but isn’t the creation of a universe, a beginning?" It’s not a beginning if it’s simply an extension of what always was. Again, this is your mind trying to fit everything into the slots of the “string” perception you want to have. Your universe was not “created.” It was manifest from the spark of “what was always there.”

You might ask,
“How is it that multiverses would create a new universe?" This idea is pure physics that will someday be acknowledged and seen to be true. Right now, there is even discussion around changing your “Big Bang” idea, based on new information. Indeed, science is talking about the potential of multiverses. It’s starting to disturb even the greatest minds who used to believe in the “Big Bang” theory, that you could suddenly receive everything – all the matter in the universe – from nothing – that somehow exploded into everything.

Your universe is a result of other universes colliding, if you want to use that term. But they don’t actually collide (more in a moment). Think of it as an extension of energy that exploded into more of what was, but just as an altered reality.

There are many kinds of physics, even though you feel there is simply one kind. In other galaxies, even within your own universe, physics is a bit different. This is because the rules of physics in a closed environment (a galaxy) molds itself to the kinds of things that created it.
“Kryon, you talk in circles.” Indeed, it must seem that way to you. I talk in circles because you don’t have the ability to connect the dots to the straight lines yet, that make up the circles. You just don’t know what any of this means yet.

There is something I will describe as a membrane. It’s a dimensional membrane that surrounds a universe that makes it a universe. However, if you have many universes together – a multiverse, you may have a situation where, occasionally, those membranes touch.

When those multidimensional membranes touch, dear ones, there are sparks. I’m being metaphorical. This was the beginning of your universe, which was actually an extension of another. What you think of as a Big Bang wouldn’t make sense even to a child. If a child asks,
“Where did we come from?" And you say, “In the beginning, there was nothing and, suddenly, there was everything.” The child might ponder that a bit, and say, “But wait a minute, didn’t the everything have to come from something if there was nothing?" That’s when the physicist stops for a moment and says, “Go away, kid!”

Even the beginning of your universe, if you want to call it that, had something special: It wasn’t matter created from nothing, dear ones, it was matter that was always there, expanding or exploding into a dimensionality that you know, today, as your universe, and then expanding even more to what you see in the sky, today.

The expansion then slowly became a multitude of galaxies. The galaxies changed a bit, and then, over time, the matter that was zooming around at first, cooled and settled down after billions of years. In those billions of years (and this is the important part), the same processes that created life on your planet began to created life on many others.

All life is created naturally from the processes and the elements that you all see every day. The same periodic table of elements, plus or minus the ones you might not have discovered yet, are present everywhere in your galaxy. The same things that created your life on your Earth, created life everywhere. You have that in common with all the stars and planets. The elements are the same and the energy reactions in science are the same. When you put them together with the same kinds of sizes of suns, gravity, atmospheric changes, and water, what you get is … many Earths and life.

How could it be otherwise, you might say? How could you look at the stars and say that you’re totally and completely alone, simply because no one has yet said hello? That, by the way, is a common theory:
“Since nobody has ever said hello, therefore, they don’t exist.” This is a theory arrived at by some very intelligent people. There’s a reason they haven’t said “hello." dear ones. I’ll tell you at the end of this article, if you don’t already know.

They’re out there, dear ones. Slowly, as the universe cooled and the galaxies formed the way you see them today, the stars and the planets around their stars began to develop, and within that naturally evolving physical scenario, the scheme of life began – everywhere. To think otherwise would be counterintuitive to the natural way of things that you even see on Earth.

Where was Earth when life began on other planets in your galaxy? The answer is that it was in its infancy, doing the same things all the rest were doing, since it’s roughly the same age as the others. However, the natural and slow formation of life is often different from one place to another because it doesn’t always come together the same way. Life on Earth had as many as five starts, dear ones. The beginning microbial kinds of life that started the process on all planets couldn’t be sustained here because the system didn’t have all the parts needed to survive yet. Other planets had the same kinds of processes but had the chemistry that allowed survival much earlier – and so, they had a massive head start on you – millions of years before actual life began here, there was life in other places. It wasn’t until your elements came together to create photosynthesis, that life began to flourish.

The natural progression of life as you know it here, happened everywhere until something was ready to change … a spiritual intervention on many, many worlds: Dear ones, many planets have their own creation story, where divine souls were imbued into Human-like bodies, and the spark of divinity arrived on their worlds, just like yours. In that process, like you, they were given free choice to then “find the Creator of Love, or not.”

Meanwhile, back on the Earth, you had another try, and fail, at life.

Indeed, what you would call those who are angels or appeared to be angels, gave the spark of life to a planetary society and gave them the knowledge of core truth and their own magnificence. They were “Made in the Image of the Creator." exactly as you were, and just like you, their civilizations began. They were made in the image of love.

These civilizations were not tests of the individuals or their actions, but rather, they were tests of the energy of dark and light that developed in their consciousness. The test is always the same: When left alone, can those who have this spark of divinity, find the Creator? Will they acknowledge that they have a soul ... more than biology? In time, will they try to emulate the best parts of the “love image”? With free choice, will they discover multidimensionality and ascend into a greater consciousness? Will they find God inside themselves, as it was put there for them to find?

[The inhabitants of] these planets worked this puzzle over a great amount of time, as you measure it, and yes … some of them, indeed, went into ascension. They found out what multidimensional things were like. They realized the darkness they were in and they pulled themselves out of it. Thousands of years would go by before they realized that their consciousness had changed and had become so high on their planet that they could even live hundreds and hundreds of years. With their consciousness alone, they could change the very physics of their planet. Some developed quickly and others did not.

Meanwhile, the Earth finally was seeing life and it began to flourish.

And when those who realized the soul within was really part of the divine Creator, they knew their purpose: To pass this on to another planet [whose inhabitants] might have the same opportunity. So, when it was time and [they were] ready, they looked around and saw that it was good – and they turned their eyes upon another cluster of stars far away, and they put themselves on some of those other planets on those stars, to start another sequence of choices, to start building a family of ascended masters and planets that would change the vibration of the universe in the future – all with free choice.

Eventually, with enough of them having moved into ascension status, they looked at another star cluster beyond theirs and another beyond that one, and on and on it went. Dear ones, on it went for a million or more years.

Meanwhile, Earth was blooming, and Humans were here. It was time for the closest ascended ones to you, to visit, imbue you with the divinity you deserve, give you that beautiful soul, and turn you loose to see what you would do with it. This was your Adam and Eve story, just like they themselves had with other ascended planets when they were ready. These ascended ones were the closest things to an Angel you would ever see, and many, to this day, were labeled as angels in your history books and archives.

You are “the new kids on the block." dear ones. Believe me – new – brand new, fresh, very young in your “humanism.” You were ready. You received your divinity from the closest star cluster to you that had this energy, and you started the process of growing up, and going through your civilization growth and your wars, and discovering and working through all the dark energies that all the others did who had this test on their planets. You were the youngest group of Humans in the galaxy, and ready to work the consciousness puzzle, just as they had done.

While you were doing it, there were dozens of ascended planets looking at you who knew who you were. They were watching what was going to happen with your free choice. They couldn’t come or go, and they couldn’t touch you for this divine test … and any others who might want to interfere were kept away and still are, by the way, so that you can work with your free choice – ascension or not – destroy yourselves or not – because with your free will, it makes your decisions pure.

Questions have been asked,
“Dear Kryon, why doesn’t God just turn on the light and everybody goes home?" Dear ones, that’s because, with free will, you get a chance to make it pure. Your own Human consciousness decides what happens here. They are all watching.

Your spiritual parents from the Pleiadian star cluster, the nine stars with many planets, brought you the divine “package” – the same one that had been brought to them a long time ago. You have some of their DNA, dear ones. Did you know that? Many scientists are beginning to understand: The modern Human on the planet did not evolve from anything on Earth below them biologically. You did NOT come from anything here!
The Missing Link has come from the STARS.

Those Pleiadians who birthed your divinity went through their own tests, and when they got to a certain place [of ascension], they said,
“It is good." and they came here. We celebrate that coming here today. We honor the few who have stepped out to claim this far-fetched truth for today. What is crazy talk today, often becomes the core truth tomorrow, and history has shown this to be the way of it.

We celebrate you and your magnificence because, at this juncture, you have just turned a corner and are beginning that which many from other worlds had all hoped for. With free choice at this moment, a ball is rolling that cannot be stopped. It may slow, and it may speed. It may get a little dirty for a while, but it cannot be stopped. It’s the rolling ball of the New Lemuria; it is an ascension ball that is rolling in your time and your history that says this particular planet has made it into that interesting place of learning “the rest of the story.”

It is a planet that is going from an old to a new energy and from a single-digit dimensionality to multiple-digits of dimensionality. It is an awkward time, just like when you watch your children go into adolescence, and they go through the gyrations of growing up and looking funny and acting weird. But that’s who you are right now.

Old Soul who is here, who is listening [or reading] now or later, these things that I have just told you are true. The current group of scientists who shake their heads at all of these things today, will someday have to work this puzzle as well. What’s different is that it’s not just a spiritual puzzle. It’s a physics puzzle, for God is the great physicist. But if they don’t wish to see this revealed truth, and if they are stubborn and try to remain in their old dysfunction, they will be faced with a dilemma when those from the stars land here and finally say
“hello." and talk about the new physics – where every rule and law of physics is simply an invitation to modify it.

as channelled by Lee Carroll at on October 11, 2020


Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Beauty of Mathematics

I see mathematics as a musical and artistic

language that is expressed in geometry,

where geometry is the sound

that we see with our eyes.

Robert Edward Grant

Finding Purpose

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are searching at times, just as you are, for something that will bring us into a higher-vibrational state. It is true what they say. As above, so below. We do seek, and we do wonder. We do have desires, and we do have that which is not fulfilled to experience, and all of this makes us very qualified to help you. Just because we don’t have physical bodies doesn’t mean that we cannot relate to all of you there in the physical and on planet Earth. We know what drives us can be different from what drives some of you because we don’t have physical pleasure to pursue, but we also see how those pursuits are empty, and we notice that everyone involved in those pursuits eventually feels that emptiness, even if only temporarily.

We notice that you all have a tendency to seek outside of yourselves to such an extent that you can become addicted to some aspect of the physical, and we do not have anything to get addicted to here in the nonphysical, but we would say that what you experience more than anything else that is troubling to you on some level of your consciousness is a lack of a sense of purpose. We speak to so many who feel that way, and we so want to help all of you who feel that way to understand that sometimes your purpose hasn’t shown up yet. When you are waiting for that inspiration, for that purpose to show up, there’s a lot you can do. There’s a lot you can release and resolve. There’s a lot within you that you can clear to make space for that moment of inspiration, to make space for those energies that will fill you up before coming forth from you.

So while working on yourself does not seem like a purpose, and isn’t very flashy, it still is part of the purpose that you have there on Earth. If everyone just hit the ground running from the moment they could run, it would be a much different environment that you’d be living in. Sometimes it is the boredom that sets in that gives some of you the impression that your life is not serving a purpose for you or anyone else. When you do not feel like you know what your purpose is, make sure you are making room in yourself and in your life for your purpose to come along. In other words, do that clearing work, release that which is no longer serving you and that which is not yours to begin with, and let yourself be your purpose for awhile.

The world you are living on right now is changing dramatically. There will be so many different jobs, careers, and businesses in the future, and some of you will create them. But this much we know is true – those of you who do not feel that you have a purpose right now are being readied for your purpose. And when you cannot see the broader picture of that, it is hard for you to trust, and it is hard for you to have patience, but these are the things you must have in order to eventually let in that inspired thought, that inspired idea, that impulse that takes you to it.

We also know that you do tend to associate purpose with some sort of action or some sort of career, but that is not always the case. So many people there are holding space for others, holding a high vibration to balance the energies there. So many people are meditating, chanting, om-ing and doing whatever they can to raise the level of consciousness. You need to let go of that idea that your purpose is always about an action that you take, and you also need to be aware of how much is inside of you still waiting to come out.

Be aware of how much there is inside of you that you can tap into right now, while you are demonstrating your trust and your patience in something that will be more of an outward expression of that universe that exists inside of each and every one of us. We invite you to relax more, to let go, and eventually let in that which will inspire you to be the person, the being, the love that you were always meant to be and that you are destined to be in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

channeled by Daniel Scranton and posted at on March 9, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Plan to Wreck America

In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group has had on these other areas of interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking. Establishment elites and their media not only stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6 fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria and the host of repressive measures that were imposed in the name of public health. What we’d like to know is to what extent this group is actively involved in the shaping of other events that are aimed at transforming the American Republic into a more authoritarian system?

In other words, are the mandated injections, the forced lockdowns, the aggressive government-implemented censorship, the dubious presidential elections, the burning of food processing plants, the derailing of trains, the attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots, the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the maniacal focus on gender issues, and glitzy public show-trials merely random incidents occurring spontaneously during a period of great social change or are they, in fact, evidence of a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by agents of the state acting on behalf of their elite benefactors? We already know that the FBI, the DOJ and the intel agencies were directly involved in Russiagate –which was a covert attack on the sitting president of the United States. So, the question is not “whether” these agencies are actively involved in other acts of treachery but, rather, to what extent these acts impact the lives or ordinary Americans, our politics and the country? But before we answer that question, take a look at this quote from from a recent interview by Colonel Douglas MacGregor:

I was reading a document that was authored by George Soros over 10 years ago in which he talks specifically about this all-out war that would ultimately come against Russia because he said this ‘was the last nationalist state that rests on a foundation of orthodox christian culture with Russian identity at its core. That has to be removed. So I think that the people who are in charge in the west and the people in charge in Washington think they have successfully destroyed the identities of the European and American peoples, that we have no sense of ourselves, our borders are undefended, we present no resistance to the incoming migrants from the developing world who essentially roll over us as though we owe them a living and that our laws do not count. Thus, far I would say that is an accurate evaluation of what we’ve been doing. And I think that’s a great victory for George Soros and the globalists, the anti-nationalists; those who want open borders what they call it an “Open Society” because you end up with nothing, an amorphous mass of people struggling to survive who are reduced to the lowest levels of subsistence … (Soros) even goes so far as to talk about how useful it would be if it was east Europeans whose lives were expended in this process and not west Europeans who simply won’t take the casualties. This is not a minor matter. This is the kind of thinking that is so destructive and so evil, in my judgement, that that’s what we’re really dealing with in our own countries and I think Putin recognizes that.” (Douglas Macgregor – A Huge Offensive”, You Tube;, 11:20 minute)

The reason I transcribed this comment from MacGregor was because it sums up the perceptions of a great many people who see things the same way. It expresses the hatred that globalist billionaires have toward Christians and patriots, both of which they see as obstacles to their goal of a borderless one-world government. MacGregor discusses this phenom in relation to Russia which Soros sees as “the last nationalist state that rests on a foundation of orthodox Christian culture with Russian identity at its core.” But the same rule could be applied to the January 6 protestors, could it not? Isn’t that the real reason the protestors were rounded up and thrown into the Washington gulag. After all, everyone knows there was no “insurrection” nor were there any “white supremacists”. The protestors were locked up because they’re nationalists (patriots) which are the natural enemy of the globalists. The MacGregor quote lays it out in black and white. Elites don’t believe that nationalists can be persuaded by propaganda,. They must be eradicated through incarceration or worse. Isn’t that the underlying message of January 6?

The other underlying message of January 6, is that ordinary people are no longer allowed to challenge the authority of the people in power. Again, political legitimacy in the US has always been determined by elections. What January 6 indicates, is that legitimacy no longer matters. What matters is power, and the person who can have you arrested for questioning his authority, has all the power he needs. Check out this excerpt from a post on Substack by political analyst Kurt Nimmo:

Klaus Schwab, a student of the war criminal Henry Kissinger, is a mentor to power-hungry and narcissistic sociopaths. The WEF “Great Reset” is designed to turn the world into an impoverished social concentration camp, where destitute serfs “own nothing” and this, in true Orwellian fashion, will set them free…

I challenge people to investigate the WEF’s Global Redesign Initiative. According to the Transnational Institute in the Netherlands, this “initiative” proposes

a transition away from intergovernmental decision-making towards a system of multi-stakeholder governance. In other words, by stealth, they are marginalizing a recognized model where we vote in governments who then negotiate treaties which are then ratified by our elected representatives with a model where a self-selected group of ‘stakeholders’ make decisions on our behalf. (Emphasis added.)

In other words, large transnational corporate “stakeholders” will be deciding where you live, what you eat (insects and weeds), how you reproduce (or not reproduce; children produce carbon emissions), and what you can “rent” from them, or not be allowed to rent if you complain about an unelected globalist “economic” cartel driving humanity into serfdom, worldwide poverty, and depopulation.” (“WEF Calls for Destruction of America’s Middle Class“, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics)

What Nimmo is saying is that these billionaire elites are now so powerful, that they can openly say they’re going to “transition away from intergovernmental decision-making” (ie– representative government”) to a system of “multi-stakeholder governance.” If I’m not mistaken, that is a pretty unambiguous declaration of a new form of supra-national government, in which only the billionaire stakeholders have a vote in what policies are implemented. But isn’t that the way things work already? On any number of topics from ESG, to digital currencies, to vaccine passports, to AI, to gain-of-function research, to 15-minute cities, to transhumanism, to war with Russia; the decisions are all being made by a handful of people of whom we know every little and who were never voted into office.

And that brings us back to our original question: How many of these oddball events (in recent years) were conjured up and implemented by agents of the deep state to advance the elitist agenda?

This seem like an impossible question since it’s hard to find a link between these dramatically divers events. For example, what is the link between a Drag Queen Children’s Hour and, let’s say, firebombing a food processing plant in Oklahoma? Or the relentless political exploitation of gender issues and the January 6 public show trials? If there was a connection, we’d see it, right?

Not necessarily, because the link might not have anything to do with the incident itself, but instead, with its impact on the people who experience it. In other words, all of these events could be aimed at generating fear, uncertainty, anxiety, alienation and even terror. Have the intelligence agencies launched such destabilizing operations before?

Indeed, they have, many times. Here’s an excerpt from an article that will help you to see where I’m going with this. It’s from a piece at The Saker titled Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for International Fascism.” See if you notice any similarities with the way things have been unfolding in America for the last few years:

Yves Guerin-Serac: the Black Ops Grandmaster behind Operation Gladio…. wrote the basic training and propaganda manuals which can be fairly described as the Gladio order of battle.”…

Guerin-Serac was a war hero, agent provocateur, assassin, bomber, intelligence agent, Messianic Catholic, and the intellectual grandmaster behind the ‘Strategy of Tension’ essential to the success of Operation Gladio. Guerin-Serac published via Aginter Press the Gladio manual, including Our Political Activity in what can aptly be described as Gladio’s First Commandment:

Our belief is that the first phase of political activity ought to be to create the conditions favoring the installation of chaos in all of the regime’s structures…In our view the first move we should make is to destroy the structure of the democratic state under the cover of Communist and pro-Soviet activities…Moreover, we have people who have infiltrated these groups.”

Guerin-Serac continues:

Two forms of terrorism can provoke such a situation [breakdown of the state]: blind terrorism (committing massacres indiscriminately which cause a large number of victims), and selective terrorism (eliminate chosen persons)…

This destruction of the state must be carried out under the cover of ‘communist activities.’ After that, we must intervene at the heart of the military, the juridical power and the church, in order to influence popular opinion, suggest a solution, and clearly demonstrate the weakness of the present legal apparatus. Popular opinion must be polarized in such a way, that we are being presented as the only instrument capable of saving the nation.”

Anarchic random violence was to be the solution to bring about such a state of instability thus allowing for a completely new system, a global authoritarian order. Yves Guerin-Serac, who was an open fascist, would not be the first to use false-flag tactics that were blamed on communists and used to justify more stringent police and military control from the state….” (“Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret War for International Facism”, The Saker)

Repeat: the first phase of political activity ought to be to create the conditions favoring the installation of chaos in all of the regime’s structures… This destruction of the state must be carried out under the cover of (communist) activities…. Popular opinion must be polarized in such a way, that we are being presented as the only instrument capable of saving the nation.”

In other words, the objective of the operation is to completely disrupt all social relations and interaction, cultivate feelings of uncertainty, polarization and terror, find a group that can be scapegoated for the wide societal collapse, and, then, present yourself (elites) as the best choice for restoring order.

Is this what’s going on?

It’s very possible. It could all be part of a Grand Strategy aimed at “wiping the slate clean” in order to “transition away from intergovernmental decision-making” to a system of “multi-stakeholder governance.”

That could explain why there has been such a vicious and sustained attack on our history, culture, traditions, religious beliefs, monuments, heroes, and founders. They want to replace our idealism with feelings of shame, humiliation and guilt. They want to erase our past, our collective values, our heritage, our commitment to personal freedom, and the very idea of America itself. They want to raze everything to the ground and start over. That is their basic Gameplan writ large.

The destruction of the state is being carried out behind the cover of seemingly random events that are spreading chaos, exacerbating political divisions, increasing the incidents of public mayhem, and clearing the way for a violent restructuring of the government.

They can’t build a new world order until the old one is destroyed.

by Mark Whitney at on February 23, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

America's Crisis in the Universities

“The source of our current ills – the lawlessness in our streets, the destruction of our borders, the racist ‘equity’ policies of the Democrat Party, the “woke” derelictions of our military leaders, can all be traced to the indoctrination of our educated classes in hatreds spawned by cultural Marxism.”
–David Horowitz, ‘De-Fund the Universities!’

The Duke of Wellington reportedly stated that the battle of Waterloo was won on the fields of Eton College. George Orwell countered that, “Probably the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton, but the opening battles of all subsequent wars have been lost there.”

America’s battles against foreign and domestic enemies have been lost in our ‘Etons’, our schools and universities which have turned their graduates against the country and its values.

The source of our social and political crises is the destruction of our educational institutions through a successful fifty-year effort by radical activists to purge conservatives and patriots from American academic faculties. This was followed by a massive reconstruction of the academic curriculum and the transformation of universities into one-party indoctrination and recruitment centers for the anti-American left.

We at the David Horowitz Freedom Center were among the first to confront the problem and take the battle to campuses across the country, but as the last conservative faculty are purged and conservative students are silenced, the old remedies of adversarial dialogue and debate are no longer available. Conservative speakers are violently assaulted on campuses and events are shut down. College administrators are finding ways to force out even tenured conservative faculty while mandatory anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian and anti-patriotic “diversity” measures keep the doors firmly closed to conservatives and patriots.

It’s time to recognize that this is an existential threat to America and to take action against it. That’s why we’re calling for the defunding of universities.

A Survey of the Problem

Universities have become efficient indoctrination centers that couldn’t be any more destructive if they were being run by China and Russia.

A Harvard University survey of the 2022 graduates showed that only 4% were Republicans while the majority were Democrats. The 7% of students that were conservative when they entered college declined to 4% when they graduated. 55% support the Green New Deal, 54% want to eliminate border security, and 33% back the terrorist-sponsored boycott of Israel.

This indoctrination is the work of a university where 82% of the faculty are leftists, 16% are moderates and only 1.4% are conservatives. Harvard is America’s Eton: shaping the leaders of the country, and those leaders are being indoctrinated to destroy the nation. .

Biden’s proposal to cancel student loan debt would be a disproportionately Democrat bailout with Harvard students owing over $1 billion and Yale students (where only 5% would admit to voting for Trump) at $760 million. Not only shouldn’t we be spending billions on bailouts for this corrupt leftist system, we should, as David Horowitz wrote, defund it altogether.

A report by Open the Books found that eight Ivy League schools received $4.3 billion in federal funding every year in the previous decade. In 2021-2022, the government spent $234 billion on grants, loans and other subsidies for college students. Biden’s illegal student loan bailout alone could cost over $400 billion. State spending on public colleges topped $100 billion. In the midst of massive inflation, unsustainable amounts of money are being spent on colleges. Students are going deeply into debt and that debt is eventually passed on to the American People.

What have taxpayers gotten for the billions lavished on these elite indoctrination centers?

Crime Wave

Studies estimate the annual costs of crime in the trillions. A single murder costs $17 million. Around 5,000 more people were murdered in 2020 due to the devastating impact of Black Lives Matter’s de-fund the police campaign, the decriminalization of crimes and pandemic prison releases. Aside from the horrific suffering, that’s $85 billion in costs created by policies that came out of academia.

8 in 10 college students supported the BLM race riots which caused billions in damages. Support for the race riots increased with each level of education. High school graduates were the least likely to support the riots while postgraduate degree holders were the most likely to. Nearly every university administration endorsed the riots and the racist hatred behind them.

BLM activists were more likely to have college degrees and campuses served as organizing hubs for the racist movement. But the crime wave destroying our communities is even more deeply rooted in campuses than that. From Michel Foucault to Angela Davis to Mariame Kaba, eliminating police, prisons and the criminal justice system were the inventions of academics and were incubated at college campuses, including Kaba at Barnard University and Davis at UC Santa Cruz which has received millions to promote the idea, and at Harvard, which teaches a course on it.

Restorative Justice, which proposes to replace crime and punishment with forgiveness for the perpetrator, originated in part from Goshen College in Indiana which now offers both a major and a minor in letting criminals go unpunished. Police defunding has been often directly credited to Alex Vitale: a sociology professor at Brooklyn College. The misery, the robberies, rapes and murders that have engulfed entire cities, were hatched out of academic theories at colleges that, like UC Santa Cruz and Brooklyn College, are taxpayer funded.

But this legalization of crime would not have been possible without the academic hate of “Critical Race Theory” that has poisoned race relations and pitted Americans against each other.


In 2007, 75% of white people and 55% of black people believed race relations were good. Today only 43% of white people and 33% of black still do. Rather than bringing us together, universities tore us apart with racist descriptions of America as a “white supremacist” society created and still defined by white racists which poisoned generations of their graduates.

A Pew survey found that black people with college degrees “are more likely than those with less education to say being black has hurt their ability to get ahead.” White people with college degrees were more likely to believe in the racist myth of “white skin privilege,” – a term invented by the terrorist Weather Underground in the 1960s whose leaders subsequently became influential college teachers. College graduates in other surveys were more likely to attribute problems to systemic racism – which is outlawed under the 1964 Civil Rights Act – than to individual choices, and to support discriminatory equity policies such as affirmative action.

With critical race theory courses being taught in every leading law school, including Harvard, Columbia and Yale, and ‘whiteness studies’ courses in colleges across the country, billions in taxpayers money are being spent to employ and train a generation of racists.

Some of the country’s most notorious bigots enjoy comfortable academic perches including Ibram X. Kendi: the inventor of the bogus term “anti-racism,” which he defines as agreeing with the anti-American racist left. Kendi heads the $10 million Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, Robin DiAngelo, the author of ‘White Fragility’, is an associate professor at the University of Washington, and Cornel West, was until recently positioned at Harvard where he helped to popularize the slogan “Treason to Whiteness Is Loyalty To Humanity” of the academic journal, ‘Race Traitor’ in the racist field of ‘whiteness studies’.

And it’s paying off.

A 2022 survey of college students found that 78% believe “systemic racism is a big problem in our society – even though it is illegal and there is no tsunami of lawsuits, which would be the case if this claim had any truth in it. 50% believe “America is inextricably linked to white supremacy”. Why would anyone support such a country, or believe such intellectual garbage?

Because they’ve been relentlessly indoctrinated to hate their country.


College campuses have come to resemble Communist China with constant indoctrination and harsh penalties for political dissent.

At MIT, 68% of students were afraid to disagree with a professor about a controversial topic and 40% of faculty members were keeping quiet to avoid getting into trouble. A majority of students at the University of Wisconsin have stayed quiet in class and 37%, mostly conservative, felt pressured to agree with an instructor’s position.

These numbers hold true in national surveys where majorities of students are keeping quiet.

Universities have become a political monoculture and the indoctrination is going one way.

Over half the college of college departments in one survey did not have a single registered Republican faculty member. Only 61 Republican professors were found in 65 departments with Democrats outnumbering Republicans ten to one. It was estimated that, “Republicans make up 4% of historians, 3% of sociologists, and a mere 2% of literature professors.”

Mandatory diversity statements and racial quotas are used to keep a new generation of conservative professors from even being able to get inside to become tenure-track faculty. That systemic discrimination ought to be illegal, instead it’s being funded by conservative taxpayers.

Dominated by leftist faculty, universities are indoctrinating students with their ideology.

55% of liberal students, 37% of independent students, and 32% of conservative students in one survey said that their classes left them with a negative view of America. 57% of the liberal students, 35% of the independents and 12% of the conservative students were not proud to be Americans. 61% of the liberals, 38% of the independents and 16% of the conservatives came away with a negative view of capitalism. Is that American education or Marxist education?

College has become a standard rite of passage and the radical indoctrination on campuses is warping not only a select group, but the country as a whole. Generations are emerging who are not merely liberal, but support criminals and racists, and the destruction of America.

With no pride in their own country, college students are more likely to support dismantling it.

Open Borders and Illegal Invaders

As many as half a million illegal aliens attend colleges in the United States. Beyond the huge numbers of illegals benefiting from taxpayer funds, open borders are a university project.

After President Trump’s victory, the American Association of University Professors called for colleges to become “sanctuary campuses”. Columbia University’s Provost declared that the college would not “allow immigration officials on our campuses without a warrant.” Chancellor Timothy P. White asserted that Cal State “will not enter into agreements with state or local law enforcement agencies, Homeland Security or any other federal department for the enforcement of federal immigration law.”

Over 600 college presidents signed a letter in support of the DACA illegal alien program.

The 2022 Open Borders Conference was sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin. A previous conference featured an Academics Against Borders panel.

César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a prominent supporter of eliminating ICE, uses his platform as a civil rights professor at Ohio State to wage war on the nation’s borders. And he’s not alone. Faculty at Northwestern and Johns Hopkins have pressured their institutions to end contracts with ICE. Appearances by ICE officials have been shut down by protests.

Books and articles like “The Case for Getting Rid of Borders—Completely” and “Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration” flow from George Mason University professors.

Some universities actively urge students to engage in anti-border activism while others even transport them down to the border and provide college credit for anti-border activism.

All of that open borders activism has trickled down to the student body.

In a poll asking whether the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be abolished, 44% of students wanted to eliminate it and only 30% wanted to keep it.

A majority of white high school graduates supported expanding the border wall to stem the invasion. 63% of white college students opposed such a move. So did 72% of post-grads.

Universities have indoctrinated students to believe that America should not exist. A nation that should not exist, also should not have borders. Or the right to defend itself against enemies.

Disloyalty and Treason

A Quinnipiac survey asked if America were invaded, would they stay and fight or leave the country. Those who had college degrees were more likely to leave than those without. And young people were the most likely to leave and the least likely to stay and fight. They’re also the likeliest to have positive views of China and other enemy nations.

College students at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton and many others, who are taught that America is racist and evil, are turning against their country and siding with our enemies. Surveys have found that high school students are more likely to be patriotic than college students.

A New York Times poll showed that only 26% of Democrat voters with a bachelor’s degree agreed that America is the greatest country in the world. Only 12% of Democrats 18-29 believed that America was the greatest nation. And why would they when they’re taught otherwise?

Universities aren’t just critical of the country, they harbor the worst enemies of America, Israel, Europe and other free nations. That’s why campuses are where American and Israeli flags are burned, and conservative and Jewish students are harassed on a regular basis.

From Edward Said’s Orientalism to Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, university campuses have become terror hubs. It’s not unusual to find PFLP terrorist flags waved during Israeli Apartheid Week or to see college paper editorials like Amherst College’s ‘In Defense of Hamas’. On American campuses, 32% of Jewish college students reported experiencing antisemitism, 50% hid their identity and 65% felt unsafe. And no wonder when college students will openly pledge money to Hamas to bomb Israeli schools.

Exploiting this treasonous atmosphere, the People’s Republic of China has riddled campuses with its Confucius Institutes that act at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, and foreign donors have used campuses to direct money to politicians, including Joe Biden, through the Penn Biden Center. With $12 billion in foreign money going to universities, much of it untraced, the potential for corruption is endless. Millions have flowed from terror sponsors including Qatar, Pakistan and even Iran. And it’s no coincidence that they are funding educational systems that undermine patriotism and promote the cause of America’s enemies.

Universities are being funded to indoctrinate students with hatred for America and for Jews. And they’re ‘double-dipping’ by taking money from America’s enemies and from American taxpayers.

The Corruption of Institutions

We are surrounded by national institutions that have been corrupted from their original purposes by the indoctrination that their leaders and employees received at universities. Big Tech censorship, military wokeness, the end of objective reporting and the radicalization of corporations are the consequences of a university education that puts wokeness above all else.

Media bias begins in the communications courses and journalism schools that teach that objectivity is a fallacy. Arizona State University’s Cronkite School of Journalism urges going “beyond objectivity” and “explores how the idea of objectivity has evolved” with “the values of younger journalists and modern newsrooms to better serve today’s diverse audiences.”

Military wokeness began with the takeover of service branch academies by non-military faculty from outside universities. It’s been embedded at the top by brass like Gen. Mark Milley, who has a master’s degree in international relations from Columbia University, and refers to Trump supporters as “Nazis” and is concerned about right-wing “domestic terrorists” and “white rage.”

Big Tech companies used to uphold libertarian values until they were flooded by a new generation of graduates who demanded that they go woke. Corporate wokeness across industries is being driven by younger workers, a phenomenon captured from the New York Times, “The 37-Year-Olds Are Afraid of the 23-Year-Olds Who Work for Them” to the Daily Mail, “Gen Z workers are Terrifying Millennial Bosses with Woke Demands”

Campus politics, safe spaces, entitlement and political intimidation moved over to the workplace and transformed Corporate America. Instead of graduates encountering the “real world”, the real world accommodated them so that, whether we want to or not, we all live on college campuses.

The college experience is transforming all of our lives even if we never set foot on a campus.

The Democrats, corporations, judges and entertainers all take their cues from the academic Left and dramatically upend our lives based on the latest theory coming out of academia. Universities have successfully radicalized the leaders, the executives, and the generals who actually run our society and put their values ahead of voters and shareholders.

A leftist minority that has used its disproportionate presence at universities as a ‘lever’ to fundamentally shift our country out of its place. Everyone successfully indoctrinated by that system has entered the workforce ready to execute its most extreme ideas from sexualizing children to eliminating prisons. Our leaders no longer represent our values, only leftist values.

The cost of that power grab has been the destruction of institutional trust. Every institution taken over by the Left has lost its trust rating. Last year, Gallup marked record low confidence in all institutions. Average confidence is now at 27% which is lower than it has been in over 40 years.

While the media and public schools have been rated poorly for some time, in the last few years there has been a sharp decline in trust for the military and banks due to their growing wokeness. Universities have led to a profound divide in our culture in which we no longer agree on basic moral and legal issues like the value of human life, the right to free speech, how elections are run and whether entire races share collective guilt.

These deep ruptures have led to two Americas and are leading both sides toward civil war.

Why De-Funding Matters

Universities were once a vital link in the chain of knowledge and there are a handful of principled institutions that may continue to serve that role, but the majority no longer want to.

The only hope of saving academic institutions of higher learning is to force them to restore academic values and scholarly inquiries as the basic and inviolable principles and practices of their classrooms. And to withhold all funding from all sources to their ideological programs, fields, and faculties. Some states are forcing universities to cease demanding diversity statements and that’s a start, but they should all be defunded until academics replace ideology.

The ‘self-defunding’ of the ideology-ridden humanities is already underway with a sharp decline in students majoring in them, from 20% to 7% at Harvard in only a decade, a decline of half at Vassar, Tufts and many other leading colleges, but as long as universities have infinite taxpayer money and endless endowments, the leftists who have hijacked them will continue to pour their poisons into the nation’s bloodstream.

In order to restore their funding, university faculties have to become ideologically and politically diverse. They have to restore standards that are not shaped by racist equity agendas, but by the requirements of scholarly inquiry and disinterested knowledge.

The massive pile of institutional and student debt, and the runaway growth of administrators, has made universities financially unsustainable for both students and institutions. Defunding them is the only way to deliver a ‘shock to the system’ that can save higher learning in America, and America itself.

by Daniel Greenfield at on March 10, 2023

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