Sunday, November 27, 2022

Time to Remember

We came to make the magic happen, re-membering our true power, gifts, abilities and wisdom, to make the i'm-possible possible and the invisible visible.



IT'S ALL ABOUT ALIGNMENT & EMBODIMENT now and all-ways, this is what ignites the Edenic/ Paradisian and Ascension keys and codes and Realities, from within your DNA and morphogenetic field.

WE HOLD THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM WITHIN our Diamond Heart-Minds and Divine Blueprints, which ignite through our own inner healing work and embodiment.

The most powerful Quantum REALity shifts and full disclosure is unfolding, as all that is false and untrue is being exposed and revealed for what it is, WITHIN & WITHOUT! This Ascension process is not for the faint of heart but for Brave-Hearts and it will be the most challenging thing you will ever do! We came here to help make this Ascension happen and fully re-claim our light/ quantum, gifts, abilities and power! No-one else can do that for you, nor we for any other! Yet we are also here to support One another, in whatever way that is being shown to us.

Shine bright like the Diamond Sun that you are!

Re-member that all challenges/ initiations are all-ways helping you to step fully into your power! We have to fully re-claim it all, because we gave it away!

With all the imposter energies, negative entities, shadow beings, and our and the collective shadow body fully clearing now, the false Matrix realities and timelines fully dissolving and collapsed now, which can cause a lot of chaos. Those that have been energetically and otherwise attacking us, trying to steal our light, keys, codes and gifts, are being fully exposed as ALL IS REVEALED!

Our multi-dimensional gifts, abilities, wisdom and true memories of our Cosmic Origins and history records are being fully ignited from deep within us now as we free ourselves from all remaining interference patterns and victim energy, which only happens when we fully re-claim our Sovereignty and heal all of our wounds and traumas.

When we have fully awakened from the dream of the illusion, there is..

NOW-HERE to go to.

No-thing to do,

but just BE

..atOne with it ALL.

Fully SURRENDERing ALL OF YOUr false self to Source to be re-born aNew! As well as us listening to our own inner guidance above all else and being the change that makes the shift happen! It's BOTH. We are after all Sources boots on the Ground, Cosmic Christ Consciousness embodied, fully realised in human form.

This is all about you getting to KNOW THYSELF, and fully embodying and aligning with your TRUE authentic SELF, and nobody else can tell you who that is and what that looks like, besides YOU! That's you also re-claiming your SOVEREIGNTY and TRUE POWER! That's you getting to KNOW YOURSELF AS SOURCE & ATONE WITH ALL!

Dissolve into the ONEness and no-thingness that you are and all is.

FULLY RE-MEMBERING YOUR ETERNAL SELF, The ONE who does not die and has never been born, who is free of all illusions of fear.

AWAKENing FROM THE DREAM within the dream..

You have to re-member that you are the Avatar in the video game and step fully into your power, to master the dream to CO-CREATE ALL NEW WORLD'S!

Us coming back together with our true Soul family and Twinflames/ Divine Counterparts is what helps us heal and clear any remaining debris from our and the Planetary field now. That is us co-creating together as ONE again. This is how the Edenic/ Paradisian and Ascension Earth keys and codes are being fully ignited from within us.

That is us fully healing and igniting the Planetary Tribal Shield and Earth's Morphogenetic field, and return to organic and Mother's Supermagnetism. It's all part of our Monadic and Multi-dimensional merging and integration, all being triggered by us healing and fully opening our sacred Crystal Diamond Rose Hearts in pure True Divine Love, which along with the Planetary Diamond Rose Heart and Crystalline networks and Technologies, are being fully activated and hold the Key to our New Earth Realities and Abundance!

Love truly is the (new) currency.

And a healed Heart is an invincible Heart as LOVE is what HEALS ALL willing Heart-Minds NOW.

TRUE SELF-LOVE IS THE KEY to all of this!!!

afrom the Facebook page of Ramona Lappin on November 13, 2022

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