Sunday, November 14, 2021

Pandemic Theater

The cause of this pandemic was by human design. Good money was thrown at researchers to craft a virus that would result in certain dire outcomes to humans. That is what we call a biological weapon. How successful were they? Actually, not very. The outcome they wanted was a virus that was so destructive that it would cause death, suffering, and mayhem to exceed that experienced during the Black Plague of the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe.

The storyline that we have been watching in our opposition-controlled news is the story of that “desired” targeted virus. But the virus that is actually circulating in the past couple of years is, in fact, not much more than the flu. The mutative variants that have resulted and proliferated in its place have been more transmissible than the original virus, but less lethal. They make their rounds quite quickly, but their impact is far less than the original variety would have made. Mutation is the way of nature works, and they didn't anticipate that.

So, the disease that was purposefully released has been vastly out-competed by a plethora of relatively tame variants. As a result, the news sources have had to lie, obfuscate, and twist the story to continue to attempt to manipulate control of the public's perception of the event.

What they had hoped for was that the virus would sweep through the population, wrecking havoc, generating fear, and result in genuine horrific mortality, at which point the authorities would gallantly sweep in with their vaccine solution to save the day. But the actual event has been one big disappointing failure. Even though it has not resulted in the outcome they were seeking, the powers-that-be followed through with the release of their vaccine nevertheless... because they had to... because the entire purpose of releasing the virus was to administer the vaccine.

From the beginning, the purpose of the virus was the vaccine.

If your eyes have been open through this charade, it is quite obvious that the disease is just not that bad, not that scary. If a person is not otherwise generally ill or if their health is not compromised in some way, this Fauci Flu is just not something worth getting excited about. And if a person was not already on their death bed, the chance of it causing their demise are not worth talking about.

If you are even slightly self-responsible and take care of your health, taking supplements like vitamins C and D3, zinc and quercetin, and you get even a little exercise, you are not likely to be slowed down by this or any other flu or cold virus. The information is readily accessible about ways to maintain a reasonably healthy immune system. Any one of us can sail through most every health challenge if we just take personal responsibility and get informed.

They tell us that most of us are asymptomatic carriers and that we can still transmit the disease. When a person is asymptomatic of any infection, the immune system is just doing its job and dealing with it. You're not ill. And you are not a carrier. They are lying. If you are asymptomatic you cannot transmit the infection, but the media, big tech, politicians, medical authorities, in concert, are singing from the same songbook of death and disaster, fear and panic and mayhem, locking us down forever.

The lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing are nothing more than manipulation. It is all theater - meant to distress us, shock us, and cause discomfort and pain to hide the fact that the virus itself is not causing these outcomes. There is no good science whatsoever that any of these things work to contain an infection. It is all so overwhelming, however, that people just give in and do what they are told – in a desperate attempt to just get back to normal. That's all any one of us really wants in the end, isn't it?

The driver behind all the lies and manipulation is to get people to accept the vaccine. But the vaccine is really not a vaccine at all. Science proves this. The courts worldwide have acknowledged the same. What it is is a preliminary step on a path of absolute control. Incrementally, the vaccine is designed to destroy the immune system.

Your immune system needs to be compromised so that they can replace your natural immunity with artificial immunity achieved through a regular jab. First it was one shot, then two, then three, and now we're at four, and it won't end. Once your immune system is completely messed up, they're not going to tell you that. They'll tell you that new emerging super flus are going to require even more boosters. In time, we will all have enough injected nano-technology within our brains and bodies that we will readily interface with their cloud-based AI technology. Once “installed” we will all be controllable as they fantasize and dream about.

The jabs that people are already coerced into accepting include the first nano-technology elements of trans-humanist control, like graphene oxide, but also including others. Once in the body, they can be used to create disruptive magnetic resonance fields that can be manipulated from the outside to control our own magnetic field, our own neural network, which operates on magnetic principles and micro-electrical currents. If you or anyone else can control your immune system, you control your entire body, and ultimately your brain. The way a person feels can be controlled. Switch you on, switch you off. You become owned. This is what they want.

This then segues into the vaccine passport, which has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine itself. It's got everything to do with linking you to their absolute control. In essence, the vaccine passport will become like your only credit card, serving as a gateway to access all resources and tools you may need or want. If you want anything at all – to go to the theater, to eat at a restaurant, to travel – your passport will reflect your personal “credit score” - Are you being a good boy? Are you behaving yourself? Does Big Daddy approve? - If so, then you are given a pass to do what you want. If you haven't been living up to Big Daddy's expectations and guidelines, then all access may be denied and shut down. That's the aim.

Their first problem, however, is that the virus itself was not bad enough, not scary enough. More and more people are waking up to this fact. Their second problem is that they pushed the vaccine on the public prematurely, rolling it out too early, before even they had planned to, without adequate testing. When the jabs were designed, the mRNA particles were supposed to remain immediately under the skin, close to the area where they were injected. From there the spiked proteins would be produced and distributed throughout the body to “fight the virus”.

Because the virus is not that bad and the vaccine not that good, the powers-that-be have not won over the hearts and minds of enough of the population. If the virus had been as bad as they planned and the vaccine as good as they planned, the elites would have been home free to advance their devious agenda. But they failed on both counts, and too many of us have gotten wise to this.

They wanted at least 95% of us going along with their agenda, but they have come no where near that statistic. Too many of us have been resistant to taking the jab and being hoodwinked by their agenda. So their plan of from virus to vaccine to passport to financial control is stumbling in but its initial stages. The inevitable result is that there is not going to be any sort of global totalitarian control.

The virus isn't that bad. The vaccine isn't that good. It doesn't stay at the site of injection. The mRNA particles make their way throughout your body and generate spiked proteins throughout the body, damaging organs unfortunately. The administered vaccine is for a virus that is no longer in circulation. The effect of the vaccine is diminished and new variants slip right by.

If you get sick, it is because your natural immunity is not up to par – your fault. People with reasonably good natural immunity are not getting sick. A healthy individual is very unlikely to catch the same disease twice. Look around. People are not falling sick and dying of viral infections. Proof.

If you have been jabbed, on the other hand, there is a good possibility that you catch the same disease twice. In fact, it is likely, because the jab is busy destroying your natural immune system, by design. If you have been jabbed with a legitimate vaccine, and not a placebo, your immune system will inevitably get weaker and weaker over time.

The powers-that-be have had a very small window of time in which to get everybody on board and take control... but it is not working for them. Too many people have woken up and said “no mas”. Too many of those who received one jab will not be lining up for the second.

Nature will ultimately control the outcome. There is this natural predisposition that if you artificially push the universal pendulum too far in one direction and move a system out of balance, it will naturally swing the other way, and quickly, to restore that balance. It is the way the world works. Nature seeks balance, and always finds a way to achieve it. If you push it this way, it wants to push back. What the powers-that-be have been doing is pushing humanity to an extreme position to keep us traumatized and off balance, to force us to lose sight of what makes sense and what does not. That is not natural, and won't stand.

The elite with bad intent have run out of time. More and more people are pushing back. It will reach a certain threshold, sooner rather than later, where the majority will jump on board in opposition to the manipulation. It is called the Hundredth Monkey Principle. It is nature's way. This is what we are seeing, and will see increasingly in the battleground countries and throughout the world.

People who have been complacent, who have continued to believe in their government, who believe in their social systems, who took their freedoms for granted, have been shocked, stunned, and paralyzed by the egregious grab for control, but are increasingly joining the resistance and mobilizing against the powers-that-be. There is but a tiny window in which their dream of a total police state can be created. The powers-that-be are about out of time. People are waking up and pushing back. They don't want to be controlled like that.

The curtain has already started coming down as the actors panic on stage. The lights are coming up and the audience will soon be rising to go back out into the light. It is all theater. Relax. Be informed. And try not to trip in the ensuing confusion as the actors try to get out the door ahead of the audience.

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