Saturday, September 30, 2023

DNA Responds to Human Consciousness

Dr. Glen Rein, a biochemist who graduated from the University of London, made stunning discoveries that reveal how DNA behaves in direct response to human consciousness. For starters, DNA unwinds when a cell is about to divide, or has been damaged (i.e. when it is ‘dead’,) and it winds when it is working to repair and heal itself. The amount of winding or 110 unwinding in DNA can be directly measured by how well it absorbs light at 260 nanometers.

In these remarkable experiments, Dr. Rein started out by taking living DNA from a mix of human placentas, putting it in de-ionized water, and then storing the whole mixture inside a beaker. Then, various people attempted to either wind or unwind the DNA — by nothing more than the power of their own thoughts, in heavy concentration.

The control samples, where no one tried to do anything to them, only changed by 1.1 percent — but the treated samples changed by anywhere between two to ten percent. This meant that our thoughts alone have, at the very least, a two-fold effect on the winding of human DNA.

Even more interestingly, the senders with the most coherent brainwave patterns had the strongest ability to change the structure of DNA. And on the flipside of the coin, “one individual who was particularly agitated (and had a very incoherent [brainwave pattern,]) produced an abnormal shift in the UV”, or ultraviolet light, that the DNA was absorbing. [This reveals that an angry person was able to ‘kill’ DNA that was sampled from someone else’s body. The implications of this are enormous.]

The change occurred at a wavelength of 310 nanometers, which is close to Popp’s magic value of 380 nanometers — that same frequency that can cause cancer when it is scrambled.This angry person also caused the DNA to coil up tighter in its winding. Both of these are very unusual effects.

According to Rein, this change in the 310-nanometer light could only mean that “an alteration in the physical/chemical structure of one or more of the bases in the DNA molecule has occurred.” That means our thoughts can actually create physical and chemical changes in the structure of the DNA molecule — as well as winding and unwinding it.

This is the micro-biological proof for the connection between angry thoughts and cancerous tissue growth that we’ve been waiting for — and the implications are just as profound for healing effects as well. Let’s not forget how we can project significant bursts of photons into an electromagnetically-shielded area when we are accurately ‘remote viewing’ that location... Those photons may well have genetic information in them that can restructure others’ DNA to restore health — such as the 380-nanometer light frequency.

In another case, when DNA was placed in front of people who were generating coherence in their brainwave patterns, but were not trying to change the DNA, there was no change in the winding or unwinding of the DNA sample. It was only when they wanted it to change that it actually did. This strongly suggests that the conscious intent of the people was causing these effects to occur.

Dr. Lew Childre was able to wind or unwind DNA in the laboratory from a half a mile away. Valerie Sadyrin was able to wind DNA in Dr. Rein’s California lab from his home in Moscow, thousands of miles away, during one 30-minute period of time. According to Rein, the key quality of this ‘energy’ that can generate coherence in the brainwaves and directly affect DNA is love: “Although the techniques used by the different healers are quite varied, they all appear to require a heart focus.”

The implications of this are tremendous. The Source Field appears to be responsible for creating the DNA Phantom, and storing light in the DNA molecule. It would appear that our thoughts change the DNA Phantom in Dr. Rein’s experiments first, and only later do we see any changes in the physical DNA molecule. Best of all, we now know that the most important emotional quality of the Source Field is love. Dr. Rein proved that love has a direct, measurable effect on DNA — very likely through the same energetic process that creates the DNA Phantom.

by David Wilcock in The Source Field Investigations

Friday, September 29, 2023

Vibrational Crystals of Reality

There is an invisible reality of fluid-like energy that surrounds us. A vibration creates a ‘crystal’ in the form of geometry. Our own thoughts create vibrations. These vibrations in turn create ‘crystals’ of geometry that can coalesce into matter, negate gravity, and produce Ascended abilities. The only reason we aren’t already doing this yet is our “vibrational level,” according to sources like the Law of One. The Bible uses the analogy of a tree, where the individual fruits do not ripen until the tree itself has reached the proper time of Harvest. In much the same way, we are all being guided by the “upward-spiraling line of light.” Our ability to tolerate what is happening determines our level of advancement. If we can stay loving, peaceful and grounded, and avoid the temptation to have an ignorant, emotional response, we are progressing. As we think these loving thoughts, and treat others with radiant love and kindness, we are creating invisible geometric ‘crystals,’ if you will, that transform our own DNA.

by David Wilcock in The Michael Prophecies, Book Seven, p 90

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Law of Time

Just because Earth revolves around the restrictions of time does not mean that there are no options available who wish to benefit themselves, loved ones and the planet in a positive way. For instance, if you wish to join with others in an Earth healing at a certain time but are unable to be there, either in person or psychically, simply hold the intention that your energy be joined with the group in the healing at that time and it will be. If you wish to witness it yourself as if you are there, you can go backwards or forwards on the timeline and engage in the group healing at the appropriate time. You can then project your energy to the planet and actually witness it happening. Working on the timeline in this way is possible to do hours, days, weeks or even years after the event.

Dear Ones, time and money are simply energy. So too are thoughts, intentions and any act of consciousness. When one consciously intends to send energy, whether it be money, love, healing or thoughts, (well-intentioned or otherwise) to a particular person, event or place, it will occur and have impact upon that person, event or place. The transmission of energy creates more energy, and the vibration of the creation will depend on the vibration of the original intention. So, if the energy that is sent is positive and intended with love and for the higher good, the energy created from that will produce more positive energy and the impact will be beneficial for all concerned. However, if the intention behind the energy is false, malicious and deliberately meant to cause harm then the impact of that will rebound on the sender and create energy of a much darker vibration.

Do not allow yourself to be ruled or hindered by time, Dear Ones, and use it to your advantage. However time, as a precious resource, must be used wisely and with the highest and best intentions if you are to reap the most benefit. Make time for the people and things that are important in your live and do not waste time on trivial matters, worries, gossip or people who deny your friendship or who do not value you as you deserve. Life is short but, in the universe, you have all the time you need!

I AM Archangel Michael.

channeled by Victoria Cochran at on September 10, 2023

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Power of the Mind

Imagine a golden door that is half open. A shaft of light emits from the doorway while the rest is shrouded in darkness. The light holds great promise of a better life, one that will lead you to greater abundance and happiness. As you enter the door, the light becomes so bright that it is blinding. You cannot see what is in front of you, but you push forward, believing that it is the best way forward. As your eyes adjust to the light, a beautiful garden appears. It is filled with every flower, tree and shrub imaginable and its beauty is hypnotic. But you are not allowed in so as to preserve its perfection. The light is too bright, the people on this side do not talk to you and the life you thought would be better is entirely foreign to you. You feel as unhappy as before! Despondently, you take yourself back to the door to resume the life that you had but did not appreciate. What if the door is closed and you cannot get back? The life you thought was not good enough is suddenly warm and comforting to you. What will you do?

This is a scenario close to “The grass is always greener on the other side” story, but not quite. While there may seem to be better options available to you, your life may indeed be very unhappy and financially difficult. It is no wonder that you would take the golden door if offered it! However, do you need to? What if you could change your life for the better on your own, just by taking charge of your thoughts and your perceptions?

Your world will not change if you do not change your perception of your place within it, what you deserve and the responsibility you hold in terms of the power of your thoughts and words. Changing homes, schools, states or countries of residences will not solve any problems if you have not taken stock of why life may be difficult for you! Why are people not talking to you? Why are you unhappy? Why is life seemingly hard for you while it is easy for others? Listen to your words and reflect on what you are putting out to the Universe every day and then you may be able to see the answers.

What you do and say says everything about how you feel about yourself and how much responsibility you take, or lay on others, for the situations you find yourself in. Are you open to seeing that your behaviour affects and is reflected in the responses of people you interact with? Can you see that you are either attracting or repelling the abundance of the Universe with every positive or negative thought, word and deed? YOU are the creator of YOUR world and only YOU can change it!

In the same vein, you cannot help anyone who does not wish to be helped. Nor should you lose yourself in the woes of the world, as doing so will only add to them. All you can do, which will make the most difference, is to be the best person you can be.

The first powerful thing to do is to let go of the past and embrace the future. Live in the moment and be thankful for your life. See life as a blessing and a gift and filter out anything that is not of importance to you or your loved ones. So, every day, write and say three affirmations that brings your consciousness to the present and on positive goals for the future.

The next thing to do is to be specific and clear on what it is you wish to change, release or manifest in your life. State it all clearly and concisely to the Universe, then let go of the all attachment to it.

Thirdly, make a plan. What actions do you need to take to make your wishes into reality. Take charge and put them into practice without hesitation or doubt.

Lastly, look at your belief system and work to release and change old negative thought patterns and feelings that have kept you stuck for so long. Focus on love and see as much good as you can in all things. Believe in the power of your mind and its connection to the Universal mind to create all that you need and want in your life.

One mind is connected to all minds which are connected to God’s mind.

We are One.

I AM Archangel Michael.

channeled by Victoria Cochran at on September 3, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Activation of Consciousness

Our DNA is being actively transformed by Divine energy. Nothing can stop this. This will cause us to experience a very disorienting consciousness activation that has some similarities with the psychedelic experience. This is a natural evolution we will all be going through, thanks to our collective success in adhering to the Christ principles of ageless wisdom.

by David Wilcock in The Michael Prophecies, Book Seven, p 89

Monday, September 25, 2023

Nanoscale Transistors

Imagine being able to signal an immune cell to generate antibodies that would fight bacteria or even cancer. That fictional possibility is now a step closer to reality with the development of a bio-compatible transistor the size of a virus. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber and his colleagues used nanowires to create a transistor so small that it can be used to enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery. These nanoscale semiconductor switches could even be used to enable two-way communication with individual cells.

Lieber has worked for the past decade on the design and synthesis of nanoscale parts that will enable him to build tiny electronic devices. Devising a biological interface, in which a nanoscale device can actually communicate with a living organism, has been an explicit goal from the beginning, but has proven tricky. At its simplest, the problem was inserting a transistor constructed on a flat plane (think of the surface of a computer chip) into a three-dimensional object: a cell perhaps 10 microns in size. Merely piercing the cell was not enough, because transistors need a source wire from which electrons flow and a drain wire through which they are discharged.

The key, Lieber says, was figuring out how to introduce two 120-degree bends into a linear wire in order to create a “V” or hairpin configuration, with the transistor near the tip. Getting the entire structure off the surface on which it had been created was easier: Lieber integrated the nano-wire probes with a pair of bimetal, layered interconnects. Joined strips of two different metals that expand at different rates have been used in thermostats for years--when the temperature changes, one metal swells or contracts more than the other, bending the thermostat to the opposite side to accommodate the expansion. Lieber used this principle to lift the transistor up and out of the flat plane on which it was created.

When he finally engineered the tiny device and tried to insert it into a cell, however, he had no luck: pressing hard enough to disrupt the cell membrane, he reports, killed the cell “pretty quickly.” But when his team coated the hairpin nanowire with a fatty lipid layer (the same substance cell membranes are made of), the device was easily pulled into the cell via membrane fusion, a process related to the one cells use to engulf viruses and bacteria. This innovation is important, Lieber explains, because it indicates that when a man-made structure is as small as a virus or bacteria, it can behave the way biological structures do.

Tests of the device indicate that it could be used not only to measure activity within neurons, heart cells, and muscle fibers, for example, but also to measure two distinct signals within a single cell simultaneously--perhaps even the workings of intracellular organelles, the functional units within cells that generate energy, fold proteins, process sugars, and perform other critical functions. (When those processes stop working, the breakdown can lead to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or Tay-Sachs.) And because a transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.

"Digital electronics are so powerful that they dominate our daily lives,” Lieber points out. “When scaled down, the difference between digital and living systems blurs, so that you have an opportunity to do things that sound like science fiction--things that people have only dreamed about.”

by Jonathan Shaw in Harvard Magazine, January-February 2011

Lieber was part of a team who created materials that merge nanoscale electronics directly with biological tissues. In another patent, Lieber uses 5G radiation, piped in through nanotube containers, to vibrate coronavirus particles. The present invention generally relates to nanoscale wires and/or injectable devices. In some embodiments, the present invention is directed to electronic devices that can be injected or inserted into soft matter, such as biological tissue or polymeric matrixes. For example, the device may be passed through a syringe or a needle. In some cases, the device may comprise one or more nanoscale wires. Other components, such as fluids or cells, may also be injected or inserted. In addition, in some cases, the device, after insertion or injection, May be connected to an external electrical circuit — e.g., to a computer.

by David Wilcock in The Michael Prophecies, Book Seven, p 85 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Imperialism: Lessons From History

The word “imperialism” comes from the Latin word imperium. It refers to a nation or a state implanting its rule on other states, treating them as subordinates and in an inferior fashion. Some suggest today that America is behaving imperialistically - we do, after all, have some 600 military bases around the world. So it is worth recalling some historical examples of imperialism to understand what the idea entails.

Looking at empires through history, we can identify several things that most of them have in common. One is that their leaders often say or seem to believe that their imperialist policies have little to do with self-interest.

We can see an example of such denial in Pericles’ famous funeral oration as recorded in the second book of Thucydides’ history of the Peloponnesian War. The speech was delivered in 431 B.C., at the height of the Athenian Empire. Athens was expropriating tribute from its subject states and had built the Parthenon, the Propylaea, and soon the Erechtheion on the Acropolis. In other words, the Athenians were diverting a good portion of their allies’ tribute paid to them - which was supposed to be devoted to mutual defense - to enhancing their city. And what does the imperialist leader Pericles have to say of his grand visions? He calls Athens “the school of Hellas” and proclaims that it will enjoy “the admiration of the present and succeeding ages.”

Athens won’t need a poet like Homer to memorialize it, Pericles continues. Why? Because, he says, “we have forced every sea and land to be the highway of our daring, and everywhere, whether for evil or for good, have left imperishable monuments behind us.” In other words, Athens is proud of its mission to uplift the other Greek city-states - by force.

Likewise with the Roman Republic and Empire. Caesar went into Gaul in 58 B.C. and in a nine-year period killed perhaps one million Gauls and enslaved another million. And yet in Caesar’s Gallic Wars, and in later Roman literature, we read that Rome brought civilization to Gaul. The elite of Gaul were to wear purple togas, enjoy habeas corpus, and have aqueducts, so it was all for the good.

Similarly with sixteenth century imperialist Spain, which variously sent a force of 1,500 soldiers into Mexico in 1519 under HernƔn CortƩs. In two years they destroyed TenochtitlƔn, ancient Mexico City, wiping out probably 200,000 people. And was the purpose to gain land, gold, and riches to help in the fight against Protestantism and Islam in Europe? Not exactly, according to Bernal Dƭaz, who was on the expedition. Rather it was more to convert souls to Christianity and to stamp out sodomy, cannibalism, and human sacrifice. To be sure, the conquest had these effects. But were the death and destruction really all for the sake of the conquered?

“The White Man’s Burden,” a long controversial poem by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1899, was addressed by a citizen of imperial England to the United States, which was currently fighting what many saw as an imperialist war in the Philippines. One of the poem’s stanzas reads, “Take up the White Man’s burden / In patience to abide / To veil the threat of terror / And check the show of pride / By open speech and simple / An hundred times made plain / To seek another’s profit / And work another’s gain.” This sense of duty sums up the common imperialist mindset: imperialism is a burden, undertaken reluctantly and for the good of the uncivilized. There is little self-serving about it.

Another trait empires have in common is obviously their dependence for enforcement on some type of superior military power—most often a navy. True, the Spartans controlled a land empire, as did the Soviet Union; but those empires were confined with self-imposed limitations. If a state becomes a naval power, as Alfred Thayer Mahan pointed out in his classic works on the influence of sea power on history, then it can move troops around to the rear of an enemy, impose boycotts, or modulate trade and supplies to help allies or hurt recalcitrant colonies.

The greatest empires have always been maritime. The Mediterranean, which the Romans referred to as mare nostrum or “our sea,” has been the seat of empires throughout history because of its geography—it is a convenient sea for imperialists in the middle of three land masses. The British Empire, of course, was entirely a result of British naval superiority.

A third characteristic empires share in common—perhaps the most interesting and thoughtworthy—is that for all the supposed advantages to be had through imperial rule, a historical case can be made that it has never quite penciled out. The costs of control seem to outweigh the benefits, even though—human nature being what it is—the imperialists tend to be oblivious to the expenses, perhaps because of the power and grandeur that come with empire.

One reason imperial policy seems superficially advantageous in terms of costs and benefits is the seduction of absolute power, as implied by the Caledonian (Scottish) nationalist Calgacus in 85 A.D. As recounted in Tacitus’s history, Calgacus complains of the Romans in addressing his troops: “To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.” In other words, if imperial powers can’t conquer a country and bring it into the fold peacefully, they wipe it out as a signal to others. So much for benefits to either the imperialist power or its subjects.

One corollary to the unprofitability of empire is that it tends to corrupt the character of the imperial power.

The Athenian Empire was based on the idealism of 180 subject city-states being offered the advantages of democracy. City-states conquered by Athens were required to become democracies—and what can be wrong with that?

But in 415 B.C., a large Athenian naval force went to the island of Melos and demanded that the Melians submit and begin paying tribute. Thucydides recounts what ensued, the famous Melian Dialogue, in the fifth book of his history: You’re either with us or against us, the Athenians threatened, and if you are against us we will destroy you. The Melians countered that they should be able to remain free and to maintain neutrality in Athens’ war with Sparta. The Athenians rejected the idea of neutrality. The Melians further argued that destroying Melos would result in anti-Athenian sentiment in Greece. The Athenians replied that it would instead result in fear and awe at Athens’ power. In the end, the Melians refused to submit. Following a siege, the Athenians massacred the adult men of Melos and enslaved the women and children.

As an aside, when I was 18 and just beginning my study of the classics, I was astonished when I read in Thucydides that when the Peloponnesian War broke out, most of the Greeks wanted Sparta to win. Was not Athens a democracy and Sparta an oligarchy? Athens was the home of Socrates, Pericles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, and Sophocles. Sparta was rural and backward with no navy or beautiful temples or walls. It represented Doric severity as opposed to the Ionic cosmopolitanism of Athens. Why would the Greeks prefer that Sparta win? I didn’t understand the anomaly when I was 18, but the simple answer soon became clear: Sparta was not then imperial—or at least not as imperial as Athens. Empires like to think of themselves as having a lot of friends, but they are often naive in forgetting the depth of the ill-will they incur.

As if the destruction of Melos wasn’t enough to show the hubristic corruption of imperial Athens, the following summer, Athens sent a force of 40,000 troops to Syracuse to conquer or destroy the largest democracy in the Greek world. The Sicilian Expedition, as it came to be known, was a complete disaster. Thucydides says at the end of his seventh book, “they were destroyed, as the saying is, with a total destruction, their fleet, their army—everything was destroyed, and few out of many returned home.” For all practical purposes—although the Peloponnesian War would go on for another nine years—the Sicilian debacle marked the end of the Athenian Empire and illustrated the follies of unchecked imperialism.

It can be argued that the Roman Republic underwent a similar kind of imperial corruption. In historian Arnold Toynbee’s two-volume work, Hannibal’s Legacy, he argued that the period in which Rome fought the three Punic Wars—an era during which Rome achieved mastery of almost the entire Western Mediterranean—was ultimately calamitous for Rome because it undermined Rome’s republican habits, virtues, and character.

The Roman people, Toynbee argued, especially the independent yeoman farmers, were sent off for long periods to fight as legionaries in places like Spain and Numidia (present day Libya). Their places were taken by some two million slaves from conquered provinces who were shipped back to Italy. Huge amounts of money extracted from conquered lands poured into Italy and enriched an elite class, whose members consolidated the farms of the soldiers who were fighting abroad and forged them into large estates worked by slaves.

In time the troops overseas—whose successes had been due to the Italian virtues of hard work, independence, autonomy, and agrarianism that one sees emphasized in Virgil’s Eclogues and Georgics—became accustomed to plunder. When Carthage finally fell in 146 B.C., its population of 50,000 (down from 500,000) was enslaved, and the city was razed to its foundations. That same year the Romans looted and destroyed Corinth, the cultural capital of Greece.

The Rome of Virgil, Catullus, the younger Cato, and Cicero was now busy obliterating defeated cities that posed little threat to Rome’s security. The success that made Rome an empire, Toynbee argued, destroyed Rome by degrading the elements that made it great. Toynbee may not have been right in every respect, but there are certainly parts of his argument that ring true about corrupting the center through incorporating the periphery or diluting a republic by imperial ambitions.

This might remind us also of Britain, whose empire probably reached its peak sometime between 1850 and 1860. But if we read Charles Dickens’ Bleak House, published in 1852, we see that at the heart of the empire in London, there were vast numbers of people who were in poor-houses at the same time the country was spending its resources far and wide on its great imperial civilizing mission.

This in turn might make us think of present day San Francisco, where people are injecting themselves with drugs, fornicating, urinating, and defecating on the streets, and downtown businesses are closing in large numbers; or Chicago, where the murder and crime rates are making life there unbearable for so many. Our major cities are going to rot at the same time we are pledged to giving $120 billion to Ukraine, already making its military budget the third largest in the world.

And the decay goes beyond the large cities. Think of those gruesome scenes in East Palestine, Ohio, after the train crash that enveloped the town in a toxic chemical cloud. East Palestine is full of working-class people whom few of our establishment political leaders were willing to go visit. The people of East Palestine form the demographic that died at twice the numbers of the general population in our overseas wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet few in our leadership class—many of whom had made one or more recent trips around the world to Ukraine to visit the Ukrainian people and pose for photos with Mr. Zelensky—went to East Palestine. I don’t know if one can properly call the United States an imperialist power, but this phenomenon of neglected and hollowed-out cores coupled with widespread overseas investments and commitments tends to be characteristic of empires.

Looking outward, we can see two clear manifestations of imperialism today. One is the Chinese brand of imperialism. China de facto now controls 15 of the major ports in the world—ports that the Chinese have leased, rebuilt, and refashioned. The Chinese are very farsighted, so these ports are not just random acquisitions. They control the Panama Canal. They monitor the entry into the Mediterranean at Tangiers and the exit at Port Said. The two largest ports in Europe, Antwerp and Rotterdam, are in the hands of the Chinese, as are the artificial islands in the South China Sea, a gateway for 50 percent of global oceanic traffic.

In other words, the Chinese control 15 points at which, in a global crisis, they will be able to shut off trade and access to commercial goods, oil, and food, not to mention the influence they have gained over local governments. China has also invested in concessions of rare earth mining, oil, and other natural resources in Africa. And due to the naive policies of the current U.S. administration, the Chinese are developing very close ties not only with Iran, but also with Saudi Arabia.

China today is creating something very much like the British Empire, although the Chinese are more like the imperialists of the Ottoman Empire than those of the British, in that they are neither apologetic nor shy about what they are doing. If the Chinese have an imperial enclave in Africa, they rope it off and don’t allow Africans nearby. Nor do they allow colonial peoples, for the most part, to go to Beijing and be educated or integrated. Like the Ottomans who conquered Constantinople in 1453, China has a monolithic culture and makes no apologies for its ambition to be a global imperial power.

The other imperial power we see on the rise today is more insidious. George Orwell’s nightmare dystopia in 1984 was a world in which there were no nation-states, but rather three powers wielding absolute control over three land masses into which everyone had been aggregated. Something like this is the dream of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and his fellow globalists (many of them American) who meet annually in Davos. Their vision is of a transnational ruling class, consisting of elites drawn mostly from the business, political, media, and academic worlds, with the power to issue edicts on climate change, public health, diversity, human rights, and even taxes, that override the will of national majorities.

If Chinese imperialism follows the tradition of the Ottoman Empire, the globalist vision of Davos imperialism is in the tradition of utopian empires gone astray. I think of Alexander the Great, who fought his first great battle with the Persians in 334 B.C. at Granicus on the coast of Asia Minor. When he died a decade later, he had probably killed over two million people in creating what he envisioned as an everlasting Hellenistic age based on an idea of the brotherhood of man. Alexander never thought of himself as a mere killer. He was an idealistic conqueror. And to this day, if you were to go to Greece and criticize Alexander, you would earn a hostile reaction. Alexander was an effective propagandist, as is the Davos crowd with their argument that the totalitarian rule they want to impose is for our benefit and the larger brotherhood of man.

Let me close by saying that in 1897, Rudyard Kipling was asked to present a poem at Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, marking her 60th year as queen. The British Empire, admittedly the most civilizing and humane of any empire in history, was in full bloom—it had 420 million people under its sway and covered 12 million square miles of territory, seven times the area of the Roman Empire. Kipling originally planned to present “The White Man’s Burden” at the event, but he decided instead to present “Recessional,” a bleak poem that includes this stanza: “Far-called, our navies melt away / On dune and headland sinks the fire / Lo, all our pomp of yesterday / Is one with Nineveh and Tyre / Judge of the Nations, spare us yet / Lest we forget—lest we forget!”

“Recessional” is a poem of lamentation in which Kipling, known to be a great supporter of the British Empire, seems to be warning that it is destined to fail. Maybe he had been studying history.

adapted from a talk delivered by Victor Davis Hanson on June 30, 2023, during a Hillsdale College educational cruise 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Living in a Neofeudal Bubble

If you listen to conventional economists, everything's rosy: thanks to the expansion of alt-energy like wind and solar, energy is getting cheaper, batteries will power the new global economy, we're getting smarter - just look at the rising number of advanced college degrees, wages are finally growing, inflation is trending down, household balance sheets and corporate profits are strong, debt loads are not an issue yet and GDP is rising.

All this happy news is backed by statistics, of course, but there's one little problem: all the conventional cheerleaders are living in a bubble of like-minded elites who are insulated from the neofeudal realities of life in the real world.

Outside the bubble of wealthy, protected elites that generate the statistics and the "news," the global economy is completely, totally neofeudal - and so is the American economy. What does neofeudal mean? It refers to a two-tiered socio-economic system in which an aristocracy owns the vast majority of the wealth and collects the lion's share of the income, and uses this financial dominance to buy political and narrative dominance.

In a neofeudal arrangement, the machinery of governance protects and enforces elite dominance. Cartels and monopolies have free rein to price-fix and exploit, tax revenues flow freely to cartels, elite organizations such as family trusts get tax breaks, and so on. In other words, "the market" is rigged and the government maintains the status quo.

Toiling away to enrich the aristocratic owners of capital are the serfs and peasants, who own a tiny shred of income-producing capital. Their primary assets - the family home and vehicles - are actually income streams for the wealthy who collect the mortgage and auto-loan interest paid by the serfs.

The core dynamic in neofeudalism is the already-wealthy increase their share of the wealth, and everyone else sees their meager share diminish. The vast majority of financial gains generated by the US economy flow to the top 0.1% of households. The top 1%'s share has risen by 40% while the bottom 50%'s share of the wealth has slipped to 3% - essentially signal noise.

Social mobility is limited to the occasional serf clawing their way into the technocrat class, the top 5% who slavishly serve the interests of the financial aristocracy. This class lives in a self-contained, protected bubble: an echo chamber of privilege, residential enclaves, jetting around the world, and so on: everything's great because we're doing great.

Life is good in the bubble because there's no homeless encampment a block away, there's plenty of money coming in and our wealth - 401Ks, inherited bonds and rental property, university pensions, corporate stock options, and so on--increases smartly, year after year and decade after decade.

That all this wealth expansion is the result of unprecedented central bank intervention is left unsaid. As noted above, the role of the state and central bank is to maintain the status quo of the already-wealthy increasing their share of the national wealth and income, and loading more (very profitable) debt on the serfs.
Outside the technocrats' privileged bubble, wages' share of the economy have been stripmined by the aristocracy for 45 years. Oh dear; could this be why I'm having such trouble finding low-wage reliable "help"?

While wages inch up, costs of shelter, utilities, debt, vehicles, public transport, childcare and other essentials soar. Wages have flatlined (or fallen when measured in purchasing power) while rent has steadily increased, eating away at the serfs' disposable income.

Inside the technocrat class bubble, everything's wunnerful. AI will boost profits (all of which flow to the aristocracy, so that's wunnerful), energy's getting cheaper and more abundant, and so on.

Oh, wait. Alt-energy only looks cheap because all the full lifetime costs have been ignored (i.e. externalized), and these modest additions to our vast hydrocarbon consumption aren't actually replacing hydrocarbons, they're simply adding more energy for us to consume.

In other words, conventional economists and the other technocrats maintain their privileged bubble by clinging to a delusionally disconnected-from-the-real-world mindset. There's always a slew of academic papers or think-tank / corporate reports to bolster the inside-the-bubble confidence that everything's great, because generating positive narratives that leave the neofeudal structure untouched in the primary industry of the technocrat class.

There are no rebuttals, there are only sputtering obfuscations: b-b-but the mission to Mars! Taylor Swift raked in a billion bucks! OnlyFans pulled in $5 billion! Stocks are rallying! Everything's great!

Sure - if your dose of Delusional is high enough. Then you can go back to complaining about air travel delays, finding someone to repair your pool pump and bragging about how well your investments are doing.

by Charles Hugh Smith on September 5, 2023 at

Friday, September 22, 2023

Living Your Soul's Purpose

You are welcome to explore any aspect of life on Earth as it is right now. You do not have to give in to the prevailing belief that you are supposed to do something or that you are meant to do something there. You have more freedom than that, and most of you have satisfied all of your pre-birth contracts and agreements to get you to this place where you are truly ready to ascend to the fifth dimension. Now, you are following your soul’s desire when you listen to those little impulses, those inspired ideas that you get from within you. Those are not coming from out of left field, as you might say. They are coming from within you, the deepest part of you, the soul aspect of you, which is a more whole and complete aspect of who you are.

And so, to be yourselves fully you must listen to those impulses and those ideas and follow through with them, instead of coming to us or some other channeled entity and asking the question, ‘What am I supposed to do? Why did I come here? What’s my mission?’ It’s written all over your life experience, because your life experience was created to nudge you in the direction that it feels most natural for you to be moving in at any given time. In this particular lifetime, it is rarely one thing. You don’t find as many people going into a trade and spending forty or fifty years doing it. But rather, you find more and more people are bouncing around from different interest, hobby, occupation, to another, and that is as it was meant to be in this lifetime to give yourselves as many experiences as possible.

So you don’t have to figure out what the one thing is that you’re supposed to be doing and then stay on that track forever and ever more. But rather, go within on a regular basis and check in and feel for what the impulses are for you in any given moment in any given day and follow through as best you can. You don’t have to wait for an invitation from the universe, but you might get signs, you might get breadcrumbs and synchronicities that are telling you, ‘Yes! You are right. Move in that direction. It’s okay. It’s safe to follow your bliss.’ 

Sometimes you experience doubt so that you can then choose to believe in yourselves and in the ability that you have within you to follow through with something. You see, it also doesn’t have to be something you knew that you were going to do from a very young age, because you were meant to explore this realm, and through a series of experiences, understand better what appeals to you, what makes you tick, what lights you up and brings you the most joy. And you can discover that at age seventy, and it’s okay.

There’s no one way you are all supposed to be, or one timing at which you are all supposed to discover that. You have all that you need within you to know what it is to move towards and to follow through with that knowing. If you need more confidence in yourselves, look for examples of others who have done it. Stay positive, and ask the universe to give you those examples, to give you that anecdotal evidence that you can move in the direction you seek to go at any point in your life, and you can have a wonderful experience doing it. That is our suggestion to you; this is not something we are telling you you must do, but we know that you will find a lot of satisfaction and a lot of fulfillment when you do.

channel of 9D Arcturian Council at

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Is Humanity Going to Make It?

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are awakening within each and every one of you pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies, new versions of yourselves. We help to make it possible for you all to believe in the validity these new aspects of life on Earth, these new potentials for all of you. And we do that in a variety of ways. We hold the knowing so strongly within ourselves, as we connect with you, and as we sprinkle the energies that we do into your fields, that you cannot help but pick up on that knowing. We are to you what another human being is who knows exactly what they are doing and how to handle a situation that you would find anxiety-provoking to say the least, and when you are in the presence of that person, your anxiety is automatically diminished by their certainty, by how positive they are that they can handle the situation at hand.

We know that you are going to make it as individuals, and as a collective, and we know that you have the potential to enjoy the experience more. You don’t have to see it as something you just survive, but rather, it can be a ride like none other, a joyous journey, where you are prancing through fields of tulips. You have the ability to choose, and you have the ability to vibrate in harmony with the better experiences, the better timelines, the better versions of yourselves. You do get there with help; there’s always help.

When you are born, you have people there with you, adults, usually your parents, who know what to do. They know a little bit more about this world that you have forgotten so much about, and that gives them the capacity to help you in a variety of ways, and most often they do. You benefit from the stability of their energy, the fact that they know how to get food and get it to you, how to get clothing and put it on you, and so on. Everyone has help all the time, and then when you receive help, when you become the stabilizing force for humanity, or for those close to you, then you get to transform someone with your presence, with your knowing, with that certainty that you now have that everything is going to be all right, that humanity is going to make it, and that this shift in consciousness is inevitable.

It’s the ride you signed up for, and it’s the only game in town, so you might as well play it consciously, and you might as well have fun while you’re doing it. We are sprinkling those energies into your fields right now, because we want you to see your own potential. We want you to see how good life there on Earth can be and will be if you allow it to be and if you choose it to be, and we are here for you eternally to hold that space, just as we know you are there to do the same for your fellow humans, and you have our infinite appreciation for spreading the energies around.

Arcturian channel at, September 2023

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Pleiadian Message

Be still within your Heart, open to be received within this sacred reveal taking place during the middle of this calendar month. Know Truth; this is launching for you to participate in, a next phase of destiny that is to be heralded into the full arena of Earth. As the Scahndahlah effect continues to build in momentum a vast new brilliance is about to enter your planet, which will begin to create a higher space of consciousness that is pre-destined to be established across your earth plane.

Pure forms of brilliance are on the verge of be forged within the Sacred Sites, Ley lines and Vortexes, which are scattered across your earth plane. Each placement will be utilized as a sacred anchor point. Each anchor point will play a pivotal role, will become an individual patterned component making up a vast Mandala wheel. The wheel enters Earth through the Magnetic core and then will be imprinted outwards in layers through and across your entire planet. This Mandala is making manifest a series of pure geometrical sacred forms within your earth plane. These geometrical forms within the Mandala are to create vast realignments through the entire vibrational electrical makeup of Earth.

The Earth’s magnetic core is to be the primary anchor point of the Mandala and will make, hold the holy frequency aspect of the very centralized form of the Mandala. There will be a pure light consciousness pulsing, emerging from the very nucleus of the sacred Mandala containing the sacred light of the God consciousness frequency and the essence of self-resurrection for all humanity.

The Magnetic core is to undergo a transformational multidimensional opening. This crevice will create a series of huge energetic shifts across the entire planet and will bring a continual unfolding transmission of these different phases of expansive light wave vibrations that arise from the inner multidimensional Mandala form.

The illusion of time on this planet has been collapsing, you can expect a surge of further transformational shifts within this frame of measure where the experience of ‘time’ totally disintegrates. The energetic rotation of the Earth will be accelerating. Many of the grids of illusion will begin to further dissolve allowing the anchoring, the further opening of the alternate reality spaces to actively emerge for you to engage within your earth plane.

These alternate reality spaces have always existed on the planet however they have remained totally separated by veils from the illusion of Earth. As the energetic arena of Earth begins to shift on another level, the changing dynamic that is coming will allow these higher states of reality to begin to open and blend layered fluid states of higher consciousness within the earth plane.

The alignment to these alternate reality spaces energies is going to be enabled to blend within your earth plane. This blending is destined to create a natural rebalancing of the reality of Truth within Earth. An authentic step, a beginning of a new phase of a higher level of light consciousness to emerge across your planet. Those of you who are on the awakened path will become the beneficiaries of these pure states of consciousness. There is to be a re-emergence of a series of pure authentic light spaces being restored, being made more accessible for you to support you being more authentic to yourself. This is you being restored to the natural frequency of your Higher-Self, consciousness state.

Only through the avenue of your Heart can you begin to access the restoration of your Sacred Being’s light. You have a crystalline structure that exists between the spaces of the cells of your Heart, Brain, Thyroid, Spine, and Sacrum. Your light enters through the Heart’s crystalline structure and then interacts with other areas of your crystalline structure within your physical body.

The light of your Being can enter and anchor your higher light consciousness within this crystalline structure, within your physical body systems. Your authentic light is electrical in nature and the crystalline structure function is to hold the fully electrical frequency of your higher consciousness essence within your physical body.

Your Heart’s will be aligned to these resurrection energies of Truth. Your unique Heart frequency will be activated on another multidimensional level to enable your unique divine frequency to arise within your cells of the Heart, transforming your alignment to your sacred Heart.

Collectively your sacred Heart’s will be enabled to resonate as one flow of communion when you choose to gather as a group. Your groups potential resonance will accelerate allowing the combination of your collective sacred Heart’s frequency to become manifest on higher multidimensional levels. You, as a group, can be instrumental in adding to the shifting arena of Earth that is part of the prophecy of your planet. Remember those of you in human form are to be the ones to shift the ultimate consciousness of Earth. This was always the ultimate plan. You carry the power within your collective Hearts to create the light, to build the light.

As the spaces of illusion further release on your earth plane a doorway of opportunity is opened, bringing forward access to Truth and opening the potential for you to align to an authenticity of your Higher Self. Allowing you to gain insights, clarity of your sacred being and to understand more clearly your human journey. Both insights of your sacred and human makeup are essential to you moving forward into this next phase towards enlightenment.

Authenticity within yourself is living Truth. This is your time for you to choose to focus on yourself. Taking the essential time in allowing you to take another step towards the multidimensional aspects of your higher being while living an authentic life within your Heart on this earthly human plane. Applying patience, compassion, and love to your own human aspect and then allowing that energy to naturally transmit out to all humanity.

The first step of compassion is acceptance of this Truth; that as a human being you are ‘perfectly imperfect’. You have come to this earth plane to continue to have a human experience as you awaken to your sacred nature, your Higher Self. An aspect of your mission here is self-resurrection of your human aspect.

This is the time for letting go of releasing the old shells, the old burdens of guilt, shame, remorse betrayal and anger. Authenticity within yourself is everything. As you choose to take one moment of being authentic within yourself, all the old structures can transmute within you. As you allow these authentic moments within yourself there is an automatic shift takes place within every cell of your body. All self- sabotaging cycles can transform in that moment. This is the time for your self-liberation!

Know that you have never been a victim, you have played your role out perfectly in each scenario to create an experience to learn. Choose to let go of being the victim and take responsibility for your creation. As you begin to examine the reflections of your life that you have created thus far and take full ownership of your learning experiences as a human being transformation happens. Self-resurrection takes place. Truth is revealed.


NOTE: Begin this process any time after September 21st.

Note: DAP is found at the soft opening at the base of the throat. The DAP is known as your Divine Access Point and part of your sacred Heart space.

CONSCIOUS BREATH: a breath in the mouth and out the mouth.

SACRED SOUND: VAHLAHNNN…. (pronounced: var larn)

  1. Align to your Heart and DAP. One hand on your upper chest and one hand on the base of your throat.

  2. Feel the warm or pressure of your hand on your Heart and DAP.

  3. Take a Conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into your Heart/DAP. Repeat this as many times until your feel see or sense an opening into your Heart space. There may be movement, flow, light, warmth, or color…

  4. Take a Conscious breath and let go within your Heart space.

  5. Repeat steps 2-5 as many times as you need. This is you entering your Heart space. Claim your Heart by taking a Conscious breath and letting go to align further.

  6. Where you find yourself within your Heart space begin to bring in the sacred sound, VAHLAHNNN… place the sound within the space of your Heart. When you make the sound it’s like a call to the Mandala form that has anchored on the Earth. Make this sound as many times as you need.

  7. Feel see or sense how the Mandala form’s energy is answering your call. Maybe you see feel or sense the Mandala’s light flowing connecting into your Heart. Take a Conscious breath and let go… as you let go you receive more of a connection from the Mandala’s light. You begin to receive the sacred openings within you.

  8. Continue to deepen the link to the Mandala’s light by using the sound, VAHLAHNNN… and your Conscious breath, focusing on letting go to receive.

  9. As this feels complete for now just bring your full awareness to your hands on your chest and on the base of your throat. Use the Conscious breath to integrate this activation of the energetic connection through you.


Know that we, the Pleiadians are holding an energetic Platform as the transmutation of Earth unfolds, as the Mandala anchors within the Magnetic core of the planet. We hold the platform for all of you who choose to step forward to utilize the pure forces of the Mandala. We continue to witness you in this next step of your journey. Blessings.

Pleiadian channel at, September 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Some people believe that shungite stones are like crystals and have healing properties. Shungite stones can help in some very targeted areas and show promise in others. So what is a Shungite Stone and why are an increasing number of people wearing medallions made of shungite?

Authentic shungite stones come from a town called Shunga in Karelia, Russia. People have been drawn to these stones for years, and there are lots of shungite deposits in the region. Shungite stones are made mostly of carbon. Specifically, the stones are made up of clusters of carbon atoms called "fullerenes." Shungite stones also contain many micro- and macrominerals. Some of these are quartz, mica, albite, and pyrite. Natural shungite has lots of different textures and shapes. Perhaps the uniqueness of the stones is what makes them attractive to some health-conscious people.

But do Shungite Stones have health benefits?

Like crystals, shungite stones have been around for millennia. In recent years, they have become popular in complementary and alternative medicine. Some people say that shungite can:

  • Soothe insomnia

  • Relieve pain

  • Improve energy levels

  • Detoxify the mind, body, and spirit

  • Protect against electromagnetic frequency

But there isn’t any evidence that supports these claims.

Some animal studies show that shungite lowers inflammation in mice that are radiated with UV-B rays. After the shungite is applied to their radiated skin, the mice have less roughness and pigmentation‌. The study was never tried on humans, though, so it’s not clear that shungite can help your skin.

So how can you put shungite stones to good use? You can use them to help you tame stress and anxiety, and they can add to any type of meditation you may do.

Many people say that shungite can help lower stress and anxiety because it absorbs negative energy. This is an uncommon idea and isn’t shown in any evidence.

Instead, use shungite in a sensory technique. Touching and holding objects can help you move through distress. This could include holding or touching a shungite stone.

Meditation can help lower your blood pressure and stress and bring calmness to your mind. One form of meditation called concentration meditation involves focusing on an object. This practice teaches you how to focus your mind and is often the basis for other types of meditation. You can focus on shungite stones or other crystals in your concentration meditation.

Shungite stones also deserve their good reputation in water filtration, antimicrobial uses, and health care technology. Sand, stones, and the many layers of the earth act as a natural water filtration system. Carbon-based water filters have also been used to purify water for a long time. Shungite seems to remove impurities and other organic substances from water. This makes shungite useful for sewage and water treatment, and water treatment at heat power plants.

Shungite also seems able to kill bacteria and other germs. This is mostly useful as a way to purify water but could also work for treating swimming pool water.

Health care technology. Shungite has nanoparticles, bits you can't see with the naked eye. But these tiny particles have a strong role in nanotechnology — creating things with atomic particles.

Remember those fullerenes? They might be able to carry unstable atoms inside themselves. These could be useful as contrast agents for testing, as in magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray imaging. Contrast agents are substances that you take to help the machines better see your body or cells. Fullerenes also have antiviral activity when they’re made into certain kinds of drugs. You may hear one day that shungite fullerenes are helping to combat HIV and other viral diseases.  Fullerenes may also be used to make chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.

It's probably safe to place shungite stones in the complementary therapy category. A complementary therapy is something you do along with your regular medicine and treatments. You can use it to add to your health and wellness but not to replace your traditional plan of care. Shungite stones shouldn’t be used instead of medicine or other treatments. If you need help with anxiety or other mental health problems, or you have other serious health problems, it’s important to be treated by your doctor.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

As I Began to Love Myself

Charlie Chaplin read this poem at age 70, originally written by Kim & Alison McMillen:

As I began to love myself

I found that anguish and emotional suffering

are only warning signs that I was living

against my own truth.

Today, I know, this is Authenticity.

As I began to love myself

I understood how much it can offend somebody

if I try to force my desires on this person,

even though I knew the time was not right

and the person was not ready for it,

and even though this person was me.

Today I call this Respect.

As I began to love myself

I stopped craving for a different life,

and I could see that everything

that surrounded me

was inviting me to grow.

Today I call this Maturity.

As I began to love myself

I understood that at any circumstance,

I am in the right place at the right time,

and everything happens at the exactly right moment.

So I could be calm.

Today I call this Self Confidence.

As I began to love myself

I quit stealing my own time,

and I stopped designing huge projects for the future.

Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness,

things I love to do and that make my heart cheer,

and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm.

Today I call this Simplicity.

As I began to love myself

I freed myself of anything

that is no good for my health –

food, people, things, situations,

and everything that drew me down

and away from myself.

At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism.

Today I know it is Love of Oneself.

As I began to love myself

I quit trying to always be right, and ever since

I was wrong less of the time.

Today I discovered that is Modesty.

As I began to love myself

I refused to go on living in the past

and worrying about the future.

Now, I only live for the moment,

where everything is happening.

Today I live each day, day by day,

and I call it Fulfillment.

As I began to love myself

I recognized that my mind can disturb me

and it can make me sick.

But as I connected it to my heart,

my mind became a valuable ally.

Today I call this connection Wisdom of the Heart.

We no longer need to fear arguments,

confrontations or any kind of problems

with ourselves or others.

Even stars collide,

and out of their crashing, new worlds are born.

Today I know: This is Life!

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...