Saturday, October 29, 2022

Bringing Down the Light

Duality, or the perception of separation from Source, serves its purpose in the process of ascension and descension, for it allows all souls involved in the process to realize their Oneness and interrelation with all others while appearing separated. This allows all opposites to integrate as they were in the celestial and etheric spheres before their descent into material duality. We began as celestial beings with a pure body of light; then we proceeded in becoming intelligence operating with etheric bodies; then we finally descended or coelesced into a physical organic body as a final condensing of our energy field. It is important to understand that when we whole light beings enter the final phase of our descent, embodying a vehicle of flesh and blood, we become only a portion of our total self. And since we are the first spirit, we must descend into matter and bring down our divine spirit into matter as well as ultimately ascend our matter back into spirit, thus completing our perfection as made in the image of our Creator... who has also in a previous creation cycle gone through the same process as all of us in this current creation cycle.

Each cycle is known as one universal round and it is a process every spirit being takes in order to achieve the greatest experience and the highest degree of exaltation (ascension). This allows for each soul to explore and experience all levels and facets of the overall spectrum of the unified energy field... with the result of re-uniting our individualized unit of consciousness with the all-universal (Christ) consciousness. The whole purpose of the universal round is so that all the sparks of light (children of God) may evolve like our creator God – so that eventually man may ascend and continue to follow new cycles of creation into the never-ending realms of cosmos as creator gods, as done so by our own creator God in our current round. Even our own science has confirmed that there are multuple universes, and that the creation of more universes appears to be happening at every moment as part of a mysterious ongoing eternal process.

In other words, since our Creator is perfect, the Creator provides the same grounds of experience so that every spark of light (God's children) may follow in the same footsteps (blueprint). This explains why the cosmos operates according to divine laws and why there is a set system of what esoteria and mystics call a patterned blueprint in the unfolding of everything. It is the same system of involution (descent) and evolution (ascent) that serves to create universes and worlds beyond number, all following and being fashioned by the same universal principles of the always existing and expanding mother universe.

Therefore, since we are all evolving together, we all follow the same universal cosmic blueprint of descension and ascension, as we are all subject to the same universal laws and principles... except that in the descent we tend to lose our memory of our oneness with All That Is – which serves a purpose to eventually rediscover what we have lost, reconnect, and in the process inherit a spiritualized physical vehicle as we reunite with our spirit self, consciously and by our own volition, allowing our light body to spiritualize organic matter.

The middle heavens are a replica of the higher heavens, so the plan was to bring the same blueprint into material reality (AS IT IS IN HEAVEN SO SHALL IT BE ON EARTH) that completes the last phase of this grand cosmic unfolding.

by Ismael Perez, Our Cosmic Origin, pp. 38-39.

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