Monday, November 16, 2020

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For

These days we seem to be entering choppy waters, waters that may only get more intense and more distressful with the growing amount of simmering hatred and societal unrest that we now witness. Intense pain is surfacing in the collective and many lack the awareness and the skills to deal with this inner terrorism. People are too upset to look at themselves with honesty and are too often unloved to feel compassion for the lives they have lived. It is essential that we hold high the light in these times. Emotions can explode like unexpected volcanoes, from unexpected sources and at unexpected times.

It may look as though there is no clear leadership... personally, nationally or globally. In this time, each of us is called to be our own leaders. We must become the leaders we have been waiting for, because we ARE the leaders we have been waiting for. Those among us who came here to this planet for this time know it in our hearts.

We are called to be the lighthouses... beacons of calm, patience, forgiveness, and compassion that will ensure that the turmoil is met with greater ease and grace than by those with less loving intentions.

All that we have learned, throughout life, has delivered us to this moment in time. By holding to our center, we can demonstrate inner leadership and moral courage. That singular vibration, in and of itself, will attract others to us as they see in us the qualities they wish to develop in themselves.

We are coming into a period where our moral guardianship, our leadership – however quiet, however modest we may feel that to be – is required. This is the time each of us was born for. This is why we are here. This is our moment to shine.

The world is not melting down, even as we watch many energy streams colliding, observing perhaps the greatest catharsis of our time. Honor the cleansing and do not cease in your mission to hold every soul in the light … to project healing and peace to Every Single Soul incarnate in the world today.

Trust that there is not one among us, not a single person, who is not attended by a team of higher vibrational energies that look upon us as brothers and sisters all, even if we do not remember.

It may at times be difficult, as it is easy to feel alone, even abandoned... but not a one of us is ever alone. If you seek out the attention of those supportive souls that surround each one of us, you will find they are at your beck and call. You may sometimes sense them as you fall asleep, or when you awaken. You probably feel their wisdom and love more often than you realize, yet dismiss it out of mind.

Every loving thought deserves attention and nourishment. Our soul brothers and sisters are here to amplify our love, to help us access the right words and actions at the right time. They stand on the sidelines as loving cheerleaders to help us move forward into the next phase of our assignments here on Earth.

The waiting is over. Whether we know it or not, we are all actively serving our divine purpose. It is essential to focus on accepting the power we were born with, the divine love that flows through us. The more we accept, the greater the change we can create and the sooner we may begin to see miracles sprouting all around us, often in the most unexpected places!

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