Friday, November 1, 2024

Election 2024: Decisions and Choices


Two roads diverged in a wood,

I took the one...

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

A choice will be made next week by electoral process, one that will make all the difference for America, but also for the rest of the world... for the world, not just America, is in the midst of an existential crisis. One candidate is attempting to perpetuate the old system of structure and control under the guise of maintaining 'normalcy' - “Don't worry about it. Don't question the government. We're professionals here. We're the sane ones. Don't look over here. You're not a politician; you may not know what's going on; that's okay. We've got your back. We're going to maintain the sense of security and freedom that you are used to.” For a large percentage people who are lost and confused, the safest bet might seem to be going with this candidate.

The other candidate is doing the exact opposite. The other candidate is creating chaos that destabilizes the old system. The promise of dramatic change can be frightening, but this greatly appeals to growing factions of society that are unhappy with the status quo and want to see a shake up. In a chaotic world, this seems to be the saner alternative.

For most of the electorate, those are the choices... except for those that stand aside for one reason or another and choose not to choose. Is there anything else that a person can do?

Let's look at momentum in the world. Can we agree that, really, no matter who is chosen to lead next, the old system is collapsing. Doesn't matter who rules. Whether you acknowledge it or not, there is a much broader contract in play for the collective of humanity on earth. The difference in choice this time around is that one candidate will expedite the inevitable.

The elective choice is still ours. Do we want to   s-l-o-w-l-y   r-i-p   t-h-e   b-a-n-d-a-i-d   o-f-f  or do we want to tear it off in one quick motion to immediately collapse the system to make way for a new one? It's going to happen, regardless, one way or the other. What's your preference?

So, get out there... yeah... do vote. Make your voice heard. But also... understand something important: Understand that your internal vibration – what you choose to focus on – to the full extent of your place in this reality at this moment – counts for far more than whatever vote you cast.

What do YOU primarily focus on – moment to moment, day to day? Do you focus on just your own life... do you feel that the politics of red and blue doesn't really matter... or do you focus on real solutions for the collective benefit of humanity?

All of existence springs from the imagination. Can you imagine a world without wars, one where every living person has enough to eat, a warm bed at night, freedom of speech and opportunity, clean and free energy technology, free internet, clean water accessible to everyone? Can you imagine a world where democracy works?

It has to start here... with me, with you, with each of us. The world begins where creative imagination leaves off. Each of us has a choice to rise above the chaos, to rise above the polarity in society, and begin to create the solutions that give birth to the world we all desire and deserve.

Two roads diverge in opposite directions today. Your choice will make all the difference. So vote your conscience, but choose wisely. Decide from this moment forward to build the world you want in earnest behind your own eyes first, then carry it in your heart until it becomes the world you dream of.

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