Saturday, November 30, 2024

Things Are About to Change


Welcome, dear readers. Welcome to our message in these times of so much confusion and doubt in the world. We have often spoken about the individual and global clearings of old, dense, and obsolete energy now taking place as intense high frequency Light flows to earth as the ascension process unfolds. The surfacing and clearing of old energy is ushering in the start of much change on earth.

Know that the third-dimensional belief system is largely based in fear and that every form of fear rises out of the belief in separation – separation from God and all other life. Separation is the bottom line of the third dimensional belief system - always in manifestation as duality and many powers. Beliefs of separation express individually and reflect a person’s state of consciousness. Separation has infected the teachings of every religious, political, governmental, educational, health, and societal group.

The world wide issues you are witnessing at this time are all fear based, manifestations of the separation concepts that underlie third-dimensional thinking. Rather than opening to new, better, and higher ways of living, fear has locked many to the status quo because it is familiar. Many former ways, ideas, laws, etc. will simply no longer work as they once did because collective consciousness is evolving beyond the energy that was in place when these ideas, laws etc. were created. Attempts to recreate the past in the belief that it was better, is three-dimensional thinking that can not work in a world that is evolving into new and higher awareness.

Many are aware of earth’s ascension to higher consciousness but interpret it according to what they already know within the three-dimensional belief system. They hold concepts of how the ascension process should unfold and when these concepts fail to materialize they begin to doubt and question whether or not there is an ascension process.

Let go of any and all concepts you may have about earth’s ascension because it is not subject to concepts, be they good or bad, that presently exist in the three-dimensional belief system. Earth is spiritual not material, and every person is God-individualized whether they choose to believe it or not. The spiritual ascension of earth and mankind cannot be stopped or way-laid by those who fear change because it is a God-ordained activity not subject in any way, shape, or form to the limited beliefs of those who see the world as material matter to be used.

Divine Consciousness/God is infinitely expressing every aspect of ITself as every Divine Idea in Divine Mind. Every form of life, be it a tree or an animal is just as much the fullness of God as every person, but they express different Divine Ideas. Regardless of any and all manifestations of negativity, separation, and many powers, never forget that because you are that ONE, it is impossible for you to ever be separate from IT regardless of anything and everything that may be taking place in your life.

Be informed but try not to immerse yourself in the news because concern and worry about some appearance simply helps to sustain it by feeding it energy. We are not saying to pretend not to see what is taking place in the world or that you should never lend a helping hand, but rather we are saying that as spiritually-evolved individuals your job is to translate appearances to the spiritual reality underlying them. Trust your innate discernment and intuition to guide you. Be observers, always aware that God is the only power. Stay centered regardless of what may be taking place in the outer scene, never losing sight of the fact that you chose to be on earth specifically for these times to bring Light, not to get caught up in three-dimensional energy.

Much is about to occur that will not reflect the third-dimensional beliefs that most continue holding about almost everything. Release and let go of all concepts both good and bad because concepts can only ever be just concepts. Your real work is about to begin. You may have thought you were already doing the work you came to do and you were, but things are about to change on many levels. Trust, do not fall into fear and help others to do the same, always remembering that earth’s ascension is Divinely governed.

We would like to clarify our information about “earth school” from the last message because there has been some confusion among readers as to why souls who in reality are Divine Consciousness individualized would need earth school. This is a complicated and vast subject because it involves events from very ancient times when souls were spiritual rather than material.

Young and immature souls came to earth seeking experience and learning but were observed and eventually came under the influence and power of beings from low-resonating planets who saw earth as ripe for plundering with souls already present to do their work. These immature souls came to believe that these beings were Gods and obeyed them, eventually becoming their slaves and completely forgetting who they were after their DNA was altered. It became a time of increasing density on earth.

Many older, more experienced souls who had matured, learned, and evolved on high resonating planets and in the higher realms saw what was happening to these young souls and began incarnating in order to assist. Thousands of evolved souls incarnated and although they remained spiritually evolved, (you cannot spiritually regress) over time and through the experiences of many lifetimes lived in low resonating energy, they began to accumulate energies that would need to be resolved at some point.

Some of the original un-evolved dominating beings from those ancient times continue even today with attempts to control everything and every person on earth.

This is why there are some who seem to have been born spiritually evolved (the old souls) but are dealing with three-dimensional issues, others who are completely unaware of anything more than the physical who live lives of duality, separation, and many powers (Immature, young souls who need the lessons of “earth school”), and a few who continue to plot and plan for power and control.

Your job as awakened souls who came to earth to assist with the ascension process is to hold the Light of truth in consciousness at all times and in all circumstances, centered in the realization of your and everyone else’s ONEness in spite of any and all appearances.

We are the Arcturian Group.

channeled by Marilyn Raffaele on November 10, 2024 at

Friday, November 29, 2024

Evolution of the Soul


You do not have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body so you can experience life in a physical world, but you are not that body - you are the heartstrings and mind working within it. You are a being of love-light energy, a unique, independent, inviolate, powerful eternal soul, and your inseparable connection with everything else is energetic! Never are you responsible for what anyone else does!

The Beginnings of all souls is when Creator Source - Supreme Being of the cosmos, Totality, I AM, All That Is - silently expressed Itself into light. Light, the same energy as love, is cosmic consciousness and it is the most powerful force in existence. All knowledge is within this consciousness, waiting for souls to tap into its limitless illumination. All discoveries, inventions and innovations to date have come from this consciousness via individuals’ inspirations and endeavors or maybe response to nudging by their spirit guides.

Everything that exists throughout this universe is Creator’s energy fluctuating at one frequency or another. Every life form in Earth’s animal and plant kingdoms is a soul and each is a microcosm of the planet. It could be no other way because the elements that make up every form are elements of Gaia’s body. In that same way Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, it is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and that galaxy and all others are parts of this universe, which is one of seven in the cosmos. Thus, everything that exists cosmos-wide is within the energetic interconnectedness of All That Is and Evermore Shall Be.

Because the timeless continuum, where multiple multidimensional lifetimes are happening simultaneously and everything affects everything else, is a nebulous concept almost impossible to grasp, reincarnation is the closest that messengers from the light could describe a process that fits into your linear timeframe. But it is not that Albert Einstein, say, reincarnates as this or that person.

Every one of the countless souls throughout the cosmos is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal being at the same time it is energetically interconnected with all others. The Beginning of every soul was the instant Creator let burst forth Its love-light Self - “the big bang” - and everything in existence is co-created by souls using Creator’s energy to put their ideas into motion and form.

Soul A, let us say, wants to incarnate for the first time. After putting its ideas into a soul contract, it enters into an agreement - we call it pre-birth agreement - with other souls that want to share the lifetime. Then it designs and co-creates a body for its personage that fits what it wants to experience as a mortal. Thereupon Soul A becomes a cumulative soul while remaining its unique eternal self, and it shares all of its knowledge with the soul that is the new personage. The term cumulative is applied to Soul A because it initiated the physical lifetime of another soul, but as you shall see, that is the start of cumulative experiencing.

Let us call that first personage Soul B. All of Soul B’s characteristics endowed by Soul A and all experiences throughout the lifetime - intelligence, talents, body form and features, personality, ideas, relationships, education, habits, plans, accomplishments, disappointments, heartaches, joys, doubts, failures, interests, fears - are added to Soul A’s “data base” as Soul B has each experience, and everything is retained by Soul B when its body dies.

When Soul A wants to embark upon a different kind of physical life, it goes through the same process; now it has not only its original knowledge, but also the lifetime experiencing of Soul B to share with its second personage. When Soul B wants to put into motion its own ideas, it makes a soul contract and so forth. Like Soul A, it remains a unique soul-self while sharing its knowledge, from personal experiencing and that which was endowed by Soul A, with the soul that is its first personage.

Soul A and Soul B grow in experience, knowledge and wisdom with each of their personages, each of whom is a unique, independent, inviolate eternal soul; and the composite is a force field of diverse, interconnected lifetimes that grows with new personages wherever they are throughout the universe. Souls choose contract provisions to fill gaps or strengthen areas of cumulative experiencing to balance all of the lifetimes; thus, an ever-expanding storehouse of awareness is available to all souls in the lineage.

Evolvement comes as personages consciously tap into that storehouse, so it’s not learning anew, but rather a process of self-discovery, remembering what is known at soul level from The Beginning. And, just as you are living in this moment, so are all the beings you think of as your past or future lives - you and all of those other unique souls are living in the NOW of the continuum.

From my lifetimes in third density civilizations, I know how difficult it is trying to understand something for which there is no conscious frame of reference, and my explanation may have added confusion rather than clarification about multiple multidimensional lifetimes. So, please know that everything I described happens simply and divinely, as someday you shall see for yourselves—again! [Excerpt from February 3, 2014 message]

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love throughout your journey in dedicated service to Gaia.

from Matthew Ward at on October 1, 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

The True Story of Thanksgiving


RUSH: Well, happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I hope it is as great as you want it to be, getting together with family, friends, hangers-on, people that got nothing to do trying to horn in on your action, whatever it is. Well, you know that happens. You get a call, “Hey, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

Ah, got the family coming over. What are you doing?”


Really? You want to come over with us?”

Yeah! Yeah! I would love that.” Whatever happens, whatever’s going on with you, we hope it’s a great one. Do you realize next year will be the 400th anniversary of Thanksgiving? Four hundred years since the Pilgrims arrived without guaranteed reservations at Plymouth Rock.

Greetings, my friends. Welcome to the Thanksgiving edition of Rush Limbaugh program. We are going to do what we always do. We will recite to you the real story of Thanksgiving as first written about by me in my best-seller, See, I Told You So, Chapter 6: “Dead White Guys, or What the History Books Never Told You. The True Story of Thanksgiving.”


RUSH: Look at this, folks. I went to the computer during the break just to check and see if anything had happened, and I got a message. I got a message from the guy that used to mow my lawn when I lived in Kansas City. When I lived in that shack and worked for the Royals, I couldn’t pay anybody to mow the lawn, but I was able to get him Royals tickets. His name is Dan. So I got a message from Dan. He says, “I wish you could see this. Maria and I are driving out to Colorado Springs.”

They live in Kansas City still. They’re driving out to Colorado Springs for a wedding over Thanksgiving. “I’m in the backseat of the minivan because I’m rehabbing from a hip replacement. Anyway, five minutes ago, I hear this cheer. Maria cheers like the Chiefs have won the Super Bowl. But of course the Chiefs haven’t won the Super Bowl. No, it was because you are on live today. No guest host! Our minivan is cheering that you’re there. So bless you. Have a great Thanksgiving.”


RUSH: Happy Thanksgiving to one and all from all of us. And, of course, this begins the — here, anyway, the official beginning of the holiday season, which is a great time of year. But you know what suffers during the holiday season is normalcy. You’ve got less action happening than normally does, business is slowed down in a sense. I mean, sales pick up, hopefully. But conflicting times, but we hope it’s joyous for all of you, as joyous as it can be.


RUSH: We’re here on Thanksgiving eve as we start the holiday season. It’s an annual tradition. It’s actually not quite 30 years now we’ve been reading from my second book, See, I Told You So, Chapter 6: “Dead White Guys, or What the History Books Never Told You: The True Story of Thanksgiving.” I also have George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, the very first one, and also the truth of how the Indians screwed the Pilgrims out of Manhattan. Everybody thinks that we screwed the Indians and gave ’em a bunch of garbage for Manhattan.

It’s the other way around, actually — and it’s something I look forward to every year. And you know what? Despite doing it every year, with millions and millions and millions of people having heard it, there’s still a bunch of caca out there about Thanksgiving. I mentioned earlier that the College Fix website has a headline: “Students say it’s NOT okay to celebrate Thanksgiving,” that it’s “‘based off of the genocide of indigenous people.'”

What’s being done to young skulls full of mush via the education system in our country and cumulatively over decades is nothing less than obscene. Yesterday at the College Fix website, they posted a video where their correspondent, Kyle Hooten, interviewed students at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, and asked them about Thanksgiving, and here’s about 45 seconds of it…

WOMAN #1: I think that, like, Thanksgiving has been misconstrued a lot, especially in textbooks, and it’s kind of just based off of the genocide of indigenous people. And I don’t really any that we actually give thanks on Thanksgiving. We just eat a bunch of food and a bunch of capitalist bulls(bleep)t.

HOOTEN: Is it okay to celebrate Thanksgiving?

MAN #1: Nnnno. It’s probably not as bad as Christmas or Easter but, like, I don’t know.

HOOTEN: So what do you think the real Thanksgiving story is?

MAN #2: I don’t know what it is (snickers) ’cause I wasn’t there and ’cause I don’t have the — all the historical information.

WOMAN #2: I mean, the public school education — ugh! — tells you that this Thanksgiving was this great meeting where, you know, the Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to, you know, grow corn — and obviously that’s not true. But what legitimately happened on Thanksgiving? I have no idea.

RUSH: If you have no idea, then what the hell was the answer, “Well, you know, what’s being taught is we gave thanks to the Indians gave thanks, the Indians teaching how to grow corn, maize, popcorn, and all that”? It is amazing when you stop and think about it. I don’t know what you were taught about Thanksgiving, but I was taught a version that goes like this: The Pilgrims showed up, and they were incompetents. They were well-intentioned good-hearted people but incompetent, and they didn’t know how to do anything. They were stumbling and bumbling around in a foreign place, had no idea even where they were.

And as they’re on the verge of starvation, the Indians stumbled upon ’em — across them — and showed them how to basically live, gave them everything, showed them how to grow crops and kill turkey and build tepees and stuff, and so the Pilgrims survived, and we were giving thanks, that Thanksgiving is to acknowledge the Indians’ role in saving the first Pilgrims. Now, it’s a quaint story, and it has attached itself to a number of people, but it is nothing to do…

Well, I can’t say that it’s nothing to do, but it is very far removed from what the first Thanksgiving is really about. Thanksgiving. George Washington first proclaimed it, Thanksgiving. Well, who was thanking who for what? That’s the root of the error. The root of it is that the Pilgrims must have been giving thanks to the Indians for saving them. That’s not what the Pilgrims were thankful for, as you will soon hear.

The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part of the seventeenth century (that’s the 1600s for those of you in Rio Linda, California). The Church of England under King James I was persecuting anyone and everyone who did not recognize its absolute civil and spiritual authority.” The first Pilgrims were Christian rebels, folks. “Those who challenged [King James’] ecclesiastical authority and those who believed strongly in freedom of worship were hunted down, imprisoned, and sometimes executed for their beliefs” in England in the 1600s.

A group of separatists,” Christians who didn’t want to buy into the Church of England or live under the rule of King James, “first fled to Holland and established a community” of themselves there. “After eleven years, about forty of them” having heard about this New World Christopher Columbus had discovered, decided to go. Forty of them “agreed to make a perilous journey to the New World, where [they knew] they would certainly face hardships, but” the reason they did it was so they “could live and worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences” and beliefs.

On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty Pilgrims,” now known as Pilgrims, “led by William Bradford. On the journey, Bradford set up an agreement, a contract, that established” how they would live once they got there. The contract set forth “just and equal laws for all members of the new community, irrespective of their religious beliefs,” or political beliefs. “Where did the revolutionary ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact come from? From the Bible.

The Pilgrims were a “devoutly religious people completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and New Testaments. They looked to the ancient Israelites for their example. And, because of the biblical precedents set forth in Scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work.” They believed in God. They believed they were in the hands of God. As you know, “this was no pleasure cruise, friends. The journey” to the New World on the tiny, by today’s standards, sailing ship. It was long, it was arduous.

There was sickness, there was seasickness, it was wet. It was the opposite of anything you think of today as a cruise today on the open ocean. When they “landed in New England in November, they found, according to Bradford’s detailed journal, a cold, barren, desolate wilderness. There were no friends to greet them, he wrote. There were no houses to shelter them. There were no inns where they could refresh themselves.” There was nothing.

[T]he sacrifice they had made for freedom was just beginning. During the first winter, half the Pilgrims — including Bradford’s own wife — died of either starvation, sickness or exposure.” They endured that first winter. “When spring finally came,” they had, by that time, met the indigenous people, the Indians, and indeed the “Indians taught the settlers how to plant corn, fish for cod and skin beavers” and other animals “for coats.” But there wasn’t any prosperity. “[T]hey did not yet prosper!” They were still dependent. They were still confused. They were still in a new place, essentially alone among likeminded people.

This is important to understand because this is where modern American history lessons often end. Thanksgiving is actually explained in some textbooks as a holiday for which the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians for saving their lives, rather than what it really was. That happened, don’t misunderstand. That all happened, but that’s not — according to William Bradford’s journal — what they ultimately gave thanks for. “Here is the part that has been omitted: The original contract” that they made on the Mayflower as they were traveling to the New World…

They actually had to enter into that contract “with their merchant-sponsors in London,” because they had no money on their own. The needed sponsor. They found merchants in London to sponsor them. The merchants in London were making an investment, and as such, the Pilgrims agreed that “everything they produced to go into a common store,” or bank, common account, “and each member of the community was entitled to one common share” in this bank. Out of this, the merchants would be repaid until they were paid off.

All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belong to the community as well.” Everything belonged to everybody and everybody had one share in it. They were going to distribute it equally.” That was considered to be the epitome of fairness, sharing the hardship burdens and everything like that. “Nobody owned anything. It was a commune, folks. It was the forerunner to the communes we saw in the ’60s and ’70s out in California,” and other parts of the country, “and it was complete with organic vegetables, by the way.

Bradford, who had become the new governor of the colony, recognized that” it wasn’t working. It “was as costly and destructive…” His own journals chronicle the reasons it didn’t work. “Bradford assigned a plot of land” to fix this “to each family to work and manage,” as their own. He got rid of the whole commune structure and “assigned a plot of land to each family to work and manage,” and whatever they made, however much they made, was theirs. They could sell it, they could share it, they could keep it, whatever they wanted to do.

What really happened is they “turned loose” the power of a free market after enduring months and months of hardship — first on the Mayflower and then getting settled and then the failure of the common account from which everybody got the same share. There was no incentive for anybody to do anything. And as is human nature, some of the Pilgrims were a bunch of lazy twerps, and others busted their rear ends. But it didn’t matter because even the people that weren’t very industrious got the same as everyone else. Bradford wrote about how this just wasn’t working.

What Bradford and his community found,” and I’m going to use basically his own words, “was that the most creative and industrious people had no incentive to work any harder than anyone else… [W]hile most of the rest of the world has been experimenting with socialism for well over a hundred years — trying to refine it, perfect it, and re-invent it — the Pilgrims decided early on,” William Bradford decided, “to scrap it permanently,” because it brought out the worst in human nature, it emphasized laziness, it created resentment.

Because in every group of people you’ve got your self-starters you’ve got your hard workers and your industrious people, and you’ve got your lazy twerps and so forth, and there was no difference at the end of the day. The resentment sprang up on both sides. So Bradford wrote about this. “‘For this community [so far as it was] was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort.

For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense,'” without any payment, “‘that was thought injustice.’ Why should you work for other people when you can’t work for yourself? What’s the point? … The Pilgrims found that people could not be expected to do their best work without incentive.

So what did Bradford’s community try next? They unharnessed the power of good old free enterprise by invoking the undergirding capitalistic principle of private property. Every family was assigned its own plot of land to work and permitted to market its own crops and products. And what was the result? ‘This had very good success,’ wrote Bradford, ‘for it made all hands [everybody] industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.’ …

Is it possible that supply-side economics could have existed before the 1980s. … In no time, the Pilgrims found they had more food than they could eat themselves. Now, this is where it gets really good, folks, if you’re laboring under the misconception that I was, as I was taught in school. So they set up trading posts and exchanged goods with the Indians. The profits allowed them to pay off their debts to the merchants in London.

And the success and prosperity of the Plymouth settlement attracted more Europeans and began what came to be known as the ‘Great Puritan Migration.'” The word of the success of the free enterprise Plymouth Colony spread like wildfire and that began the great migration. Everybody wanted a part of it. There was no mass slaughtering of the Indians. There was no wiping out of the indigenous people, and eventually — in William Bradford’s own journal — unleashing the industriousness of all hands ended up producing more than they could ever need themselves.

So trading post began selling and exchanging things with the Indians — and the Indians, by the way, were very helpful. Puritan kids had relationships with the children of the Native Americans that they found. This killing the indigenous people stuff, they’re talking about much, much, much, much later. It has nothing to do with the first thanksgiving.

The first Thanksgiving was William Bradford and Plymouth Colony thanking God for their blessings. That’s the first Thanksgiving. Nothing wrong with being grateful to the Indians; don’t misunderstand. But the true meaning of Thanksgiving — and this is what George Washington recognized in his first Thanksgiving proclamation.


RUSH: Thank you for being with us today, folks. Have a great rest of the Thanksgiving weekend. And know without doubt how truly thankful for you I personally am and all of us are. Never forget it. Can’t say it enough that we love you. See you back here on Monday. We will be here.

by Rush Limbaugh on November 27, 2019

Conquering Fear of the Unknown


On the path to higher consciousness, we are challenged to conquer fear of the unknown. The essence of the unknown can be known without actually experiencing it. If we can assume that there are different octaves of vibrations beyond our human awareness, we can open our awareness to them by imagining the quality of their energetics and aligning ourselves with them. We get better at this with practice, until we can realize an elevated perspective of life-enhancement, with unconditional acceptance and love in every circumstance. In the face of life-enhancement, fear of the unknown disappears.

Once we can recognize the clues that we have about the nature of our reality, we can understand the necessity of energetic alignment with life-enhancement. One clue is how we truly feel about anything. If we decide, in every situation, to feel only acceptance and love for everyone, including the psychopaths, with practice, we can do it. It carries us into experiences that elicit gratitude and joy in us.

Because our life-force has no fear, we had to create the force of degradation with our imagination and make it self-destructive. Since it is closed off from heart-consciousness, it requires our life-force for its existence, which we give it through our attention and alignment. Since it does not naturally receive the life-force that enlivens all conscious beings, negative energy must be parasitic in order to exist. We can stop feeding it our life-force by paying attention to what we love and desire. These qualities have divine life-force, enhancing our own, and they require our alignment of frequency and polarity in the workings of our imagination and emotions. There’s also a deeper knowing that we can realize beyond language. It becomes part of our wisdom.

By paying attention, as much as we allow ourselves, to our deepest knowing and feeling, when we also imagine being in gratitude in scenarios of every kind, we keep ourselves in alignment with the energy of our heart-consciousness in the depth of our Being. It is the natural energetic octave of creative life, and it is radiant with all the vibratory expressions that we love and can stay in alignment with, if we allow ourselves. The challenge becomes: how much ecstasy can we endure? Can we allow ourselves to be transformed?

We can release the belief in danger and degradation. Its basis is fear of termination, which it imagines to exist in the unknown. When we are aligned with love and joy, there is only life-enhancement. Only we can change our inner alignment, and we are all free to do so at any time. We can do this by intentionally changing our perspective to one of life-enhancement in every potential scenario, in alignment with unconditional acceptance and gratitude. By our vibratory alignment with this energy, we are in a different vibratory spectrum from life-degradation and do not interact with it. It never touches us. We can change the form and the script of our experiences by our own vibratory essence in how we feel about ourselves.

Although our ego-consciousness holds imaginary fear of termination in the unknown after physical death, the entire reality of our empirical world is imaginary, and it is through our imagination that we realize its energetic patterns. Changing our reality becomes possible by directing our attention and imagination to the energetics we love and desire to feel and experience in our heart-consciousness. In experiencing the unknown, we can expand our awareness of the connection with the vibratory spectrum that we want. We have the ability to recognize any vibratory patterns that we choose to align with and make real for ourselves, including life-enhancing energy. By achieving this state of being personally, we elevate human consciousness through our own vibratory radiance.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on September 29, 2024

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Strength Training for Seniors


Beginning at age 30, the body naturally starts to lose 3–5% of muscle mass per decade, accelerating after the age of 50. If muscle loss worsens, it can advance to a condition called sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle and strength that can happen when someone gets older and does less physical activity. This may cause trouble with daily activities like standing from a chair, walking, twisting the lid off a jar, or carrying groceries. Over time, loss of strength can lead to falls or other injuries. Currently, it is estimated that 10–20% of older adults have sarcopenia, although it could be even more prevalent because diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia is not yet common.

Strength training shows the most promise in preventing sarcopenia. Doing exercise that moves and uses your muscles, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, and eating a healthy diet can help you stay strong and reduce your risk of getting sarcopenia.

Is sarcopenia inevitable? Unfortunately, loss of muscle mass and strength as we age may be inevitable... but studies are showing that sarcopenia is not only preventable, but also reversible with the right exercises in a matter of weeks.

We all recognize that exercise is important, but what exercises best slow or reverse muscle loss and weakness? Not all exercises have the same benefits. Doing the wrong exercises with not enough or too much intensity can either waste your time and energy or worse - lead to injury.

In the following video are five exercises that most anyone can do at a comfortable level of challenge that will slow or reverse muscle loss and weakness. After watching the video, begin to incorporate an exercise regimen in your daily routine. The key to improved strength and mobility as we age is consistency. Its important to understand that making a plan to do these exercises on a regular schedule, at moderate effort, leads to desired results. In short, they include:

the Squat

Modified Crunch

Reverse Lunges

Modified Push Up

Glute Bridge

In addition, regular walking is the best form of movement the human body can do to optimize health. Get out there and walk your way to better health. And if you need to tone up your legs and back to more safely climb stairs, you may wish to watch the following video to learn what specific exercises for seniors help to build strength and confidence in climbing stairs.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Human Soul as a Type of Quantum Field


Edward W. Kamen of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Roger D. Kamen of Ferris State University propose that, since electric fields and electromagnetic fields both have quanta (discrete packets of energy) consisting of photons, electric fields may also interact with the so-called "soul field." They propose that the human soul is a type of quantum field that interacts only with certain fields in the physical universe, and not directly with matter. Fields that interact with the soul field include electromagnetic waves as evidenced by near-death experiences where events that could not have been seen through the eyes of the individual are verified.

This could result in the transfer of information on working memory content to the soul through electric fields produced by neural ensembles in the human brain. The soul field may also affect neurons on the molecular level in the brain through interactions with electric fields and the recently proposed mechanism of cytoelectric coupling.

The possibility of the existence of realms beyond the physical universe is now accepted by many cosmologists who subscribe to the eternal inflation theory of multiple universes. However, the existence of the multiverse does not provide an explanation for where souls might reside. The key point is that other domains outside our universe may exist. Although the laws of physics likely vary from universe to universe in the multiverse scenario, it is conceivable that quantum fields and quanta underlie the existence of every universe in the multiverse, as they do in our own.

The study says if human souls exist, they come from a different realm and return there after the body dies. In this realm, the usual laws of physics might not apply, but there could be similarities to our physical universe. It introduces the concept of "quasi-fields," which are similar to quantum fields in our universe but exist in the domain of the soul. These quasi-fields may give rise to massless particles, similar to how quantum fields produce massless particles like photons in the physical world. Researchers suggest that if there’s no Higgs-like field in the soul realm, then everything there would be massless. It also notes that while many discussions about the soul view it as a "soul field", it is expected to have specific values or strengths related to the energy and particles that make it up. However, these values might be impossible to measure directly with any devices. The soul field's values would depend on the physical space and time because the soul exists in a body while it's alive. Additionally, the soul field might also involve different types of space and time when it exists in a separate, non-physical realm. This implies that there is a kind of space in the soul domain, allowing for movement and the passage of time, rather than everything happening instantly. This idea alone doesn't fully explain its nature. Ultimately, they propose that the human soul can be understood as a type of quantum field (quasi-field) that shares some properties with the quantum fields we know in our universe. This perspective is somewhat different from previous discussions in the literature on the topic.

A question was raised by physicist Sean Carroll about how the soul interacts with matter, specifically electrons. Carroll suggests that if the soul interacts with electrons, there should be a part in the Dirac equation that describes this interaction, but no evidence supports this.

The conclusion drawn is that either QFT is incorrect or the soul does not exist. To resolve this, the researchers propose that the soul does not directly interact with matter like electrons or other particles with mass (like quarks). Instead, the soul interacts with specific fields in the universe, particularly electromagnetic (EM) waves. Evidence for this interaction comes from near-death experiences (NDEs), where individuals report seeing events that they couldn't have seen physically, but these events are confirmed by others present. The text suggests that the soul can sense and process EM waves, likely through interactions with photons (light particles) that impact the soul field. This is compared to how humans perceive light through electrons in the eye, but how the soul processes this information to achieve vision remains uncertain.

by Vicky Verma @unexplained2020 at on September 25, 2024, and from

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Reality Ouroboros

What is reality? And is there just one reality or many, perhaps infinitely many? And how should we describe these realities, with mathematics, natural language, music, or visual art? The answer might be all of the above, but if so, can we justify these decisions based on a larger conception of reality?

Scientists tend to think about reality in one of two ways. The first perspective involves physically emergent hierarchies (ontologies)—ranging from the most “fundamental” elementary particles, through nuclear and atomic physics, collective chemistry, adaptive organisms and ecosystems, brains, minds, and, ultimately, human societies.

The second describes conceptually emergent hierarchies (epistemologies)—spanning logic, mathematics, natural language, natural science, and the arts. This perspective focuses on the cognitive and conceptual structures that humans create to describe the physical hierarchies in which they are embedded.

Increasingly these two ideas of reality—architectures of physical matter and conceptual information—are intersecting. Several contemporary areas of research are blurring the boundary between theories of reality and reality itself. The clearest example of this would be in the social sciences, where “social reality” and a model or theory of society are often difficult to disentangle. For example, does a formalism like John Nash’s non-cooperative game theory describe strategic interactions, or does game theory control strategic interactions? How might we ever disentangle these two possibilities?

This blurring of the distinction between physical and conceptual reality extends far below the social sciences to encompass deep, and by now widely held disciplinary positions, including the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, cosmic inflation, the “It-from-Bit” school of physics, and the idea of generalized observers in adaptive systems (from natural selection to cultural evolution). And these have been extended up the hierarchies, generating controversial (yet influential) frameworks, including the simulation hypothesis, constructor theory, the free energy principle, the principle of computational equivalence, and many theories of reflexivity and agency that bring us back toward the recursions of the social sciences.

Most of us were trained as materialists placing matter before mind.

These recent insights raise a rather troubling, and of course ancient, question. Should we conceive of physical and complex reality as the constructs of observers and minds working with natural language, mathematics, and computation? Or should we instead conceive of our conceptual constructs as the products of math, physics, neurobiology, and the mind? Most of us were trained as materialists placing matter before mind. But this easy assumption has been repeatedly questioned, and these assaults have become more frequent in recent years.

We suggest that many of these dilemmas can be resolved (or at least clarified) by thinking of reality as a circular structure resembling an Ouroboros (the symbol of a serpent eating its own tail). We position the ontological hierarchy of reality along this Ouroboros, including physical processes, life, intelligent systems and mind, culture, mathematics, and so forth. We suggest that any point on this circle can act as a “foundation” for subsequent theorizing, as the point where the mouth and the tail of the serpent intersect.

Consider the following choice of foundational points along the Ouroboros and the names that we give to each:

Platonists, A-lifers, and simulation theorists start with ideas. This assumes that math is foundational, and that physics, life, and mind are derived from it. The ultimate production of math by minds closes the circle making math fundamental.

Math→ Physics → Neurobiology → Mind → Math

Biological materialists start at the foundational insertion point of neurobiology, from which new emergent theories ensue, including theories of mind that are the source of epistemologies, that close the circle when they generate theories of neurobiology.

Neurobiology → Mind → Math → Physics → Neurobiology

Origin-of-life researchers seek to identify crucial broken symmetries that propagate up through living matter and ultimately support the evolution of brains and minds whose models of physics and chemistry then dictate how we think about life.

Chemistry → Life → Neurobiology → Mind → Math → Physics → Neurobiology → Chemistry → Life

Research fields and disciplines are defined by the point at which they start in the cycle: the level that they declare to be “fundamental” to their investigations.

Physics likes to start with particles and fields and see how far simple symmetries might be explored to explain matter. Biologists like to start with organic chemistry, broken symmetries, and determine how far this might explain functional organization. And psychologists like to start with the mind and ask about the origins of mathematics upon which any physical theory will ultimately be constructed. And of course the influence of each discipline need not be restricted to its contiguous neighbors along the cycle but can reach into more distant points along its development; in this way, mathematics can jump straight into psychology or chemistry into ecology.

Two ideas of reality—architectures of physical matter and conceptual information—are intersecting.

Following the pioneering ideas of Philip Anderson in his 1972 paper “More Is Different,” and its sequels, we allow that there is an arbitrary choice of starting point: No one science is more fundamental than any other. But having rooted, or pinned the Ouroboros at one segment in its cycle, researchers are rigorously constrained in their exploration of the implications of this decision as they traverse the emergent hierarchy of the Ouroboros. Depending on whether they are catabolic (particularist) or anabolic (synthetic) thinkers, most researchers are either chewing on their field’s segment of the Ouroboros or patching up some small holes in their field’s segment.

Importantly though, every segment of the Ouroboros has at least some of this catabolic character, severing itself from the segments that came before and neglecting those that come after. An example is how Gödel’s incompleteness theorems in mathematics is a small hole chewed into the basic building blocks of mathematics itself. Similarly, much of philosophy casts strong doubt on the basic legitimacy of philosophical reasoning. And in many respects, the more we learn about neurobiology and cognitive science, the less trust we place in the mental processes involved in the research of neurobiologists. Each segment of the Ouroboros contains its own Shiva—destroyer of worlds.

In terms of Vedic metaphor, can we get beyond this self-destruction, to focus on the Trimurti or the personification of the whole? This is, in one telling, the subject of complexity science—surveying the many distinct approaches to reality that follow from our assumptions about what constitutes a fundamental level of explanation—or what effective theory we use to root our analyses. Complexity science seeks to explain emergent phenomena or mechanisms that “screen-off” their constituent parts and thereby allow new levels of description and understanding. These levels are not only natural manifestations of reality but all of them are required if a species as limited as Homo sapiens hopes to grasp the totality of reality.

by David Krakauer & David Wolpert on September 4, 2024 at

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Impact of UFO's on Human Cognition


You are an energy being. There is electricity and biophotons whizzing around in your body right this instant. As an energy being you are also subject to disturbances at an energy level. These energy intrusions are frequently first felt in the brain, and discovered by the mind.

Your energy is being disturbed now. Has been since the late 1970s by a slowly increasing intrusion of emanations from the center of our galaxy. These energies really increased beginning in 2000. They are still increasing slowly.

You WILL certainly experience some effects from these new energy inputs to our noosphere, BUT the point of this article is what to watch out for with other strange energies, these being brought to your neighborhood by the UFOs.

The upcoming UFO encounter wave, spread out over a number of years, is going to produce some residual effects. These are different, more immediate, and much more impacting energies than you are used to encountering. They may be very disturbing to your base levels of functioning. You may not feel quite like your regular ‘self’ as we go forward and these UFO appearances become more frequent, and bizarre.

There are reasons to suspect that the EW (encounter wave) with the UFOs will produce effects first, and most powerfully, on those parts of the brain that deal with your perception of yourself within Time. The frequency of encounters with UFOs is increasing currently against a background of rising levels year over year. It’s getting busy around here. The secret must be out; Humans are cool!

Anyway, here are some of the ways that you may be impacted by the appearances that will be emerging into our reality over these next few years.

If you come across someone suffering these pesky vu’s, sit them down, give them a cup of tea, and a few minutes to reconnect mind, body, to the ever more elusive ‘reality’ we all all share.

The terms "déjà vu," "presque vu," and "jamais vu" all describe different cognitive phenomena related to memory, perception, and the subjective experience of time. Here's a detailed explanation of each one:

1. Déjà Vu

  • Definition: "Déjà vu" is a French term meaning "already seen." It refers to the eerie feeling that you've experienced a situation before, even though you know it’s new.

  • Relation to Time: Déjà vu is often described as a temporal anomaly because it creates the illusion that the present moment has somehow occurred in the past. This sensation can feel like a momentary "time loop," where you are living an experience that you've already lived, which disrupts the usual linear progression of time.

  • Possible Causes: While the exact cause is still debated, some theories suggest that déjà vu is linked to a delay in neural processing, where your brain accidentally "recognizes" a situation as familiar before fully processing the newness of the experience. Others hypothesize it might be caused by a slight mismatch in how short-term and long-term memories are processed.

2. Jamais Vu

  • Definition: "Jamais vu," meaning "never seen," is the opposite of déjà vu. In this case, a situation that is actually familiar feels completely unfamiliar, as if you are experiencing it for the first time even though you know it's something you should recognize.

  • Relation to Time: Jamais vu is like a glitch in your perception of time and memory. It involves a disconnect from the past, where something known feels strangely new or alien. In contrast to déjà vu, where the past invades the present, in jamais vu, the known past feels distant or inaccessible. This can create a temporal dislocation, where something that is clearly part of your personal history suddenly feels disconnected from that history.

  • Possible Causes: Jamais vu can sometimes occur due to fatigue or stress. It may also arise in certain neurological conditions, like epilepsy or aphasia, where memory retrieval or recognition processes are impaired. Jamais vu is a frequently reported effect of MK Ultra mind control experiments, as well as PTSD, and is also linked to UFO encounters frequently.

3. Presque Vu

  • Definition: "Presque vu" means "almost seen" in French. This is often referred to as the "tip of the tongue" phenomenon, where you feel like you are on the verge of remembering something but just can't quite grasp it.

  • Relation to Time: Presque vu represents a tension between the present and the near future—where a piece of information feels imminent but remains just out of reach. Time, in this context, seems to stretch, as the act of remembering or retrieving information takes longer than expected. It is a mental "pause," where the flow of time seems to slow down as your brain works to access what it thinks that it knows is there.

  • Possible Causes: This phenomenon is thought to occur when your brain can access parts of the memory (like related concepts or context) but struggles to retrieve the complete information. It’s a partial activation of the neural network related to memory recall, where some nodes are accessed but not the full set. Such occurrences may indicate electromagnetic influences on the brain.

4. Other 'Vus'

There are a few less common terms related to cognitive and temporal experiences:

  • Déjà Entendu: "Already heard" refers to the sensation that you've heard something before, such as a piece of music or a spoken phrase, even though it's new to you.

  • Déjà Rêvé: "Already dreamed" describes the sensation that a current situation or event is something you’ve previously dreamed about, blending the perception of time between past dreams and waking reality.

  • Déjà Senti: "Already felt" describes the sensation of having already felt a particular emotional or physical response in a current situation.

How They Relate to Time:

All of these "vu" experiences have to do with the brain's interaction with time and memory:

  • Time Distortion: These phenomena involve subjective distortions of time—past, present, and future. Déjà vu, for example, confuses the present for the past, while presque vu stretches the experience of retrieving a memory into the future. Jamais vu, on the other hand, distances the present from the past, breaking the connection.

  • Temporal Processing: These experiences suggest that our perception of time is not a smooth, continuous flow but instead is reconstructed by the brain in fragments. Memory plays a key role in creating the continuity of time, and when that process is disrupted or delayed, we experience these odd sensations.

Ultimately, these experiences demonstrate the complexity of human cognition and how intricately linked memory, perception, and time are in our subjective experiences which are going to be including a lot more UFO visits than in past years. Prepare as you may.

posted on the substack of Clif High on September 23, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024

How Russia Saved the United States Twice


Russian battleships in New York harbor depicted by Harpers Weekly in October 1863

More than a year after the advent of the American Revolutionary War, on July 4, 1776, delegates to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia signed a document, which laid the foundation for a new country. The Declaration of Independence officially announced the separation of 13 newly-independent mutinous colonies from the metropolis and explained the reasons why Americans were at war with the British crown. By positing that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, the Declaration set an agenda for all democratic state-building in the world for centuries to come. Both Russian and French constitutions have been defined by this narrative.

Inspired by the European enlightenment and its philosophers (Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau) as well as supported by the French expeditionary corps, George Washington’s army stood up for the newly-born nation’s very right to exist. After eight years of bloodshed, the United Kingdom eventually recognized America’s independence in 1783; coincidentally, the same year Crimea became a part of the Russian Empire.

However, in the Winter of 1775, victory was far beyond the horizon. Americans were gravely crashed at the Battle of Quebec. A couple of months later, the British were preparing for a counterattack in New York, which later became the most disastrous defeat of the Revolutionary Army over the course of the war. The Americans lost Fort Washington in Autumn 1776 and roughly 3,000 soldiers were taken hostage.

Meanwhile, intending to cut the supply of the rebellious colonies, Britannia tried to impose a naval blockade on the American continent. Being influenced by her correspondence with the French philosophers, an enlightened Russian Empress Catherine the Great from the very start was sympathetic to the Americans fighting for their freedom. Guided by her own country’s national interests, Catherine firmly opposed the British naval blockade. She continued to trade with the 13 former colonies. In 1780 Russia proclaimed the policy of armed neutrality, which meant that its ships would fight back if the British navy tried to stop them from crossing the Atlantic.

More than that, amidst the Revolutionary War George III, the British king, trying to appeal to Catherine’s monarchical sentiments, pleaded her to send 20-thousand Russian expeditionary corps to America to fight against the revolutionaries. The Russian Empress refused. Then the king tried to bribe Catherine by offering an island of Menorca in the Mediterranean Sea in exchange for convincing France to exit the war and thus forcing the American rebels to fight alone. And again, the offer was turned down.

Nowadays most Americans remember the French fighting alongside them in this nation-building war. Unfortunately, they are never reminded about Russia’s contribution to the U.S. independence.

The second most important conflict in America was the Civil War (1861-1865). This time, once again, Russia was on the right side of history.

We can draw some parallels between the two contemporaries, the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II (also known as the Liberator). Both men initiated fundamental reforms to reconstruct their countries, both of them fought slavery. Alexander abolished serfdom in Russia in 1861, four years before the 13th Amendment was adopted in the United States. Another mysterious similarity, both rulers had a tragic destiny. Both men died for what they believed in. They were assassinated by terrorists.

Back to 1861, with the outbreak of the Civil War President Lincoln not only had to fight the Confederacy but also resist London and Paris plotting against the Union. This time France, pursuing its agenda in Mexico, betrayed the U.S. by secretly supplying the separatist South with weapons. And the United Kingdom, also guided by its self-interest, insidiously increased Confederacy’s legitimacy by recognizing it as a combatant party. By default, London and Paris were ready to join the war on the side of General Lee’s army. The major factor, which prevented it from happening was the position taken by the Russian Empire.

In 1863, Alexander II sent two Russian fleets under the command of Admirals Lessovski and Popov to New York and San Francisco in order to put pressure on London and fight the British navy if necessary. Russian ships patrolled the American shores for 10 months. Thus, Russia was the first European power, who officially supported the Union and President Lincoln. Soon the war was over.

In 1867, Mark Twain came with the delegation of journalists to Saint Petersburg, where he was warmly welcomed by the Russian Tsar. The famous American writer characterized Russian people as friendly people.

Russia’s position towards the United States at the time can be best described by an affirmation of the most famous Russian diplomat, Chancellor Gorchakov: “Russia’s policy towards the United States is defined and will not change. Above all, we wish to keep the American Union as an undivided nation.”

Being deeply indebted to Russia, the American government in 1866 decided to send a special deputation to Petersburg to express to the Emperor and the Russian people the gratitude of the United States for the help provided by sending Russian fleets to America. The words, coined by an American diplomat Berg at an official reception organized a couple of years earlier in honor of the sailors who came to the side of the United States in its hour of need, happened to be prophetic: “There is a friendship between us that has not been overshadowed by any bad memories. It will continue, subject to the strict rule not to interfere in each other’s internal affairs. It is easy to imagine the enormous advantages that such a policy can give to all the governments of the globe if they carefully adhere to it."

Today it might be hard for our two countries to return to such an ideal state of affairs. Now Russian-American relations are overshadowed by lots of circumstances. This is why it is especially important to remember the positive moments of our common past. Twice in less than a century, Russia stood on behalf of the United States in its fight for freedom and unity. As much as Americans, Russians are always ready to fight for the right cause and for what they believe in.

Today, it's worth congratulating Americans as they celebrate their independence and the profound impact that American democracy has had on the world. At the same time, it's also worth remembering the instrumental role that Russia played in making the American experiment possible and that together the United States and Russia can do great things.

from the blog of Alexey Viryasov on July 3, 2020, at

Friday, November 22, 2024

Pluto in Aquarius 2024: Collective Awakening


On November 19 at 3:30 PM EST, Pluto left Capricorn and makes his final ingress into Aquarius, where he is going to travel until 2044. Pluto’s shift of sign marks a time of collective awakening, revolutionizing our reality in a way that is hard to precisely pin down, due to the unpredictable nature of Aquarius.

This shift is going to impact all of us massively. Still, it is especially significant for individuals born with planets or angles in Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Those more personally impacted by Pluto’s ingress and transit through Aquarius are about to undergo a deep internal transformation that will ripple in other areas of their lives. They will be asked to face their shadow and challenged to release patterns and attachments that no longer serve them.

Pluto: Evolution and Rebirth Through Alchemy of the Dark

Pluto is the force of evolution, the catalyst of the deepest transformations and alchemical processes. The modern ruler of Scorpio was discovered at the same time as the atomic bomb was developed and this synchronicity says a lot about the nature of this planet. Named after the mythological God of the Underworld, Pluto guides us on a journey through darkness and challenges us to make the unconscious conscious through sincere and consistent commitment to getting to the bottom of everything and facing the truth, no matter how ugly.

In Astrology, Pluto has to do with wounds connected with feelings of powerlessness, betrayal, and loss, and with everything we repress and hide because we feel ashamed of, afraid of, or disgusted by it. Pluto rules our compulsions, obsessions, fears, and manipulation tendencies. This planet has to do with those unconscious patterns we continuously play out without realizing it and the indirect ways we try to get our security needs met. In Evolutionary Astrology, this planet is associated with our Soul’s desires and evolutionary intentions and is seen as the higher octave of Mars, connected with our conscious and egoic desires. Pluto rules over death and rebirth cycles and our empowerment journey through this and other lifetimes.

Transits of Pluto mark generational cycles and collective dynamics. Pluto’s orbit is irregular and this planet needs 248 years to travel through the whole Zodiac. The Lord of the Underworld spends more time in some signs than in others. When Pluto leaves a sign to enter a new one it is a huge event, one we won’t experience again in our lifetime.

Pluto is going to travel through Aquarius for roughly 20 years. Between March and September 2043, Pluto enters Pisces for the first time. Pluto then comes back into Aquarius until January 2044, when he makes his final ingress into Pisces.

The Aquarius Archetype: Deconditioning and Liberation from the Past

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, a Fixed, Yang, and Air archetype. Traditionally ruled by Saturn and ruled by Uranus in modern Astrology, Aquarius is a complex and somehow paradoxical sign, associated with a wide range of themes. These include group and community dynamics, friendships, collective movements, humanitarian causes, and people coming together to actualize a shared vision.

Aquarius is also connected to technology, science, progress, and innovative discoveries, which include the internet, social media, electricity, the quantum field, AI, as well as intergalactic travel. Objectivity and detachment are qualities that strongly resonate with Aquarius, which gravitates toward a bird’s eye view and seeks to access a higher perspective of patterns and dynamics, without any personal biases.

In the Zodiac, Aquarius follows Capricorn, the sign connected, among other themes, to the process of conditioning, traditional hierarchies and institutions, and the energetics of authority. The Capricorn archetype has to do with how we are programmed to conform and adapt to social, cultural, and familial rules, norms, and structures to the point of internalizing them. After this stage, for progress to take place, there must be some kind of rebellion and liberation from the past, which happens through the Aquarius archetype. Aquarius energy is all about breaking free from both external and internal limitations and reclaiming our uniqueness and individuality.

Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius: Collective Awakening

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, dramatically transforming our global social, financial, and political structures while ruthlessly exposing unhealthy power dynamics and the corruption, decay, and darkest secrets of authorities, governments, and traditional institutions. In the past weeks and months, and especially while Pluto has been traveling on the 29º of Capricorn, this process accelerated and became more extreme, obvious, and destructive.

While Pluto has been dancing between Capricorn and Aquarius, we felt the future knocking at our door while the weight of the past became harder and harder to sustain. As Pluto makes his final ingress into Aquarius, our personal and collective reality is going to transform at a much faster pace. Humanity’s evolution is significantly accelerating as Pluto moves from an Earth to an Air sign: this will be particularly evident in a few months when Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, moves from Taurus to Gemini, another Air sign.

Pluto in Aquarius wants to liberate us from the shackles of our conditioning, from the burden of society’s expectations, from the weight of tradition. However, we will be required to expand our current energetic, emotional, and nervous system capacity to adapt to this shift and sustain the speed of change. During the upcoming year, there will be a surge of independent and self-sufficient systems, communities, and organizations based on horizontal and decentralized structures rather than vertical and centralized hierarchies. People will be drawn to organize themselves and come together to actualize a shared purpose, taking responsibility for creating the reality they aspire to live.

Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will instigate drastic transformations in the structure of society and bring dramatic changes in our relationship with ourselves, with one another, with governments, and with technology. During this time, we will witness incredible, life-altering technological and scientific discoveries that will revolutionize our reality and the boundaries of what we thought to be possible. However, ignoring the risks, potential dangers, and ethical implications of new technologies can have a very destructive impact.

Shadows of Aquarius: Ostracization, Alienation, Elitism, and Dissociation

Pluto tends to exacerbate and magnify the shadows and unconscious expressions of the sign where he transits. While Pluto is in Aquarius, we can expect to see a surge in elitism and social division as well as in the tendency to ostracize, demonize, or “cancel” people who have different views, who adhere to an ideology or a worldview that diverges from ours. We are already experiencing growing polarization and separation based on political beliefs fueled by social media: during Pluto in Aquarius transit, we will keep experiencing it, likely exacerbated by the impact of fake information generated with new technologies such as AI.

Paradoxically, an unconscious or shadow expression of the Aquarius archetype is conformity for the sake of belonging. Sometimes, in rebelling against old programming, we unknowingly end up conforming to a new set of rules that similarly require us to disown and suppress parts of ourselves to fit in. We may put ourselves in a box and disconnect from our essential selves in order to feel part of a community. On the contrary, we may create an identity centered around being an outsider and not fitting in anywhere, and as a result manifest a reality that reflects just that, perpetuating the sense of alienation also strongly associated with Aquarius.

Additionally, Aquarius is connected with sudden shocks, surprises, and unexpected changes that force growth by disrupting our stability and the structures we have been relying upon. For this reason, Aquarius is connected to trauma, the process of dissociation, and the fragmentation of the psyche that happens when we have overwhelming experiences we can’t resolve or integrate.

The dissociation from our physical and emotional body is a shadow of the Aquarius archetype that will be magnified while Pluto travels through the sign. More people will develop an addiction to social media, phones, virtual reality, and technology, and completely disconnect from their hearts, their physicality, their emotions, and Nature. More people will be in relationships that don’t involve an emotional or physical component but only take place on an intellectual level.

The Importance of Leo Energy During Pluto’s Transit Through Aquarius

Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius and represents an energy we are encouraged to gravitate toward to balance the intense activation of Aquarius. In Evolutionary Astrology, the importance of what is referred to as Pluto’s polarity point is especially emphasized.

Leo as the polarity of Aquarius underlines the importance of staying connected or recovering our connection with our essential self, with our True Self, with our inner child’s joy, and with our hearts. Leo reminds us of the power of play and of the importance of being fully present, fully in the here and now. Ruled by the Sun, the center of our Solar System, Leo teaches us to stay centered in ourselves and in our truth, be who we are without the need for belonging, accept being misunderstood, and be a group of one if necessary, but without creating an identity or a story out of it.

During Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, connecting with the Sun, with our hearts, with our passions, with our creativity, with our warmth, and with our joy will help us counterbalance the increasing dominance of the mind, rationality, and detachment. Developing a conscious relationship with the energy of Leo and the Sun will help us create inner coherence and integrate the different parts of our psyche into a cohesive whole, with our True Self in the center.

by Moon Omens on November 17, 2024, at

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...