Friday, June 14, 2024

Assumptions of TimeStream Dwellers

No man is born into this World a Master. For this reason, Man is equipped by Nature with the greatest of treasures, the ability to Learn. From Learning comes all forms and levels of enlightenment. The Man who applies himself, and studies to Learn, thus finds Salvation. There is no more Evil a curse than to name a man as Ignorant.”

While reportedly from an unnamed 2nd century BCE Persian poet referencing an inscription on a tomb from the Achaemenid Empire that had ended a few centuries earlier, we find this concept repeatedly working its way throughout history from 11th century Aiki-jujutsu texts, to 15th century Qabalah and magic commentary.

It is still valid in our Times; there is no Evil greater than Ignorance.

Assumptions are the base of Ignorance. If you are assuming that you do know, then you won’t seek to know. Assumptions are dangerous, especially unrecognized, and unacknowledged, as they blind you to what you do not know. Assumptions are built upon mountains riddled with tunnels and caves of ignorance.

There are no larger assumptions, in my opinion, than those arising from the TimeStream. Material, corporeal Life exists within the TimeStream. We are as blind to the TimeStream as a fish is to water.

Life is the fusion of Spirit and Matter bounded by Time. Life, dwells within the TimeStream, constrained, completed, and created by it.

There are three layers of ‘time’ perceptible by Life: TIME, the Pulse that creates Life within the Matterium; Time, the concept of persistence of existence; and time, the experience of duration within the Matterium.

Not all Life is equally ignorant of Time. As the pulse that creates the perceptible Matterium, TIME is perceived by all of Life as all forms of energy within the Matterium. The primary assumption of many TimeStream dwellers is that these perceivable forms of energy within the Matterium are separated by their sources, rather than arising from the same source, the Pulse of TIME.

Not all Life has the same experience of Time as ‘experience’ is limited by the flesh, the matter in which the Spirit of that Life is bound. Experience is formed from the sensors of the flesh, and the mental dynamism of the perceiver. The abilities of the flesh, and mind, frame and limit, the assumptions of Life about Time.

All of Life, in all of this Matterium, experiences TIME as a perceptible presence that may be termed ‘now’. All of Life, in all of this wide and diverse Matterium, experiences the same aspect of TIME, simultaneously, as The EverPresentNow. All of Life, without regard to location within this Matterium, experiences time as the same, EverPresentNow.

The EverPresentNow is the translation of the Pulse of TIME by flesh into perception. The perception of The EverPresentNow is the frame by which Life creates ‘time’, and ‘duration’. The EverPresentNow perception is inbuilt into the flesh of Life; as such, is expected to vary with the expression of Life through the various forms taken by flesh in this Matterium.

The perception of The EverPresentNow determines many of the assumptions of the TimeStream dwellers. It can be expected that these assumptions will be further constrained by the sensors of that Life, as well as the constraints placed on that Life’s cogitation by it’s perception of Time, duration, and The EverPresentNow.

It may be anticipated that Life, meeting other, dissimilar Life, out in the Matterium, will need to assay the Other’s perception of TIME, Time, and time, in order to address these as potential impediments to communications. Diverse Life, across this Matterium, operates on fantastically divergent scales of time perception, thus creating significant barriers to communications.

The TimeStream affects all minds in this Matterium. If your form of Life has an experience of the TimeStream that spans the duration of thousands of years, then you will appear as a ‘god’ to that Life whose experience is limited to less than a century. That the experience of time is altered by the scale in which it is experienced is an overlooked aspect of Life. Much of Life can be expected to discount the impacts of the scale of the perception of time on our cognition, and further perception of this Matterium. Life can be expected to assume that all other Life would have the same level (scale) of time perception, and thus would be ‘similar’ in thinking to the perceiver. It would seem unlikely that most short-cycle TimeStream dwellers would be able to conceptualize the thought process of Life that has a long experience of the TimeStream.

The assumptions of Life are determined by its experience of the TimeStream. The perception of The EverPresentNow will also be determined by the scale that Life finds itself experiencing. Life will necessarily limit its exploration of the concept of The EverPresentNow to the bounds imposed by its personal perception of time. Other Life, perceiving The EverPresentNow at a different level of scale, will be expected to develop additional insights about their experience of The EverPresentNow.

The greatest level of alteration possible to Life, in this Matterium, will emerge from changes induced into its perception of The EverPresentNow, and thus TIME, Time, and time. Any alteration to Life’s perception of The EverPresentNow will cause all it’s assumptions about TIME, Time, and time, to become visible, and many to fall away.

Life faces no greater threat than its own assumptions. Nowhere in Life’s experience will the assumptions be more pervasive, and more misleading, than in its thinking about the TimeStream. These assumptions are so deeply placed in Life’s experience, that they form the base for all its assumptions about Life, self, and Everything.

from the Substack of Clif High on May 21, 2024

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