Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Our Cosmic Spiritual Divine Origin

"Your planetary systems exist at once, simultaneously, both in time and in space. The universe that you seem to perceive, either visually or through instruments, appears to be composed of galaxies, stars, and planets, at various distances from you. Basically, however, this is an illusion. Your senses and your very existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in such a way. The universe as you know it is your interpretation of events as they intrude upon your three-dimensional reality. The events are mental.

Remember also that if physical reality IS in a larger sense an illusion, it is an illusion caused by a greater reality. The illusion itself has a purpose and a meaning.

Three-dimensional experience is an invaluable place of training. Your personality as you now know it will indeed persevere and with its memories, but it is only a part of your entire identity, even as your childhood in this life is an extremely important part of your present personality, though now you are far more than a child.

You will continue to grow and develop, and you became aware of other environments, even as you left your childhood home. But environments are not objective THINGS, conglomerations of objects that exist independently of you. Instead you form them and they are quite literally extensions of yourself, materialized mental acts that extend outward from your consciousness." :: Seth Speaks, Session 519.

According to the perennial philosophy of wisdom, our current humanity has fallen from a higher state of being (awareness) in forgetting our connection to Source, and as a result we have been temporally sleeping in a coma-like state forgetting that we are celestial beings that descended into a terrestrial experience. We may say that as human beings we have existed for millions of years at least in many galaxies, including the Milky Way. As spiritual beings of light we have existed for what appears to be INFINITY.

Considering the new evidence, we may say today that human beings are powerful light beings with a major amnesia problem, forgetting their celestial origin.

We may now understand that before the existence (creation) of the physical realms (the material universe) or the lower heavens, we were light beings, all different sparks or rays of the all-powerful living light that has always existed. In fact, we are all different expressions of this infinite one light, which is the true spiritual meaning of monotheism. So in that regard, we are infinite by nature since light is infinite.

It is the conversion of this light that created the many different vibrational planes of reality, as they appear to be infinite in number, and out of those possible planes of reality, we happened to know and perceive only a small percentage of the entire light-energy spectrum. For in the earlier state of existence, light existed in its purest form as there was no matter in the pre-material realm. According to quantum observations, this light energy has never been created nor can it ever be destroyed as proven by the Second Law of Thermonuclear Dynamics since energy is converted to light. Therefore, light and energy are the foundation of what we call GOD and it is eternal.” :: Ismael Perez, Our Cosmic Origin, pp. 29-30.

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