Monday, May 15, 2023

Linguistic Origins

Most languages have a history with origin stories. Sanskrit's story states that it was the great god Brahma that gave humans language and writing. We see the same theme in Meso-American Incan and Mayan glyph language which was said to have been given to them by the gods. It is a repeating story throughout human history. What seems peculiar because of its exception is that we do not have this kind of story in the Bible or the Torah.

The Bible is mostly the Torah badly translated – deliberately badly translated. The Talmud takes a look at the Old Testament stories as told in the Torah and clearly points out that the concept of “God” is never referred to in the original Torah – it's text simply refers to the El (or the Elohim, the plural form). The Elohim were clearly ET's that came to earth and readily conquered the 12 tribes of the Essenes living in the south of Yemen at the time, the boot of the Saudi peninsula, forcing them to march north along the Red Sea to Judea. It is from this story that we get the badly translated version acknowledged today that says these were the Jews. But there were no Jews in Palestine at this time, in fact there were no Jews associated with either the Torah or the Bible – they don't enter the picture until around 1280 AD.

Furthermore, the Judeans were never in Egypt and had nothing to do with the pyramids and were never slaves of the Pharaoh (a phonetic word from the Essene language meaning “tribal leader”). Each of the 12 tribes of Essenes had a Pharaoh. Egyptians have never used the word Pharaoh, except in modern times to suit tourists. The Valley of Kings was never called the Valley of Pharaohs.

When looking at the origin stories of language since the beginning of time, the gods referenced are invariably ET's, space aliens with advanced technologies from some place beyond earth... except for... the stories of the Bible. Along with this universal theme is a common reference to a battle among these same gods – largely over whether or not, or to what degree to teach language and scripting to humanity. The argument was that if humans were given writing they would be able to reconstruct and recover their own past, ultimately dooming dominion by the gods. Many of the gods preferred that humans be kept in a complete state of ignorance so that the aliens could rule and always be viewed as “gods” when they were never more than conquering ET's.

There is a pattern throughout the development of all civilizations on the planet pointing to the intervention by ET's at some pivotal point... except for the history told by western Christian tradition in the Old Testament of the Torah and Bible and related by the books of the Talmud, which ignore the literal translation of the El and Elohim as being alien, not some monotheistic singular god entity.

So what really happened? One can only speculate as to the details, of course, but when ET's first came here, they likely would have sought out centers of greatest population on earth, which would have been around the India/China region. If you come to earth to conquer, it makes sense to start where most of the people live, if your aim is to make them slaves. So a large expeditionary force initially probably landed in the Hindu Kush area before conquering the surrounding peoples and taking over, teaching them Sanskrit in the process.

It is likely that this invasive group was not entirely cohesive, however, meaning not everyone agreed on how to manage the people on earth. It is also possible that the ET's that landed may have been chased here. For some reason, whatever it was, the ET's got into a big battle, causing considerable damage to the planet – for instance, the majority of the Sahara desert may have been created as a result of this war. There are plenty of planetary scars remaining from this time.

For some reason, it was decided among members of this group – called the Devas (divine beings or gods) in the stories of India – to abruptly leave the planet, even though they had ruled here comfortably for a long duration. Why did this successful expeditionary force suddenly leave? Perhaps it was radiation. Perhaps humans could tolerate more radiation that the ET's. Whatever it was, something drove them off the planet.

At some point, perhaps hundreds of years before they left, but after the big battle, something happened within the members of this ET force. Something like an unsuccessful coup d'etat may have occurred with the losers having to flee the main body of the expeditionary force. We don't know if this occurred or not. Whatever happened, a fight ensued between the main expeditionary force and the El.

At this point, the El were living in what we now call Ukraine. They had made that their home and ruled the people that lived there – the Khazarians. We don't know if the El were part of the original expeditionary force or a secondary force that landed there at another time. But a state of contention existed between the El and the Devas, the main expeditionary body that had taken over a large part of the earth by this time. All of this is derived or deduced from consistencies of the collective body of origin stories from cultures across the world.

So some sort of battle ensued between the Devas and the El. It was a fierce battle, but not a long drawn-out war. The result was that the El were severely defeated. There are hints in the Zohar, the Kabbalistic understanding of reality, that the El lost half of their people in this battle. Much reduced in population size, the El fled in their plasma-driven aerial craft, abandoning the Khazarian people in great haste. They didn't head back into space, but instead traveled to the south of Yemen where they set about conquering the 12 tribes of the Essenes, organizing them, and making them do the forced march along the Red Sea. This is the origin of the stories in the Torah, which many, many centuries later was purposefully mis-translated by the Khazarians so that they could tie their lineage to the Essenes, both groups having been conquered by the El.

The Torah is the Khazarian story of the ET's who had conquered them. There are high ranking members of the Khazarians today, because of their origin stories, who believe that they were genetically modified by the El to create a superior human. This is where Zionism comes from, where the idea that Jews must rule over everyone, and that everyone else is a goyim or goy or cattle. This elite group of Khazarian royals believe they have this extra bit of DNA that sets them apart and above.

The Judeans lived in the region when the Jews came in and conquered Palestine. DNA studies demonstrate that only 1.1% of Jews today have any genetic relationship to the people of the Bible who lived there then. The Jews that conquered the region made claim to lands that no Jew had ever owned. They had no claim to Judea.

Jews refer to the 63 books of the Talmud; some of these writings treat the Torah as a chronicle of the interaction with space aliens in the same way as the Zohar, but many other apologetic books of the Talmud interpret the plural version of El not as multiple aliens, but as the multiplicity of one god, a clear literal misinterpretation, and not interpretively correct. The Elohim were a force of conquering space aliens recorded in the Torah and not a singular god as Christians and Jews have been directed to believe.

The Khazarians at this time are experiencing an underlying pressure of time, as presented by prophetic aspects of the Talmud, the Torah, and the Zohar (not the Bible, because it is a mis-translation). The Khazarians think they were granted dominion by the El to rule over all of humanity, the goyim. The elite Khazarians and millions of their followers interpret their stories to prophesize a second coming or return of the El. This is subject to interpretation, however, and is not a consensual understanding. This expectation may be based more upon cultural abandonment issues when the El hastily left Khazaria (Ukraine) to flee to Yemen rather than a strict interpretation of any historic text.

The second coming reappeared in the 1300s when the Bible was reworked and reinterpreted largely by Khazarian scribes, ignoring any references to space aliens. Whether myth or prophecy, the origin of any kind of second coming is not recorded or clear. The Khazarians believe it, however. They expect the El to return... somewhere around 2050. This is why there is a great urgency on their part to accelerate their agenda on earth to prepare for the return of the El. But the Khazarians are not stupid. They know a fair percentage of humanity is not going to go along with their program. That's why the world is at war right now against the Khazarian enemy. Not everyone accepts Zionism, Jewish masters, and the misinterpretation of the Bible.

The Hebrew language claimed by the Jews and Khazarians as their own has no origin story that can be found anywhere. The Essenes (Judeans) were speaking Hebrew when they were conquered by the El and there were variants on the language spoken throughout the Middle East long before the El landed. Hebraic script has been found chiseled in rocks from Canada through both North and South America along their west coasts, interestingly. What is known as proto-Hebrew in the Middle East is called First Tongue in the Americas. There is an abundance of stories written about space aliens in Hebrew and First Tongue. So there is a history of language on earth unknown to us as to origins that precedes even Sanskrit.

The Khazarians who claim to be Jews do not speak Hebrew; they speak Yiddish, a made-up language from the 1300s; trans-literated German language put it into Hebrew script. Yiddish has an origin story; it was created after the Russians told the Khazarians they needed to find a religion or face extermination. That's when the Khazarians chose to be called Jews, but Jews they are not. Of further note, if there was any language in India before the landing of the Devas, it was so long ago that none of it has survived.

by Clif High from his Substack Newsletter of March 29, 2023 

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