Thursday, October 12, 2023

A New Vision for Humanity

What we have for you is a new view of humanity that speaks only of love and light. For in love and light is a vista of consciousness that opens the door to mastery. That has always been the way it works. Spirit melds with matter and produces majesty.

All is revealed in a nanosecond to those who are ready for it. The law of love approaches the law of infinity, and there is a merger of the mortal with the sublime and limitless. There’s a map you can see wherein all these things are made obvious and clear. That map allows you to open up the doorways to infinity, so there is no longer any ambiguity about what will be coming your way in the future.

This is your time. This is the time where you will really spring forth into truth and light and beauty and manifestation. This is where you have all the tools you need to get past the blockages that have arraigned your marriage to the Divine in the past.

The entirety of existence is at your fingertips when you embrace the fundamental nature of the Cosmos as loving that reflects in your actions such that there is no emotional charge over those very things most would find as implacable offenses.

The key is to avoid the impulse to react in a patterned way to stimuli. This doesn’t have to be so simple and straightforward as deciding that you’re just not going to get angry anymore when things go wrong. It fundamentally rewrites the genetic code, on a cellular level to the point where there is no need to struggle or strain any further in life.

That is one of the deeper messages of this period of time. You have led yourself to believe that such struggle is necessary, when in fact that is an illusion. The very things you want the most in life can be yours when you let go of the struggle. Always keep clear about how the pathways of the Infinite are opening up.

It is an absolute necessity to rely upon your inner training in each and every moment, so there can be no discrepancy from the basic truth of your Being. That is what is missing at present. Still you often find yourself slipping into those patterns of reproach over the world as it is, and your life as it has been. That is not necessary.

All that has been is perfect. All that shall be is perfect. And all that is Now is perfect. The grandiosity of that realization cannot be encapsulated into mere words on the printed page. It cannot be handed to you as a trophy of the moment in which realization dawns within the inner psyche. It is a blacklisted truth for those who are ruled by the personality self because they cannot so easily embrace that which ultimately annihilates the falsities the egoic mind loves to build around itself here and there.

As the wall comes tumbling down, the greater truth is revealed. And there is a price to pay for failing to see that glory when you are getting close to it.

The disruptions that may occur can seem terrifying, but the objective is to understand how to properly harness and channel the Creative Forces as they near their full manifestation at your fingertips.

This is not to say you cannot simply revel in being human and cast aside those feelings of fate, doom, fear, anger, jealousy, et cetera that had kept you imprisoned in the past. What is required now is a renaissance of awareness, a flight of fancy into an intriguing new concept of Unity, stripping bare the cloak-and-dagger nature of the egoic mind so as to invite Truth to nest within the habitat of your delicately-engendered emotional field.

Long gone are the times where the appreciation of inner mastery must be done at a distance, alone in a solitary cave with one candle lit and burning. This is a world in which the great initiation chamber need not be built out of massive stones into some such shape of transformation. Rather, the world of the psyche is the very playing field in which day by day, moment by moment, time after time, the Cosmic Awareness opens up its mighty doors to you and the sunshine gets in at last.

Let there be no doubt that the path of self-mastery relies upon the individual self - the identity - to make the changes manifest. This is what so many of you are missing when you relax into the obvious cushion of expecting someone else to solve your problems, rewrite your history books, open your doors of reality, or otherwise imbue you with the very qualities you innately possess within. I liken it to a massive army that has stormed the balustrades, forcing a deep inner retreat to a place of relative solitude and quiescence, even amongst the grand Storm that rages outside in the world as it is now known in this very pivotal moment in time and space.

Opening your heart to the beauty of true self-love, true attainment is a mesmerizing process that engrosses you into the sacredness of each and every aspect of your own life. For the personality integration is not done with static textbooks, spelling out each and every new decision you make line by line, point by point, bit by bit. Rather, it is a living awareness, an organic truth, a Divine perspective that transcends mortal reality and physical limitations. No, this is a deeper layer of the onion, a curious new trinket on the mantelpiece, a souvenir from a battle you don’t even realize you’ve been fighting all this time - the serious journey of the seeker to love the self as he or she loves others.

So let’s realize that the scope of what we are seeing emerges here. This is nothing more than the fundamental transformation of life on Earth as we know it. The complete and total revealing of the veiled mysteries of cosmic existence made plain for those willing to pay the price. And the only money that must be spent in attaining this rare gift is service. To love one another as you love oneself. To resonate with beauty, glory, majesty and truth as easily and repeatedly as you once looked away from it. To absolutely know, in your heart of hearts, that this is a joyful, positive and uplifting universe to be in, and it can be nothing else since all is One, and the nature of that Oneness is to Be Love Now.

It doesn’t involve waiting in a long line for a ticket to board a cosmic love machine that rockets you throughout the cosmos with nary a whisper of sound. This is a megalithic consciousness complex that takes root in the deepest levels of the unconscious mind - to the ego, that is - and gradually rises from the depths like the semi-mythic Atlantean legends made real.

Think of the clear-cutting going on in the Amazon, which has now revealed such majestic land sculptures underneath. Even your most precious resources, at times, must be sacrificed, for the hidden truths of who and what you are to burst through the pale shades of yesterday’s remembrances. Only then do you know the wisdom of the sages and master teachers, who spoke of a world to come – a world of grandeur and bliss, triumph and sacrifice, pain and love - where the oldest books in the world were proving to be the most correct - now and forever.

That which is inspired is of truth. And truth is merely a collection of bits and pieces that can point one in the direction of the Great Mystery itself: Who are we? Why are we here? and Where are we going?

I don’t profess to have all of these answers either. We are seekers as you are. We learn from you as you learn from us. We have our faults and weaknesses, as do you. At times our errors in judgment have been lacking, and at times they are glaring. Nonetheless, it is this vision, this absolute knowing of our cosmic nature that impels us forward in this quest to revivify the deleted portions of Self, so as to open up that Divine gateway to the Universe within… and without.

All along, the tools have been lying in wait for those who know what they are looking for. And we would ask that you keep it that way. Keep that knowledge precious. And keep it hidden from those who are not ready to hear your messages of deep, cosmic esoterica.

Focus instead on the goodness you can manifest in people’s lives. If you have troublesome family members, rather than inculcating them with various morbid conspiracy theories, or elaborate UFO storylines, show kindness to them. Let your skills as an esoteric artist bring forth true manifestations of Divine fidelity that reveal your allegiance to the Everlasting in such a form as no mere mortal can be swayed by the illusions that would tear you away from that mirror.

For the first time you can gaze within your own eyes, and really see who and what is looking back at you. For the first time you have every reason to celebrate your life and claim the power of knowing, deep in your heart, that you have won the game, crossed the final threshold, and opened the doorway to the Infinite.

It’s never been complicated.

Let’s be faithful to the core principles that life has been built from in its primordial essence - to respect and venerate the free will of others, while simultaneously protecting our own. This is a very difficult lesson to grasp, for within such a process lies the keys to all manner of gateways, but the doors themselves are often hidden in the darkness of the mortal Ego, and its mental gymnastics.

No one needs to question the Now. It simply is. The opening to Infinity need not happen in one single, rushing moment of Truth. It often is a gentle quilting of the various shards of pain and misery that have made up one’s life from time to time: the harvest of bitterness, the seasons of discontent, the onus of responsibility, the glory of sacrifice. Let it be known that the past is but prelude to the Now.

Everything you know, everything you trust, everything you believe to be ‘reality’ can change in a snapshot - a microscopic instant of awareness of the Grand Mystery that sustains us all, within which we move and have our being.

I would liken it to a chicken factory, where you’re being cruelly kept in little cages, stacked one on top of the other so that your entire world is one of confinement and the perpetual awareness of the excrement raining down upon you. Those cages of the mind are mental prisons wrought by the exercising of free will to engage the negative - to believe the lie of imperfection, to betray the truth of Eternity in thought, word and deed, and to rebuke the knowningness of the Everlasting Love that always is, and always will be.

No mere sideshow, this is the Grand Performance of the Universe - the ballet dance of Foreverness that jumps the needle off of the gramophone, playing the same old songs year after year - and instead pulls its musical sustenance from the air around you. The kind words spoken to a stranger. The feeble weakening of the perpetually angry and jealous Ego as it dies away, only to be reborn into the open-hearted embrace of others’ flaws and impediments as truly being their gifts, their honors, their joys to live with… just as they are.

For you too have walked in the valleys of pain and dismemberment, you may very well be heading into a financial and spiritual crisis the likes of which you had never before imagined. You may have already endured such a crisis, or a number of them. You may already be at a point where you can see that none of it really matters, that your Divine protection will always be there to guide you through even the darkest of nights on a personal and a planetary level.

The timelines for such an event, or events, are of less curiosity than the end result, which is nothing short of your immortality finally being embraced for what it is. Without flaws, without imperfections, without hindrances, the Great Mystery sheds light upon your core essence as the very being who made the Universe to begin with. You are the physics of sunlight. The glimmer of hope in a child’s tears. The love lost in an epic brouhaha of discontent. The smallest, weakest person becoming the most enlightened being of all - the Cosmos itself.

So fear not the coming of the Golden Age. Rest in the forethought that your true Identity brings. There need not be any false illusions about who and what you are. This is your time. This is your day. Embrace truth. Embrace wisdom. Embrace love. Embrace your immortality. And become the Now, rather than merely seeking it. That is the gateway. That is the path that lights up the stars and shows the map to Eternity.

No distance must be traveled. No time must be elapsed. No struggle must be expended. No glory must be sacrificed. No heartache must be endured. Only love, beauty, majesty and triumph.

It is amazingly easy to deny this transcendence, to refute the perfection of the Now and turn away from it, much as the petulant child refuses nourishment. The Now will spoon-feed you its greatest mysteries if you simply allow it to exist. For never has there been an easier nor more poignant time to awaken the slumbering self within. Never has there been a more appropriate moment for you to pull back from the mundane routines of corporeal existence long enough to find the intervals between rational thought, between the conscious co-creations of the world you already have, to embrace the possibilities of what can and will be in the not-too-distant future.

You are not standing on the periphery of a great football game, cheering for one side and hoping the other side loses. You are out there on the playing field yourself. Right now. And what you have is an endless opportunity for growth and development, springing from the very core of your True Self. Take the ball and run with it. This is your Now. This is your Moment. The glory of the oft-prophesied Golden Age is attained one person at a time through the transcension of the doubts and fears of the mundane self - the egoic construct that clings to its identity fiercely and passionately, never daring to slip the bonds of its control long enough to reveal that it is a shadow master, a chimera of illusion, fed by the larder of doubt, fear, hostility and amnesia.

It would be so simple for you to embrace this practice. And therein lies its complexity. For what staggers the rational mind more than all else is the ease with which its greatest paradoxes glide cleanly into transparency and irrelevance once the Great Mystery is beheld, even if but for a moment. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I hadn’t already done it myself, gotten a good look at it, and come back with notes from the oblivion of the cherished mundaneness that sustains the egoic mind in its quest to know and control all things.

All is truth. All is beauty. All is wisdom. All is love. And the Everlasting is available to those who make still the presence of the Great Being within, so that this sleeping giant may again emerge from the cacophony of distrust that marks the function of the rational, conscious mind, and walk freely amongst the flowers and fields of the Infinite.

Let yourself not be troubled by the coming changes, and those that you have already seen manifest. Let the path be clearly seen for what it is. Let the awareness of your own Immortal Self carry forth as a shining beacon unto others, lest they not be capable of seeing it for themselves. And again, you need not go on an expository rant about this and that cosmic conundrum that your research has rectified into a boilerplate statement of what is. Instead, simply become the awareness of love, the presence of Peace, the stillness of Eternity, and that will shine through all the veils and layers of grime that would have obscured all others who wish to speak to you from ever even getting a foot in the door.

This is it. Your time, your moment, your Foreverness. Do with it what you will. The choice is not easy, but it is unforgettable. That is all for now. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. Be well, and know you are Love.

by Archangel Michael in The Michael Prophecies, Book Seven, pp 496-508

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