Thursday, March 6, 2025

Love Is

In the ancient past, as in the last Yuga cycle before humanity descended into the Kali Yuga, which we exited in 1700 CE, humans had a far better knowledge base about everything. At some point just before the Kali Yuga, the space aliens, the ELohim, who the Pharisees worship, invaded. The ELohim set about breaking out ties to our history such that we would be more easily controlled as their ‘herd’, their source for meats, fats, and adrenochrome. And they used us as their carbon based, transducing supercomputers in their civilization’s infrastructure.

Before the ELohim invaded, and conquered much of humanity, we had a far greater understanding of ourselves, our nature, this Matterium, this Universe, and the place of humanity within it. We knew then about the complex of human emotions, how they functioned, and their place in both our actions, as well as our well being.

Obviously, as it is THE dominant emotional complex within our personalities, Love, in all its forms was extensively studied, and known. As humans do, we reduced, and labeled the parts of the complex for greater understanding.

Modern mind control that is labeled as ‘education’, or ‘schooling’, is neither, and has deliberately done possible to obscure, and blind humans from exploring their real nature. Reality scares evil. Reality is to be fought, as has been recently seen with the rise, and now, fall, of Wokonianism which is a designed mental state derived from the philosophy of the Pharisees (aka judaism, the ELohim worship cult).

It’s time to go way back, in order that humanity can go forward into the emerging SciFi world. The world of the ‘singularity’ which is the emergence of the concepts of the Eternal Now, the event-stream, and the 'ontology’. Humans need to retrieve our ancient understanding of ourselves. If you don’t know yourself, your understanding of our common shared reality will be flawed. You will be an impediment to others as they have to deal with your ignorance. They will likely call you ‘tarded’ in their exasperation.

We are there now. The Manifestation is now occurring. Too late to run. Too late to flee to avoid it. Your mind will be involved. It’s your future, unfolding before you.

Better figure out what ‘you’ are before we get too much further into this…to do that, you need to grasp “what is love?”.

Then the next question you must answer on your own. You have to see it to understand. “Why does Love matter?”

  1. Eros (Romantic Love): Eros is named after the Greek god of love and fertility, representing passion, desire, and physical attraction. It's often the initial intense attraction that draws two people together, but it can also be fleeting or evolve into deeper forms of love. If Eros does not evolve, it dies.

  2. Philia (Friendship Love): This type of love is based on mutual respect, shared experiences, and a genuine liking for each other's company. It is commonly found among friends who share common values, interests, or activities. Philia is the base layer that binds the social order of families into an interconnected whole.

  3. Storge (Familial Love): Storge is the love that exists between family members. It’s characterized by deep affection, a sense of duty, and a commitment to caring for one another. It's often considered unconditional and persistent, enduring through many life changes. Storge is where sacrifice originates.

  4. Agape (Unconditional Love): Agape is selfless love, similar to what some might call spiritual love. It is universal and altruistic, extending beyond personal attachments to encompass care for others regardless of reciprocity. This type of love is often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs about loving others as one's self and seeking the good of others before one's own. This association arises as Agape is a natural and expected result of most enlightenment experiences. As Rumi states “Love (Agape) is your bride to everything.”

  5. Ludus (Playful Love): Ludus is flirtatious and playful, without the intensity of eros. It’s found in the early stages of a relationship, where teasing, jokes, and light-hearted interactions are common. It’s more about enjoyment and fun than deep emotional commitment. This is the cool and fun interaction between humans as ‘lovers’ that is just so annoying to others who don’t have it in their lives.

  6. Pragma (Enduring Love): Pragma is practical love founded on reason or duty and one’s longer-term interests. It's common in marriages or long-term partnerships where the couple works together to achieve their mutual goals, balancing practical daily life with maintaining affection over time. Pragma is the ‘bonding love’. It is the enduring, supportive Love that moves civilization to great achievement. Every ‘thing’ in your body’s Life experience comes from Pragma.

  7. Philautia (Self Love): This type of love relates to self-esteem and self-worth, and it's about taking care of and being kind to oneself. It's considered necessary by many philosophers for being able to offer love to others, based on the idea that you cannot give what you do not have. All of YOUR body’s Life experience of Love grows from Philautia. If you can’t stand yourself, how can you expect her to love you?

The search for the experience of Love in this body’s Life is the most challenging aspect of the Life experience in this Matterium. For most men, it is easier to face death in combat than approach a woman who you would make into your Love interest.

So men, to become a successful ‘romantic’ work this list from the bottom up. First find something in yourself to love, that you love about you. Cultivate it, be practical about it, what does it offer to her? Be playful about expressing your self love to her. You are actually attempting to entice her mind to see that quality that you love about yourself. Love others, they have good stuff in them too, even when their lives are so mean, and suffering filled that they can’t even see their own qualities of value. Learn to Love your family, your wellspring, even if they are mostly buttheads. Be her friend. If you can’t be her friend, love her like a companion you want with you through time, then all you have is a sexual attraction which will fade quickly once satiated.

No mean, suffering, self-loathing man ever built anything worth having. Civilization comes only from the Romantic. Get wise to reality. It’s where you will spend this body’s Life.

from the substack of Clif High on February 27, 2025

Present Circumstances


Beloved Friends Of Earth! Every One Of You Is Having An Experience That Pleiadeans Call A Waking Dream. In Other Words, You Are Dreaming Awake With A Created Personality And A Soul Of Sacred Origin. We Are Here To Guide You Into A Place Of Peace. This Place Of Light And Wisdom Is Only Found Within.

The Dream Of Your Current Circumstances Was Planned On A Faraway Star. You Traveled Through Many Densities To Arrive In A Reality With So Many Variables. You Left A Life Of Perfection To Experience The Earth School Once More. This Time, Many Will Not Experience Death Of The Body. At Last The Caterpillar Will Become A Butterfly. The Beauty Of Your Soul Will Be Seen And Felt. The Limits Of Your Current Ventures And Plans Will Be Obsolete. You Will Be Able To Do Anything As You Are Everything.

The State Of Affairs On The Planet Are A Reflection Of The Collective Mind. No More And No Less. Ponder This And You Will See It As Truth. Wars, Division And Lies Are Rampant Only Because Many Projected Their Energy And Thoughts To These Endeavors.

Your Personal Circumstances Are The Result Of Your Past Thoughts. If You Did Not Awaken To Truth, You Are Likely Repeating The Same Scenarios That Once Brought You Down. You Have An Opportunity Each Moment To Change What Will Be Now. And What Will Unfold As A Reflection Of Your Own Design Is A Gift To Discover.

See Your Life Unfolding In The Best Way Possible. Believe That You Are Innately Good Regardless Of Your Own Created Calamities. Know That All Things Are Possible And Be Excited With The World You Are Designing. It Is Here For You! Enjoy The Short Visit As You Find Joy In The Small Things That Surround You.

When You Close Your Eyes Each Night, Visualize The Life That You Desire. See Nature With Colorful Mountains And Streams. See Friends Gathering To Dance And Listen To Music. Imagine A World Where Oneness Is Embraced And Animals Walk Freely With Peace. Create Your Life In Moments Of Relaxation And Be Amazed As It Arrives As Reality. For This Is Your Home And All Of These Things And More Await.

You Are Far More Powerful Than You Remember. Bring Back The Magic Of The Child Within. If Your Childhood Was Painful And Full Of Neglect, Give That Child Within Everything They Needed. This Will Bring Light To Your Life As An Adult. Be Free And Healed And Then Give This Beauty To Others. You Are Co-Creators And Parts Of One Spirit. You Are Love And This Is All That Matters.


Message from #Pleiadeans of 7D Taygeta received telepathically by Judith Lynn and shared by her son @Kabamur_Taygeta /#GalacticFederation on X on January 31, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

When Your Consciousness Shifts

The following is extracted from a communication of reminder between Elizabeth April and a being named Kinetic from the Pleiadean Security Council of the Galactic Federation of Light, with the design purpose of shifting or unlocking something within those receiving this message through Elizabeth.

Everything is changing rapidly. Do not fear. What we are witnessing is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. This is why we are here and what we have all been preparing for. Both our biological and spiritual bodies are shifting at this time. New DNA is unlocking within that brings about new physical and metaphysical abilities.

Before these new codes can unlock there must be a purge in both the biological and energy bodies. The purge is challenging. Some will not make it through the transition. Once the release is complete, the new activations will naturally take place without effort. Civilization as a whole is also going through a release and reset. Both the system and the players behind the system need a reset.

The shift will not happen all at once, as it has been occurring already for some time. However, the progression of this change is now happening much faster than we have ever experienced it before. The change will be noticed by everyone, but only those who want to will move forward.

Some of those we love may not move forward with us. They will either move forward in their own way, or they will stay stuck in the timeline that mirrors their own frequency. If they remain in their own timeline, their soul will preoccupy their main body timeline, and they will either feel empty in your timeline, or cease to exist in it altogether.

It is necessary at this moment in time to be willing to change rapidly. Do not become attached to materiality, identities, or belief systems. In order to trust, you must confront your fears and apply your full conscious awareness to the present moment. By doing so, your transition will be more graceful.

So how do we know when our transition has occurred, and will we all shift at the same time? Actually, many of us have already shifted into the new timeline. More and more of us will do this in the coming years. At first, it is an individual process, but eventually the rest of humanity must make a choice. At such time, many will shift at once. You know you have shifted when you are living the life you have always desired.

Once you make a connection to your inner reflections, all other answers will be clear. The pathways will align with ease. Health issues, financial lack, and social issues will all begin to resolve themselves once you begin to listen to your intuition and take action on what you hear. Everything else is an illusion. The world will better understand the word “illusion” in the coming years. Your inner compass is the only thing that truly exists.

There are individuals on Planet Earth that believe they have ownership over the rest of us. They have been able to manipulate the laws of the universe in order to prevent us from intervening in their strategies. They are currently being confronted by us and others. They have always known there would be a limit to their influence. However, since now they have become entrenched on Earth, they cannot accept these limits. Some are choosing to leave of their own free will, while others are still pushing to remain in power.

There is a battle going on and it has intensified over the past few years. They are attempting to bring as many humans into their frequency as possible through their control mechanisms. Everything they are doing is just an illusion to get humans to feed into their lower frequencies. Understand, that no matter what game they play, the highest timeline always exists, and they are unable to touch it. Remember, whatever you focus upon is where your consciousness follows.

You may be feeling restless, exhausted, and on edge for a reason. There are energies at play that one can only imagine. You are correct in your gut feeling. Many of us are assisting in these battles at this time. The Galactic Federation honors our assistance.

Never forget, you are on Earth for a reason. You have bided your time for most of your life. This is now the time for action, a time to wake up and realize your true potential. Stop yielding to distractions. Stop dulling your senses through overconsumption. Stop pretending you are happy. You are so much more than your circumstances. You are so much more than your body. You are so much more than everything you see. You are one of us.

We see you, we hear you, we know of your suffering, and we are beside you, as we usher in this new age together. Human beings are one of the most powerful species we have ever witnessed, and yet, you have been led astray. You have been taught otherwise.

Ask to understand who you really are. Activations await you.

from Elizabeth April on YouTube on January 27, 2025

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Shift of the Ages is Happening Now


2025 is the kickoff into a very energetic, very dynamic period of time on Earth as we come into a place in the galaxy where we receive more energy from the galactic center of the Milky Way and shift from the Piscean/Taurean Age of authority and subjugation into the Age of Aquarius with its freedom and liberation of thought. And that's really what all of the shift is about - we're getting more energy from galactic center because we're rising up over the obscuring mass of the galaxy, and it is manifesting on Earth as an increased level of dynamic tension and contention throughout our social order.

You see it in all of the actions going on now. Look how rapidly all of the Trump stuff is happening. These are all aspects of this increasing emotional tension through humanity in this shift of the ages. And we can expect this to increase.

The two stages of the Kali Yuga are 1200 years each. There's a descending Kali Yuga and then right away, there's an ascending Kali Yuga that follows. So 1,200 years for each of the Yugas, which combined is 2,400 years. The nature of the Kali Yuga, unlike all the other Yugas, is dense and we have to sort of fight our way out of it energetically.

With the ascending Kali Yuga, you have a period going into it that is 375 years, then you have a period coming out of it that is 375 years. The descending Kali Yuga ended in 1700 AD. 325 years later, here we are right now approaching the 326th year. During this period we invented modern science, even though a lot of it is wrong (because it's coming from a gritology point of view that is itself a hangover from the descending Kali Yuga). Anyway, so you've got within this time a 325-year period of a hangover... until now. In 2000, we began a 75-year period of transition, which may be broken into three chunks.

So we're through the hangover. Now we're into the transition which is broken up into three 25 year segments. We're just now, in 2025, moving into the middle of these three segments. The first segment we can think of as examining ourselves relative to where we were in the Kali Yuga cycle. It has been the period that leads into where we're at now, which is this period of chaos, a period of mass change. So these next 25 years are going to just be huge. You can't imagine how deep and how wide the changes are going to be year after year after year after year.

And if you are paying attention to it at that level, you will get tired just trying to categorize and count all of the changes that are occurring in such huge amounts and across all of humanity. And so this is the year, 2025, where the 25-year middle period, frequently is described as chaos, begins.

The first 25 years is the destruction of the old paradigm, the destruction of the hangover paradigms left over from the Kali Yuga. And that has been done. Everybody now knows about the Kazarian Mafia, the Jews, the mis-translated Bibles, all the religions being bogus, yada, yada, yada. That's all part of the destruction period.

Now we're into the chaos period where we have dynamic change that upsets the old paradigm and is in the process of degrading it and making it crumble, and then we'll sweep it all away as debris. Then the last 25 years are the rebuild period - the emergence of the new paradigm – 2050-2075.

The last 25 years will be very, very, very exciting. And that starts 24 years from now. But it's a transition, so we will see a lot of the effects that will be occurring in mass in those 25 years of rebuild, of the new paradigm construction. We will begin to see a lot of those effects as the new paradigm begins to creep into existence now. We'll start seeing some of the benefits of the emerging paradigm and people beginning to apply it.

In my opinion, we're going to adopt what is known as the ontological paradigm, as opposed to the grit paradigm that we have been living under. The difference is that the gritology view is that if all life died, the planets and the dust and the dirt and stuff would still be there. The ontology view understands that that is an illusion, that that's a delusion. It does not exist that way. The ontological paradigm is that if all life died, if all consciousness left, there would be nothing in existence left, because all of existence is a subset of consciousness.

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. ~Max Planck

Anyway, so this new paradigm is emerging. It's emerging now. It'll be spotty during these first couple of years, but it's starting to get some traction. Right now the ontological paradigm is shiny, it's attractive, it's different. It has some possibilities and we want to explore it because of all the dead ends of gritology - Einstein's relativity, special relativity, general relativity – where you got to have a constant for this and got to have a constant for that because you can't really figure out the math.

So light - C - is not a constant! E equals MC squared is false. It does not true because it's assuming that light has a constant speed. And that's not true. The speed of light changes based on how and when it emerges out of the ether. The ether is the media for it. We can actually prove this logically as well as empirically. And we will be proving it empirically quite frequently as we go forward, validating the new paradigm.

During this period of 25 years of chaos is also the beginning of the 25 years of rebuilding. So we will see a lot of new major inventions. And so we might see in this 25 year period the rollout of zero point technology. Where it'll begin is with energy. Pretty soon we'll have these little suitcase-sized devices that everybody can plug their appliances into and have infinite energy at no cost, other than the original cost of the production of the device. That's going to lead to so much change. You could take one of those devices, and you could create a factory, and that thing could run the factory. It could power the factory. Or it could power a recreational center. Any damn thing you want.

And it's portable. You can take it wherever you want to go. There's no copper lines strung everywhere to get the juice to you. And nobody is making money off of it. Nobody's continuously drawing down and taking away all of your life's work in the form of a hidden tax that you pay on energy that you need not pay for. So this will be emerging over these next 25 years, and this is going to destroy the oil industry.

It's going to destroy governments as we understand them now. I do not believe it's going to take the United States down because of who's in place now and what they are doing, because they're actually anticipating this occurring and are already making plans for it. I see some linguistic signs that there's stuff going on in the background - that people are actually ddoing real thinking; they'll probably make some stupid decisions, but at least they're thinking in the right direction.

But this 25 year period is going to be extremely chaotic. I actually think the Kali Yuga ended in 1699. That's why we're actually one year ahead of what the math would tend to indicate. So it depends on when you think the Kali Yuga ended. I have reasons for choosing 1699 as opposed to 1700, which is the more obvious one - things happen earlier than it actually manifests. I've seen the linguistics from the 1600s that indicate to me that 1699 was the end of the Kali Yuga when we moved into the ascending Bronze Age that we're in now.

And this will last 2400 years. And then there will be a slight transition period as we go into the Silver Age. But nothing at all like what we've had to deal with coming out of the Kali Yuga. So it's going to be interesting times, but extremely chaotic.

As a caveat, there's a lot of possibility for you being in the wrong place at the wrong time and suffering as a result. There's some things you will want to avoid. So you have to continue to have situational awareness and you have to have situational awareness at large levels if you're aware of these larger trends that are going on. Thus you can not be where there's going to be expected dynamic action that would cause you problems.

It's going to continue for at least another 24 years, although it will be in a waning fashion. So the end of this period will not be like the beginning. So 24 years from now will be a much more peaceful time as we shift into the build out period, and there'll be a lot more positive activity. It's actually beginning now, but it will come to dominate. And then we'll get into this innovation boom that'll just blow everybody away.

It will only be a few short years and we will start having actual demonstrably effective medical devices that will work on energy and frequency to heal everything that ails you - not med beds. The emerging tech will heal based upon a principle of an energetic transformation of the body - not the way we do healing now. I'm actually expecting that we will have energetic processes that will allow you to regrow limbs, even regrow teeth. Bear in mind, it's not going to be magical or miraculous in that sense - you're still going to have to grow a new limb or a new tooth over time. I think that's 10 years out, assuming that we get the first zero point tech units introduced into the social order this year. It'll probably be about 10 years after the zero-point energy is introduced.

from the substack of Clif High on January 29, 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025

What is Really Going On Behind the Political Theater


The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The Trump/Zelensky meeting was equivalent to the fall of Berlin Wall for the Khazarian Mafia. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky by US President Donald Trump signifies.

First of all, we are dealing with the end of an entity that goes back at least a thousand years. The Ukrainian government uses the same symbol as the Khazarian empire did over a thousand years ago. The elite of this Satan-worshipping empire have been plotting revenge against Russia ever since Christian Tsars destroyed their empire over a thousand years ago.

It goes even deeper than that. We are witnessing the end of a 3000-year-old plot to enslave all of humanity. The KM have been defeated by an Anglo-Saxon, Russian, and Jewish alliance. The news events you see over the coming days and weeks need to be looked at in this context.

What we were shown last week was a farce in which Zelensky, Trump, and Vice President JD Vance argued in front of a gathering of the world's media. Ostensibly, Zelensky was there to sign an agreement offering $500 billion worth of Ukrainian rare earth metals to the United States. What happened though is that he asked for the US military to fight against Russia in exchange for the minerals. Trump and Vance said no and Zelensky was unceremoniously booted out of the meeting.

It was a farce because first of all, Ukraine does not have $500 billion worth of minerals. Russian FSB sources say there is about $20 billion dollars worth of minerals in Ukraine that are on Russian-controlled territory.

Furthemore, Zelensky cannot give Trump the mining concessions because he already gave them to the UK. On January 16, just four days before Trump's inauguration, London and Kiev signed a hundred-year partnership treaty. It stipulates the UK will take control of all ports, power plants, natural gas concessions, storage facilities, pipelines and titanium deposits in Ukraine.

Three high-level sources, including one from the US Space Force, say now there will be a financial collapse in America this year along with civil unrest and war. Trump was clinging to the idea of $500 billion worth of minerals because he was hoping to use that money to avert bankruptcy.

His talk about replacing the Internal Revenue Service with an external revenue service is another case in point. The Trump people are stuck in the original constitution from 250 years ago when tariffs were the main source of government income. This is not 250 years ago. The US government gets 5.1 trillion dollars a year from taxes. US total imports are $3 trillion a year. That means the US would have to impose 150% tariffs to get the same amount of money. That is impossible because people are not going to pay 150% more for their imports.

The talk of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada is also impossible. US farmers get 80% of their potash from Canada. Putting a tariff on that will raise costs for US farmers and make them uncompetitive.

Then there is aluminum and steel. US industry depends on cheap Canadian steel and aluminum made in giant factories that use cheap Canadian hydropower. You cannot just delete or move these giant industrial facilities with the stroke of a pen. Without this cheap metal, US industry becomes uncompetitive.

Clearly the elephant in the room remains the Federal Reserve Board. It needs to be nationalized along with all the other central banks if the US is to avoid bankruptcy. That is what the real war is about. This will involve bankrupting the US Corporation and replacing it with something new.

So, the time has now arrived for the U.S. to show the world their gold hand. Will Trump suppress the news, if it is bad? Very likely. Whether the gold is or is not in Fort Knox, it could be seen as a sideshow. After all, it accounts for only 2% of all the gold ever mined in history. But on the other hand, either little or no gold there results in no confidence in the U.S. or in the dollar.

At $2,920, all the gold officially held by the Central Banks is $3 trillion. Just one US stock – Microsoft - has a market cap of $3 trillion. How can the value of a SINGLE AMERICAN COMPANY equal the total central bank gold holdings?

It tells us, how overvalued stocks are; and that the gold price is ridiculously low.

Gold is just starting another massive UP-MOVE. This is the acceleration or exponential phase.

Now Trump says the U.S. will move forward on a Crypto Strategic Reserve that includes XRP, SOL, ADA, Bitcoin, ETH, and other cryptos. This is all fine and dandy but he will have to back them with a basket of real-world goods or he will just be whistling in the wind.

In another sign of the financial bizarro world, a Citigroup attempt to credit a client's account with just $280 went wildly wrong, crediting it with $81 trillion instead, the Financial Times reports. The colossal error undermines the company's drive to convince regulators that it has rectified operational shortcomings that have plagued it for years.

This was probably not a mistake, it was some kind of high level money laundering operation; all they needed was for the money to appear in an account for a few seconds to cook some fake books with.

Facing bankruptcy, Trump has allied himself with Russia against the owners of the FRB, the EU, and their front man Zelensky. In what amounts to a declaration of war Trump said: “The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States. That is the purpose of it.”

To show support for Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin says “We'd be open to working with the U.S. on rare earth mineral resources. We have far more than Ukraine; we have deposits [all over] the region. Developing them needs capital investments. We'd welcome private companies.”

More evidence of a US/Russian alliance came with the news the U.S. plans to act as an intermediary and transport Russian gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipelines to Germany. Secret talks have been taking place in Switzerland to discuss a deal for several weeks already.

This Putin/Trump bromance prompted the Europeans to call a meeting at the Rothschild-owned Lancaster House, a 200-year-old elegant mansion near Buckingham Palace. The meeting included leaders from France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Sweden, Czechia and Romania, as well as the NATO secretary-general and the presidents of the European Commission and European Council. Even the gap-toothed Justin Trudeau avatar was there.

Following this meeting every attendee sent out the exact same message:

Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President. We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace.

This meeting was followed by a blizzard of propaganda. For example, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer says he wants to put UK boots on the ground and planes in the air to defend a peace deal in Ukraine.

The reality though is the British army only has 25 main battle tanks working at best, and troops are not set up for a deployment to Ukraine, according to the Independent.

That is why EU witch Ursula von der Leyen said “We have to urgently rearm” at the London Ukraine summit.

The problem is that with the new Russian/US alliance, Russia can occupy all of Western Europe within a few weeks without worrying about US retaliation. What is going to happen is the Europeans will have to surrender to Russia and ask for their protection from China.

The Russians will be happy to do this as soon as the war crimes trials for all the Nazi mass murderers and pedophiles (the political leadership throughout Europe) have been conducted.

The situation has also led to a flurry of back-channel communications between the CIA, the FSB, MI6, and Asian secret societies. These groups have a long standing agreement that no matter what, they will not be fooled into starting all out thermonuclear war. A Senior Japanese military commander recently confirmed to this writer what US Space force and other sources say, and that is that nuclear war has already destroyed civilization on this planet at least twice. This time, to avert all-out war, a plan various Western and Eastern secret societies has been formally agreed upon.

by Benjamin Fulford at on March 3, 2025

The Mind-Brain Consciousness Field


Between quantum physics and neuroscience, a theory emerges of a mental field we each have, existing in another dimension and behaving in some ways like a black hole.

The relationship between the mind and the brain is a mystery that is central to how we understand our very existence as sentient beings. Some say the mind is strictly a function of the brain — consciousness is the product of firing neurons. But some strive to scientifically understand the existence of a mind independent of, or at least to some degree separate from, the brain.

The peer-reviewed scientific journal NeuroQuantology brings together neuroscience and quantum physics — an interface that some scientists have used to explore this fundamental relationship between mind and brain.

Dr. Dirk K.F. Meijer, a professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, hypothesizes that consciousness resides in a field surrounding the brain. This field is in another dimension. It shares information with the brain through quantum entanglement, among other methods. And it has certain similarities with a black hole.

This field may be able to pick up information from the Earth’s magnetic field, dark energy, and other sources. It then “transmits wave information into the brain tissue, that … is instrumental in high-speed conscious and subconscious information processing,” Dirk wrote.

In other words, the “mind” is a field that exists around the brain; it picks up information from outside the brain and communicates it to the brain in an extremely fast process.

He described this field alternately as “a holographic structured field,” a “receptive mental workspace,” a “meta-cognitive domain,” and the “global memory space of the individual.”

There’s an unsolved mystery in neuroscience called the “binding problem.” Different parts of the brain are responsible for different things: some parts work on processing color, some on processing sound, et cetera. But, it somehow all comes together as a unified perception, or consciousness.

Information comes together and interacts in the brain more quickly than can be explained by our current understanding of neural transmissions in the brain. It thus seems the mind is more than just neurons firing in the brain.

Neuroscientists are still searching for a mechanism for this “binding” of disparate parts of the brain’s information processing. Meijer has turned to quantum entanglement and tunneling for part of the answer.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which particles appear to be connected over vast distances. When actions are performed on one of the particles, corresponding changes are observed on the others simultaneously.

Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon in which a particle tunnels through a barrier it shouldn’t be able to according to classical physics.

These quantum phenomena allow for processes so rapid, they can’t be explained with classical physics. So they may help explain ultra-fast subconscious mental processes.

If the “mind” or mental field could interact with the brain this way, it could be a step toward explaining the rapidity of mental processes.

Meijer also uses the wave-particle nature of matter in quantum physics to explain the relationship between the mental field and the brain. Essentially this principle holds that electrons and photons exist in the form of waves, but can also behave like particles. In a manner of speaking, they are both waves and particles.

Similarly, Meijer said the mental field is both non-material and, at the same time, physically part of the brain: “The proposed mental workspace is regarded to be non-material, but in relation to the individual brain, entertains a non-dual wave/particle relation according to quantum physical principles: it is directly dependent on the brain physiology but not reducible to it.”

The mind and the brain, according to Meijer, are connected. They are unified, yet separate. Such an apparent paradox is characteristic of quantum physics.

Meijer hypothesizes that the mental field is in another dimension: “That we cannot directly perceive this information aspect is traditionally ascribed to a hidden fourth spatial dimension … which cannot be observed in our 3-D world, but can be mathematically derived.”

He clarified that this fourth spatial dimension is not time (time is commonly described as the “fourth dimension”). Rather, this is a concept of space-time that includes four spatial dimensions, plus time (a “4+1 space-time structure”).

He cited studies that have suggested this concept of dimensions could reconcile the miss-matches between traditional physics and quantum physics that plague scientists today.

The mind would exist in the fourth spatial dimension.

Meijer envisions a sort of screen or boundary between the outside world and the individual mental field. He likens this boundary to the event horizon of a black hole.

It is assumed that information entering a black hole from the outside is not lost, but … rather is being projected on its outer screen, called the ‘event horizon,’” Meijer wrote.

Consciousness is a boundary condition between a singularity (black hole) and space within the brain.” The event horizon separates “a mental model of reality for internal use in each individual” from all that exists outside of it. Yet it is connected to a “universal information matrix.”

Meijer described via email how this “dynamic holographic boundary” collects information from inside the brain as well as from the “information fields in which our brain is permanently embedded.” He said: “In this manner, it is implicitly connected to a universal information matrix.”

The geometrical shape known as a torus is well suited for the nature and functions Meijer attributes to the mental field.

A torus is described by the Merriam Webster dictionary as, “a doughnut-shaped surface generated by a circle rotated about an axis in its plane that does not intersect the circle.”

Meijer presented various reasons within physics theories for choosing this shape for his hypothesized mental field. One reason is related to a theory of how electrical activity in the brain oscillates.

These rhythms have been compared to microscopic features of the universe, such as those described by String Theory. Meijer described these as “multidimensional torus movements.”

The torus structure is found in physics from the micro-scale to the extreme macro-scale of black holes and the universe as a whole, Meijer explained. It could be instrumental in dynamically integrating information in the mind and brain.

Meijer wrote: “Our paper, may directly contribute to an answer on the famous question of [cognitive scientists and philosopher David] Chalmers …: how can something immaterial like subjective experience and self-consciousness arise from a material brain?”

The ability of the mental field to pick up information from other fields, as conceived by Meijer, could also explain some anomalous phenomena, such as extrasensory perception, he noted.

In his view, “Consciousness can be regarded as the most basic building block of nature and consequently is present at all levels of the fabric of reality.”

Since quantum physics emerged, scientists have been exploring its ability to explain consciousness. Meijer’s work fits within that exploration.

Another theory called “orchestrated objective reduction,” or “Orch-OR,” was developed by physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Dr. Stuart Hameroff. On his website, Hameroff describes the theory: “… it suggests consciousness arises from quantum vibrations in protein polymers called microtubules inside the brain’s neurons.”

Like Meijer, Penrose and Hameroff have said “there is a connection between the brain’s biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe.” They have also called for a major change in how scientists view consciousness.

Hameroff said in an interview with the blog Singularity: “Most scientists can’t explain consciousness in the brain, so they can’t say that consciousness out of the brain is impossible.”

Update: Dr. Dirk Meijer has provided The Epoch Times with an update on his paper, clarifying that quantum tunneling and entanglement are not the most likely methods of information transfer between the mental field and the brain. These two phenomena have been shown to provide only a correlation between two particles, not necessarily information transfer (although that may prove to be the case with further research).

Rather, quantum wave resonance is a more likely mechanism of extremely rapid information processing in the brain. This means, instead of signals being sent between neurons in the brain, a wave pattern that encompasses all neurons, as well as the mental field, transmits the information instantaneously.

Picture a vibration wave going up and down in a consistent pattern and running all through your brain and even outside of it. That pattern communicates information that can be understood by vibratory receptors in your brain. All of this is happening in a dimension and at a microscopic level not directly perceptible through conventional scientific instrumentation at our disposal today, yet can be inferred through physical and mathematical modeling.

by Tara MacIsaac at on January 17, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The True War in Politics


Politics isn’t about ideologies anymore—it’s a brutal, hidden war between two ancient forces: the Phoenix of House Lucifer and the Dragon of House HaSatan. These powers manipulate governments, control media, and enslave minds. This isn’t just global politics; it’s a war for humanity’s soul.

Imagine a chessboard where the pieces are lives, and the players are shadowy forces vying for domination. The Phoenix, claiming to bring enlightenment, promotes “progress” and a new world order—but it’s a trap of intellectual tyranny. Their promise of knowledge is a ploy to control the masses, silencing dissent and binding humanity under their “illumination.”

Meanwhile, the Dragon thrives on chaos, fear, and deception. Their game is division: pitting people against one another, destabilizing societies, and orchestrating events to increase dependency on their rule. Governments fall under their influence, and the fabric of society is torn apart.

A Battlefield of Puppets. Politicians? Puppets. Media? Propaganda machines. Schools? Programming centers. These forces condition the masses from birth, suppressing critical thinking and turning individuals into obedient servants. The tools of control are everywhere: in what you read, watch, and learn.

The Phoenix pushes for centralized power under the guise of enlightenment. The Dragon sows chaos, leveraging crises to strip away freedoms. COVID-19? A perfect example—used by the Phoenix to push global control and by the Dragon to fuel fear and mistrust.

The Stakes Are High. This war is fought in our minds. The ultimate goal? Total domination of humanity, with no room for resistance. Both sides want control, and they’ll use fear, promises, and manipulation to get it.

But awareness is power. Recognize the lies, question the narratives, and resist their control. They fear a united, awakened population. Together, we can shatter the illusion and reclaim our freedom.

This isn’t just a war—it’s the FINAL battle for the fate of humanity. The question is: which side are you on?

from a post by Edward Snowden on Telegram on January 26, 2025

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Hopi Prophecy Stone


The Hopi nation in Arizona has highly spiritual values. Hopi means peace; their name for themselves is the Peaceful People. The rituals they do are for the benefit not just of themselves, but of the whole world. The clans are matrilineal, and with a balance of power between females and males. Life is religion in Hopi culture.

The Hopi have carried an oral tradition for centuries. The Hopi prophecies come from that tradition, and they tell of the signs that will presage the end of the World Age (ie, Fourth World) and our entry into the Fifth World. The Hopi's, as far as I know, didn't give a date for the end of the Fourth World. That's the point of all the prophecies: they will give us warning.

But since all of these prophecies have already come true, and since other sources give us a calendar date for the end of a world age, it seems clear that the Hopi prophecies are talking about the 2012 Transition.

While the Hopi had an oral rather than written tradition, they also created images that helped to tell the story, as reminders.

The one that is of most interest here is called the Hopi Prophecy Stone.

Although the stone has been much damaged and even altered, we will be addressing it as the Elders say it was, before its discovery by the white people.

The Hopi Prophecy Stone depicts the Creator of the world (far left), and beside him, the Circle of the World, which it was the Hopi's task to protect.

In the Creator's hand is held the two destinies humanity can choose - one that leads to a good resolution and one that leads to a dead end.

The box represents all the people.

The diverging point of the Creator's path shows a time when some people would break away from the true path, and go the way of falseness and wickedness.

The path at the bottom represents the true path, the path of goodness.

It shows three calamities, as circles representing "shaken gourds" or world-shaking events, which some have interpreted as world wars. A third world war would therefore be indicated. (Could it be the unremitting war that the USA has conjured up against the Middle East? We can hope that nothing worse is predicted.)

In between and beyond the calamities, the sign of growing corn (life) combined with the sign of a cane (long life) reasserts humanity's continuity.

The last circle is said to be the final calamity, the purification of evil from the face of the Earth.

At the end of the righteous path, we find the Creator waiting for us again: the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.

This is the spiritual path, the path of goodness and kindness.

Reunion with the Divine is the goal and destination of this path.

The true path is the humble path, the one closest to the Earth and nature, grounded. In this image, it is the path that is closest to the Creator.

I believe the upper path being the false trail, shows that the path of domination, of power/control, of seeking to be superior over others, is definitely a wrong turn.

And that a way of living in balance and respect with nature is part of the good path. Something Native Americans have warned Europeans from the beginning.

It is also not coincidence that the sign of corn is used. Life could have been signified by the cane alone. But it is a growing plant that indicates the path of goodness, and the fruit of that path.

Nature is the good path.

The Elders say that the figures on the Hopi Prophecy Stone originally had no heads. (indicated today with the heads not joined to the bodies.)

This could indicate that those following the path of wickedness are not choosing wisely.

That would seem to be evident, as we can now see the inevitable result of small personal wickednesses such as greed, self-interest, insecurity, animosity, etc. Even more visible are the growing results of these: violence, war, domination, sacrificing of others and the future for personal gain, etc. According to some, however, it signals that death must come of following the wicked path. Perhaps both meanings would apply.

The zigzag path seems to indicate that the way of wickedness is irresolute and crooked. It reminds me of politicians promising first one thing and then the opposite, depending on whatever people want to hear.

Being guided by greed, control, and fear, the Path must veer hither and yon according to the needs of the moment. By contrast, the path of truth is always aimed at the Divine, and does not waver in momentary crises.

Notice that before the third calamity, the corn symbol touches the top line. This shows that people on the path of wickedness can change direction at that point, and rejoin the path of goodness.

After that point, it is too late, for humanity's careless wickedness brings us to a dead end. The back-curving line shows a point of no return.

The Hopi Prophecy Stone shows us that the parameters of our choice determines the future we will have.

Are we headed toward a Golden Age? Or extinction?

It is not a matter of what we wish for.

It is a matter of what actions we take.

The Hopi prophesy tells us what we must do to create a positive future for the Earth - a future in which humanity continues to exist.

This makes it the most important of all the predictions. Not just doom and gloom, nor hope and pray, but the concrete actions and mindsets that will see us through!

The Hopi prophecies are clear and explicit signs that the end of the Fourth World Age is coming.

They don't see this as a bad thing, even though they foresaw that they would lose their lands, their ways, and many of their people. They also foresaw that it was temporary, and the wheel of life would turn again to their ways.

Although - according to the Hopi prophecies - the imminent Fifth World Age will be preceded by an intense cleansing (expressed in some forms as massive and frequent natural disasters), still there is a positive future ahead.

What is even more important than these oracular signs are the Hopi prophecies that explain how to survive this transition, minimize the harm, and create the best possible future.

by Erin Dragonsong at

Friday, February 28, 2025

Trust the Plan, the Divine Plan


Welcome dear readers. As confusion continues to play a large part of life on earth at this time, the most important guidance we can give is that you not slip into doubt and fear based on outer appearances. A Divine Plan is unfolding, one that will not and can not be stopped, interfered with, or adjusted to suit concepts of how it should look or unfold.

What you are witnessing at this time is only the beginning first steps that are necessary for a world in which the majority remains aligned with the past and old energy. The events and actions taking place at this time are catalysts, serving to push increasingly more people into thinking for themselves, taking a hard look at what they have always accepted without question, and pushing them toward personal empowerment which for most has lain dormant in submission to others.

Throughout lifetimes, humans have been told what was best for them, what was right and wrong, and and the dire consequences of ignoring it. The majority believed then and continue to believe now that they are not capable of figuring these things out for themselves. Over time this belief has become firmly established in earth’s collective consciousness and today many always look to religious leaders, politicians, and experts of every field to tell them what to do, how to live, and what is right and wrong.

Know that the activities of change that are taking place at this time are temporary and represent only the first steps of much that is to come. You cannot fathom all that is coming because you have no reference point. Let go of any three dimensional concepts you may hold about the ascension process and understand that present times are serving to push the un-awakened majority into thinking for themselves and question the old game of “follow the leader”.

Those attempting change from old energy based in the way things have always been done will not be the ones implementing the real changes that are coming simply because states of consciousness that function from a three dimensional level will not and can not align with the higher frequencies coming to the ascending earth.

Your job as spiritually evolved individuals is to trust, actually really trust, that a Divine Plan is unfolding and bringing with it much more than present appearances would have you believe. Allow the process, for it must be a process. Rather than focusing on the plethora of information being pushed at you from every direction, silently and secretly rest always in ONE power, presence, and reality and know that by doing this you are adding Light to the collective which is what you came to do.

Earth is an idea in Divine Mind, a God creation just as spiritual and perfect as every expression of Divine Consciousness. The earth of God’s creating is not subject to beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers, but the earth of man’s creating is, resulting in its having been misused, abused, and almost destroyed by human egos functioning from a consciousness of ignorance and separation. You are the earth, you are every animal, you are the trees, flowers, grasses, water, air, and earth and thus what is done to these spiritual expressions, is done to all, for there is only ONE

Spiritual evolution eventually brings every person to a point at which they must begin to live the truth they know, recognizing self and all others as being God individualized. Those who are spiritually evolved but choose to continue living fully from duality, separation, and two powers simply because it is familiar and allows them to “fit in” will often at some point get a “wake up call”, which is usually some unpleasant event or experience meant to bring the person back to center.

Some of you may be guided to become involved in outer activities, bringing Light to places of turmoil while others of you will be guided simply to stay quiet and hold Light for the world as you go about your day. Trust your intuition and not the opinions of others as to which is right for you.

Whatever the circumstances you may find yourself in at this time, never forget that you are a Divine Being in earth’s lower resonance at this time to learn, clear old energy, spiritually expand, and shift to a higher state of consciousness while at the same time helping earth and others to do the same.

The earth is NOT and never has been an illusion, rather it is mankind’s concepts about the earth that constitute illusion.

The absolute truth about you and everyone else is that you are God/Divine Consciousness individualized. Long ago the master teacher Jesus said; “I and the father are one” but most at that time (and even now) thought this meant only Jesus was one with God. He, as well as many other evolved spiritual teachers have for a very long time been trying to tell humans that “I” is the name of God, the soul and true identity of every person.

You are living in powerful times for earth and all upon her, have been on her, and those to come. These times have been predicted, written about, and awaited for thousands of years, and are finally here. It has begun. Trust and allow the process. We are the Arcturian Group.

channeled by Marilyn Raffaele on February 16, 2025 at

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Nonduality is a perspective that has been around for centuries in many different traditions including Buddhism, Taoism, early Chan, Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, the mystical wings of the Abrahamic traditions, as well as in Western philosophy. And of course, there are many subdivisions within each of those groups. More recently, there are many people expressing nonduality who are unaffiliated with any tradition—some who have no traditional background, and some who have backgrounds in multiple traditions.

Eastern spiritual traditions have been growing in the West. And over the last few decades, as more of these perspectives have entered Western culture and as social media and the internet have given us access to more and more of them, there has been a veritable explosion of people writing books, holding workshops, giving talks and posting videos on YouTube, all offering various versions of nonduality. Sometimes there are even (dualistic?) pissing contests over which version of nonduality is the most nondual. And that’s really nothing new—such contentious debates have existed for centuries between different schools and traditions.

There are differences and similarities between the many versions of nondualism. But it basically means “not two.” There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation. Everything is one whole. We are at once no-thing and everything.

One way of seeing it is that our most fundamental reality, what we are—the one constant, the water in every wave, that which we cannot doubt—is this boundless awareness or presence that is seamless and whole, without division or separation. What appears is infinitely varied and ever-changing, yet it never departs from the immediacy of this ever-present Here-Now and can never actually be divided up or pulled apart. Our deepest nature is unconditional love, which is the nature of awareness—it accepts everything, clings to nothing, and finds nothing outside of or other than itself.

Dualism, on the other hand, is where you think you are a separate person encapsulated inside a separate body looking out at a separate and fractured world. This belief gives rise to conflict and feelings of being incomplete and threatened. From this perspective, you imagine that up can exist without down, and that the goal of life is for up to defeat down.

Nonduality sees polarities such as up and down as inseparable aspects of one whole, polarities that only exist relative to each other and are therefore empty of any fixed position or inherent reality—e.g., the ceiling is up in relation to the floor and down in relation to the sky. Instead of opposites being at war, nonduality sees that everything goes together, and that we can never find any exact place where up turns into down—it’s a seamless unicity.

If we watch a movie, we see a multitude of characters, objects, landscapes, events, storylines and dramas, with close-ups and wide-angle shots. Things seem to be moving in time and space. But actually, we are always looking at the immovable, ever-present screen (Here-Now) and what appears is one whole seamless moving picture. Life is very much like this. It never departs from this one bottomless moment Here-Now, but it appears as many different things moving in time and space.

If we put aside everything that can be doubted right now, what remains? The knowingness of being here and the bare actuality of present experiencing are impossible to doubt. What can be doubted and argued about are all the ideas, interpretations, formulations and explanations of this living reality—the abstract maps drawn by conceptual thought—the stories and beliefs about it.

When we believe that we are a separate fragment encapsulated inside a body, navigating our way in a fractured universe, we inevitably feel anxious, deficient, incomplete, insecure. We think we are someone who needs to get somewhere and accomplish something, that we are the author of our thoughts and the maker of our choices, that we (and everyone else) should be better than we are. We seek relief from our uneasiness and dissatisfaction through possessions, knowledge, power, money, sex, intoxicants, spiritual experiences, etc., all of which ultimately leave us unsatisfied and disappointed.

But if we turn our attention to direct experience instead of learned ideas, can we find an actual boundary where “inside of me” turns into “outside of me,” or is the boundary a mental image like the line on a map between two countries? If we open to the bare sensations of our discontent without thinking about it, do we find anything substantial, or simply ever-changing vibrations, appearing and disappearing? What if we look for the thinker of our thoughts or the maker of our choices? Doesn’t every breath, heartbeat, thought, interest, impulse, action and choice emerge from an unfindable source? And what about the awareness beholding this whole movie of waking life, the awareness that sees thoughts as thoughts? Is that perceivable? Does that have a shape, a size, an age, a gender, a nationality, a life situation, a place where it begins or ends? And is there any actual boundary between awareness and the content of awareness, between subject and object?

Every wave in the ocean is inseparable from the ocean. Waving is something the ocean does, a constantly changing movement that never holds to any particular form. There is no actual boundary between one wave and another, and every wave is equally water. No individual wave can decide to go off in a direction other than the one in which the ocean as a whole is moving. Is it possible that everything, including what seem to be “my” independent decisions, are movements of a seamless unicity?

We can call it mind or matter, consciousness or quarks or spirit or intelligence-energy, but the truth is, we don’t know what this is. Even to wonder what this “is” seems predicated on the dualistic notion that this can be somehow formulated, grasped, pinned down and re-presented – that this must be some-thing in particular that can be singled out, seen, experienced (as a particular experience) or possessed as knowledge. But unicity cannot be grasped anymore than the hand can grasp itself. 

There is no actual division between subject and object, awareness and content, form and emptiness, self and not-self, figure and ground, relative and absolute. The apparent divisions are conceptual. And nothing that shows up is a solid, persisting, inherently real, observer-independent form. It may seem so, but the more closely we look, either with science or meditation, we find that nothing holds still or stays the same, that everything is mostly empty space, that nothing exists independently of everything it supposedly is not, and that we never experience anything outside of consciousness. 

Each of us is seeing a unique movie of waking life created by our unique conditioning, but is it possible that the seeing (the awaring) beholding all the different movies is unconditioned, undivided, un-encapsulated, boundless and free? Don’t pick that up as a belief, but explore it in your own direct experiencing Here-Now.

The search for freedom is rooted in the belief that we are bound, that we are separate from the whole, that we are this “me” at the center of our life story. But what if this “me” is an ever-changing, intermittent appearance with no independent existence? Could it be that, prior to all our accumulated ideas about who or what we are, what everyone refers to as “I” is actually the same limitless, undivided here-now (intelligence-energy, seamless unicity, the Tao, wholeness, Totality, boundlessness, whatever we call it)? As we wake up to the utter simplicity of what is, right here, right now, we may find that all our insecurities and fears of death fall away, for they were based on a false idea of reality, like the fear people once had of sailing off the edge of the supposedly flat earth.

If you were to ask any number of writers, teachers, or speakers who use the term to describe their own perspective what they each mean by “nonduality,” you’d undoubtedly get a bunch of very different definitions, some of which would probably be quite contradictory. So, as with all words, and especially words like “nonduality” that have no clear and obvious referent, it’s important to understand what a particular person means when they use this word.

To me, as I use it, nonduality means that everything is an unbroken whole in which everything belongs. It is important to clarify that wholeness is not uniformity. Right now, in present experience, there are infinitely varied, ever-changing qualities of experience—different colors, shapes, textures, sounds, aromas, tactile and somatic sensations, tastes—and there are apparently separate and distinct forms (me and you, dogs and cats, tables and chairs, hearts and brains, planets and stars), each vividly and uniquely itself, and we don’t confuse them with each other or mix them up. 

There are also different dimensions of experience, from the relative world of personal relationships and everyday practical life to the subtlest realms encountered in meditation or yoga. But all of this infinite diversity and variation is appearing as one whole picture, one whole movie, a holographic fractal field of seamless experience, one whole undivided happening. And the closer we look, the more we discover that the boundaries between apparently separate forms don’t actually exist, and the forms themselves are never really solid or persisting. None of them can be pulled out of the whole. In our actual experience, THIS is an infinitely varied seamless whole that never departs from Here-Now. Impermanence is so thorough-going that no-thing ever actually forms to even be impermanent.

Nonduality points to the ungraspable and inconceivable nature of reality. Whatever words or concepts we use to describe it, they are never quite right, because no word or formulation can capture the living reality. Life itself simply can’t be pinned down. Nothing we say or think is the truth.

This living reality is nondual in the sense that it includes everything, and also in the sense that the apparently opposite polarities go together and only exist relative to each other—they are not separate or opposing forces in which one can or should defeat the other. Nonduality thus includes (and transcends) apparent duality. It doesn’t get stuck on one side of any conceptual divide, such as oneness or multiplicity, individuality or unicity, mind or matter, self or no-self, free will or determinism, powerlessness or responsibility, practice or no practice, it is or it isn’t. Nonduality doesn’t land anywhere. It might be described as “not one, not two,” or in the words of Zen Master Dogen, “leaping clear of the many and the one.” It might be called groundlessness.

Nonduality recognizes that nothing ever actually resolves into a persisting form, and that the apparent self at the center of our experience, the apparent “me” who is seemingly authoring “my” thoughts, making “my” decisions, and performing “my” actions, is nothing more than a mirage with no actual substance. It is a phantom created by a mix of ever-changing thoughts, sensations, feelings, stories, mental images, and beliefs. Everything is happening by itself. There is no actual boundary between inner and outer. The inner weather is as impersonal as the outer weather. None of it is personal, none of it means anything about the imaginary “me.”

Even any idea we might have of a larger self, a Big Self—like Consciousness or Awareness—is actually unfindable. There can even be a compelling intuitive or felt sense of this unseen seeing or Ultimate Subject, this Eye (or True I) that cannot see itself, but even the subtlest sense of this open aware space is itself another appearance in present experiencing that cannot actually be separated out or pinned down. 

All we have is just THIS—present experiencing, from the most apparently solid to the most subtle and transcendental. This unfindable aliveness or no-thing-ness never actually forms into some-thing substantial that can be separated out from the wholeness of just this. Any ideas of meaning or meaninglessness, purpose or purposelessness, are thought-created add-ons with no actual reality.

“Nonduality” is, of course, a word, a conceptual idea, but it points to the nature of reality itself. It points to something that cannot actually be conceptualized! It points to THIS, right here, right now, just as it is!

The thoughts and ideas about this living actuality are always dualistic, but THIS is nondual. In other words, the conceptual maps of this living actuality are always in some way dualistic, but the territory itself is nondual. Of course, mapping is something the territory is doing, and this living reality includes thoughts and ideas and maps—but from a nondual perspective, they are recognized as simply appearances or waves of energy, without mistaking the content of them for the actuality they claim to describe or re-present. They are useful within everyday relative reality, but they are never really true.

Getting lost in philosophy and metaphysics and trying to think our way to liberation is not, in my experience, what liberates us from our imaginary bondage. What liberates us is the falling away (or seeing through) of the imaginary problem, which never actually exists in the first place!

By giving open attention to the bare actuality of what is, prior to all the words and explanations about it, by relaxing into the simplicity of just this, it might be noticed that no problem and no self remains. There is simply hearing, seeing, thinking, sensing, etc. And when the thought-created confusion pops up, it can be seen for the illusion that it is, and in the seeing, it dissolves again quite naturally. And nothing is ever really a problem. Everything is included—even the apparent confusion, contraction, suffering, and identification as a separate, encapsulated self is simply another wave-like movement of this indivisible shoreless ocean.

Conditioned thought may label what shows up “confusion” or “ego” or “awareness” or “unicity,” or any other word-label-idea. But the actuality never resolves into any persisting form, and nothing can ever really be pulled out of the whole. No one is doing any of it, and nothing is ever what we think it is.

These words are only pointers or maps. The juice is in the aliveness itself, and that cannot be captured by any words or concepts. Words can only suggest, point out, or invite the recognition of nondual actuality. But here’s a big clue: it’s always already the case. Nothing needs to be different from exactly how it is. How it appears to be never holds still, yet it never departs from Here-Now. The living actuality is NOW, right here, utterly simple, obvious and immediate. It is never absent or hidden in any way. It’s not something in particular (this, but not that). And it’s not nothing. It’s this inexplicable aliveness—the astonishing presence and marvelously freeing no-thing-ness of everything.

Nonduality is not a philosophy. It’s the sounds of traffic and the taste of tea, the fragrance of blossoms and the smell of garbage, colors and shapes and movement—breathing, heart-beating, sensing awaring thinking feeling being – ever-present, ever-changing – not one, not two – just this.

By Joan Tollifson at on January 22, 2025

Love Is

In the ancient past, as in the last Yuga cycle before humanity descended into the Kali Yuga, which we exited in 1700 CE, humans had a far b...