Sunday, June 30, 2024

What Price Trump?

Trump is telling Americans exactly what they need to hear, right now, versus a deceptive fantasy about some new imaginary world. The U.S. is under attack on all flanks, and especially within, and as Trump clearly repeated, the country is on the verge of potential war and collapse from other groups that want to destroy it, and from incompetence internally. This isn't a message that most people want to hear, and many will simply pretend things are still normal when they are not.

There will be plenty of opportunity for more Americans to step up and into the public realm, and take leadership roles in state and federal government. But there won't be anything left to lead, at least not in the way we assume, unless a fighter leads the fight, right now, and wins the country back. That means closing the borders, settling global conflicts and establishing national security; recapturing energy independence, rebuilding the military, and supporting American business enterprise, American ingenuity, and American faith.

When England was under direct threat in the early 1940s, and Churchill was nearly alone as a voice of resolve and defiance, he was still fighting to organize a successful bid to become prime minister. It wasn't until England's survival was at stake that his personality and fighting spirit became the only and suddenly obvious political solution, and the weak and incompetent Neville Chamberlain, forced out (like Biden and his party, he also sought to effectively surrender to Britain's enemies). A group of British businessmen organized a new, but almost desperate message that was famously displayed in public in London: "What price Churchill?"

The presidential debate this week was a true repetition of history: Trump is a modern Churchill, pugnacious, defiant, patriotic, and ready to win. Biden (and his party) is compliant, afraid, and delusional about both global risk, and global opportunity. But who replaces Biden in the 2024 election will be that, and worse: dangerously radical, and determined to put the nails in America's coffin - with glee.

by Matthew G. Andersson at on June 29, 2024

Love Is

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Crises and Sacrifices Yet to Come

The timing of finally embracing risk and sacrifice as the only option left is exquisitely sensitive: finally caving in a moment too late leads to the system collapsing beyond recovery.

The sense that we're approaching a tipping point into a crisis with no easy resolution is pervasive, a sense that beneath the veneer of normalcy (the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates and that will fix everything), we sense the precariousness of this brittle normalcy.

While many are uneasily scanning the horizon for geopolitical crises, others see the crisis emerging here at home, possibly a political crisis or a financial crisis that ensnares us all.

Few look at the decay of our social order as the source of crisis. Few seem to notice that corruption has become so normalized that we don't even recognize the ubiquity and depth of our corruption; we tell ourselves that this isn't corruption, it's just healthy self-interest, the "invisible hand" of the market magically organizing our economy to optimize efficiency and productivity. This provides cover for our worship of self-interest, a polite phrase for limitless greed.

While the media glorifies illusions of salvation and grandeur (AI!), few look at what's been lost in the decay of our social order, a list that starts with sacrifice for the common good and civic virtue.

The American Dream has a peculiarly truncated vision of sacrifice: we make individual sacrifices to advance our personal goals, but sacrifices for the common good are not part of the Dream: sacrifices for the sake of our fellow citizens are at best unnecessary and at worst a waste of money, something only chumps fall for.

The Smart Money spends a fortune evading taxes, as part of the prevailing ethos: Get rich by whatever means are necessary and let the Devil take the hindmost.

What few seem to have noticed is specific classes of the citizenry have already been sacrificed to clear the path for limitless greed and corruption to reap the spoils. These classes include the majority of the citizenry, the bottom 90%, though the burdens of the systemic cannibalization / predation have fallen most heavily on the bottom 50%, whose share of the nation's financial wealth is effectively signal noise: 2.6%.

The generational divide is equally stark: Boomers hold 51% of household wealth, while Millennials hold a mere 9%. The divide between wage earners and owners of capital is staggering, yet of little interest to the financial media: Labor's share of gross domestic income (GDI) has declined for decades, resulting in the transfer of $149 trillion from wage earners to owners of capital.

The sacrifices yet to come will fall on everyone, but they will fall most heavily on capital as capital has scooped up the vast majority of the financial gains for the past 45 years. The owners of capital are already whining, as if the addition of $50 trillion to their wealth in the past four years is their birthright, the legitimate rewards of their brilliant creation of stupendous gains in productivity rather than the illegitimate gains of a centrally planned bubble that enriched the few at the expense of the many.

We are reluctant to face the consequences of our corruption and our vastly unequal economy. The dynamics of our ability to rationalize away the coming crisis are crystalized in the graphic above composed by Dave Pollard in his post Why We Cannot Prevent Collapse.

In summary, we are fixated on the short-term, enamored by our own power, intoxicated by normalization and conditioned to being "saved", confident that our salvation will be delivered via a painless central bank "save" should anything threaten to overturn our apple cart.

Financial podcaster Emerson Fersch asks a cogent question: what catalyst will finally tip the system into disorderly incoherence?

I don't have a crisp answer that fits in a Tweet or a Tik-Tok video because any prediction is nothing more than a guess due to the nature of the global economic system: an open, (i.e. emergent) tightly bound system that has veered far from equilibrium and is prone to sudden drops into chaotic disorder in which there are no guarantees that the previous stability / equilibrium can be restored.

We know a few things that offer some minimal guidance. We know that in complex, highly interconnected /tightly bound systems, small perturbances can generate large effects.

We also know that should events occur faster than the system's stabilizing feedbacks can respond, the system is highly prone to collapse.
We also know that humans don't change anything that requires exposure to open-ended risk and sacrifice until there is no other choice.

Lastly, we know that the timing of finally embracing risk and sacrifice as the only option left is exquisitely sensitive: finally caving in a moment too late leads to the system collapsing beyond recovery. When this moment arrives, who will be ready and who will resist, rationalize and prevaricate until it's too late?

When we're finally ready to bargain - OK, we'll sacrifice a bit - it's too late to stop the whirlwind.

by Charles Hugh Smith on June 14, 2024 at

Friday, June 28, 2024

The End is Nigh

This is the most significant reality of the world picture now: the wishes of the manager class are going in one direction while the actual dynamics of the economy and politics go in the opposite direction. The managers wish for their management of systems to become as centralized and top-down as possible; but the very systems they manage are breaking down and seeking to reorganize at a smaller scale, distributed locally. The tension entailed is explosive.

Forgive me for reiterating a basic principle driving this moment in history: everything organized at the gigantic scale is steaming toward failure: big governments, giant companies, the huge capital investment firms, global shipping, energy production, chain retailing, mass motoring, big electricity, big medicine, big education, big anything. They are all fixing to fail while our politicians and economists make plans based on consolidating them into one super-gigantic mega-system that will run flawlessly on computer tech magic.

The failures of each giant system will only amplify and ramify the failures in all the other systems. Take that as axiomatic. For instance, the fantastic failures in higher education now on display, largely due to the Marxian defeat of excellence, will implant a generation of incompetents in all hierarchies of management. That will result in an insidious matrix of bad decision-making. The Pareto 80-20 principle will ensure that 80-percent of all institutional energy will focus on propping up failing institutions with bad decisions that add up to broken business models (while 20-percent goes into actually carrying-out the bad decisions as policy). That explains how Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation spent $7.5-billion to build seven electric car charging stations.

Similarly, if you have an urgent medical problem, the 80-percent of administrative clerks in your primary care doctor’s overgrown practice (with an assist from the health insurance company cohorts they must coordinate with) will actually manage to delay your treatment as long as possible, with a fair chance of disallowing it altogether. And if you happen to get treatment, there’s also an excellent chance you will be misdiagnosed and subjected to iatrogenic injury.

The 80-20 principle explains the stupendous mismanagement of the Covid-19 event, especially the “marketing” of mRNA vaccines as miracle remedies that turned out to be the opposite of beneficial. The result of that chain of bad decision-making will ensure that any widespread health crisis arising from the long-term effects of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines will destroy the hospital system. (It is already underway.) You can extrapolate that grandiose failure of competence to the World Health Organization and its efforts to orchestrate a new pandemic crisis.

You might have noticed that it is increasingly difficult to get replacement parts for any machine, most particularly cars. That’s a symptom of failure in several integrated systems that are breaking down now: the manufacture of products in distant lands, price disorder in the container-ship business, the collapse of the US trucking system (and with it, the just-in-time inventory model), and the inability of auto dealers to find competent mechanics (while the sinking middle class can no longer afford to buy the cars they sell under the most liberal financing schemes). Expect all that to intensify.

You’ll see similar dysfunction in the system that delivers food to the people of our country. Even as currently operating, with the supermarkets amply stocked, the triumph of poor decision-making has led to 80-percent of the products sold being some form of processed corn syrup and GMO grains marketed as “fun” snack-foods that have destroyed the health of a great many citizens (and overwhelmed the medical system with chronic illness). The breakdown of the US food system is now proceeding with idiotic policy from our government (actually every government in Western Civ is doing it) undermining farm operations, and most especially small farms, with egregious regulation. The pretext for this is the delusional hysteria over “climate change.” It gives the managers something to manage badly.

The large-scale farmers are also affected, of course, but their business model is already broken in other ways, mainly the gigantic cost of their “inputs” — fuel, fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides, and borrowed money to get the crop in. Political and economic management has arranged matters so that, in theory, the failed small farmers will be consolidated into the giant farms (which are also failing), but you can see how that’s going to work out. Before long, all farms will be unable to produce and, after a period of food shortage, perhaps famine, you will see the emergent reorganization of farming at the small scale minus the dead-weight of government regulation.

The dead weight will be gone because government will have destroyed its own legitimacy by making so many bad decisions that led to ramified systems failure of the kind described above. Government will also be starved operationally by the failure of its funding system (taxation) as its economists and their managerial counterparts in finance destroy our money via their remorseless attempts to create fake capital by main force (Modern Monetary Theory).

The upshot of all this is that actual dynamics in human affairs matter more than the grandiose wishes of mega-managers. They can wish for maximum control of everything all they want, but history is taking the world in another direction. Our broken systems for food, medicine, education, commerce will self-reorganize after a period of uncomfortable disorder, perhaps even epic disaster. I hope you see how this works.

from the substack of James Howard Kuntzler on June 10, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Few Years from Today

It's coming. A few years from today, humanity and Earth will be manifesting entirely different energies.

Now, we can conceptualize humanity as encountering new energies from space in the form of the increased emanations from galactic center while being controlled by a clan that is desperate that these energies NOT be acknowledged, nor accepted, nor absorbed, nor integrated. These circumstances necessarily bring contention and conflict to humanity at very deep levels.

The ability of the Elohim worship cult (the ruling clan) to continue in their mindset and control is waning due to these energies. The contention arising from the Elohim worship cult’s attempts to retain control despite these new energies is itself further eroding their ability to control the rest of humanity.

This period, now, within Humanity, is factually the shift of the Ages. It is not possible for us, on this side of the coming changes, to accurately estimate the magnitude of what those changes will produce within Humanity.

A primary change will be the removal of the Elohim worship cult from power. Much of this will be accomplished by the HyperNovelty in which ALL ‘authority’ is removed from Humanity. As the Elohim worship cult can only exist within the construct of social authority, they are naturally in decline now, and will cease to be a meaningful force in a shockingly few years.

The ‘authority’ of ‘medicine’ is now dying very rapidly. Ergo, when the Elohim worship cult ‘medicine structure’ issues a warning of a new disease within their narradigm, it becomes yet another instance of a ‘jew yelling flu’, and not to be taken seriously by thinking people.

Many, a great many, of the unthinking people will be dying over these next few years as a result of the last fake flu, and this will be increased by the “Last Desperate Move” of the Elohim worship cultists to seize cities as power bases within the ‘liberal’ Western Republics.

None of the strategies nor tactics of the Elohim worship cult will succeed. Their ability to deny time and the movement of our solar system into new energies has exhausted itself. Humanity is changing and there is nothing to be done to stop it by the Elohim worship cult.

A few years from now, on the other side of the Time of Testing, on the other side of the Make-A-Way period, Humanity will be emerging into SciFi World.

In that time, ‘environmentalism’ will not mean climate crazies, but will mean people actively working to remove, and remediate pollution... and to increase biosphere activity.

In a few years time, the consumer society will be dead. There will be hundreds of thousands of new farms. The ‘food body’ of planet earth will be increasing, and increasing in diversity as the various ecosystems are studied in a real way involving real science that includes the notion of ‘Consciousness’ as an active participant in our unfolding reality.

There will be whole new industries around health, not disease. The allopathic agenda created by Rockefeller and the Elohim worship cult will be gone.

Along with the Elohim worship cult, we will also lose their dominance by deceit of the ‘academic’ worlds of humanity. The removal of the cult by way of the Delivery of Justice for the covid (and other) psychological operations will free science. There will be a new academic structure that rises, but it will not include the control mechanisms (peer review et al) of the Elohim cult.

Along with the Elohim worship cult exposure, and removal from all power positions, a long needed examination of both true history, and the lies of the religions, will remove what we now think of as the Abrahamic religions. These will naturally change under the new information coming out over these next few years, however, it will be the exposure to the Elohim themselves, those space aliens at the heart of the Torah/Bible/Q’uaran that will be the deciding factor in the dissolution of these religions based on the deliberate distortion of human past by the Elohim.

Think this not to happen? Imagine worshiping YHWH / Jehovah, the Elohim, as a god only to meet/see him as he is in reality, and not the distortions of the propaganda, when this being is mentally ill by human standards, and is a sadist, a drunkard, an addict, drinks human blood, and consumes human children as meat, and as adrenochrome. Same with all the ‘angels’, and especially the ‘arch-angels’. Kind of takes all the mystery and majesty out of the religion.

In a few years time, we will be building out SciFi World. This will be surprisingly fast in its manifestation. This will be due to the shedding of the mental blockages of the ‘grit religion’ of the Elohim worship cult overlay on science. Due to the liberation of science from the grit paradigm, new discoveries will put us rapidly on the path to recovery and exploitation of new technology. The new technology will be combinatoric in its impact. The new understanding of real science will rapidly lead to the creation of new industry, and opportunity.

New science, new technology, new understanding of, and focus on human health, mental, spiritual, and physical, has already started emerging from within the destruction, death, and social chaos of the covid scam. This effort at depopulation by the Elohim worship cult has actually led to the dying phase of the Rockefeller (jewish) culture of ‘medicine’ in which the focus is disease, rather than health. As this model perishes, we can expect the ‘disease schools’ to close. Their funding will wither within these next few years (70+ % to be gone in 2 years time), and the doors will shut after the disasters caused by their ‘graduating’ whole classes of incompetent people into the ‘medical field’. The break down of ‘medicine’ as an industry will happen very rapidly following the take down of the ‘Big Pharma’ companies.

In a few years time, SciFi World will be emerging all around you, both in the new infrastructure for humanity, and in the new social activities. Humanity itself, individually, and collectively is changing due to the increased energies from galactic center that are a predictable part of our solar system’s passage around the rim of the galaxy.

In a few years time, an entirely different you will be exploring an entirely different world populated by an entirely different humanity. Of course there are the space aliens, but eh? Nothing new, and Universe always will be providing some shit to deal with... in just a few years time.

from the substack of Clif High on June 11, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Like Out of an Ayn Rand Novel

Fountainhead - noun as in principal source; person who originates – administrator, builder, creator, originator, leader….

Ayn Rand’s novel, The Fountainhead, published in 1943, has been read by millions of people over the years (37 million books sold). The truncated film version, released in 1949, has been seen by millions of people as well.

Of course, the left has always hated Rand, her books and the films based on them. Her philosophy is a celebration of individualism, a testament to gifted and talented men and women who are able to remain true to themselves in a world that reveres and celebrates mediocrity. Ayn Rand was born in Russia in 1905, and educated there; she was twelve years old during the Bolshevik Revolution. She emigrated to the U.S. in 1926.

Her play of 1935, The Night of January 16th, was produced in Hollywood first, then on Broadway. It was a courtroom drama in which members of the audience were chosen as jurors. The play’s intent was to demonstrate the conflict between individualism and conformity, which seems to be the primary conflict between and among Americans today. The left always comes down on the side of submission and conformity - to their agenda.

Donald Trump is a larger-than-life individual. Rand might have created him for a novel, or based a novel on him had she known him. She profoundly respected people who remained true to themselves when all around them are those striving only for approval for being conventional. Her books and plays were about the tension between individualism and the collectivist mindset of the left.

No wonder the left hates Trump with a blinding obsession to destroy him; his success, his essential happiness and personal fulfillment and his failure to capitulate to their demands enrages them beyond all reason.

Rand’s heroes are engineers, mathematicians, builders and businessmen, not journalists, writers and the professors who believe themselves far superior to the likes of men such as Trump.

The Fountainhead is particularly famous for its representation of newspapermen who relish in creating mob actions, especially against anything new and creative.

Just as when Stravinsky debuted his The Rite of Spring in Paris in 1913, riots ensued, fights in the aisles of the theater; it was new and different. People were stunned by its departure from what they were used to hearing.

Rand’s Ellsworth Toohey, the architecture critic for the New York Times of the novel’s day (The Banner) relishes his power over the people he seeks to mobilize for one cause or another. He is a corrupt and evil man who aims to destroy anyone or anything good or original. With a column or two he could create riots, against a new and different building for example, as he does in the book. He is a classic representation of what we endure today from MSNBC and CNN, the NYT and the WaPo, their 24/7 gloating spree of malice directed at Trump – blatant attempts by mediocre people to render everyone else equally mediocre.

If Rand were alive today, she would invent DEI, ESG and CRT in order to mock how such social experiments destroy excellence, creativity and subvert merit. Each of these alphabet enemies of our civil society require self-sacrifice. Rand wrote: “Self-sacrifice? But it is precisely the self that cannot and must not be sacrificed.” The talking heads at the aforementioned news outlets sold their souls long ago in order to remain conventional.

Today, as the left goes to hellish, unconstitutional lengths to prevent Trump from regaining the presidency, we must admit that there is no longer a Democrat party as formerly constituted in the days of JFK. Today the Democrat party is decidedly Marxist/communist/socialist. Like Rand’s antagonists who set out to destroy her hero, architect Howard Roark, this Democrat party has only contempt for the American people. If they support Trump, they are in need of forced “re-education,” as in camps.

The Democrat left today, the party that fraudulently installed Joe Biden in the presidency knowing full well that he was and remains the most mediocre politician of the last fifty years, hates our nation and the men who founded it. Biden has proven to be the worst president in American history by any measure – economic, demographic (open border), militarily (weak, now a trans/LGBT experiment), re: energy (cutting us off), he’s fostered the wars in Ukraine and Israel; he wants the war in Ukraine to go on for ten years. As for Israel, he is rooting for Hamas.

Biden is everything Ayn Rand railed against - weak, evil, and corrupt. He wants to be thought great by all sides and has not the brains nor the guts to do what is right, no matter the seriousness of the situation. He has brought the country low indeed.

What can one say about the people who continue to support Biden given his painfully obvious dementia, his inability to perform his job? Do they hate Trump so much they are willing to turn the country over to some man-behind-the-curtain? We can ask: Who is calling the shots?

His cabinet is chock full of equally incompetent know-nothings beyond their love of power and money or their status as a revered minority – racial, sexual or otherwise.

How can the usual talking heads in the media continue to pretend he is a viable man, let alone qualified to be president? We all know that the debate will be rigged to favor Biden no matter what; Tapper and Bash are simply tools of the left. They will do what is expected of them, not what is fair.

The tragedy is that, like Rand’s Ellsworth Toohey, they will be proud of themselves for doing the collectivists’ bidding. Again, in the words of Ayn Rand, “The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.”

The American left today fears another Trump presidency like the wicked witch feared water, for it signals the end of their deep state, bureaucratic, authoritarian rule.

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism – by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” ~ Ayn Rand

by Patricia McCarthy on June 23, 2024 at

Aligning to Your Soul Purpose

A soul’s purpose is what the person came here to do. It usually involves some kind of service or helping others and making a difference of some kind, but not always. If a soul has learnt many hard lessons, it may reincarnate to learn how to love or be loved unconditionally, or to resolve past life trauma so the person can realize their full potential and begin to step into their mastery.

Aligning to one’s soul purpose begins with recognition of a higher calling and awareness of one’s gifts, whether they be spiritual, psychic or not. There may be an overwhelming urge or unwavering thought processes pushing the person in a direction that is new or out of left field. They may suddenly find, too, that problems begin to arise in the work they have been doing, or with people they have interacted with – radical changes that push a person out of one field to another can often be divine intervention! In my experience, alignment to one’s soul or spiritual purpose can happen very differently for different people, but usually at the time they chose before they were born – it is never by chance.

How will you recognize that your major purpose for reincarnation is evolving? You will probably find yourself evolving too, becoming more aware of your consciousness and that of others, and being more mindful of the impact you are having on the Earth and those around you. You may also find your psychic senses begin to develop and that you are more sensitive to lower energies. More over than not, what used to fulfil you won’t any more, and there will be a big gap in your life.

Trust! Transition into a higher purpose is confusing, messy and hard to navigate, but you will just know it’s right. Believe! You were born for this and, as everything begins to fall into place, those chosen to assist you, both in spirit and on Earth, will enter your life. Ask for help! Trying to do it alone could mean that you lose faith in yourself, second guess everything and miss the opportunity to take the next step on your path to spiritual evolvement and mastery.

Does a higher purpose need to be of a psychic or spiritual nature? Absolutely not! However, it will bring out the very best in you and you will find your groove easily and with talent – almost as if it was meant to be, which of course, it is!

by Victoria Cochran at on June 6, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Divine Light

Even the strongest of souls are being buffeted by the surging energies during this last phase of the light vs dark battle. The darkness knows it is done for and the waves it is making in its last gasps are being countered by intensified light from myriad sources on and off-planet. You are among them, dear brothers and sisters, and your light is strong indeed, but your third density bodies are susceptible to bouts of fatigue and imbalance caused by clashing energies.

Light is far more than the only “weapon” that can conquer darkness. Light is who you are, powerful immortal souls. Light is everything that exists in this universe, it is the life and consciousness of this universe.

It’s not as if tacking “divine” onto light promotes it to “lightest,”. Simply, light IS divine. Light and its indivisible love component is Creator Source energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the very essence of life itself. Love-light is Creator and Creation!

Not only is it the life force of everything that ever has been created, it is the composition of souls. Each soul has its own unique light streamer that identifies it regardless of its spiritual evolvement station, where it is located in the universe, or in a physical or etheric body or free spirit status. You are eternal beings of love-light, and your energy’s high vibrations have been creating betterment on the planet during all the years you have been there. Simply by BEing you are that powerful, that influential.

Only for simplicity of speaking do we usually say light or love—the words are interchangeable because light and love are the very same energy. They may be seen, felt and expressed differently, but they cannot be separated any more than two sides of a coin can be. You could say that light is the makeup of a soul and love is the capacity of a soul, but those cannot be separated any more than the soul can be separated from its eternal linkage with God, the Supreme Being of this universe, and with Creator—the infinite, eternal, omnipotent and omniscient Source, Oneness of All.

The light attributed to the sun actually is from God through the Christed realm, which is Creator’s first expression of Itself. Always Big Bang has been a misnomer—the Beginning was completely silent as Creator/Source/Creation expressed Itself as light. Creator, the Ultimate Being and Supreme Ruler of the cosmos; Source, from whence everything in existence comes; Creation, Its action and “products,” immortal souls.

All in existence throughout Creation is manifested and connected through the energy generated by the continuous flowing of light being directed and received. There is no beginning and no ending, there just IS—the Oneness of All. Every soul is part of it and each has the capability and the choice to generate light or darkness.

Light comes into this universe through its Supreme Being, whom you may call God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh or any other name; and everything is universally connected by and within this energy. This entire universe is light. Therefore spirit, which is considered faith, and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same: light fluctuating at one frequency or another.

The balance that maintains universal order is provided by systematic expansion and contraction. That constant motion of the light enables minds to perceive self, other people, the environment—everything seemingly visible in your world—as solid whereas the universal reality is everything you see is light fluctuating along an unlimited frequency band and producing vibrations, whose range also is limitless. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything based in dark intention.

Words emit vibrations, and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Via the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” words’ vibrations combine with “like” and go out into your world. Words in high vibratory ranges merge with the light, low are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments, and words’ emissions intensify the source they join.

Absorbing light, which is simply living in godly ways, is the body’s best defense against the toxic elements in chemtrails and all other forms of pollution. Light strengthens the immune system and helps to achieve and maintain the balance that promotes healthy bodies, minds and spirits.

We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon structure comes with light absorption, and that comes easily. As God said: “It is as simple as, be kind.”

The importance of carbon-based cells being transformed into crystalline cannot be overstated. Crystalline cells contain cosmic knowledge and enable bodies to retain viability in astral planes where Earth is headed.

Reception of light is the province of the soul. Absorption of light is the province of the body, which directs light into its cells that have been programmed by the DNA to accept it. However, dark—or scientifically speaking, negative—energy attachments block the light, thus preventing its entry into the cells and correspondingly negatively affecting the DNA.

It is through that blocking process that the dark forces are able to make puppets of persons on Earth whose intentions and free will choices are based in greed, ruthlessness and lust for power. Those persons cannot produce light themselves to uplift their motives and deeds, and that is why light from other sources must be sent to them. When it is sent in such abundance that you could almost call it a “love assault,” it cannot be ignored because the energy surge is so powerful.

That is why we urge you to send light to persons whose actions you regard as unconscionable or diabolical. This is NOT condoning what they do or being indifferent to the suffering they cause, and it certainly is not supporting their actions! What it is, is understanding that darkness is not the enemy of light or the opposite of light, it is the absence of light, and only by having that void filled with light can the darkness in people be overcome.

The painful wounds of people and of Earth herself have been caused by every form of what you could call evil. Exposing it—literally “bringing it to light”—is necessary so that healing can come. Light—love—is the only essence in the universe that can heal pain, whether in a single person or in a universal force field with such magnitude of darkness that you cannot begin to imagine it.

This is why it is vitally important to send light to people whose behavior and actions you regard as detestable, to try to put light into their choices and activities. Verbal or written pleas may or may not touch their conscience because that layer of the soul atrophies when its messages to the consciousness are ignored time after time after time, and light reaching them at soul level is the only way to help them. It is true that one to whom light is sent may refuse it and just as true that ONLY light’s healing energy can eliminate hatred, violence, oppression, brutality and warring. Retaliation in kind never will do it!

This is the physics that governs this universe, the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” that is in constant motion. Whatever energy is put forth in the collective consciousness of Earth’s peoples shoots out to the universal mind, attracts “like” energy and brings that back to your world. When light-love is in minds and hearts, it brings more “like” to you, and wars and violence stop.

The power of light-love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, the weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.

Matthew, it’s hard for me to separate my thoughts about the people who are causing such terrible suffering from what they’re doing, so I don’t see how I can send them light, much less think of it as love.

Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn’t you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Don’t think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness, justness and sharing, think about all peoples living in peace and harmony, and send those light-filled thoughts to the souls in darkness.

I thought that by loving people, we automatically send light to them, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to it.

You’re right that feelings of love for someone carry light to that person, but you’re also right in thinking there may be more to it. So, even though it’s not necessary that you understand the “sending” process for it to be effective, I’ll explain how it works.

Light is within your spirit, the feeling you describe as lighthearted when something is giving you joy or you’re remembering something that was special to you. Think how you feel when one of your dogs comes to nuzzle you or you hear one of your favorite symphonies or see a beautiful sunset—it’s as if your whole self is lighting up, and that is what’s happening. You’re actually being filled with light simply by the experience.

The light is coming from your soul, connecting with your mind and flowing through your body to produce lovely feelings or an inspirational Aha! You didn’t have to do a thing to get that sensation, and whatever evoked it didn’t have to make any special effort to create your feelings—simply by your soul’s receptivity to the light, you get it!

Light—let’s call it love, because that’s what we’re really talking about here—passing from one person to another is no different in cause and effect, but you may want to initiate it by focusing on someone. When you do, instantaneously the vibrations in your thoughts and feelings reach that person. The energy flows from you along your thought form of intent and intensity, and the same measure of love that you sent goes directly to the “energy address” you want it to. There can be no “false addresses” because the intent and feelings are totally clear. The receiver won’t consciously know this, of course, but the receiver’s soul is aware of the “delivery.”

Most simply stated, being receptive to the light enables spiritual clarity that transcends third density’s limitations. Those include prejudice and hatred of differences, acting in greed, judging others for their choices, holding resentments or desiring vengeance, getting ahead by ruthlessness and cheating and lying, controlling others’ lives and denying their free will, blindly following dogma or orders when instinct tells that they are not based in godliness. And the greatest of all third density’s limitations is fear—actually, all of those other negative emotions and actions I mentioned arise from fear.

It’s logical to think that by changing in some of those negative areas I mentioned you are being light receptive and growing spiritually. Positive changes certainly are progress, but not to the degree you may think if you still feel fearful about personal or world situations. Spiritual growth is learning to live without fear, learning to fully trust the unequaled power of love.

As for “everyday” use of light—Mother, let’s say love here. In your world love is boundless, yet that isn’t recognized even though the word is so commonly used.

In simplest terms, love is God’s sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.

In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action.

Knowing that you and God and every other of God’s creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love.

Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love.

Listening to one’s godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love.

Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love.

In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God.

I don’t think I’ve told you anything at all surprising. But perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world.

Beloved brothers and sisters, you are powerful simply by BEing because you are integral parts of Creator Creation Source, the Supreme Being of the cosmos, and of the Supreme Being of this universe. That is why you eagerly volunteered and were chosen to help your Earth family realize that with love-light, they can transform their third density world into a fifth density paradise. A marvelous goal to be sure and, in the continuum, already a magnificent success!

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love.

channeling of Matthew Ward at on June 4, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

Nothing is More Important Than This

You have so much to feel good about right now in your lives, and whether you feel good or not really does depend on whether you are focused on those things or you are focused on things that are missing or things that don’t feel so good about in your life. You get to determine how you feel, and how you feel is how you are vibrating. And therefore, you get to determine what you are getting and not getting in your lives, because your vibration is everything.

You have a vibration that is unique to you. You are energy that is vibrating, and how you vibrate as a unique energetic being determines so much about what you experience, because this is what you are really meant to master on Earth. You are meant to be more conscious, more aware of what you are vibrating, what your are feeling, what you are thinking about, what you are focusing upon, and that is why it must be reflected back to you as your life, your circumstances, the things that are coming and the things that are missing.

These are your reflections to tell you about how you have been vibrating so that you will learn and make adjustments. You can always make the course correction that helps you to get more into alignment with the things that you want. And so, the question then remains – when will you do it? Do you have to wait until things get really bad before you make a course correction.

In some cases, the answer to that question is yes, because some people have to try everything else before they become aware of their vibration. And everything they experience that leads up to them realizing that they have a vibration and that it has been pretty low has also helped them in some way. And that is why nothing is going wrong there on Earth, and there is nothing that you have to feel bad about. You always get to decide.

You always get to decide how you look at your life circumstances as well, and how you look at them will also determine how you are vibrating in that moment. Every moment contains within it a choice, and you can choose what you’re focusing on and how you’re focusing upon it, and that will change your life because it will change your vibration.

Now, were you meant to live in only higher-vibrational states for your entire lives and in every lifetime? Of course not. You are meant to have access to all of the vibrations so that you can make an informed choice. Sometimes there is a beauty to sadness, and sometimes it is appropriate to be angry. Sometimes fear serves you. So are you meant to avoid all of these lower-vibrational emotions all the time? Well, you already know the answer.

But you are also meant to notice how these emotions feel to you, and therefore how you are vibrating, so that you will make a course correction. It does help to recognize that your vibration matters, and it does help for you to have the knowledge that you are creating your reality. And some people will reject that truth for as long as they possibly can, but it is a law of this universe.

And once you embrace it, you can start working in your vibration, tending to it, noticing it more often and offering it on purpose so that you can see the reflection to you of that which you want to see. And we know that many of you are doing this and doing it beautifully, and we also know that there is always more that can be done and that will be done by you, and we will be here in the ninth dimension, supporting you every step along the way. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

channeled by Daniel Scranton at

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Religion of Grit vs the Science of Ki

Rene Descartes, along with Spinoza and Liebnitz, is credited with beginning the Age of Reason in the 1600s. In a very real sense, this is a true appraisal of the situation. These were great thinkers. Brilliant. They left their imprint on our science and math which still influence us to this day. They were there at a pivotal point in history and the development of humanity.

Another perspective is that humanity was going to enter the Age of Reason at that time as we were coming out of the Kali Yuga. In this view, these individuals were filling roles that would have emerged with other personalities had Descartes and his bros not existed.

The Age of Reason was foretold by astronomy, as concluded by Sri Yukteswar. He was a mathematician in India, and an astrophysicist, who derived that the most recent Kali Yuga ended in the year 1700. Yukteswar believed the Yugas were controlled by the influence of another mass on the orbital path of our solar system. The current thinking is that our solar system trajectory is affected by the central mass of our galaxy as a whole, and that sinusoidal nature of the orbital mechanics are the proximate cause of the effects that humanity perceives as the Yuga cycle.

Further, the postulate is that the Yuga cycle is more than mere perception, in that the energy flow to our solar system, and thus to earth, and Humanity, are altered by where we are in our path around the edge of the galaxy. This understanding has Humanity encountering increased energies from the uncountable number of suns at the center of the galaxy as we rise up from the obscuring mass of the galactic equatorial plane. The Yuga cycle, as described by Sri Yukteswar, does indeed have archaeological support, as well as recent history in its favor.

Humanity did enter the Age of Reason in 1700. That Descartes and crew were labeled as the ‘cause’ of that development is actually a hold over from the Kali Yuga in which all things, and all change, were attributed to the personalities of the gods, and ‘natural forces’ were taken as direct actions of the divine by humans.

The postulate is that human mental capacity is affected by the increasing emanations from galactic center coming into our solar system since 1700. The corollary is that humanity was in a degraded mental state due to being deprived of these extra energies, both individually, and collectively, during the Kali Yuga as the galactic plane was an obscuring mass for 2400 years.

Now that we are in the Ascending Dwapara (Bronze Age) Yuga, which is coincident with the Age of Aquarius, humans have the benefits of this more energetic state of mind.

Just because we are more energetic, mentally, does not mean we don’t have to murder Rene Descartes. This is necessary.

Descartes died in 1650, at the age of 53. When he died, he left behind lots of discoveries in math, physics, philosophy, thinking, methodology, and other interesting areas of thought. Our problem, and the reason we are here to dig up his corpse, even as dust, to kill him again, is that Descartes saddled his Age of Reason with a huge mistake, that of ‘Cartesian freedom’.

Descartes was a Catholic. A serious Catholic believer, and adherent. Even though he would work for Protestant organizations, he remained clear that his thinking and precepts for that thinking were Catholic (writ large) in origin.

He invented much of our exploratory approach to science. Well, rather he adapted, and claimed the techniques and methods of the ancient Greeks as his own, and updated their labels and methods to his time. But he is credited with the creation of the ‘rationalist’ approach to science.

Descartes (in my opinion), was able to create and maintain his rationalist stance entirely due to the philosophical ‘out’ he had stumbled across as a young man in a discussion with a slightly older, priest/teacher in which he was pressed on his beliefs, and came to the realization that he, Descartes, was an ‘absolutist’. In Descartes philosophy, he decided that “god’s creatures” had “absolute freedom” within Creation (their term for the Matterium). In Descartes understanding, much like dumping fish into a pond, Life had been dumped in to the Matterium to fend for itself, with basically no interference from ‘divine’ interventions. It was this idea that created the ‘Cartesian space’ that sent science and discovery down this particular path ever since.

It was Descartes’ idea of ‘absolute freedom’ of action, and processes, that removed consciousness from science, other than as the presumed goal of the creation of matter, that is, the ‘grit’ of Universe. From this idea, all of science went towards the ‘grit only, grit always, and grit supremacy’ that actually arose within the Kali Yuga. In this concept, the philosopher thinks that by proper procedures in gluing grit together, consciousness will arise, spontaneously. That humanity does not know (yet) these proper procedures and protocols for creating consciousness (aka Life) from grit is merely, according to the Descartesian view, merely a issue of our currently limited knowledge, and that we will achieve this understanding.

Descartes saddled science with this view. Then the rest of us have been blinded by (this) science ever since.

There is an alternative view. In this view, Consciousness, writ large, is everything. In this view, all Life is Consciousness expressing itself bound in matter, and constrained by time. This view existed within the previous, descending phase, of the Yugas, that is, back perhaps 10,000 years. This perspective comes down to us in many different cultures which implies it was pan-global in nature. This understanding has Consciousness inviolate, and the creation of Life outside of existent biological processes it totally beyond human ability.

The major problem with the Descartisian point of view is that it leads to the domination of science by reductionism. Every thing within the Matterium can be reduced to its constituent grits in order to explain it. Consciousness, writ Large, or small, is deliberately excluded from all considerations in all the sciences due to this structure of grit first, grit only, and grit always.

Reductionism, by its very nature, and certainly by its practice is only providing an exclusionary focus for your science. The basic, unacknowledged process is that you are making your science explorations easy for your mind by removing the difficult from consideration.

Consciousness is difficult, so it must be removed from science. Then we can have progress.

The idea of evolution predates the age of reason by thousands of years. It can be found, along with much of the ‘logic’ for the Descartes position of ‘absolute freedom of creation’, within the Talmud. This idea predates even its encapsulation in rabbinical writings as both surviving versions of the Talmud have references to the concept being imported by way of the ‘Elohim’ (the gods of the Torah).

In my opinion, it is from Talmudic conquering, and domination, of jewish society, that the religion of Grit arose within Science. In my opinion, this was a deliberate hobbling of human science by the Elohim (space aliens) after they conquered vast parts of Earth in the most recent, descending Treta Yuga, some 8000 years back. This imposition of the Grit religion into science, in my opinion, was for the same goal as the reputed ‘destruction of the tower of Babel (Babylon)’, and the ‘confusing of the languages’. We have proof that the Elohim want to curtail human capacity. This is merely another point of attack.

The Grit religion has been in charge of science since the 1880s. It has cemented its hold since the 1920s, and basically everything except incremental progress has been halted. No real new science emerging in over 100 years. This has occurred as the Grit religion sucked all the funding into their explorations which all, inevitably, are dead ends.

Consider that modern science is expending vast amounts of Earth’s treasures with such as the LHC at CERN with the nominal, and notional, goal of finding ‘the god particle’. This idea only arises due to the grit view of our reality that is factually able to be debunked.

Many sub sets of human activity within our social order actually acknowledge the Consciousness Origin (ontological origin) perspective in their daily activities though it may be done so without any acknowledgment of this reality. A notable example is the area of ‘quantum computing’. Quantum computers are large, hand made, devices which must be isolated from ALL outside forms of energy in order to function. So is the claim. There are lots of claims made about this technology, most of which are false, and fall flat. But it is factual that the quantum computer, no matter how poorly it functions, MUST be completely isolated from all forms of external vibration in order to have even a hope of working.

These machines are run as a batch process. That is to say, much like Tarot cards, a question is programmed, and then the machine is prepared, and it is ‘fired off’ to induce a change of state. In that sense, the machine actually only operates a for a brief few seconds, and then the answer is extracted.

As the last part of that preparation, the machine is separated from its environment as much as possible. This includes separating it from nearby humans, and their thoughts. Yes, they work to deliberately exclude the potential for nearby humans thoughts to affect the outcome of the process, thereby explicitly indicating that consciousness is an ‘affective’ and ‘affecting’ part of our reality. They use steel doors, physical separation, and even temporal separation in the firing trigger so no human can tell exactly when the machine will activate. This is done with a physical process, random determinate, trigger that is activated by the human, and it sets off the quantum computer at some time later. The human can’t even suspect that he knows when the machine will activate, or it won’t be a valid run.

The grit only foundation of science is explicitly a case of consciousness, examining a reality that includes itself, but examining that reality without taking itself into consideration. Yeah, that makes all kinds of sense...

All of science, since the Age of Reason origination, has been tainted by the Grit Religion domination.

ALL of our experimentation is affected by consciousness, yet none of our science (outside quantum computing, and analog computing) address this.

ALL of biology excludes consciousness from consideration in their examination of Life, yet all of Life, is explicitly involving consciousness to some degree and level.

ALL of biology, and most of physics fails to acknowledge the existence of ‘ki energy’, aka ‘prana, chi, anime, Life force’, yet it clearly can be invoked, trained, and controlled by consciousness that is aware of its existence within their bodies/environment.

At this point in time, in the Yugas, our solar system, our earth, and our humanity is being affected by more emanations from the galactic center. These are having an effect on humanity. Thus the chaos of our times. Thus the emergence of hyper-novelty during this time.

Consciousness exists. To exclude it from our thinking is absurd. Those people with the UFOs are using it to traverse our Matterium. Humanity will never learn to travel this universe as long as we keep our focus on the grit.

Thus the need to dig up Rene Descartes and kill him once and finally. Then we can get onto the real deal, the exploration of Ki science.

from the substack of Clif High on June 4, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Left versus Right

I wouldn't suggest that the average person spends a huge amount of time studying politics. However, I do think that it's useful to know the basics, in order to understand the world that you live in.

Let's start by defining left-wing and right-wing politics. These terms have become muddled over the years.

I would suggest the following definition: left-wing ideology seeks a relatively large amount of government or communal control over the economy, for some perceived greater good. Often, but not necessarily, this greater good is relative social and financial equality.

Far-left ideology is where the government or community has total control over the economy, such as with communism in the Soviet Union. Modern-day China isn't far left, because private enterprise is allowed in China.

Personally I live in a non-coercive form of communism where there barely is any government, and the economy genuinely is controlled communally. However, due to Earth human's relatively lower level of consciousness, communism on Earth has been coercive and government-controlled wherever it's implemented on any kind of large scale.

Conversely, right-wing ideology seeks a relatively small amount of government or communal control over the economy. This usually means relatively few laws, relatively little taxation, a relatively small government, and a willingness to accept that some people will become much wealthier than others.

Far-right ideology wants there to be practically zero government or communal control over the economy. This means that individuals should be allowed to dump poisonous chemicals into the river, openly and without hiding it. If a company becomes a monopoly and abuses their position, that's fine. The far right may want the state to enforce property rights and stop people from just murdering each other, but other than that they want a tiny or non-existent state.

That's it. In my slightly nonstandard definition, left-wing politics is large amounts of communal or government control over the economy. Right-wing politics is small amounts of communal or government control over the economy.

Now yes, there are also all kinds of things commonly associated with the left (such as identity politics) and with the right (such as nationalism).

However, if you apply left-wing and right-wing labels based on these common associations, you end up with the left seeing itself as close to the center and seeing much of the right as far-right. And you end up with the right seeing itself as close to the center and seeing much of the left as far-left.

This isn't very productive. It leads to unjustified hysteria: the left sees Trump as a nationalist, but then has the unjustified association that nationalism = far right. And so the left sees Trump as a far-right fascist who is going to end democracy forever if he is elected.

Or you have the right thinking that identity politics = far-left and identity politics = communism. And while there are some correlations between these things, right now you have people on the right thinking that lots of American politicians are secretly communists, even though they're really not. The mainstream modern left isn't trying to abolish private property.

I think that with my definitions, most people will agree that the majority of the left isn't far-left, and the majority of the right isn't far-right. As, indeed, they are not.

Now yes, some people on the left have gone off the rails with extreme identity politics, which discriminates against men and white people. However just because some people on the left engage in that, doesn't mean that the definition of the left is engaging in extreme identity politics. After all, there are far-left communists out there who don't engage in modern-left extreme identity politics, so it isn't an inherent part of left-wing ideology.

Frankly, I think extreme identity politics doesn't deserve to be dignified by being defined as core to left-wing ideology. Because left-wing ideology is genuine and valid and valuable in my opinion, and extreme identity politics is not. I think extreme identity politics is just discrimination, and I don't think that discrimination is inherently part of the left.

Next up, I will argue why I don't think that a lot of other left-wing and right-wing definitions work very well:

The classical definition of communism is that individuals aren't allowed to own means of production. Some people would say that's the definition of left-wing, and the position that individuals should be allowed to own means of production is right-wing. I don't think this is helpful, because by that definition, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are right-wing. So is modern-day China. But obviously, most people wouldn't classify them as right-wing.

Globalism isn't always left-wing. The corporate establishment right in the United States is somewhat globalist, being not very concerned with offshored jobs and illegal immigration and loss of sovereignty that comes from signing big international treaties. This was actually one of the big disagreements between Trump and the corporate establishment right: nationalism versus globalism. So the political right can lean towards globalism.

Now yes, the current left is globalist. But I think that's just something that the current left happens to be doing, and it's not an inextricable part of left-wing ideology. So is the current left globalist, yes. Is globalism an inherent part of the definition of being left-wing, in my opinion not, it's just something that the left happens to be right now. 

Is nationalism part of the definition of being right-wing? Also in my opinion not. After all, nationalism isn't always right-wing.

 After all, back then the left was more concerned with providing material well-being to their in-group, hence they opposed illegal immigration. And now the left has included illegal immigrants into their in-group, and the left is also more concerned with providing emotional well-being to their in-group through so-called social justice initiatives.

Also, left-winger Stalin was an extreme nationalist, to the point where he conquered other countries and committed genocide against Ukranians during the Holodomor. He was also noted for his "socialism in one country" policy.

Nowadays many people would say that any genocidal imperialist who targets specific racial groups is far-right, but nope, communist Stalin was an authoritarian imperialist who committed genocide against specifically Ukranians. So the left can do that too.

Some left-wingers try to avoid Stalin's awful record by saying that the Soviet Union wasn't communist, it was state capitalist. I think "state capitalist" is a term that contradicts itself, because capitalism is precisely not the state running the entire economy by itself. Furthermore, it's weird to me to call the communist Soviet Union capitalist, even if you put "state" in front of the word "capitalist."

I think this is just a rhetorical trick from the left to not take responsibility for what the clearly left-wing Soviet Union did. It's like how some right-wingers say that any bad thing that happens under capitalism isn't actually capitalism's fault, it's the fault of crony capitalism.

The reality is that communism at your current level of consciousness does lead to certain negative outcomes, as Stalin showed. You can't just pretend those negative consequences aren't part of communism, because communism leads to those negative outcomes.

The reality is also that capitalism at your current level of consciousness does lead to certain negative outcomes, as the US shows. You can't just pretend those negative consequences aren't part of capitalism, because capitalism leads to those negative outcomes. Later on in this political series I'll point out which part of capitalism is producing a lot of these so-called crony capitalist kinds of outcomes.

If you want the left to own the downsides of the communist Soviet Union, you have to own the downsides of the capitalist United States. And if you want the right to own the downsides of the capitalist United States, you have to own the downsides of the communist Soviet Union.

I also don't think you can define the right as being the financially responsible side. During 2017 – 2019, Trump was president and the right controlled the house and the senate, and that was before covid times. And during this period, the national debt went up. So I don't think that the right can really claim to be financially responsible.

It's not even clear that the left increases government debt more quickly, because the right tends to slash taxes and the left tends to raise them.

Now yes, the right IS associated with lower taxes and a smaller government, as we already included in our definition. But if you just look at the numbers, then I don't think that it's so obvious that the right wing is better at reducing government debt than the left is. Sure, someone could make an argument along those lines, but it's not inherently clear and so I wouldn't define the right as being better at reducing government debt.

Right now there's this kind of awful spiral in America, where the left increases government expenditures while the right slashes taxes, and together that leads to more and more government debt. And of course, both sides say that their part of this is fine, it's the actions of the other side that are the problem.

Next up, I don't think that you can say that by definition left-wing politics is better for the poor or underprivileged. After all, the right would argue that right-wing politics are actually better for the poor and underprivileged. And this argument cannot be immediately dismissed: look at the economy under Trump vs the economy under Biden for example. Or if you want to look at a nation-wide level, an argument can be made that the poor fared better in capitalist countries than in left-wing countries in the medium term, due to higher overall economic growth. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Some people on the right have also pointed out that if one person goes to work at 18 while another goes to study at 18, then in the long term the student will earn significantly more over their lifetime, if they make sensible choices. However, so the right-wing argument goes, what the left wants to do is take taxpayer money from the working person who is already on a path to earning relatively less, and use that taxpayer money to forgive student loans. So, the argument goes, in this case the left is hurting working-class people for the benefit of people who are already on a path to earning significantly more in their lifetime. Which is one example of the left wing being against the working class.

While the left likes to say that they're better for the poor and underprivileged, there is a whole lot of "help the ingroup" going on. People who study are the in-group because they're typically more left-wing, while people who go to work at 18 are the outgroup because they're typically more right-wing. So, let's transfer money from right-wing to left-wing people, even though in this case the right-wing people will earn less over their lifetime. And let's call the working class racists and deplorables if they try to make anti-immigration arguments that they feel are necessary for their economic well-being.

You can argue whether these right-wing arguments are justified, but at the very least I think they're reasonable enough that you cannot just define the left wing as being better for the poor or underprivileged. Of course, people can still make arguments about these topics either way, I'm just trying to find definitions right now, and I think "the left is better for the poor" isn't part of a definition of the left.

I wouldn't say that either side can claim to be inherently better for human rights. The right passed the Patriot act for example, and the left would say that their repeal of Roe v Wade is a violation of women's rights. Conversely, the right would argue that the left promotes hiring policies that discriminate against men and white people, and that the left censors, and that the left seriously violated the rights of people who refused the covid jab. Hence, I don't think you can define either side as being better for human rights.

As for freedom, it's slightly complicated. If you mean freedom as in "there are relatively few cases where the government stops you from taking certain actions", then that's right-wing.

If you mean freedom as in "having access to a welfare state and universal healthcare and education, so that you are free to pursue your highest life without fear of financial ruin" then that's left-wing.

Of course the right would argue that the left's idea of freedom isn't free at all. But then the left might retort that if the left doesn't keep companies in check, then average working class people will one day wake up with theoretical freedom, while being reduced to a life of wage slavery in practice.

Also, the left tends to accuse the right of being authoritarian, and the right tends to accuse the left of being authoritarian.

Hence, I didn't include "being pro-freedom" as in my definition of either the left or the right, because both sides will claim to be pro-freedom in their own way.

Next up, if you go to wikipedia, it says: "Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,"

I think this is a strange definition. If the right cared about social orders and hierarchies, and saw these as inevitable, then wouldn't the right just sit back, because their preferred outcome is inevitable anyway?

It is true that the right isn't opposed to some people becoming much wealthier and more successful and more influential than others. However, I'd say that most right-wingers aren't right-wing because they love hierarchy. That's more of an outcome that they're okay with than their primary motivator. 

I don't think right-wingers wake up every day thinking that they love hierarchy so much, or that they must defend hierarchies, or that all is well in the world because no matter what the left does, hierarchies are inevitable anyway.

Instead, right wingers are typically more concerned about the government not messing with them or the economy too much, thinking that it's free market capitalism that makes a country prosperous. Right wingers often are concerned with the government not causing or getting into problems such as with the national debt. And right wingers have a number of values they hold dear, such as freedom and the rule of law.

But I guess that position sounds too sympathetic, while it sounds vaguely sinister to say that the right likes certain social order or hierarchies. This illustrates an important point that the left is well aware of: if you can manipulate language and definitions, then you can put your side on favorable terrain.

I have provided definitions of the left-wing and the right-wing. I have discussed why I think that a number of alternative definitions don't work well. Here are some questions for reflection.

Question one: on a zoomed-out, big picture level: what things should and shouldn't the government concern itself with?

Question two: is the solution to the current economic problems more government involvement in the economy, or less government involvement in the economy? What are the most important things that the government should start doing or should stop doing?

Question three: is it a problem that rich individuals/families get richer and richer over time? Should the government do something to stop rich individuals/families from snowballing their wealth?

by Talia at on May 11, 2024

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...