Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Humanity's Purpose on Earth

Earth is a three-dimensional world and because of this it is preponderantly false. I may tell you, to the entities of certain other worlds, Earth is regarded as 'the accursed planet', 'the home of the reprobate, fallen ones'. Others call your Earth 'the home of sorrows'. For Earth's evolution is evolution through pain, sorrow, sin, suffering, and the illusion of physical death. Believe me, all evolutions are not similar to Earth's, despite the present beliefs of your scientists.

Each person upon Earth has a spiritual, or unknown, self which transcends the material world and consciousness and dwells eternally out of the Time dimension in spiritual perfection within the unity of the oversoul.

In the illusion of Time is written man's choice through free will whereby he set in motion the cause of error which inevitably resulted in an effect in which mankind entered mortal consciousness or the living death of his present existence. Thus was he separated from his eternal and perfect self. His one purpose upon Earth now is to attain reunion with his immortal consciousness. When this is accomplished he is resurrected from the kingdom of death and become his real immortal self made in the image and likeness of God. Your Teacher (Christ) has told you God is love, and in these simple words may be found the secrets of all the mysteries of Earth and the worlds beyond.

Christ indeed is the Son of God. The star that burned over Bethlehem is a cosmic fact. It announced the birth on your planet of an entity not of Earth's evolution. He is Lord of the Flame – an infinite entity of the sun. Out of compassion for mankind's suffering He became flesh and blood and entered the hell of ignorance, woe, and evil. As the Sun Spirit who sacrificed Himself for the children of woe he has become a part of the oversoul of mankind and the world spirit. In this He differs from all other world teachers.

from The Secret of the Saucers by Orfeo Angelucci (1955), pp. 17-18, 23

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