Monday, October 31, 2022

The Galactic Federation of Worlds

On December 4, 2020, Professor Haim Eshed generated worldwide headlines when in an interview published by the Israeli national newspaper Yedioth Aharonot he revealed the existence of a Galactic Federation monitoring human affairs. Eshed had served from 1981 to 2010 as the head of Israel's satellite program and had the rank of brigadier general in military intelligence. He is widely considered to be the father of Israel's military space program, so his Galactic Federation comments were difficult to dismiss. After boldly asserting that President Donald Trump was ready to make an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement, Professor Eshed explained why the truth was not revealed, according to an extract from the interview translated into English:

The UFO's have asked not to publish that they are here. Humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the edge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying 'Wait, let the people calm down first.' They don't want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding. They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are.

The possibility that President Trump was contemplating disclosure of a Galactic Federation and extraterrestrial life caught many off guard. Could an American President genuinely be having secret liaisons with an off-planet organization without the mass media and general public being aware of this? There is evidence that several of Trump's predecessors both communicated and met with representatives of a Galactic Federation wanting to assist humanity's evolution.

from Dr. Michael Salla's book Galactic Federation Councils, pp 25-26

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Knowing the Future

It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future. It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light. These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries. Because no matter how it plays out, you will all be taken care of.

by Archangel Michael on March 26, 2022 at

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Bringing Down the Light

Duality, or the perception of separation from Source, serves its purpose in the process of ascension and descension, for it allows all souls involved in the process to realize their Oneness and interrelation with all others while appearing separated. This allows all opposites to integrate as they were in the celestial and etheric spheres before their descent into material duality. We began as celestial beings with a pure body of light; then we proceeded in becoming intelligence operating with etheric bodies; then we finally descended or coelesced into a physical organic body as a final condensing of our energy field. It is important to understand that when we whole light beings enter the final phase of our descent, embodying a vehicle of flesh and blood, we become only a portion of our total self. And since we are the first spirit, we must descend into matter and bring down our divine spirit into matter as well as ultimately ascend our matter back into spirit, thus completing our perfection as made in the image of our Creator... who has also in a previous creation cycle gone through the same process as all of us in this current creation cycle.

Each cycle is known as one universal round and it is a process every spirit being takes in order to achieve the greatest experience and the highest degree of exaltation (ascension). This allows for each soul to explore and experience all levels and facets of the overall spectrum of the unified energy field... with the result of re-uniting our individualized unit of consciousness with the all-universal (Christ) consciousness. The whole purpose of the universal round is so that all the sparks of light (children of God) may evolve like our creator God – so that eventually man may ascend and continue to follow new cycles of creation into the never-ending realms of cosmos as creator gods, as done so by our own creator God in our current round. Even our own science has confirmed that there are multuple universes, and that the creation of more universes appears to be happening at every moment as part of a mysterious ongoing eternal process.

In other words, since our Creator is perfect, the Creator provides the same grounds of experience so that every spark of light (God's children) may follow in the same footsteps (blueprint). This explains why the cosmos operates according to divine laws and why there is a set system of what esoteria and mystics call a patterned blueprint in the unfolding of everything. It is the same system of involution (descent) and evolution (ascent) that serves to create universes and worlds beyond number, all following and being fashioned by the same universal principles of the always existing and expanding mother universe.

Therefore, since we are all evolving together, we all follow the same universal cosmic blueprint of descension and ascension, as we are all subject to the same universal laws and principles... except that in the descent we tend to lose our memory of our oneness with All That Is – which serves a purpose to eventually rediscover what we have lost, reconnect, and in the process inherit a spiritualized physical vehicle as we reunite with our spirit self, consciously and by our own volition, allowing our light body to spiritualize organic matter.

The middle heavens are a replica of the higher heavens, so the plan was to bring the same blueprint into material reality (AS IT IS IN HEAVEN SO SHALL IT BE ON EARTH) that completes the last phase of this grand cosmic unfolding.

by Ismael Perez, Our Cosmic Origin, pp. 38-39.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Aligning with the Heart

There comes a time for all of us, when we suspect that we may be more than mere humans living in subjection to the energetics of empirical duality. We begin to question the boundaries of our consciousness. If we can look at them objectively, and even logically, we find that they are all based in some kind of fear. They are negatively polarized. Once we realize this, we can understand that our boundaries are artificially contrived in order to provide the kind of empirical experiences that humans can have.

In our true essence, we are fractals arising within the consciousness of the Creator, gathering experience and understanding for infinitely-expanding universal consciousness. Our every thought and feeling have unique vibrations, and are part of universal consciousness. We are constantly created and held in the eternal consciousness of the Creator. We are given power to create experiences through our mental and emotional actions and reactions, and we are given inner guidance in knowing beyond limitations. Fear does not exist in our inner guidance, which is rooted in unconditional love and radiant life force.

By opening ourselves and being receptive to our inner knowing in every moment, we can practice being sensitive to our feelings and every kind of prompt and realization that comes to us, apart from outer intrusions. For this we must align energetically with the vibrations of our heart, whose energy is always life-enhancing. It is the feeling of gratitude and joyful vitality. By following our inner guidance, we transform our lives, leaving all fear-based limitations behind. Our personal lives become miraculous.

As we begin this process, we must transcend our ego-consciousness, which exists entirely in the realm of limitation. It is limited to thoughts and feelings, and it does not have true knowing and understanding. Only our heart can give these to us. We can be aware of them in every moment. Although our heart is much more powerful than our brain, its power is restrained for us until we realize what it is. It is not just a physical organ. It is an etheric connection with universal consciousness. In order to realize this, we must align ourselves with the vibratory spectrum of our heart, so that we can become aware of its essence, which is also our essence, beyond our persona.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt on October 14, 2022, at

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Age is a State of Mind

Meet Madam Jeanne Louise Calment, who had the longest confirmed human lifespan: 122 years, 164 days. Apparently, fate strongly approved of the way she lived her life. She was born in Arles, France, on February 21, 1875. The Eiffel Tower was built when she was 14 years old. It was at this time she met Vincent van Gogh. "He was dirty, badly dressed, and disagreeable," she recalled in an interview given in 1988.

When she was 85, she took up fencing, and still rode her bike when she reached 100. At the age of 114, she starred in a film about her life, at age 115 she had an operation on her hip, and at age 117 she gave up smoking, having started at the age of 21 in 1896. She didn't give it up for health reasons; her reason was that she didn't like having to ask someone to help her light a cigarette once she was nearly blind.

In 1965, Jeanne was 90 years old and had no heirs. She signed a deal to sell her apartment to a 47-year-old lawyer called André-François Raffray. He agreed to pay her a monthly sum of 2,500 francs on the condition he would inherit her apartment after she died. However, Raffray not only ended up paying Jeanne for 30 years, but then died before she did at the age of 77. His widow was legally obliged to continue paying Madam Calment until the end of her days.

Jeanne retained sharp mental faculties. When she was asked on her 120th birthday what kind of future she expected to have. Her reply, "A very short one."

Here are the Rules of Life from Jeanne Louise Calment:

"I'm in love with wine."

"All babies are beautiful."

"I think I will die of laughter."

"I've been forgotten by our Good Lord."

"I've got only one wrinkle, and I'm sitting on it."

"I never wear mascara; I laugh until I cry often."

"If you can't change something, don't worry about it."

"Always keep your smile. That's how I explain my long life."

"I see badly, I hear badly, and I feel bad, but everything's fine."

"I have a huge desire to live and a big appetite, especially for sweets."

"I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit."

"I took pleasure when I could. I acted clearly and morally and without regret. I'm very lucky."

“Being young is a state of mind, it doesn’t depend on one’s body. I’m actually still a young girl, it's just that I haven't looked so good for the past 70 years."

At the end of one interview, the journalist said, "Madame, I hope we will meet again sometime next year." To which Jeanne replied, "Why not? You're not that old; you'll still be here!”

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Something from Nothing

There are all sorts of conservation laws in the Universe: for energy, momentum, charge, and more. Many properties of all physical systems are conserved: where things cannot be created or destroyed. We've learned how to create matter under specific, explicit conditions: by colliding two quanta together at high enough energies so that equal amounts of matter and antimatter can emerge, so long as E = mc² allows it to happen. For the first time, we've managed to create particles without any collisions or precursor particles at all: through strong electromagnetic fields and the Schwinger effect. Here's how.

Whoever said, “You can’t get something from nothing” must never have learned quantum physics. As long as you have empty space — the ultimate in physical nothingness — simply manipulating it in the right way will inevitably cause something to emerge. Collide two particles in the abyss of empty space, and sometimes additional particle-antiparticle pairs emerge. Take a meson and try to rip the quark away from the anti-quark, and a new set of particle-antiparticle pairs will get pulled out of the empty space between them. And in theory, a strong enough electromagnetic field can rip particles and antiparticles out of the vacuum itself, even without any initial particles or antiparticles at all.

Previously, it was thought that the highest particle energies of all would be needed to produce these effects: the kind only obtainable at high-energy particle physics experiments or in extreme astrophysical environments. But in early 2022, strong enough electric fields were created in a simple laboratory setup leveraging the unique properties of graphene, enabling the spontaneous creation of particle-antiparticle pairs from nothing at all. The prediction that this should be possible is 70 years old: dating back to one of the founders of quantum field theory, Julian Schwinger. The Schwinger effect is now verified, and teaches us how the Universe truly makes something from nothing.

Even in the vacuum of empty space, devoid of masses, charges, curved space, and any external fields, the laws of nature and the quantum fields underlying them still exist. If you calculate the lowest-energy state, you may find that it is not exactly zero; the zero-point (or vacuum) energy of the Universe appears to be positive and finite, although small.

In the Universe we inhabit, it’s truly impossible to create “nothing” in any sort of satisfactory way. Everything that exists, down at a fundamental level, can be decomposed into individual entities — quanta — that cannot be broken down further. These elementary particles include quarks, electrons, the electron’s heavier cousins (muons and taus), neutrinos, as well as all of their antimatter counterparts, plus photons, gluons, and the heavy bosons: the W+, W-, Z0, and the Higgs. If you take all of them away, however, the “empty space” that remains isn’t quite empty in many physical senses.

For one, even in the absence of particles, quantum fields remain. Just as we cannot take the laws of physics away from the Universe, we cannot take the quantum fields that permeate the Universe away from it.

For another, no matter how far away we move any sources of matter, there are two long-range forces whose effects will still remain: electromagnetism and gravitation. While we can make clever setups that ensure that the electromagnetic field strength in a region is zero, we cannot do that for gravitation; space cannot be “entirely emptied” in any real sense in this regard.

Instead of an empty, blank, three-dimensional grid, putting a mass down causes what would have been ‘straight’ lines to instead become curved by a specific amount. No matter how far away you get from a point mass, the curvature of space never reaches zero, but always remains, even at infinite range.

There are many ways of studying the Universe, and quantum analogue systems — where the same mathematics that describes an otherwise inaccessible physical regime applies to a system that can be created and studied in a laboratory — are some of the most powerful probes we have of exotic physics. It’s very difficult to foresee how the Schwinger effect could be tested in its pure form, but thanks to the extreme properties of graphene, including its ability to withstand spectacularly large electric fields and currents, it arose for the very first time in any form: in this particular quantum system. As coauthor Dr. Roshan Krishna Kumar put it:

“When we first saw the spectacular characteristics of our superlattice devices, we thought ‘wow … it could be some sort of new superconductivity’. Although the response closely resembles those routinely observed in superconductors, we soon found that the puzzling behavior was not superconductivity but rather something in the domain of astrophysics and particle physics. It is curious to see such parallels between distant disciplines.”

With electrons and positrons (or “holes”) being created out of literally nothing, just ripped out of the quantum vacuum by electric fields themselves, it’s yet another way that the Universe demonstrates the seemingly impossible: we really can make something from absolutely nothing!

adapted from article by Ethan Siegal on September 13, 2022 at

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Our Cosmic Spiritual Divine Origin

"Your planetary systems exist at once, simultaneously, both in time and in space. The universe that you seem to perceive, either visually or through instruments, appears to be composed of galaxies, stars, and planets, at various distances from you. Basically, however, this is an illusion. Your senses and your very existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in such a way. The universe as you know it is your interpretation of events as they intrude upon your three-dimensional reality. The events are mental.

Remember also that if physical reality IS in a larger sense an illusion, it is an illusion caused by a greater reality. The illusion itself has a purpose and a meaning.

Three-dimensional experience is an invaluable place of training. Your personality as you now know it will indeed persevere and with its memories, but it is only a part of your entire identity, even as your childhood in this life is an extremely important part of your present personality, though now you are far more than a child.

You will continue to grow and develop, and you became aware of other environments, even as you left your childhood home. But environments are not objective THINGS, conglomerations of objects that exist independently of you. Instead you form them and they are quite literally extensions of yourself, materialized mental acts that extend outward from your consciousness." :: Seth Speaks, Session 519.

According to the perennial philosophy of wisdom, our current humanity has fallen from a higher state of being (awareness) in forgetting our connection to Source, and as a result we have been temporally sleeping in a coma-like state forgetting that we are celestial beings that descended into a terrestrial experience. We may say that as human beings we have existed for millions of years at least in many galaxies, including the Milky Way. As spiritual beings of light we have existed for what appears to be INFINITY.

Considering the new evidence, we may say today that human beings are powerful light beings with a major amnesia problem, forgetting their celestial origin.

We may now understand that before the existence (creation) of the physical realms (the material universe) or the lower heavens, we were light beings, all different sparks or rays of the all-powerful living light that has always existed. In fact, we are all different expressions of this infinite one light, which is the true spiritual meaning of monotheism. So in that regard, we are infinite by nature since light is infinite.

It is the conversion of this light that created the many different vibrational planes of reality, as they appear to be infinite in number, and out of those possible planes of reality, we happened to know and perceive only a small percentage of the entire light-energy spectrum. For in the earlier state of existence, light existed in its purest form as there was no matter in the pre-material realm. According to quantum observations, this light energy has never been created nor can it ever be destroyed as proven by the Second Law of Thermonuclear Dynamics since energy is converted to light. Therefore, light and energy are the foundation of what we call GOD and it is eternal.” :: Ismael Perez, Our Cosmic Origin, pp. 29-30.

Monday, October 24, 2022

End of the Galactic War

Although the development of nuclear weapons by different countries was one of the reasons why extraterrestrial civilizations began visiting Earth in the World War II era, a more significant and far-reaching explanation exists. However, the truth was not shared for decades due to its disturbing nature. Only today do we know the whole truth. The Earth had become the epicenter of a temporal war involving a future galactic tyranny, whose origins lay in a secret agreement reached by Nazi Germany with a group of extraterrestrials called Draco Reptilians. This agreement resulted in establishing a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that soon gave birth to the nefarious Dark Fleet (Nachtwaffen), which aligned itself with the Draco’s master plan for galactic conquest.

After detecting the sudden emergence of galactic tyranny 350 years in the future, a group of extraterrestrials known as the Andromeda Council notified the Galactic Federation of Worlds and other freedom loving extraterrestrial organizations about the threat posed by contemporary events happening on Earth, its Moon, and Mars. Thus, a temporal war began involving different extraterrestrial federations, councils, and secret space programs, each striving to steer long-term events on Earth to prevent or bring about this sweeping tyranny that could overtake the galaxy. Both sides have used time travel technologies to influence key individuals, events, and movements on Earth. Operatives from each side have been embedded into different countries, especially aerospace companies, to help humans build advanced technologies for different secret space programs.

Today we are witnessing the final stages of this decades-long temporal war involving multiple timelines that compete, co-exist, and ultimately converge with one another. As we approach the end of this temporal war, with the Earth as the epicenter of what would have been a future galactic tyranny, the truth is emerging about these events and the different galactic groups and organizations that have played significant roles.

Amazon book review for Michael E. Salla's Galactic Federations, Councils & Secret Space Programs

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20221016

This shared post by channeled teachers of Light is dedicated to the promotion of truth and Light at this powerful evolutionary time. Mankind has journeyed through lifetimes in which false concepts, beliefs, and fears were blindly accepted as the truth and in our ignorance, we gave away our power. The Arcturians, one group of many highly evolved beings from other galaxies, wish to present their messages of love and guidance in order to assist the people of Earth in letting go of the false fears that were given to and accepted by mankind. They stand ready to offer spiritual and technical assistance when and if desired. Free will does not allow them to step in unless asked. It is time to embrace the truth of who we are and why we are here. The answers are now pouring in from multiple Sources of Light. Events of great energy and change began manifesting in 2012 and will continue. It is crucial that mankind become informed and thus be prepared as changes occur. There is absolutely no reason to fear. This is a graduation.

We are the Arcturian Group – October 16, 2022 - from

Always know that our messages come in love and with the intention of bringing knowledge and encouragement to you who are meeting the challenges of living on earth at this time from a higher level of awareness. Everyone, those spiritually awake and those who are not, have carried with them into this lifetime a degree of old energy reflecting traumas, oaths, vows, and promises from previous lifetimes. You were among those deemed strong and evolved enough to deal not only with the energies that would arise from earth's ascension process but also with the intense personal clearings that would be necessary in order to align with the frequencies of a higher resonating earth.

All is proceeding according to plan. Much is about to happen that will awaken many out of their chosen slumber, those who have chosen not to see, consider, or admit to anything in themselves or others that does not reflect their personal belief system. These dear ones will get "wake up calls" if or when necessary - some life experience designed to "shake" their imaginary world forcing them to question and re-think much of it.

Allow the process dear ones, trusting and accepting that much is presently taking place that the majority are not yet aware of. Remind yourself that there really is a Divine plan if or when you find yourself slipping into fear and doubt. Throughout the day focus on the real rather than three dimensional interpretations of the real. Reminders can be as simple as pausing to silently know "I am".

There comes a point in every person's evolutionary journey where they must choose between accepting and living the real versus the dream. Am I just flesh and blood subject to all the world offers in the way of disease, lack, violence, pain, and suffering or am I more than that? Is God a man in the sky who judges and punishes and to whom I must beg and plead for my good?

These obsolete concepts with an infinity of strings attached to every aspect of life on earth must be left behind if one is really sincere about their spiritual evolution. A person's state of consciousness remains stagnant when they choose to continue living with one foot in reality and the other in the hypnotism of three dimensional belief once they know the truth.

Every human being longs for happiness and wholeness which in reality is the Soul's longing to once again unite with and be one with ITself. This inner yearning for happiness and peace is interpreted by three dimensional states of consciousness as a never ending drive to attain outside of themselves whatever it is they believe will bring fulfillment. This is the human condition.

This is why people steal and engage in acts of violence. A deep inner longing for wholeness underlies all crime, drug and alcohol addiction, and cruelty to other life forms. Even the murderer believes that his/her actions will make his/her life or that of another better in some way.

The high frequency Light energy now flowing to earth is expanding individual awareness which can result in the desire for fulfillment to become more intense in some because for the first time they are experiencing a sense of empowerment. Most do not yet know what it is they are feeling or why but this new sense of empowerment emboldens some to more intensely pursue their concepts of happiness regardless of how it may affect others.

Because humans do not know that in reality they are already Divine, complete, and whole, they misinterpret themselves in every way. Those who seek to emulate the rich and famous believe that if they act and look the same, they will be loved. Organized religions often teach that mankind is nothing more than a sinful worm in the dust that must be "saved", that being happy on earth is a "sin", that suffering pleases God, and that happiness comes only after death if the rules are followed. This has resulted in a world of judgement, criticism, and condemnation which then brings feelings of superiority, self satisfaction, and a false sense of self love and fulfillment.

The longing for wholeness and true Self love in third dimensional consciousness is every person's Divinity seeking recognition. Because humans do not know that in reality they are already Divine, complete, and whole, they misinterpret themselves and this inner longing in every way. Moving beyond and out of this state is spiritual evolution, the journey that every person like it or not, is on and cannot be avoided regardless of how long they may choose to delay it.

Because earth is a planet of time and space, individuals cannot simply jump into a high resonating state of consciousness simply with intellectual knowledge unless it was attained in a previous lifetime and simply forgotten in this one. You cannot regress in your evolution and you carry your level of attained consciousness into each lifetime. This is why some of you may have thought it was easy and simple to grasp the deeper truths and do not understand why others can't do the same.

Most of you who read these messages were already very evolved when you incarnated, which is why you were allowed to join the waves of enlightened beings assisting with the ascension process. Those of you who have been on earth for many years were of the first wave and met a world that was resistant to truth. Others have followed in second. third, and fourth etc. waves and it continues, Many young people at this time are actually very old souls who are having a difficult time adjusting to three dimensional concepts they evolved beyond long ago.

Try not to get overly involved in the three dimensional issues, rather just continue to quietly hold the Light which makes you a beacon of high resonating energy wherever you go. Light work is not sitting in meditation for hours at a time but rather is silently and secretly BEing as you go about the ordinary chores of your day.

A consciousness of ONEness can lift the consciousness of another depending upon the other's receptivity simply because there is only ONE consciousness. This is especially true when the other reaches out and becomes one with the higher state of consciousness.

A Light filled consciousness may occasionally bring about reactions of dislike or even hatred from another who without knowing why feels threatened in the presence of Light energy. However, those spiritually ready for more will be drawn to the higher energy and even possibly be healed of something of a lower resonance.

Simply live, move, and have your being in the truth of Divine Oneness and you will be doing what you came to do.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Quiet Quitting

The unraveling of hyper-Globalization and hyper-Financialization will generate consequences few conventional analysts and pundits anticipate. The movement away from putting career first and sacrificing to get ahead financially - doing the minimum at work, giving nothing extra to the employer, saying no to the hustle culture - is global: From the Great Resignation to Lying Flat, workers are opting out in China, the U.S., Japan, and Germany; younger generations are rethinking the pursuit of wealth.

Here are a few excerpts from a recent Wall Street Journal article If Your Co-Workers Are 'Quiet Quitting,' Here's What That Means by Lindsay Ellis and Angela Yang on Aug. 12, 2022:

"It isn't about getting off the company payroll, these employees say. In fact, the idea is to stay on it-- but focus your time on the things you do outside of the office.
Paige West, 24, said she stopped overextending herself at a former position as a transportation analyst in Washington, D.C., less than a year into the job. Work stress had gotten so intense that, she said, her hair was falling out and she couldn't sleep. While looking for a new role, she no longer worked beyond 40 hours each week, didn't sign up for extra training and stopped trying to socialize with colleagues.

Mr. Khan explained the concept this way: "You're quitting the idea of going above and beyond."

"You're no longer subscribing to the hustle-culture mentality that work has to be your life," he said.

Mr. Khan says he and many of his peers reject the idea that productivity trumps all; they don't see the payoff.

"One factor Gallup uses to measure engagement is whether people feel their work has purpose. Younger employees report that they don't feel that way, the data show."

Josh Bittinger, a 32-year-old market-research director at a management-consulting company, said people who stumble on the phrase "quiet quitting" may assume it encourages people to be lazy, when it actually reminds them to not work to the point of burnout."

1. The nature of work has changed due to the dominance of capital and globalization.

The pressure to increase productivity has been increasing for decades even as everyday life has become more demanding. Even a 40-hour a week job can cause burnout when the workplace is a toxic pressure cooker.

Globalization has a role in this, as the Neoliberal "solution" is to make everything into a market. In terms of work, the net result is everyone is competing with the rest of the world for work in "tradeable" sectors.

This Neoliberal iteration of capitalism favors capital over labor on many levels. Capital is mobile and can enter and exit global markets in seconds. Labor does not have the same mobility. Capital can find cheaper sources of labor somewhere on the planet, and can move and shutter factories, call centers, etc. at will to boost profits. The net result is that labor has lost political and pricing power. Workers were basically told to accept lower compensation and security to keep their jobs.

A more pernicious expression of this dominance of capital over labor is the increasing demands for effort that isn't compensated. This has many manifestations: the expectation that "everyone" will work overtime for free, take work home, be on call all weekend, etc.

Here's an example: when chatting with a flight attendant a few years ago on a domestic flight, the attendant told me that their hourly pay stops when the aircraft's wheels touch the runway. This isn't the end of their work, of course, but it was the end of their pay.

Readers have sent me videos of clueless U.S.-based Big Tech interns who do no real work but who jet around to useless meetings, gorge on free food at lavish corporate canteens, etc., but the reality for most of the workforce is work is demanding.

Managers who once had secretaries (the "Mad Men" era) now are expected to do their own correspondence, etc. Even being on call for random shifts reflects the powerlessness of labor and the dominance of capital, a dominance driven by the open-ended competition of Globalization and the enormous advantages offered to corporations and the already-wealthy by Financialization, which lowered the cost of capital to the financial elite while maintaining high rates of interest for the workforce.

All the "above and beyond" is essentially unpaid labor, a reflection of capital's dominance of labor, whose share of the national income and political power declined for 45 years. This long decline has finally reversed, as labor scarcities are changing the power relations of labor and capital.

2. Labor scarcities are permanent due to demographic and social dynamics.

One rarely examined trend is the remarkable rise of disability as an alternative to work. This is a topic fraught with emotion, but the data shows that millions of workers are living on disability entitlements with disabilities that would not have qualified as permanent disabilities in previous generations.

The pandemic lockdown forced households to re-examine their budgets and expectations, and some percentage discovered they could get by on one income if they slashed discretionary spending. These households discovered that having a job was now optional, enabling the second spouse to be pickier about what sort of work they would take.

Socially, the erosion of labor's share of the economy has sparked a systemic reversal as Corporate America is now facing unionizing campaigns after decades of unquestioned power over employees.

The generational expectations of work are also changing, a reality reflected in "lying flat" and "quiet quitting." Younger generations are re-assessing the sacrifices that must be made to claw one's way into the upper-middle class and concluding the meager benefits (a huge mortgage, high-pressure work. no life beyond work, etc.) aren't worth the sacrifice of one's life.

Demographically, the 65+ million Baby Boom generation has continued working far longer than previous generations, but as Boomers leave the workforce, the replacement workforce isn't of the same size or zeitgeist.

"Lying flat" and "quiet quitting" are further reducing the labor force of those willing to sacrifice themselves for employers seeking higher profits.

3. "Lying flat, quiet quitting" and labor scarcities are second order consequences of crushing systemic inequality.

If you detect a Marxist critique here, you're correct. "Lying flat" and "quiet quitting" fit perfectly into a classic Marxist framework of capital's dominance having second-order effects.

(First order effects: every action has a consequence. Second order effects: every consequence has its own consequence.)

Financialization gave capital unlimited access to low-cost credit and access to newly opened global markets for labor, goods, services, assets and risk.

This "nearly free money" and unfettered access to markets starved of credit and teeming with people with few options for cash work was the ideal set-up for capital to exploit cheap labor (at the expense of developed-world labor) and scoop up undervalued assets which could be financialized and sold for quick gains.

One first order effect of globalized Financialization is the rise of credit / asset bubbles, as low-cost capital competed for assets that offered yields or potential capital gains.

The second-order effect of Financialization is the cost of raising a family and owning a home soared out of reach for many workers.

In the most desirable cities, only the highest-paid workers can afford a house. Those with average jobs and pay have been priced out.

As the purchasing power of wages deflated, assets inflated. This is a global phenomenon. A Chinese worker making $10,000 a year has no hope of buying a $500,000 flat in a first or second-tier city. The average worker in Copenhagen or Tokyo is also priced out.

I've often showed charts which show the vast majority of all income and wealth gains in the era of hyper-Globalization and hyper-Financialization (roughly 1985 to the present) have flowed to the top.

Those relatively few workers with scarce skills benefited from capital's need for specialized skills while the wages of the bottom 95% lost purchasing power.

Those with access to cheap capital reaped the vast majority of the gains from asset bubbles. This reality is documented in these links:

Lying flat and quiet quitting are second order consequences of crushing systemic inequality. There is no reason to sacrifice one's life for employers' profits when the supposed rewards are so far out of reach.

Japan offers an interesting case study of second-order effects of systemic inequality and a stagnant economy.

There is a thick overlay of face-saving propaganda about Japan, but beneath this heavily promoted gloss the social consequences are striking: arubaito and Hikkormori.

Arubaito is part-time, impermanent work, from the German word for work, arbeit. Those who don't get into elite universities or who have given up aspiring to get into elite universities work low-level, low-pay jobs, often part-time. They spend their time pursuing hobbies and amusement, as they don't make enough to get married, have kids and buy a house, and never will.

(Those with an interest in Japan's unpublicized elite would do well to study the character of Kaburagi in the Japanese TV series Aibou - Partners in English.)

Hikkikomori, literally translated as "pulling inward, being confined," is the total withdrawal from society, also known as acute social withdrawal.

These individuals withdraw into their room at home and rarely leave. Japan now has a serious social problem: what to do with these people once their aging parents die and there's no one left to take care of them.

This may seem extreme but within the context of Japanese culture, this is a manifestation of giving up as a result of being unable to withstand the unrelenting pressures of high work and social expectations.

In my terminology, both arubaito and hikkikomori are manifestations of social defeat: there is no way for average people to achieve the dream of middle-class security and family and meet the absurdly demanding expectations for the "perfect" marriage, family, career, etc.

What are the second-order consequences of the global abandonment of the struggle to attain middle-class status and wealth? Here are a few:

1. There won't be a younger generation with the means or interest in buying all the global Baby Boomers' overvalued assets.

2. Those inheriting their Boomer parents' assets which they assume they can sell at today's bloated prices will be shocked at the decline of the valuation once the massive supply overhang hits the market.

3. Younger generations with little interest in trying to make a lot of money to sock away for a distant retirement will not be funneling earnings into stocks, bonds, real estate investment trusts, etc.

The demand for financial assets will decline, and sellers will find a dearth of buyers. As demand for the vast oversupply of financial assets falls, so will price.

4. As labor demands an equalization of income and power, corporations will be hard-pressed to extract more profits from labor. Profits will be pressured for many reasons, including labor costs.

5. Consumption may hold up better than expected as younger workers spend their earnings on experiences and enjoying life rather than socking away money or devoting it to paying mortgages and property taxes.

6. The sacrifices required to live in high-rent cities - the equivalent of a mortgage - will push younger workers out of high-priced cities, eventually reducing demand and rents. If cities decay per my forecast, this migration could gather momentum much faster than the mainstream expects.

This doesn't exhaust the second-order effects of the destabilizing inequality generated by hyper-Globalization and hyper-Financialization, and the unraveling of these two forces will generate additional consequences few conventional analysts and pundits anticipate.

by Charles Hugh Smith at on October 6, 2022

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Quantum Bayesianism versus the Many Worlds Interpretation

Anyone taking quantum mechanics seriously is faced with strange choices in thinking about the nature of reality and our place in it. Reality really is "spooky," as Einstein feared. But what is that spookiness telling us? No one really knows. Every interpretation of quantum mechanics is forced to accept something about reality that seems really, really weird.

On October 4, 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three researchers: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger. These scientists’ work opened up new frontiers in quantum weirdness to study. What their findings also showed is that the most philosophically challenging aspects of quantum mechanics are also its most essential. Those challenges mean that anyone taking quantum mechanics seriously is faced with strange choices in thinking about the nature of reality and our place in it. That is what I want to focus on today.

To be explicit, the three physicists share their prize for their studies of quantum entanglement. When particles are entangled, they can no longer be thought of as having separate properties. Imagine I have two particles with properties that I cannot know before I take measurements of them. But if the particles are entangled, then a measurement of just one out of the pair instantly establishes what a measurement on the other would produce. This is true even if the particles are separated by a distance so large that there would be no chance for them to communicate in the time it would take to measure one and then the other. In this way, entangled particles seem to form a coherent whole across space and time.

Entanglement is exactly the kind of “spooky action at a distance” that Einstein was famously concerned about in quantum mechanics. It’s why he felt quantum theory was somehow incomplete, meaning there must be something about it we have yet to understand. 

What Einstein wanted was a physics that returned us to a classical view of reality — a view where things have their own distinct properties, regardless of whether a measurement of those properties was made or not. In 1964 Irish physicist John Stewart Bell proposed a way to clearly differentiate Einstein’s vision of reality from the spookier quantum version. Measuring entanglement was the key. It took a few decades, but eventually measurements of separate entangled particles became commonplace, and in every experiment, Einstein lost. Reality really is spooky.

But what exactly is that spookiness telling us? The answer is that no one knows. Unlike classical physics, quantum mechanics always requires an interpretation to be pinned on top of mathematical formalism. Whereas Newtonian physicists could easily imagine their laws of motion governing atoms that acted just like tiny billiard balls, quantum physicists never had any such assurance. The heart of the dilemma comes with the role of measurement. Quantum mechanics is famous for its wave-particle duality, where an electron, for example, will behave as a wave or a particle depending on which kind of experiment you perform. It’s the choice of measurement — of a wave kind or a particle kind — that seems to determine the result.

So, is the electron a wave spread out through space, or is it a particle holding just a single position at any one time? And why should the choice made by a measurer have any effect? What is a measurement anyway, and what is a measurer? Is it always a person — an observer — or does any interaction with any kind of “thing” count? The answers to these questions cannot be found in the mathematical theory — at least not yet. That leaves people to interpret the mathematics according to the features of the reality they think the mathematics must express. But the problem is that no one agrees on which interpretation is correct, and the interpretations can vary wildly. And the spookiness of quantum cannot be made to go away — every interpretation is forced to accept something about reality that seems really, really weird.

For example, the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics holds that there is still a reality out there independent of measurers, but there is a price paid for this view. Every measurement — in other words, every interaction with anything — forces the Universe to split into a near infinity of copies. Each of these many worlds holds one of the possible measurement results.

In Quantum Bayesianism, on the other hand, the measurements of quantum mechanics never reveal the world in itself, but our interactions with the world. QBism has no problem explaining the importance of measurements, but it gives up on the dream (or fantasy) of a perfectly objective view of reality. As you can see, the Many Worlds interpretation is very different from Quantum Bayesianism. But each shows the kinds of choices you must make when you try to ask what quantum mechanics tells us about reality. If someone could tell us which choice we simply have to make, well, that would be worth another Nobel Prize.

by Adam Frank at on October 6, 2022


"The next war in Europe will be between Russia and fascism, except that fascism will be called democracy.” 

Fidel Castro

Saturday, October 15, 2022


“Matthew and other messengers of the light talk about the importance of forgiveness. How can anyone forgive people who commit unspeakable atrocities like satanists do? If they are reptilians pretending to be human, does forgiveness still apply?”   

Forgiveness, like love, starts with self. Only by loving self and forgiving self of perceived or actual wrongdoings can one extend those feelings to others. And love, which encompasses forgiveness, is not understood.

Love is far, far more than the emotion it is considered to be! It is the same energy as light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, and the origin of everything in existence. It is the composition of the soul, the godself of every life in this universe. The capacity to feel and receive love is limitless and so are the ways it can be expressed.

Forgiveness is the innate capacity of the soul to separate a person’s actions from the soulself or godself or I AM self, and not condemn the soul. It isn’t an instantaneous reaction like emotions are—for instance, ecstasy of a mother holding her newborn, relief of a hiker who emerges from a forest after being lost for three fearful days, or gratitude for the offer of assistance to complete an arduous task. Forgiveness, whose components are compassion and understanding, is more likely to come gradually, and never does it mean tolerating or condoning any individual’s injurious behavior, much less unconscionable acts!

People who commit heinous crimes come into the world as the pure love-light essence of Creator, the source of energy souls use to manifest bodies as humans, reptilians or any other species within this universe. For reasons unique to each, some individuals start succumbing to the lure of power and act upon that enticement through meanness, deviousness and lying.

As that behavior becomes more extensive and crueler, the light in those individuals keeps dimming until the heart-space is a dark void wherein there is no conscience or other guidance from the soul to the consciousness. With only the spark of light that is the body’s life force, they become captives of the dark forces and act as its puppets. That is what happened to the weakest souls in the universal family, the Satanists. They became capable of happily committing acts that to others of all species in all civilizations are unspeakable, unthinkable.

It isn’t likely that anyone can feel genuinely lovingly toward those individuals or even neutral about them, but it is possible to hate them. Hatred isn’t the opposite of love, it is the absence of love, a deeply internalized feeling that springs from the ego, and its low vibrations form a barrier between the soul and the consciousness. That leads to dis-ease and, at physical death, individuals who hate are automatically drawn by the physics of this universe to a very low level of multi-layered Nirvana where everything is in consonance with those individuals’ vibrations. They live in those dismal conditions until they are willing to accept the love-light energy that can replace all traces of hatred, and some refuse for centuries in your concept of time. That is how destructive hatred is!

Forgiveness comes from the divinity of the soul, the godself, just as love does. It radiates the high vibrations that uplift the heart and mind of the forgiver, who sends forth an abundance of light into the world and grows in soul evolution. Upon transition from physical life, persons who forgive enter one of Nirvana’s top layers, where they live actively and harmoniously in that wondrous spirit world’s amazing diversity until they are ready to incarnate in an advanced world in keeping with their evolved status and choice. That is how powerful forgiveness is!

Yes, forgiveness applies to reptilians, with whom you are energetically connected at soul level just as you are with all other lives in all other species throughout this universe. And let us correct the fallacy that reptilians are an ungodly species. Many more souls that incarnate as reptilians are benevolent than are malevolent, and individuals of each persuasion were or still are in your midst. Some commit acts of pure evil and others live within the light. Many members of the ever-vigilant extraterrestrial special forces, who are among the most effective lightworkers on the planet because they can use all of their innate capabilities, are reptilians.

Your steadfastness in the truth of the light continues to be invaluable in helping Earth’s civilization manifest the planet’s Golden Age.  All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love.

from October 3, 2022 Message from Matthew Ward at

Friday, October 14, 2022

Living in the Light of Our Heart

Whatever we think and feel has an electromagnetic vibration that shapes our personal energy signature, which radiates into the quantum field that envelops us, attracting energetic patterns that resonate with our own. Although we are accustomed to having thoughts and feelings flow through us according to patterns in our ego-consciousness, we can intentionally direct our thoughts and emotions through the focus of our attention. What is important is the polarity and vibratory frequency of our focus.

If we are negative, harboring anger or fear, we can imagine experiencing things that we want, but they will come into our lives along with unfulfilling challenges to our well-being. Positivity creates positive experiences. Everything begins with our own perspective and state of being. We are constantly being creative. It is our nature and the essence of who we are. What keeps us from realizing our creative ability is our attraction to doubt.

In order to manifest the fulfillment of the desires of our heart, we must be in alignment with its vibratory energy. This is where we realize what we truly know. Since the process of knowing is different for each of us, we must develop our own intuitive sensitivity by focusing on inner awareness. This involves making peace with our ego-consciousness, so that we can relax into a state of serenity, listen to our inner sound current and ideally find the space between waking and sleeping, when the ego is silent. This is where we can expand into our infinite Self.

Much intentional practice may be required to achieve this level of Self-Realization, but along the way we can realize great personal transformation, guided by the energy of the heart of our Being, which comes into our awareness when we seek it, ask for it and are open and receptive. We can direct our awareness into alignment with the most positive, wonderful experiences that we can imagine, and then hold this focus, as we allow unconditional love and gratitude to flow over, around and through us.

When we can remain positive in every circumstance, we experience miracles and great vitality. We open the way for a life filled with abundance and joy. This is our natural state of being. It is a state of complete confidence in love and fulfillment for ourselves, as well as all conscious beings. It is the radiant and magnetic energy of our ascension.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on October 6, 2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Evolution of Extreme Thinking

Trump may not be perfect but he’s a damn sight better than these phony PC ‘Democrats’ & their allies who seek to smash free speech & dialogue.

Larry Pinkney, one of the original founders of the Black Panther Party

The fact that one of the founding members of the original Black Panther Party, Larry Pinkney, sees Donald Trump as “a damn sight better than these phony P.C. Democrats” is interesting enough in itself.  However, what is even more interesting is that no one knows this because Pinkney’s views, which deliver a body blow to the essential Democrat-media Trump-racism narrative, have been censored by the media.  If one clicks on the link to Pinkney’s tweet praising Donald Trump’s positive policies for black people in the Wikipedia article one is sent to a site in which Twitter informs the peasants that the relevant tweet is unavailable because it is from a “suspended account.”  Once again, it appears that our media overlords have deemed that the peasants may not be permitted to have access to certain views or information that contradicts their partisan world view.

Pickney is, admittedly, not an unproblematic character. Forty years ago in his radical days, Pickney spent five years in a Canadian prison for attempted extortion.  However, there is such a thing as growing up and there is such a thing as redemption.  The point is that people should be permitted to state their opinions in the United States.

Pickney’s case is reminiscent of another Black Panther from the 1960s, Eldridge Cleaver, who, while a member of the Panthers, called for an armed insurrection to overthrow the U.S. government and replace it by a black socialist government.  On April 6, 1968, Cleaver, with 14 other Black Panthers armed with M16 rifles and shotguns, engaged in a shootout with police in which the 17-year-old Panther, Bobby Hutton, was killed.  Cleaver was charged with attempted murder and sent to prison but was released two months later.  He even, during this time, gave some lectures at the University of California at Berkeley. 

Cleaver challenged the governor of California at the time, Ronald Reagan, to a duel and threatened to beat him to death.  He also admitted to plotting to assassinate Reagan. Cleaver’s parole was revoked but on Nov. 24, 1968, three days before he was due to turn himself in to the police, he fled to Cuba and spent the next seven years travelling through various socialist and communist countries, including Algeria, North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union, before settling down for a period in France.  Cleaver also developed a strange alliance with the communist government in North Korea and its strange reclusive leader, Kim Il Sung.

However, experiencing the joys of socialism and communism first-hand in numerous leftist Utopias around the world, as opposed to daydreaming about them in Sociology 101, has a way of opening one’s eyes.  In a 1986 interview with Reason magazine, Cleaver explained that he had once sought to “fight against what I saw as the evils of our [American] system” but when he visited countries “like Cuba or Algeria or the Soviet Union” and saw the way they treated their own people “it was shocking to me. I didn’t want to believe it, because it meant that [my earlier radical] politics was wrong.”

Disillusioned with socialism and communism and homesick for the United States, Cleaver returned to America, even though he was still facing a murder charge and a charge for skipping bail.  Apparently, facing a murder charge in the United States is significantly preferable to being given the red-carpet treatment in the various socialist and communist paradises around the world.  In 1977 he surrendered to the FBI under a deal in which he pled guilty to the assault charge and was sentenced to 1,200 hours of community service in exchange for dropping the attempted murder charge.

Cleaver later joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints before becoming a Christian conservative, a member of the Republican Party and a supporter of Ronald Reagan, the man he had once wanted to assassinate.  In his later years, Cleaver lived in a modest apartment in Berkeley.  A large American flag, testifying to his gratitude to the United States, flew from his front porch.   

Cleaver may have spent some time at the University of California in Berkeley classrooms but his real education came while living in socialist and communist countries.  Both Cleaver’s and Pickney’s cases show that some people are actually willing to learn from their experience and make the difficult transition from adolescent daydreams to mature thinking.  

Unfortunately, our overlords in the media feel entitled to prevent the peasants from knowing about such stories.  For if the peasants do learn of these stories the elites will be forced to defend their adolescent views, something they are clearly too frightened to do.  This is why many on the Left and in the media are terrified at the news that Elon Musk may actually buy Twitter and return it to the traditional American norm of freedom of speech.

It is much easier to silence people than it is to grow up and it is much easier to call people names than to solve problems.  However, Cleaver and Pickney demonstrate that, though it is difficult to shed one’s adolescent fantasies growing up is both possible and better. 

adapted from article by Richard McDonough at on October 8, 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Greatest Failure in Life

The single greatest failing in life is an unwillingness 

to get out of the old lockstep.

Fungal Brains

  A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions. A group of scientists tested ...