Saturday, January 16, 2021

Alien Invasion

@ Randy Cramer, United States Marine Corps, SSP Earth Defense Force

Sources at the Earth Defense Force have received recent credible intelligence that Earth has become a planet of interest to a certain aggressive insectoid alien civilization. It is believed there is more than a reasonable chance that we may see them in our solar system sometime soon and that they intend to land on Earth. At a time when the entire planet is in upheaval both politically and financially, it is more than a little bit concerning that our damaged planet may be facing perhaps an existential challenge of an alien invasion.

It is not the first time there has been an incursion of similar insectoid aliens. Near Crestone, Colorado, in the shadow of Blanca Peak in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, a group of Marines were sent in to gas out a visiting contingent of ant beings that began setting up a hive there because they were displaying unfriendly characteristics, and were too close for comfort to underground military installations near there. Blanca Peak and the area to the west where the Great Sand Dunes are located provide access to a vast hived network tunneled out by ancient ant species long before there were humans on the Earth. The extensive sand of the dunes came from those tunnels deep underground, piled up the way all ants do when they tunnel. Interestingly, the Navajo people claim that it was the ant people who saved their nation by taking them underground when the surface was being destroyed long ago. Their legends say that the ant people led them back to the surface when it was safe where they emerged from a supapu (entrance to the underworld) in the vicinity of Blanca Peak, one of the sacred mountains for the Navajo.

Regarding this particular insectoid species, quite a bit is known about the way it operates, but it's not good news. Can we fight them? Certainly, but we'll have to use technology that as of yet has not been shared or introduced on the planet. Tech in use against enemy combatants in space by Secret Space Forces (largely Marines) like hydraulically-operated battle suits and plasma rifles with a higher melting point like a plasma ball or Gauss rifles with higher penetration projectiles. These insectoid aliens have exoskeletons, often three inches thick, that are resilient enough that lead bullets just bounce off of them. It won't matter if the public is armed with firearms and standard munitions, citizens will be defenseless unless they have phosphorus rounds that heat up to higher temperatures.

So one might ask, if we have this Space Force that most of us heretofore have not been made aware of, is it planning to take measures to block a ground invasion before they reach the surface. Whatever level of technological advancement that our Space Force currently has, while it is certainly effective, does not mean a ground invasion can be avoided. It's all going to come down to how many ships they bring and how large of a battle group we have to meet them in space, whether or not we can enlist the support of other alien allies, and whether resident species in our oceans and underground choose to join in the surface conflict. We are not going to know what we are dealing with until we are able to measure the size of their fleet as they approach and secure commitments of allied support. Like ant species on Earth, this species has a hive mentality. There is no individual thinking or chain of command. The loss of individual members is immaterial. They will bring a very large force and fight relentlessly until they prevail or every last insectoid is vanquished. That is why they are so formidable. The SSP will use everything they have learned tactically as a defensive and offensive military space-faring species, but there are no guarantees on how successful our space force will be against a large aggressive force like this. Have Marines in space faced this species before? Yes, so there is experience with them.

This insectoid species has got considerable experience with hostilities. Aggression and conquest is their way of life. Because the citizens of Earth have never had a serious disclosure as to the abundance of lifeforms that humans interact with in space, in our own oceans, and within our planet under the surface, we are at a great disadvantage in preparing for such an event. There will need to be a forced disclosure event, and soon, so that the planetary citizenry can quickly get up to speed before the invasion begins. Two things could quickly result: Either a significant majority of the human population will become casualties or we will somehow unite and work together to exercise a coordinated defense of the planet. This is not a battle that Earth can win without off-planet support, however

Most of their fleet will consist of landing craft for personnel transport. Big ships will have smaller lander ships filled with fight-to-the-death soldier drones that will be dropped off to wreck havoc. This insectoid species is essentially giant bugs that do all the things that giant bugs do - like swarm in vast numbers and overwhelm. These creatures stand between seven and eight feet tall; they walk on all fours and use their arms and manipulative digits when they stand. They are big, fast, and scary – and carnivorous, so they can quickly bite off a person's head, eat people, or just tear them apart. We are their food. They are a lot like driver ants that can take down a tethered horse in a short period of time – relentless, aggressive, and hostile.

As a concerning caveat, Randy Cramer emphatically suggested at the conclusion of his disclosure on the Gaia Network on January 12, 2021, that we are going to find out soon enough. Intuitively, I don't sense this as being imminent – certainly not in 2021 or 2022, and I don't have any sense of dread hanging out there until toward the end of the decade. Perhaps in some unforeseen manner the crisis it portends may ultimately be averted. One can only hope we are that lucky. Certainly enough time to stock up on bug spray!!!!! Being familiar with Randy Cramer for several years now, however, and appreciating his impeccable credibility, I would say we should nonetheless be vigilant for any further information in this regard.

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