Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Teacher Jesus

The man you call Jesus was a teacher — through sincere and serious effort realizing his perfection and his Oneness with the Father. This man Jesus taught brotherly love of one another, and love of the Father. Through his understanding of the Father and his creation, he was able to demonstrate miracles, as you call them. These were not miracles but normal, natural things that man can do when he realizes his kinship with the Father — and expresses this love of the Father.

This was the real reason of the teachings of Jesus: to show man what he could be if he lived in brotherly love, peace and harmony with his fellow man. The deeds and thoughts of this man Jesus [were] pure and simple. That is what it takes: simple living, pure deeds and thoughts of the Father, and of your fellow man.

We do not mean any disrespect to this person when we refer to him as the man. He is not the only son of God, as believed by your peoples. All mankind is the sons and daughters of the Father, not just one. We respect and love this man Jesus because he, out of many, was able to realize and demonstrate his true relationship with the Father — as all peoples of this planet are capable of doing if they would but learn the truth, and rid themselves of hate and fear they now possess — hate of one another, and fear of punishment from the Father, as taught by most of your religions. There is nothing difficult. Live the normal, natural way of love, as you were created by the Father. The Father, and love, is all that was created. Why must there be anything else?

If all your peoples could keep this brotherly-love feeling in their hearts all your year, think what a wonderful place this planet would be. This is the real reason for the teachings of the man called Jesus: to show the people of Earth what man is really like, when he lives the life the Father intended. Faith and love of the Father is brought forth through man by his thoughts and deeds of love and understanding, and his way of life — not by word of mouth alone — as expressed by most of your peoples.

A great number of your religious leaders know of this way of life of the Father, but they dare not teach it — for fear of losing their hold on the masses of the people they have ruled for so many years. Once man knows the truth, he has no further need of religious organizations. This the churches know. That is why the truth has been kept from the peoples of Earth for so many centuries.

The man called Jesus was born a simple man, like the rest of your peoples, but he realized his kinship with the Father — and was able to do the things that the Father meant for all his children. Your teacher Jesus said, “These things I do, ye can do also — and more.” Do you, the people of Earth, believe that your brother Jesus lied to you? No, I think not. It is just that you have not been taught the real love and understanding of the Father. Your brother Jesus said love one another. Love the Father. Do this, our brothers and sisters of Earth, so that we may join hands across endless space — and live together as we once did long ago.

the words of Hatonn, from the Brown Notebook, Readings of Walt Rogers, December 25, 1958

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