Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A History of Lies, Propaganda, and Disinformation

Much of the history we have been taught is not true. Hitler was made to be the fall guy after World War II, but was in fact probably a political genius. He knew multiculturalism will always be a failed strategy for an enlightened society. Hitler was loved by the German people and was not the homicidal maniac that history paints him as. Western propaganda made Hitler the demon we have been indoctrinated with.

Hitler put the German people above all else. He kicked out the banks and created a currency based on labor. Germany recovered from the depression ahead of all other nations. Germany issued interest free loans for houses, created the Volkswagen for mass public transportation, and built the autobahns for its people to drive on.

After the Second World War, with the Cold War starting, Churchill stated “I think we slaughtered the wrong pig here” - a clear reference to the fact Britain would have been better helping Germany defeat Soviet Russia, or at least staying out completely. In his monumental six volume The Second World War Sir Winston Churchill, British wartime Prime Minister, never makes any reference to gas chambers or a planned mass extermination of European Jews. This is despite the fact he goes in to great detail about virtually every facet of World War Two including many atrocities committed by the Nazis. Was there really a horrific holocaust of Jews or was it all a fabricated story line to suit an agenda?

The world today very much resembles the world of one hundred years ago. Hitler understood the world of 2023 perhaps better than many public figures today... and instituted solutions. Listen carefully to the words he spoke in a variety of public speeches to the German people, and ask if they sound like he is talking about the world we live in today.

Germany was once a democracy, but we have been plundered and squeezed dry. Are you willing to continue to be plundered? Are you stupid enough to keep quiet as this continues? When a democracy is stupid enough not to stand up, why is that good? But when a people do stand up and refuse to be plundered further, why is that deemed bad?

In reality, money rules. They talk about freedom of the press, when in fact all the media reports to one owner. The press then shapes public opinion.

Political parties are no different from one another; they are all the same.

One would think that in a country with such freedom and wealth that all its people would experience a comfortable lifestyle, but the opposite is the case.

In these so-called “democracies”, the people are by no means the main focus of attention. What matters most is a select group of “democracy makers” - a small group of giant capitalists who control production and own most of the shares who ultimately “lead” the people, without having the slightest interest in them whatsoever.

They are the globalists who conduct business everywhere. It is a small, rootless, international clique that turns the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace.

They can suppress us. They can kill us. But we will not capitulate.

It is a struggle against a people that seemingly have omnipotent power in our nation, a struggle against satanic power that has taken over our whole country, who have been able to grip key positions of our intellectual and spiritual life, as well as our political and economic life. From these key positions they have been able to control and monitor everything about our lives, even to prosecute at will, even against the law. Those who have fought back and provided any sort of resistance to the overriding system of control and manipulation have been dealt with severely, and often without justice. War is upon us.

The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people. And for the sake of the people we will struggle and fight. And never tire or give up. Never lose courage and never despair.

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