Monday, August 31, 2020

the Viral Boogeyman

When I do the research on the COVID pandemic, at every turn I am stumped with three questions with no good answers:

Where’s the science?

Where’s the epidemic?

 Where are the patients?

Here's what I conclude when I take an objective look:

There is no novel virus out there infecting the world

There is no proof of anyone being infected

The people who are sick this season have illnesses that have simply been categorized as COVID

There are 5 tests for COVID and all are unreliable

Positive tests have nothing to do with people being sick

COVID is nothing more than a marketing illusion

Acquiring natural immunity is more effective and safer in preventing any illness

We’re preventing herd immunity with the lockdown

Masking is now it’s own religious cult, aside from being completely ineffective

Fauci is just a mouth piece for the pharmaceutical companies

And I'm left with even bigger questions:

Why the big push for vaccines?

How are all these COVID advocates getting away with this deception?

What is the real end game for promoting this faux contagion?

What can people do to stop all this now?

* * * * * 

The Centers for Disease Control silently updated their numbers this past week to admit that only 6% of the 153,504 reported corona virus deaths actually died from COVID. That's 9210 deaths due to COVID in a US population of 330 million people. The other 94% of reported COVID deaths are attributable to individuals with two or more other serious illnesses. The overwhelming majority of those who have become COVID statistics were individuals of advanced age. With the CDC's adjustment we can fairly say now that the pandemic has come to an end.

Not only are the number of deaths due to the corona virus minuscule, but the virus is naturally dying out. The cases show that the numbers are rising, but no one is getting sick or dying from it anymore. The positive findings for COVID tests are generally not much more than false positives. There are no symptoms and no one is getting sick. Mortality is going way down and ICU's have few confirmed COVID patients anymore.

COVID will ultimately be recorded in history as one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated upon the American people. It is time to wrap it up and get back to the business of everyday life.

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