Monday, March 27, 2023

Humanity vs the Bug

A cult exists.

This cult was created a long time ago. Perhaps more than 1000 years ago. It is not known precisely when this cult came into existence.

Much is unknown about this cult, as it has an operating principle of ‘paranoia’. The cult deliberately obscures information about itself, its origins, its members, and its plans. Where the cult is not able to hide the information, it attempts to pollute the information by discrediting the source, discrediting the history of the information, or it dilutes the information by way of flooding the information channels with provably false, or misleading trails designed to obscure facts about the cult.

It is understood, in a broad way, though details are necessarily difficult to obtain, that the following would be accepted by cult members as factual, or near to it:

  • the cult believes, due to some level of historical evidence, that they are the inheritors to a group of humans who had been conquered by space aliens that came down to earth in some numbers, and conquered their tribal ancestors.

  • The cult believes that the space aliens placed their ancestors in a ‘ruling position’ over the rest of humanity by virtue of having conquered the tribes, and using their ancestors as ‘intermediaries’ in ruling their conquered humans.

  • The cult believes that the space aliens who conquered their ancestors will return at some point in the future. There is evidence from the behavior of the cult that they are expecting to be rewarded by the space aliens for their stewardship of humanity during the absence.

  • We can call this the “Bug Cult” or the “cult of the Bug”.

The cult of the Bug believes that they must control all of Humanity by the time of the return of their space alien lords. The Bug Cult has a problem in that they don’t control all of humanity, and, for reasons of their own, believe that their space alien over lords, are returning in an ‘undefined’ short term time frame.

The cult is infiltrating the power structures of humanity for several hundreds of years, slowly assuming positions of power. They also create minions in positions of power by way of blackmail, frequently using nefarious acts such as pedophilia, and worse, as points of leverage with the chosen victim. They chose these victims in positions of power based on the strategy that they are pursuing in their long range plan at that time. They will also use extortion, bribery, and other nefarious tactics to compel allegiance, and performance. The cult is known to use murder to silence weak members, weak minions, and critics, or those who threaten to expose the cult, or their plan, or their tactics.

The cult uses a ‘divide to conquer’ approach, and seeks to find ways to destroy cohesiveness within human civilization at all levels, with the goal that all humans should only, always, and constantly, listen to, and obey, the dictates of the cult through its hidden members ensconced in positions of power in human society.

To the end of not allowing exposure, all the cult’s social engineering is designed to appear within humanity to the unaware as ‘organic’, or ‘naturally arising’ within the social order.

All the cult’s social engineering is with the intent of consolidation, and retention of power by the cult, and its hidden members, and minions.

The Bug Cult is known to destroy history that would expose either its existence, or its origin, or the space aliens in their past. The cult is known to obscure, and alter history where it cannot hide it. The cult will also pollute the history by defaming persons in the past in order to cast doubt on history that does not suit their needs. The cult will deliberately distort time lines of history, inserting, and removing centuries when it conforms to their needs.

What the cult does to history, it does to current events. It will plan, and deliberately distort current events that do not agree with its agenda. The cult has many members, and minions within the media, at all levels, and does attempt control.

Humanity, in the main, in the large, is NOT aware of the cult, nor its actions on their history, nor current events. Such of humanity that is not aware, are called ‘the normies’.

The cult believes that there are too many normies. They wish to kill 13 out of 14 humans before the return of their space alien masters such that humanity would be both more manageable, and closer to its size at the time that the space aliens left earth for their own reasons.

The cult uses their positions of power of their members and minions in banking, government, media, science, technology, law enforcement, judiciary, and academia, to control the normies paradigm, in a mostly, unseen, and unknown fashion.

From this position of controlling the ‘consensus paradigm’ via narrative through their minions, over the centuries, the cult of the Bug has engineered wars, plagues, revolutions, and famines (holomodor), to reduce, and control, the human population. The cult will plan for, and create, conditions that manifest, deaths on the order of hundreds of millions of humans over just a few years.

Through their control of banking, and central banking fiat currencies, the cult of the Bug will fund both sides of wars, profiting from each destroying the other at many levels, including land, wealth, industry, even slaves. All the while laying the blame at the feet of others; the cult perpetually hidden, and hiding, in the shadows behind the acts.

The aware part of humanity is called ‘awake’ or ‘awakened’. These are those people who know that the cult exists, that its plans are evil for humanity, and who are aware that others also know, and are actively resisting.

The cult of the Bug will use its positions of owning, and controlling most media, excepting some social media platforms that have been set up in opposition to the cult by the aware populace, to promulgate and project its cult mind and behavior control on the normie population. They do this to destabilize the cohesion of the social order that they may rule by divide to conquer. The Bug Cult projects out behavior and mind control that creates cults in humanity where the Bug Cult is able to control the human cults in its own interest. In this sense the Bug Cult has ‘weaponized’ human cults.

To do the weaponization of the human cults, the Bug Cult uses the psychological states involved in Munchhausen by Proxy, also known as Factitious Disease Induced in Another, ICD-10 code F68.1. It projects out language, imagery, videos, that support its attack on the normie humanity through the media in support of the objects of the weaponized compassion within the caregiver dynamic of MBP, and also uses non human objects for the ill role in the MBP dynamic such that ‘recovery’ would not be possible, and the control thus engendered would be perpetual.

Using this dynamic of weaponized MBP, the cult of the Bug has its infiltrated members corrupt other politicians, doctors, administrators, et al, in the cult’s quest to control humanity.

The cult will deliberately distort, or introduce behavior into the social order that it then promotes into a distorting weapon that the cult uses to induce laws to be made, changes to be made, power to be ceded, and other society impacting alterations by way of induced, then amplified social trends. What allow the cult to do this is the normies are not aware to its existence, nor its methods. However, when these are pointed out, usually as the method is being used, some normies may be able to be awakened to their presence.

Once fully awakened, and aware of the method and dynamics of MBP being used, the normies will no longer fall for these. It can take some time to get the normie awakened, with repeated demonstrations of the MBP in action required.

It must always be remembered constantly that all data has been under the control of the Cult of the Bug for at least the last 200 years, if not much longer. ALL of history, and all of the historical record, has been distorted, altered, or obscured to suit the need of the cult of the Bug. Thus all data is suspect unless confirmed.

by Clif High from his email Newsletter of March 16, 2023

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