Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Babylon Will Babble On

The latest version of the fake pandemic is called Omicron. The media is blanketing the news with alarmism that this “new variant” is “500 times more contagious” than previous versions. After being discovered in four vaccinated travelers in Botswana, it has instantly reached every corner of the globe. Wow! We should all be terrified, I guess!

With their history of lying, the government, media, and medical elite are sounding like the boy who cried wolf once too often. Can I see a show of even one hand for anyone heading to line up for yet one more booster shot? Give me a break already.

Maybe instead of focusing on the trumped up death rate and fear mongering, we should be looking at the remarkable survival rate and the truth. Do ya think?

Or maybe we should just be looking squarely at the facts:

  • the mortality rate from the virus that is called covid is low (the chart above is from the WHO and John Hopkins Covid Resource Center)

  • the infection is not severe in most individuals

  • the risks are greater from the vaccine than from the virus

  • natural immunity is more effective than vaccine immunity

  • the injections do not prevent contraction or transmission of the virus

  • effective alternatives are in good supply and readily available

    • Ivermectin

    • Monoclonal Antibodies

    • Hydroxychloroquine

      Pine Needle Tea

The aim of the ongoing pandemic fear porn is to “get people to be locked in under house arrest and induce a condition that is known as Stockholm syndrome, which makes people grateful to their captors and believing in them that the only way to survive, the only way out of the crisis, is total obedience to the commands of the captor,” says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

It is high time that we end the propaganda and hang up the babbling perpetrators of this manipulative agenda by the short hairs.

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