Thursday, June 30, 2022

Science and Nonduality are One

Separation or Unity, solving or dissolving – this seems to be the fundamental difference between Science and Nonduality. It is however also what they fundamentally have in common.”

Once upon a time ... Many Tales start like this. The word “Once” is sort of an adverb derived from the word “One”. Once upon a time immediately conveys a timeless and spacious environment, and the reader or listener becomes very receptive of anything that follows, with an open mind that is willing to think outside the box of dimensions. So, let’s try this little trick here as well:

Once upon a time there was only clear thinking.

Then thinking fell apart, in Sciences and Philosophy. And even later these fell apart in many schools and specializations. Clear thinking suffered.

Western Science looked at the picture of the universe and became obsessed with the little cracks it thought were visible on close inspection. They looked like the craquelure that can only be seen when we look at old paintings from too close a distance. Or the strange lines of division in some modern Art. Doing so, Science perceived the Universe as a puzzle that should be taken apart in all of its pieces. After all, the dividing lines were clearly visible, weren’t they?

After it thus separated all the phenomena it thought were visible for the separating mind, it tried to put the puzzle back together. Scientists have since been, and are still looking for the best glue with which this should be done. So far they have thought of glues that come in bottles with strange names, like “Mechanical Force Glue”, “Relativity Glue” (this one even comes in a “general” and in a “special” bottle, depending on how much gravity it contains),“Quantum Mechanics Glue”, “Snares Glue” or even weirder stuff that almost no one understands how to handle.

None of these glues so far have been able to put the entire puzzle together again. Some major pieces have been sort of connected, called the pieces of Time and Space, of Energy and Matter and of Particles and Waves, but many others still don't fit to these, or to each other. And the harder they try, the more pieces they find. They even had found little pieces of glue, called“gluons” that seemed to have some function in holding together the so-called “quarks” in the stickiness of Nature. Well, it has become quite a comic theater of glues.

After René Descartes, most Western Philosophies and later psychology, embraced this method of separation as well, dividing thoughts, emotions, feelings and perceptions and attributing these to the experience of “Being”. They are still working out the mechanisms of how these experiences fit together and produce what they call "our consciousness”. Not much progress has been made so far, if any. Some even proclaimed that “consciousness” doesn’t exist, or is not important enough to look into. Wow

Most Eastern Philosophies, prominently Hindu, Daoism, Buddhism and Sufism have not come so close to the picture of the Universe, for they instinctively knew that phenomena of such boundless and timeless nature should be observed from afar, in choiceless awareness, to not lose the grand and magnificent overview they felt as Divine. They knew that the craquelure that Science and other Philosophies proclaimed to see, were only illusions that were caused by having the wrong perspective. They observed only Wholeness and concluded that All is One, or at least Not Two (nondualism). They managed to not only experience this Oneness conceptually but formulated pointers to realize Oneness in themselves by pulling the separating mind, whenever it seemed to assert itself, back into the source of consciousness again, which is Awareness or Wholeness itself. This produced the reality of nonduality

The Philosophies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, although in the source nondual as well, when they presented as institutionalized religions fell apart in complicated dualities and holy trinities, which they tried to glue together with dogma’s and rituals.

Great Philosophers like the Buddha and Jesus, and later poets, musicians, painters, and sages like Chuang Tzu, Rumi, Hafez, Meister Eckhart, Angelus Silesius, Shankara, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Paul Klee, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Frederic Mompou experienced this nonduality directly and tried to tell the world about it in their scriptures, talks, poems, musical compositions, drawings, and paintings. With a few exceptions, their audiences however did not pay attention well or long enough for the message to be conveyed properly, and they perceived these teachings as beautiful, but not as a realization for themselves. This is mostly because they listened and looked with the separating mind, not with the unifying Heart.

Great scientists like Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, in part, came to the same conclusions of nonduality. When Einstein found the equality E=mc2, he did not just solve the equation between Energy and Mass. Much more, he dissolved the illusory separation between Energy and Mass. And in the theories of relativity, he also dissolved the separation between time and space. Niels Bohr, who developed the glue named Quantum Mechanics, is believed to have solved the equation between particles and waves (although we are not sure how to interpret his weird findings), but much more, he dissolved the illusory separation between the two.

These phenomena were always One from the start, and the process of (dis)solving would not have been necessary at all if it were not for the separating mind, which created the illusion of the craquelure in which these phenomena seemed not One. We might as well (or even better)have left everything together, as I tried to convey in the aquarelle you can see here, writing in water and proceeding with care. A single leaf is what we see if we zoom in too much on the phenomenon we call a Tree. But it is to no avail, for if we look carefully, we again see the entire basic structure of the Tree, represented in the nerves of the single leaf. And this process repeats itself ad infinitum in many natural structures alike. Separation always points to Oneness.

Separation or Unity, solving or dissolving – this seems to be the fundamental difference between Science and Nonduality. It is however also what they fundamentally have in common.

So, is it just a matter of choice? Yes and no. Science and Nonduality seem to be separate ways to explore the Universe. In the end, however, they arrive at the same vanishing point: Oneness. So, calling this a real choice is a bit deceiving. When we take the route of nonduality, we gain realization. When we take the road of Science, for a long time we only collect a lot of knowledge, but so far this consists of no more than ever increasingly complicated descriptions of what we see and experience, but not a real understanding about the nature of it. Mankind has been doing this now for a couple of centuries, and it presents itself in ever-increasing clarity as an endless road to Oneness. Along the way, it produces a lot of collateral damage, in the forms of inventions, industrialization, and mechanization that seemed a good idea to improve our comfort and health, but increasingly devastated our environment and nature itself. Life is not so much about speed, comfort, and longevity, it is much more about being a feature of nature in every moment.

Therefore, Science and Nonduality should not deny each other, they are One. Oneness is not equal to sameness however. Nonduality is the short and easy way from afar, which is self evident. Science is the long and difficult way from up close, that needs constant proof. But both aim to declare the same. Working together, all the phenomena as and in which the Universe seems to present itself to itself through us, will then much more easily and much sooner be understood and even realized, not as separate parts, but as emanations of the same Oneness.

by J.Paul Jordaans at

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Sleep is one of the most misunderstood of human activities. And most abused. Sleeping, the process, is also really really complicated, and even worse, complex, processes that our bodies undertake. In the normal course of any given second of time, there may be over 100,000 biochemical processes going in each, and every one of the ten trillion cells in your body, assuming that you are an adult human. That’s a giant amount of biochemical activity.

No wonder your body gets so tired. It’s constantly working trying to meet the demands of the owner. Most human body owners are not too savvy about their property. If they were, they would never do anything that would jeopardize their sleep. Yet look where we live, on a planet polluted with blue light, caffeine, and stimulants, and numerous drugs, and electronic strange attractants, all of which are seemingly designed to induce a young human to abandon sanity and reason by staying up all night partying. Or working, which is far worse. Oh, the stress of it all. And then there is stress! Hell of a sleep killer.

Sleep lost, can never be recovered. This is due to the extra trillions of biochemical processes that will need to be done JUST to keep you up at night against your body’s sleep schedule. Trillions of them, these extra activities that your body must do just to keep the owner on their feet and dancing (or whatever) will have to have a compensatory reaction within those same cells when the Blessed Sleep finally is allowed to happen.

Your body only heals, or grows, during sleep. That is one of the main points for sleeping, to recover. The Universe knows most humans go through a phase sleep is required to repair the damage done. Recovery and healing is only, ever, done during sleep. Special processes are instigated to knock the owner senseless so that the body can get on with recovery and repair without its energy being drained off in counter productive distractions for the admittedly short-attention span mind.

These special Sleep processes that are on-going in order to have Sleep affect the body are exactly why most attempts to do something to or with Sleep will fail. The body’s Sleep processes are complicated, and made further complex in that they have to be active to keep the body quiescent while doing all the growth/recovery processes concurrently. And running all the regular maintenance stuff necessary just to keep the owner attached to the body. Do anything to disturb the Sleep process itself results in greatly reduced effectiveness of the other trillions of biochemical activities.

Adapted from Clif High in his May 17, 2022 Substack Newsletter

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Soul of Today

If we do not develop within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve to something higher.” ~Rudolf Steiner

Humanity is passing through a difficult phase in its development, and of concern is the potential risk of being plunged into deeper states of materialism and automatism. These two states are often in cooperation together, for the deeper we become embedded in material forces then the greater are the influences that can make us act without conscious thought or intention. It can also be said that there are certain forces, or agents, in this current time that are pushing for greater immersion into materialism in order to paralyze or prevent humanity’s spiritual development. In this regard, even the notion of anything ‘spiritual’ has come to be either ridiculed, diluted into commercialism, or hijacked into pseudo-spiritual forms (such as corporate retreats and online guruism).

It is important that we now cast a critical eye upon the state of human society and the nature of our times. This is not to criticize but to draw attention – to be aware of its aspects – as if to shine a light upon it. It is necessary to look beyond the ‘scenery of external affairs.’

For those people caught up within the external civilization of the moment, with its impacts, distractions, and stimulations, it is difficult to acknowledge the existence of knowledge and perceptual understanding that lies beyond the conditioned senses. Yet it must also be said that now is the time for people to live, and be guided, more in accordance with inner, or esoteric, principles than ever before. It is this connection with one’s inner life that brings greater awareness onto external events. And without this awareness, this degree of perceptive insight, then we allow greater concentrations of power to be wielded in the hands of the few, who will exercise this control over the masses in a negative way. What is necessary is awareness and intention emerging through each individualized person. It is this state of individualization, as opposed to group/mass behavior, that marks the correct stage of human development for these times.

Taking the work of Austrian thinker/mystic Rudolf Steiner, the state of human perception and awareness can be recognized as relating to three soul stages: sentient, intellect-mind, and consciousness. Within the stage of sentient soul (i), the human being lives primarily within the world of the senses. They are drawn into their passions, desires, and are easily maneuvered or manipulated into following trends, politics, and mass movements. These people form the majority, are swayed by the media, and are the general masses that move with the machinations of the mob.

They are influenced by the ‘influencers,’ convinced by the consensus narrative, and swim in the mainstream. The second stage, that of the intellect-mind soul (ii), represents the person of the intellect who strives to free themselves from the rash impulses of the senses. They are aware of these tendencies yet steer themselves by rational thinking. They also attempt to keep their feelings under check and express their heart’s desire through critical engagement. At the same time, this rational ordering often allies such people with conservatism, dogma, ideologies and a sense of righteousness. As they can manipulate others, so too can they be manipulated by their own allegiance to fixed systems. They can be blinded by ideals and uncritical of their own weaknesses.

Such people can appear exceedingly clever whilst lacking humanity. Broadly speaking, such people fill the ranks of the political and leadership organizations. And the third stage, that of the consciousness soul (iii) has yet to fully emerge within the current epoch. It is this stage that deals with the formation of the aware individual who is not easily influenced or swayed by the emotional-psychological masses, and the strategies employed for these persuasions.

The phase of individualization within humankind was, and continues to be, a necessary step to release the human being from the previous mode of group consciousness. The egoistic self was required in this transference into individualization. Yet the danger now is that this operational ego grows beyond its function and becomes a dominant aspect of the human being. Acting and striving from the egoistic self is what leads to the imbalance and inequality of the world. The stage of individualization is bound up with increased egoism, yet this is a necessary relationship to reach the depths of self-realization. It becomes troublesome when the ego, instead of leading to inner growth, gets projected externally and becomes the major aspect of the outward personality.

This can lead to stunted inner growth and continued external ego projection. The extremity of this is when a person sinks back into group consciousness and seeks security within a group environment. This can lead to cultic tendencies, as well as nationalism and other ideological and religious groupings. Part of the polarity tension in world affairs has been the pull between the dominant egoists and the group mentality masses. However, it can also be recognized that this stage of growth has to be lived and experienced in order to be moved through. The strains and stresses increase when people seem incapable, or are disallowed, from moving beyond this stage of human development. In this case, the person remains at the level of the lower ‘I’, which is a mass phenomenon and below that of full individualization.

The lower self becomes the dominant expression of the personality, and this can literally run amok, getting entangled in passions, persuasions, disagreements, and disputes. The worst case of affairs is when societies establish structures, systems, and forms of management that cater to this lower stage of human development. People are then caught in a loop, where the base behaviors of this lower individualization are sustained and supported, deliberately creating a civilization of stagnation and stunted growth. The task here is for people to take the direction of their life into their own hands.

The human being must establish an intention to develop their aligned individualization for it seems that there are forces opposed to this human evolvement. For this reason, it is now essential that a perceptive state of consciousness (referred to in Steiner terminology as the consciousness soul) is allowed to emerge among those people receptive and prepared for this. The consciousness soul can be said to elicit higher morals and values within the individual. This requires also that the person has an inner freedom and the ability to perceive and act beyond the confines of social conditioning. This is a form of perceptual thinking as opposed to programmed thinking. The human being has it in their power to transform themselves whilst participating in active life. In fact, life provides friction for the transformational process. And this transformation takes place in the innermost self, which later can be projected outwards into life. It is not enough to affect correct behavior if the inner life is stunted (as is the case with so many people, especially those most visible upon the world stage). As Rudolf Steiner put it:

For every human being bears a higher man within himself besides what we may call the work-a-day man. This higher man remains hidden until he is awakened. And each human being can himself alone awaken this higher being within himself. As long as this higher being is not awakened, the higher faculties slumbering in every human being, and leading to supersensible knowledge, will remain concealed.’

Steiner also considered entropic forces (what some would call ‘evil’ or de-evolutionary forces) as a necessary part of human development. Such forces create the friction that fuels potential development, such as the friction between the road and the tyre helps create the movement of the car. To a degree, such forces are unavoidable in physical existence. All development is a matter of stages, and each stage must be reached before attempting the move to another. Where is humanity at this current scale of development, we may wonder?

Each person must decide for themselves how they wish to live life. It can be said that a person who is ignorant of this decision, or who negates making such a decision, is more likely to fall under the sway of entropic forces, for it is these forces that target/attract the unaware or lazy souls. This recognition should encourage us to make perceptive choices in life. In every sphere of human life – whether social, cultural, or political – there are forces in operation that represent spheres of activity of greater magnitude than most people are able to realize. There are ‘universal forces’ that have been in contention – in motion – for a very long time. As for human beings, all motion, all movement, requires effort. That the many are unaware of this, only places more emphasis upon the responsibility of the few who are aware. This has always been the case and is likely to remain so for the time ahead.

The inner impulse towards working for the greater good of humanity – the ‘macrocosmic good’ – comes out of genuine understanding and not general emotions or mass psychology. It is also the responsibility for such aware individuals to gain an understanding, a level of perspective, for perceiving the events of our time. It is this understanding of forces behind events at face value that helps in the growth of the consciousness soul. Just as we can recognize there are occult forces in play in the physical realm, so too does this suggest that there are forces operable beyond the physical domain. To not acknowledge this is the same as seeing the branches of a tree swaying in the wind and to consider that the branches are moving of their own accord and under their own volition. It is a fundamental error to mistake secondary phenomena for primary causes. And when a person acts out of limited understanding, there is the potential to serve not the good but ultimately the contrary. In terms of entropic forces (my term for ‘evil’), they cannot be banished for they form a part of existence; rather, they are to be transmuted into good for them to be overcome. And this is the task of our times, the task for the spiritual soul of today.

What is needed is a re-cognition and refocusing upon metaphysical realities. Rudolf Steiner stated that if all human beings were to decide that they did not want higher development, then this potential for development would come to an end. It is therefore the responsibility of those with awareness, and inner cognition, to maintain within humankind the urge for inner evolvement. The present task for responsibly aware people today is to seek out that knowledge which comprehends not only world forces but the primary causes of events in this phenomenal, physical realm. In doing so, the person is able to raise themselves beyond petty inclinations and selfish, egoistic behavior. This is not a denial of physical reality but rather a strengthened recognition of the primary realm of spirit.

To conclude, it can be said that there are forces coming through into this realm that humanity has limited knowledge or experience of. This is not something to be afraid of, for these forces are a part of humanity itself. We-You-I are part of the same consciousness, only that material existence – the physical life – has split, divided, and splintered these aspects. Humanity, for the most part in recent times, has been living as if a partial existence – a semi-existence – for it has been cut-off from recognition of its Source and the greater field of consciousness. The planet Earth, as well as other planets in the solar system, are entering a new alignment where it shall be easier for these correspondences to be made. That this age was coming has been known for a long time by other groupings that have power and influence within human civilization.

For this reason, these groupings have come together to create conditions across the planet – physical, mental, psychical – that would attempt to halt the emergence of greater perceptive consciousness. The attempts being made across the planet are for the realization of anesthetizing certain aspects of the human being so that it is less receptive to ‘spiritual’ or metaphysical truths and their correspondences. In other words, humanity is being further cut-off from its inherent connection to developmental impulses. Yet this approach has only a limited range of success. Humanity’s faculties can only be ‘blinded’ for so long. Evolutionary, developmental forces are far more powerful than supposed by these planetary power groups. At the same time, we need to recognize that events of world history are symptoms of the occurrences on the metaphysical level of reality, where primary, non-material aspects have their existence. These essential, primary phenomena have their impulses that come into being within the physical world of secondary phenomena. For most of humankind, these primary aspects are the unknowables.

It is time to become receptive to the forces available to us so that as a human being we can be of assistance rather than ignorant or, worse still, a hindrance. For those people capable of developing their understanding and receptivity to such impulses, it is time to begin the journey to know of the unknowables.

by Kingsley L. Dennis at on June 8, 2022

Monday, June 27, 2022

Soul Contracts

All of us negotiate a soul contract before entering into any one lifetime. Our life agreement covers the people and situations we’ll encounter in life but not our responses to them. Let’s look at the circumstances of that contract.

Each lifetime we agree before birth to take on a specific learning task or tasks. Our guides and the Lords of Karma usually call the assignments we give ourselves our “soul contract,” “blueprint,” or “life plan.”

SaLuSa, the Sirian spokesman for the Galactic Federation (channeled by Mike Quinsey from England, tells us that “every individual has his or her own plan. You have a life contract,” he says, “of which very few are personally aware and have seen into the future and planned it accordingly.” According to Matthew Ward as well, only “a relative handful of Earth’s peoples know about soul contracts.”

He  tells us that “life plans are agreed before you come into your earth body, and your Guides will do everything in their power to ensure you complete your incarnation successfully.” When we’ve completed your life plan, he tells us, we leave Earth.

Normally when your time of completion is reached you are ready to return to the higher dimensions. Bear this in mind when your loved ones or friends leave the Earth plane, and be happy for them. They have not gone from your lives forever, and soul groups will come together time and time again.”

Some time after death, we sit down again with our guides and review how we did, in an event generally known on the other side as “the Judgment.” Elsewhere I’ve discussed how 20th Century psychologist Frances Banks navigated her “Judgment” in the astral planes.

Our soul contracts determine what situations are brought to us but not how we’ll respond. In fashioning our response to these given situations, we are expected to grow in knowledge of ourselves.

Sometimes it may take us a series of lifetimes to learn one specific lesson, SaLuSa informs us, but learning it “moves you on and adds to your spiritual understanding.”

Our soul contract is negotiated each lifetime. One occasion on which the discussion of soul contracts arises is when we consider the events of our lives and wonder if coincidence plays a role. Saul says:“There are no accidents or coincidences. Every occurrence and every opportunity that you experience during Earth life has been prepared or allowed for before you incarnated.”

SaLuSa concurs: “As you can clearly understand, you are all in here to learn through your experiences and nothing comes your way by pure chance.” Every aspect of our lives is planned, he says. We may feel that many of our experiences are uncalled for, but “we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan.“

Where you experience the harsh reality of life,” SaLuSa reminds us, “it is for your spiritual understanding and development.” The galactic and spirit teachers can see what events lie ahead of us, he reveals.

Events can be foreseen way ahead, so it easy enough to place you where it is of the most benefit. Life seems complicated but in reality it is quite simple, as you will always find yourself to be in the right place. It is much the same with the people that enter your life, as that is also by arrangement and agreement.”

For these reasons, Saul encourages us to embrace situations in our lives which seem like curve balls.

When life throws you a curved ball, embrace it! Nothing in your life happens by chance; every event you experience has been planned and has a purpose. However, while you remain immersed in the illusion, it is very difficult for you to perceive this, let alone understand what it is trying to show you.”

SaLuSa explains these curve balls as karma and says they again are part of our life plan.

Only karmic reasons would result in you being pulled off course, and if it happens know that it is part of your life contract that you have already agreed upon.”

We forget about our soul contract when we incarnate

One circumstances that makes the existence of soul contracts hard to imagine is the fact that everything that happens prior to birth is forgotten once we incarnate. Saul describes the situation we find ourselves in.

You planned your life paths carefully prior to incarnating to provide you with the lessons you chose to learn, knowing that when they occurred you would not understand them. Within your limited state of human consciousness, understanding of that order is impossible because the lives of all humans affect each other in myriad incomprehensible ways.”

I’ve been outside my body and know how dense the physical vehicle is. Its density alone makes it difficult to bring back spirit remembrances and is one factor in why we forget our soul contract.

If we had full knowledge of our soul contract, our place in the group, and the events of other lifetimes, we might find that awareness overwhelming. We might be paralyzed by all the considerations we face, as Saul informs us:

If you had knowledge of that it would be impossible for you to follow your chosen path because you would be constantly concerned about your standing and your effect on your group. Your paths are all perfectly planned so that the necessary interactions will occur at exactly the right moment, allowing you total freedom to choose an appropriate response in the moment, as it occurs.”

Some people agree to play the dark roles

Forgetting then is a mercy that allows us to play out the events of this lifetime creatively and with the greatest chance of learning from them.

Different people agree through their soul contracts to play the roles of lightworkers and darkworkers, for the learning of the group, SaLuSa says: “Remember that experiences are set up with souls that have all agreed to play out their respective roles. Someone has to take the part of the dark Ones, and believe us Dear Ones – you have all acted on both sides.”

Some people agree to play the role of perpetrators and others of victims, again for the learning of the group, he adds.

There are amongst you people who have been wronged as you would interpret it, and do consider themselves ‘victims.’ However, this is all by arrangement and you are a willing partner to the karma being played out.

No matter how severe the circumstances, the fact remains that you were aware of your agreed life plan before you incarnated on Earth. Many will argue against it, convinced that they could not have agreed to suffer or indeed see others suffer.”

Usually those who agree to play the role of victim do so to provide others with an opportunity to exercise compassion, St. Germain explains: “Some of you have taken on karma that will necessitate that you experience need, and you carry this burden so that others can respond.”

Some agree to experience lifetimes of deprivation to complete their karmic education and graduate from Third Density, Matthew tells us.

Please remember that some of what you see that is worrisome, even abhorrent to society—violence in any form; theft; drugged children and adults, whether by prescription or ‘illegally’; unjust laws and fraudulent convictions; growing numbers of homeless and unemployed; torture; school dropouts—is ‘perpetrators’ and ‘victims’ completing karmic lessons so they never again have to experience third-density lifetimes.”

Often we may stop and wonder if another person is following their soul contract or not. As long as we remain in dense physical bodies, Matthew tells us, we may not have the depth of insight to determine this question: “You have no way of knowing … if [a] person is following the soul contract to the letter by providing opportunities for others to complete third-density karma and continue their soul evolvement.”

Those who take their dark roles much farther than they agreed to in their contract are most in need of our prayers, Matthew advises us: “The dark-minded ones whose intentions and actions are way outside their soul contracts are in the most desperate need of the light in prayer—prayers for Earth and all of her life forms is one of the most valuable contributions anyone can make.”

So as we turn to the subject of the universal laws, we need first of all to know that the people and situations we encounter in life have often been arranged beforehand and agreed to in our soul contracts.

by Steve Beckow on June 7, 2022, at, a reposting of a 2012 article

The Coming Months

SaLuSa: As Earth’s humanity advances in its elevation of frequencies, those who wish to keep you imprisoned are realizing that control over your lives is being lost with each passing day. Needless to say, the imprisonment of the planet is being ended, as it is more than evident. The Light is increasing, and this has opened Sacred Portals all over the world, releasing what we call “anomalous toxins” off the planet. It is like a vacuum cleaner removing the dirt imposed upon you, as well as allowing more Divine Beings to come in through these same Portals, enabling the alignment of the planet’s grid.

Furthermore, with the increase in angelic frequencies on Earth, the power of the people continues to grow, and the masses are putting pressure on their persecutors to clarify with satisfactory arguments, why they deny certain important information that would undoubtedly help improve the quality of life of the population at all levels. The excuses of those who work in darkness are becoming more and more meaningless, and they feel pressured and have nowhere to run, desperately trying to create more distractions with wars or rumors of wars. Much of what has been happening today, in the present times, is that you have realized that some things did not make sense, and are only now being able to think for yourselves, as you were previously being poisoned with the various toxins in your atmosphere, water, and food.

As the narrative of the terror called covid collapses and as the neutralizing Pleiadian influence of any more negative action in this situation increases, those working in darkness fear for their fate. After all, when the court is established on Earth, they will have to fairly bear their crimes against humanity. It is important for them to know that they will have a fair trial, where their own consciences will guide them towards the balance of their Souls. They will make amends with all those who have been harmed by their actions. God is pure love, therefore wants the best for His children, even if He has to allow harsher trials for the “settling of accounts”. God has never desired the suffering of Souls but gives them the freedom to move forward with their choices and, likewise, to be completely responsible for their own actions.

As the Souls of those acting in darkness move away from your Planet and Solar System and as the siege closes in on them, at a time when the forces of the Ashtar Command are more active than ever for these captures, they have been trying to disrupt the advancement of the work of those acting in the Light, making your tasks more difficult and creating confusion as they can. Therefore, it is important that you stay focused on your work, not allowing influence from these forces who, in their final gasps, try to hold on to the last threads, disrupting you to feed on the stress they cause.

Another important point to emphasize is that many of the Federation spokespersons around the planet have had their telepathic crystals upgraded with greater receptive capacity, as have those of Rafael/Neva, the transmitter of this message. These spokespersons may feel a slight discomfort in their foreheads or on top of their heads, but trust that this is occurring to expand their abilities to better transmit our messages. Meanwhile, the dark ones have taken advantage of those who have lost their telepathic abilities for their conduct contrary to the Sacred Code of the Federation, and even then, they continue to bring messages in a forced way that does not concern us. In this way, they end up feeding other disturbed Souls who cling to the illegitimacy of the information delivered, confusing many people and hindering the most serious work of the Souls really committed to the Sacred Code of the Federation. Thus, we call to discernment those who listen directly to our messages. There are Sacred Codes in them that allow you to feel, with clarity, the legitimacy of our messages.

With the increase of the turmoil on Earth, an influx of new Souls are coming in to contribute with their strength, and they are positioning themselves all over the world to give their share of help, most directly. The message that was told to you more than two thousand years ago that “stars would fall from the firmament” is true. Those times are upon us when now more Souls are coming from the Stars and incarnating to collaborate and free the Earth from all the darkness that was established more than 26,000 years ago. To those listening to our message today, we ask that you stay true to your hearts, so as to continue on your paths, even though forces may constantly try to disturb you. You recognize that you are in a complex dimension and that your Souls are more than ready for it.

In the coming months, you will be able to see more of our ships in your skies, cloaked or uncloaked, in fast flights or stationed, and you will also see more of the presence of the Sacred Divine Dragons who have been released from Inner Earth to begin their cleansing work on the surface. They have been setting up special fortresses in the great caverns scattered around the planet and lovingly calling those who have an affinity with them so that together they can heal the energies of pain and suffering from the millennia still present through the morphic fields. Many of them are in fifth-dimensional physical or plasma bodies, and you on the surface will have the opportunity to initially interact more actively with all of them in your dreams or meditations. They come bringing their Sacred Fire of Purification. If you feel there is something you need to heal, call upon the power of the Sacred Dragons, and you will receive help immediately!

There will be greater dynamism in the coming months as life on Earth seems to return to normal. But you will realize that it will be a different normal, as you are much more awake as never before. This will also open new doors for you to move forward with your Soul plans, increasingly free from the influences of the dark ones that, day by day, are being pushed aside. Look also at your watches and notice the time passing too fast or too slow, and this is a result of the adjustment in Earth’s quantum fields, work done by the Andromedans. When this adjustment is completed, it will bring more smoothness to your thoughts and emotions, and you will begin to feel a sense of completeness inside, that everything is in place and at the right time.

It is also important for us to emphasize that while all these changes are happening, you may notice the rearrangement of your everyday lives, where changes will be occurring more and more, “pushing” you to where you need to be and do what you need to do. Don’t be alarmed if all of a sudden your lives seem to turn upside down, for that too is part of these necessary movements. Those of you living in specific regions of the Earth will begin to feel the time to move, to go far away and to higher places, also because there is more fresh air there. Your bodies are changing and there will be a natural “detox” process going on in the coming months and years when Mother Earth will release special elements into the air and water to cleanse the toxins from your bodies. Mother Earth also works with you and you need to begin to understand this. She wishes to assist you in your processes, but it is essential that you understand your responsibility as humans to protect the Earth and to care for the whole system, the fauna, the flora, and this entire realm.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and once again, – as a spokesperson for the Galactic Federation I remain closer than ever, – bringing the information entrusted to me to deliver it to you all. Allow yourselves to enjoy more of the beauty of Earth and to appreciate the rising and setting of the sun. Watch the stars in the celestial vault at dusk, and also allow yourself to enjoy a simple breeze touching your face. This brings you closer to Gaia – the Sacred Earth – and aligns you with the Sacred Crystal Heart at the core of the planet.

We leave our love and blessings to all of you who continually remain undeterred in upholding the banner of freedom, love, and peace! And be assured that this echoing of pure and sacred truths has been heard by all divine civilizations in this universe, and they all work together now to further Earth’s complete liberation and reintegration into the Cosmic Community.

Selatherin A-al Arjaten!

(In Sirian: Because Yes. We Are All ONE!)

Be in peace,

Stay in the Light!

~ Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL)

~ May 3, 2022 – SaLuSa (Shalashian) – “Os próximos meses” por Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL):

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Sovietization of American Life

One day historians will look back at the period beginning with the COVID lockdowns of spring 2020 through the midterm elections of 2022 to understand how America for over two years lost its collective mind and turned into something unrecognizable and antithetical to its founding principles.

Sovietization” is perhaps the best diagnosis of the pathology. It refers to the subordination of policy, expression, popular culture, and even thought to ideological mandates. Ultimately such regimentation destroys a state since dogma wars with and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom.

The American Commissariat
Experts become sycophantic. They mortgage their experience and talent to ideology—to the point where society itself regresses.

The law is no longer blind and disinterested, but adjudicates indictment, prosecution, verdict, and punishment on the ideology of the accused. Eric Holder is held in contempt of Congress and smiles; Peter Navarro is held in contempt of Congress and is hauled off in cuffs and leg-irons. James Clapper and John Brennan lied under oath to Congress—and were rewarded with television contracts; Roger Stone did the same and a SWAT team showed up at his home. Andrew McCabe made false statements to federal investigators and was exempt. A set-up George Papadopoulos went to prison for a similar charge. So goes the new American commissariat.

Examine California and ask a series of simple questions.

Why does the state that formerly served as a model to the nation regarding transportation now suffer inferior freeways while its multibillion-dollar high-speed rail project remains an utter boondoggle and failure?

Why was its safe and critically needed last-remaining nuclear power plant scheduled for shutdown (and only recently reversed) as the state faced summer brownouts?

Why did its forests go up in smoke predictably each summer, as its timber industry and the century-old science of forest management all but disappeared from the state?

Why do the state’s criminals so often evade indictment, and if convicted are often not incarcerated—or are quickly paroled?

Why are its schools’ test scores dismal, its gasoline the nation’s highest-priced, and the streets of its major cities fetid and dangerous—in a fashion not true 50 years ago or elsewhere today?

In a word, the one-party state is Sovietized. Public policy is no longer empirical but subservient to green, diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas—and detached from the reality of daily middle-class existence. Decline is ensured once ideology governs problem-solving rather than time-tested and successful policymaking.

In a similar fashion, the common denominator in Joe Biden’s two years of colossal failures is Soviet-like edicts of equity, climate change, and neo-socialist redistribution that have ensured (for the non-elite, in any event) soaring inflation, unaffordable energy, rampant crime, and catastrophic illegal immigration. Playing the role of Pravda, Biden and his team simply denied things were bad, relabeled failure as success, and attacked his predecessor and critics as various sorts of counterrevolutionaries.

Biden rejected commonsense, bipartisan policies that in the past kept inflation low, energy affordable, crime controlled, and the border manageable. Instead, he superimposed leftist dogma on every decision, whose ideological purity, not real-life consequences for millions, was considered the measure of success.

The Caving of Expertise
Entire professions have now nearly been lost to radical progressive ideology.

Do we remember those stellar economists who swore at a time of Biden’s vast government borrowing, increases in the monetary supply, incentivizing labor non-participation, and supply chain interruptions that there was no threat of inflation? Were they adherents of ideological “modern monetary theory”? Did they ignore their own training and experience in fealty to progressive creeds?

What about the Stanford doctors who signed a groupthink letter attacking their former colleague, Dr. Scott Atlas, because he questioned the orthodoxies of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the state bureaucracies—who we now know hid their own involvement with channeling funding to deadly gain-of-function research in Wuhan? Did they reject his views on empirical grounds and welcome a give-and-take shared inquiry—or simply wish to silence an ideological outlier and advisor to a despised counterrevolutionary?

Or how about the 50 retired intelligence “experts” who swore that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not genuine but likely Russian disinformation? Did they really rely on hundreds of years of collective expertise to adjudicate the laptop or did they simply wish to be rewarded with something comparable to a “Hero of Woke America” award?

Or what about the 1,000 medical “professionals” who claimed violating quarantine and protective protocols for Black Lives Matter demonstrations was vital for the mental health of the protestors? Or the Princeton creators of a video identifying Jonathan Katz as a sort of public enemy for the crime of stating that racial discrimination of any sort was toxic?

Career Advancement, Cowardice, and Membership in the Club
There can be no expertise under Sovietization; everything and everyone serves ideology. Our military—especially its four-star generals, current and retired—parroted perceived ideologically correct thought. Repeating party lines about diversity, white supremacy, and climate change are far more relevant for career advancement than proof of prior effective military leadership in battle.

The ultimate trajectory of a woke military was the fatal disgrace in Afghanistan. Ideologues in uniform kept claiming that the humiliating skedaddle was a logistical success and that misguided bombs that killed innocents were called a “righteous strike.” Afghanistan all summer of 2021 was to be Joe Biden’s successful model of a graduated withdrawal in time for a 20th-anniversary commemoration of 9/11—until it suddenly wasn’t.

Pentagon decision-making increasingly privileges race, gender, sexuality, and green goals over traditional military lethality—a fact known to all who are up for promotion, retention, or disciplinary action.

How predictable it was that the United States fled Kabul, abandoning not just billions of dollars worth of sophisticated weapons to terrorists, but also with Pride flags flying, George Floyd murals on public walls, and gender studies initiatives being carried out in the military ranks. Ask yourself: if a general during the Afghanistan debacle had brilliantly organized a sustainable and defensible corridor around Bagram Airfield but was known to be skeptical of Pentagon efforts to address climate change and diversity would he be praised or reviled?

The elite universities in their single-minded pursuit of wokeness are ironically doing America a great favor. For a long time, their success was due to an American fetishization of brand names. But now, most privately accept that a BA from Princeton or Harvard is no longer an indication of acquired knowledge, mastery of empiricism, or predictive of inductive thinking over deductive dogmatism.

Instead, we now understand, various lettered certificates serve as stamps for career advancement—proof either of earlier high-school achievement that merely won the bearer admission to the select, or confirmation that the graduate possesses the proper wealth, contacts, athletic ability, race, gender, or sexuality to be invited to the club.

Universities’ abandonment of test scores and diminution of grades—replaced by “community service” and race, gender, and sexuality criteria—has simply clarified the bankruptcy of the entire higher education industry.

Our “diversity statements” required for hiring at many universities are becoming comparable to Soviet certifications of proper Marxist-Leninist fidelity. Like the children of Soviet Party apparatchiks, privileged university students now openly attack faculty whose reading requirements or lectures supposedly exude scents of “colonialism” or “imperialism” or “white supremacy.”

Faculty increasingly fear offering merit evaluation, in terror that diversity commissars might detect in their grading an absence of reparatory race or gender appraisals. The result is still more public cynicism about higher education because it is apparent that the goal is to graduate with a stamp from Yale or Stanford that ensures prestige, success, and ideological correctness—on the supposition that few will ever worry exactly what or how one did while enrolled.

We have our own Emmanuel Goldsteins who, we are told, deserve our three minutes of hate for counterrevolutionary thought and practice. Donald Trump earned the enmity of the CIA, the FBI, the Justice Department, and the IRS. Now Elon Musk and his companies are suddenly the targets of the progressive state, including repartees from the president himself. To vent, the popular Soviet directs its collective enmity at a Dave Chappelle or Bill Maher, progressives who exhibit the occasional counterrevolutionary heresy.

Cabinet secretaries ignore their duties—somewhat understandable given their resumes never explained their appointments. What binds a Pete Buttigieg, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Jennifer Granholm is not expertise in transportation, border security, or energy independence but allegiance to an entire menu of woke policies that are often antithetical to their own job descriptions.

Diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” started out as mandated proportional representation as defined by the state allotting spoils of coveted admissions, hiring, honors, and career advancement by race and gender percentages in the general population. The subtext was that federal and state governments imported and incorporated largely academic theories that alleged any disequilibrium was due to bias.

More specifically, racial and sexual prejudices were to be exposed and punished by morally superior castes—in politics, the bureaucracy, and the courts. There was never any interest in detailing how particular individuals were personally harmed by the system or by the “other,” which explains the Left’s abhorrence of racially blind, class-based criteria to establish justified need.

In the last five years, American Sovietization has descended into reparatory representation. Due to prior collective culpability of whites, heterosexuals, and males, marginalized self-defined groups of victims must now be “overrepresented” in admissions, hiring, and visibility in popular culture

As the Soviets and Maoists discovered—and as was true of the Jacobins, National Socialists, and cultural Marxists—once radical ideology defines success, then life in general becomes anti-meritocratic. The public privately equates awards and recognition with political fealty, not actual achievement.

Were recent Netflix productions reflections of merit or ideological criteria governing race and gender? Do the Emmys, Tonys, or Oscars convey recognition of talent, or of adherence to progressive agendas of diversity, equity, and inclusion? Does a Pulitzer Prize, a Ford Foundation grant, or a MacArthur award denote talent and achievement or more often promote diversity, equity, and inclusion narratives?

Consequences of Failing Up
Where does woke Sovietization end once accountability vanishes and ideology masks incompetence and malfeasance?

We are starting to see the final denouement with missing baby formula, epidemics of shootings and hate crimes, train-robbings reminiscent of the Wild West in Los Angeles, Tombstonesque shoot-up Saturday nights in Chicago, spiking electricity rates and brownouts, $7 a gallon diesel fuel, unaffordable and scarce meat, and entire industries from air travel to home construction that simply no longer work.

Everyone knows that the status of our homeless population in Los Angeles or San Francisco is medieval, dangerous, and unhealthy. And everyone knows that any serious attempt to remedy the situation would cause one to be labeled an apostate, counterrevolutionary, and enemy of the people. So, like good Eastern Europeans of the Warsaw Pact in the 1960s, we mutter one thing under our breath, and nod another publicly.

Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura.

by Victor Davis Hansen on June 6, 2022 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Crisis of Meaning

The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.” Carl Jung, Practice of Psychotherapy

We live in a world consumed by an endless series of crises. But of all the crises we face the one that may be of the greatest concern, is one that receives relatively little attention, and this is the crisis of meaning. In his essay The Aims of Psychotherapy Carl Jung called this “the general neurosis of our times”.

This crisis reaches back several generations. In the late 19th century, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche observed that nihilism, or what he termed the “radical repudiation of meaning” (The Will to Power) was on the rise in the West. Was this the result of the fall of the Christian worldview and the rise of a scientific, reductionist and mechanistic worldview? Was the “death of god” the most momentous event of the modern era?

[Nietzsche] felt the agony, the suffering, and the misery of a godless world so intensely, at a time when others were yet blind to its tremendous consequence, that he was able to experience in advance, as it were, the fate of a coming generation.” Walter Kaufmann, Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist

We are now experiencing the fate that Nietzsche prophesized, a fate where, in the words of Viktor Frankl, “Ever more people . . . have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.” A fate which is manifesting in a “hatred of the existing society, the apocalyptic “sense of an ending” [and the] need for some kind of worthy cause to give meaning to one’s life.” (Redemption by War, Ronald Stromberg)

This essay explore what meaning in life is and why it is so important. It will examine why the decline in religion may be the prime cause of this modern crisis of meaning and a prime factor in the widespread occurrence of anxiety disorders, neuroses, and depression.

. . .happiness is about the present moment, independent of other moments, whereas meaning links events across time, thus integrating past, present, and future.” Iain McGilchrist, The Matter with Things

Meaning in a human life is grounded in narrative. A life narrative is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves, and this story acts as a sort of cognitive organizing process that helps us make sense of who we are and where we are going. Our narrative gives rise to and sustains our sense of self and just like a novel or movie, it is defined by a particular plot or theme. This theme can be coherent and life-affirming or it can be disjointed, disempowering, incoherent and so lacking in meaning. The less meaning our life has, the more we will suffer, and this is exemplified by the experience of many schizophrenics who struggle to view life through the coherence of a narrative. In Madness and Modernism Louis Sass quotes a schizophrenic patient who said:

I feel as if I’ve lost the continuity linking the events in my past. Instead of a series of events linked by continuity, my past just seems like disconnected fragments”Louis Sass, Madness and Modernism

And as McGilchrist explains concerning this disturbing lack of a coherent life narrative:

If your world disintegrates [through a lack of narrative], you stop seeing anything in context, and it becomes puzzling, even frightening. Its sheer facticity then stands out, since it can no longer take its place in any world schema of other things and people that would give it meaning.” Iain McGilchrist, The Matter with Things

While most people do not suffer the disintegrating effect of no life narrative, what many lack is a satisfying narrative that is rich in meaning. A narrative, in other words, that creates fulfillment, and enables one to cope with the existential conditions of life. The great prevalence of anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and psychotropic and illicit drug use is evidence which points to this dire lack of meaning, and as Jung notes:

Meaninglessness inhibits fullness of life and is therefore equivalent to illness.” Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

To make matters worse while many people feel that their life is missing something, most do not realize that what is missing is meaning. Instead, to fill this void of meaningless, many people chase after more money and material goods, elevated social status, increased knowledge, or most of all more moments of pleasure and happiness. But none of these things are adequate replacements, for as McGilchrist explains:

People who report being happy but have little or no sense of meaning in their lives have the same gene expression patterns as people who are enduring chronic adversity, such as loneliness, bereavement, or poverty.” Iain McGilchrist, The Matter with Things

Given the importance of meaning, how can a life lacking it, be infused with it? How, in other words, can we discover a more meaningful life narrative? While there are many practical steps to move us in this direction, from finding a life purpose, to cultivating interpersonal relationships, to confronting life’s challenges, one of the most effective is to tap into the wisdom embedded in the mythos of the great religions.

What is the use of a religion without a mythos, since religion means, if anything at all, precisely that function which links us back to the eternal myth?” Carl Jung, Answer to Job

Mythos, or what is more commonly called myth or mythology, contains truths about the human predicament and the nature of the psyche that are expressed in narrative form. These narratives can be used to augment our own personal narrative with rich threads of meaning as they provide insights for how to cope with elements of the human condition, be it freedom, loss, loneliness, sickness, old age, suffering or death.

In the modern day many of us have relegated myth to the realm of fiction, believing that only reason, logic and science, or what is called the domain of logos, can reveal to us the truths of the world. But as Jung writes:

. . .myth is not fiction: it consists of facts that are continually repeated and can be observed over and over again.” Carl Jung, Answer to Job

Both logos and mythos are realms for discovering truth. But the truths they reveal are of a different nature. Science teaches us the neurological correlates behind the phenomenon of pain, mythos teaches us how to meaningfully endure pain. Science teaches us how to cure a sickness, mythos teaches us how to meaningfully cope with loss and death. Or as Karen Armstrong explains:

Logos (or ‘reason’) [is] the pragmatic mode of thought that enables people to function effectively in the world. . . .People have always needed logos to make an efficient weapon, organize their societies, or plan an expedition. Logos [is] . . .continually on the lookout for new ways of controlling the environment … [and is] essential to the survival of our species. But logos has its limitations. Good at manipulating the world and making us powerful, it [does] not contribute to any broader understanding of the meaning of our lives – for that people turned to mythos.” Karen Armstrong, The Case for God

We can gain exposure to the realm of mythos through great works of literature, be it those of Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, or Cervantes, but the great religions are the ultimate source of this wisdom. For the primary purpose of religion, from time immemorial, has been to help us cope with our existential predicament and to find meaning in life, even if this purpose has at times been corrupted by religion in its organized and institutional forms.

Not only Christianity with its symbols of salvation,” writes Jung “but all religions, including the primitive with their magical rituals are forms of psychotherapy which treat and heal the suffering of the soul, and the suffering of the body caused by the soul.” Carl Jung, Practice of Psychotherapy

And in a speech given to a group of psychotherapists in the 1930s he further explains:

It is not a play on words when I call religion a psychotherapeutic system. It is the most elaborate system, and there’s a great practical truth behind it.” Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life

As an example of how one can put the mythos of religion to use, Jung explores the symbolic notion of the imitation of Christ.

[Is not] Jesus a prototype of those who, trusting their inner experience, have gone their individual ways in defiance of the world?” Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition

The imitation of Christ is the notion that Jesus’ life should be used as template for how to live. According to Saint Augustine, emulating Christ was the fundamental purpose in the life of a good Christian. But as Jung explains, the traditional interpretation of the imitation of Christ, as counselling that we strive to live as Christ did “. . .has this disadvantage: in the long run we worship as a divine example a man who embodied the deepest meaning of life, and then, out of sheer imitation, we forget to make real our own deepest meaning—self-realization. . .” (Carl Jung, Alchemical Studies)

Jung suggests that the imitation of Christ should be interpreted in a symbolic manner as the call to go our own way and to strive to develop ourselves as fully as is humanly possible. For Jung saw Christ as an example of someone who actualized himself completely and who was unafraid to follow his conscience even if it ended in his persecution. Christ, in other words, was an example of a heroic personality.

The imitation of Christ might well be understood in a deeper sense. It could be taken as the duty to realize one’s deepest conviction with the same courage and the same self-sacrifice shown by Jesus.” Carl Jung, Alchemical Studies

The imitation of Christ is but one example in the deep well of practical wisdom embedded in the great religions, and to profit from this wisdom we do not need to become a follower of an organized religion, nor must we pledge allegiance to any specific sect or creed. For as many organized religions are corrupted by power and degraded by politics, they can be barriers to accessing the authentic truths of religion. Fortunately, profiting from the truths of the great religions can be accomplished through a personal effort. Reading the texts, learning about the various rituals embedded in the mythology and most importantly putting into practice what we learn can give rise to a religious outlook on life. Or as Karen Armstrong explains:

The only way to assess the value and truth of any myth [is] to act upon it. The myth of the hero, for example, which takes the same form in nearly all cultural traditions … showed us how to live more richly and intensely, how to cope with our mortality, and how creatively to endure the suffering that flesh is heir to. But if we failed to apply it to our situation, a myth would remain abstract and incredible.” Karen Armstrong, The Case for God

For the truths of religion to impact our life, we do not need to fully understand their meaning. For myths, like dreams, are encoded in symbolic form and so they point in the direction of truths that are not fully comprehendible by the conscious intellect, but as Jung explains:

We like to imagine that something which we do not understand does not help us in any way. But that is not always so. . .myths [have] a direct effect on the unconscious, no matter whether it is understood or not. The fact that its repeated telling has not long since become obsolete can, I believe, be explained by its usefulness.” Carl Jung, Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

In the modern world many of us have completely severed our connection to the realm of mythos and many of us view religion with derision and scorn. Some consider this as a sign of enlightenment and progress, but it may be a form of psychological regression. In a lecture delivered to Yale University in 1937, titled Psychology and Religion, Jung went as far as to call atheism the “urban neurosis” and in his decades of practice, treating hundreds of patients, he came to the conclusion that for some patients the only means of fixing what ailed them was the birth of a religious attitude to life.

Among those in the second half of life” he wrote “- that is to say, over 35 – there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.” Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion

If we continue to spurn religion we will not lose our need for meaning. We will merely look for meaning in other places. We will worship the state, a political party, or science – all of which are inadequate, and sometimes dangerous substitutes to the cultivation of an authentic religious outlook on life.

Perhaps, therefore, we need the mythos of religion to nourish our psyche and imbue our life with meaning and purpose. Perhaps without some form of a religious outlook man descends into the chaos of nihilism, totalitarianism, and hatred of self and society. And for those who think science has done away with our need for religion, Jung poses the following question:

Can science be so sure that there is no such thing as a “religious instinct”?” Carl Jung, The Development of Personality
from on May 5, 2022

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...