Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Clear and Present Danger

So, we have this farcical presidency now for most of four weeks. This masked Bi-Den character (masks have always been a sign of deception) who doesn't even look like his namesake nor is he flying around in Air Force One; he's riding around in a dirty suburban from some rental car agency attended to by security personnel in blue jeans. What's with that? And why do the lights go out in the White House every night like clockwork at eleven o'clock?  Why are there still fences around Washington D.C.? Why are there troops in the streets of the Capitol? And who or what was in all those body bags being carried out of the White House basement these past weeks? Something is not right here.

We have this sock puppet acting like the president, who still hasn't stepped foot in the White House, performing his “presidential” duties from an Amazon studio in Culver City, California; signing executive orders that are clearly blank pieces of paper. For the people in la-la land who trust the evening news, drink beer while watching sitcoms, and don't question what they are told, this is the duly elected president and, with remote in hand, life carries on as before.

They are not paying attention. Or just plain ignorant.  It doesn't mean they are not in danger. It doesn't mean their children are not in danger with a dangerous predator on the loose. Why is Cheyenne Mountain on lockdown? Why has this Bi-Den character been refused all national security updates from the Pentagon? Why has the military withheld the nuclear football launch codes from the new “duly elected president”?

I guess the larger question that looms is: Who is really in charge? Is it those pulling the strings of the Bi-Den puppet, or is it the United States military? In this bifurcated government, the people want to know who is really in charge????

The situation is not that much different than the country's dilemma in the early 1860's. Who was really in charge of the southern states then? Was it President Abraham Lincoln or President Jefferson Davis? DJT is not wielding power any longer. He stepped down; left the White House and is living as a private citizen, comfortable in Mar-a-Lago. We're not hearing from him these days. Now that this impeachment fiasco has run its course, no one should be throwing stones at him any longer. He is not running the military. He's not in control. The military is completely separate with their strategic gymnastics, trying to decide what they are going to do with their Constitutional authority.

The military has not fully turned over the keys to the masked invaders. They have indisputable proof from DNI Ratcliffe's report of January 19, 2021, that the election was interfered with by foreign interests. On that basis, the ball is now in their court to act. Right now, apparently the military is taking its time doing diligence, making an internal assessment and evaluation, in lieu of taking immediate and perhaps rash action. It takes time to make a bureaucratic decision based upon law and order.

What seems imminent, however, is some crisis event (false flag) that is going to call the hand of the military. The military knows that we, as a nation, are under threat... whether it is a cyber threat or a threat from invasive troops that are positioned offshore or along our borders ready to invade. If certain triggers are breached, military command will hopefully act swiftly and decisively to counter any move by enemies of the Republic. But right now, despite intolerable public anxiety, the military is taking its time to sort everything out. So far, while there may be real looming threats, there have not been immediate threats.

Probably what we are going to see shortly is some catalyst that accelerates this. The globalists that want to see this through and grab complete power need a pretext to create a crisis across the world in which the U.S. military's hand is forced to act. They may get a response that they don't expect if and when that happens, however. It could be something over Taiwan, or Syria or Iran or some other Cuban-missile-crisis type event somewhere in the world. Or it could be a fake alien invasion!

No one knows what will happen at this point, but the next few weeks are primed for a significant event to be initiated. Time along with public patience is wearing thin. The only hard cutoff is the March 4-6 inauguration planned in Washington D.C., less than three weeks from today.  Waiting!

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