Friday, August 28, 2020

The Democrat Party Platform

"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.”  

Let me get this straight. The Democrats are putting forth the choice of a presidential candidate that has absolutely no chance of winning – an amiable, mostly inoffensive senior deep state player with no serious plan for the nation and unquestionable signs of dimentia – and along with his far-left leaning running mate, they want the electorate to take them seriously? A vote for this ticket by anyone shows a genuine disregard for the health, safety, and continued prosperity of this country.

The Democrat platform seems to consist of only one foundational tenet – a hatred of President Donald Trump. Do they not know that hate is not a basis upon which the majority of Americans will pull the lever in two months? To add insult to the intelligence of the American people that they scornfully mistrust, they have expanded their platform to include issues with only an extreme modicum of support from an anarchist fringe. Raise your hand if you would like your taxes raised significantly? And let's shut the country down completely again and require that everyone wear masks all the time with no end in sight. More policy projections from the basement include reversing the advances in the oil, gas, and coal industries to return to a dependency on foreign energy. And let's make healthcare and education free for all, including anyone that wants to enter the country unchecked from now on when our borders go back to not mattering. Never mind asking who is going to pay for all of this.

Biden/Harris say they aim to seize all firearms. Kiss the Second Amendment good-bye. Oh, and let's repurpose the nation's police at every level while we are destroying everything else. Surely the Democrats have a better idea for law enforcement. And let's not forget giving Iran and North Korea back free reign on their developing nuclear programs. Could I see a show of hands for those who get excited when they read this?

This is the 2020 platform of the party that defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation and perpetrated lynchings, and the country agrees with none of it. Why don't we make America weak again, like back in the Obama years? Instead of wearing a MAGA hat, we can all cry the new Democrat slogan – WAWA. Seems appropriate.

The evident plan of action seems to be to continue to terrorize the country with absurdly exaggerated notions of the COVID-19 danger, rooting for and encouraging more domestic violence, and to taint the judgment of the voters by the most frenzied assault on the character and abilities of any president in American history.

My question is, however....... what are they really up to? Joe Biden is a loser, with or without stepping out of the basement. It is a foregone conclusion in this cycle, even among the Democrat intelligensia. So what is their real agenda with this Biden/Harris sleight of hand?

I take confidence that the President and his team have the answer to this question and that they are waiting by the back door for the Democrat surprise that is no surprise.

Wake up voters. They think you are stupid. Let's show them just how wrong they are.

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