Saturday, September 9, 2023

Einstein Was a Fraud

Einstein was a con man, thief, and plagiarist. The way he arrived at the Theory of Relativity was through somebody else. He was, in fact, a very bad mathematician all of his life. In order to generate the Theory of Relativity, you had to have been a genius in math. He wasn't. One of the men whose ideas helped him with the Theory of Relativity was a German professor and head of the math department at Berlin University by the name of David Hilbert. Hilbert, Henri Poincare, and others were generating a new Theory of Relativity and applying for patents; if Einstein was genius, it was only in his ability to publish their work before they were able to, and then take credit for it.

Einstein studied in the Polytechnic Institute in Switzerland, but never graduated because he was kicked out for his radicalism. He became a problem for the school. He never got a diploma. From there, he went on to work at the patent office, where he was not well liked. His job there was to review patents and decide what to do with them. While working there he came up with the idea, by reviewing many patents, to publish and take credit for the Theory of Relativity.

People also give Einstein credit for the creation of the atomic bomb. The science behind E=mc2 helped other scientists develop the technology to create the first atomic bombs, but he never worked on the project and was never a part of the team, despite wanting to be and not being accepted.

He knew he didn't understand the science and math. He is famous because he was a Zionist, even though he had no idea what the movement was all about. The politics of the time propped him up and created a faux legacy. Like most Jews of his times, he was brainwashed into accepting the ideas of Zionism. That he was one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century (or ever) is just another in a long list of lies we have been spoon fed about our history.

by insider Ray, a Jew, at in August 2023

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