Thursday, November 30, 2023

More Distant than the Stars and Nearer than the Eye

The first part of the title—“more distant than stars and nearer than the eye” is a phrase from T. S. Eliot’s poem Marina which is generally considered to be one of the poems dealing with the poet’s experience of conversion into Anglo-Catholicism. Eliot used the phrase “more distant than stars and nearer than the eye” to gesture towards a mystery involving a deeply felt religious or mystical experience. It is extraordinarily different, distant from all other experiences, and yet at the same time it has the sense of being an essentially intimate experience of the self.

Additionally, the Christian connotations of Eliot’s phrase add yet another dimension to the issue at hand: the commonality of mystical experience in Sufism and Hindu devotional practice. Also, there are people who would have us believe that Islam and Hinduism are so radically different from one another, so distant from one another that there could be no point of contact.

In this paper my attempt is to emphasize the commonality between the Islamic mystical tradition of Sufism and Hindu devotional practice exemplified by mystics such as Ramakrishna Paramhamsa whose journey towards Truth is through the practice of intense devotion for God.

There is of course, divergence of scholarly opinion on the question of Sufism’s relationship with Islam: whether it is integral to Islamic tradition or whether it is at the periphery or even outside Islamic practice. I think such questions arise because of the clearly mystical dimension of Sufism, but can anyone deny something that is at the source of the entire Islamic tradition—the Prophet’s mystical communication with divinity?

Prophet Muhammad’s repeated communication with the archangel Gabriel is essentially a wonderful mystical experience, perhaps the biggest and the most marvelous mystical occurrence of all times as far as Muslims are concerned. Of course, mystical experiences are deeply personal experiences and resist all kinds of attempts at institutional or rational explanation.

When we talk of the commonalities among mystical experiences of the Sufis and those of mystics from the Hindu bhakti-marga tradition, we must, however, remember that even as we look at the commonalities we must not forget the distinctive and divergent qualities of each tradition. After all, Sufi thought is essentially rooted in Islamic ideas and the Holy Quran just as Hindu devotion is connected to some of the ideas of the Hindu scriptures.

There is a special need of understanding and appreciating this idea—the idea of the uniqueness of each tradition even as we talk of their common ground—because nowadays there are too many so called New Age gurus who are out to dilute the richness and the variety that the world’s religions have to offer. They tend to make a hotchpotch of all religions and sell that off as a modern or postmodern spiritual tonic.

Today, ultra-modern experts on religion and spirituality are trying to sell religion in the shopping malls. Health clubs and wellness institutes in the West teach what they describe as Sufi dancing.

“New Age spiritual gurus sell package deals offering Zen without Buddhism, Vedanta without Hinduism—and now we have a Sufism without Islam.” One mustn’t forget that Sufism developed from within Islamic traditions, and that although Sufism, like other mystic traditions, “offers universal ethics and meditation practices, its internal spiritual current cannot be alienated from its outward Islamic dimensions.”

Thus, even as we look at the commonalities among the mystical practices involving Sufism and Hindu bhakti-marga, we must understand the essentially Islamic character of Sufism.

Perhaps the commonalities exist because mystical experiences in all religious traditions share many common features. What William James said about mystical experience more than a hundred years ago still holds good. He said all mystical experience is characterized by ineffability, noetic quality, transiency, and passivity.

For James a mystical state of consciousness is ineffable in the sense that it defies expression; the mystic cannot adequately communicate his or her experience to others. A mystical experience is noetic in character because it provides knowledge, often knowledge which cannot be attained by the discursive intellect. Mystical experiences are transient, lasting only a few moments or for a brief period of time.

James also says that these experiences are passive states, with the mystics reporting that such experiences seem to be imposed on them. Of course, many mystics, including Sufis, prepare themselves in various ways for entering into these special states of consciousness, but when the moment comes, it has the effect of occurring on its own and not being dependent on volition.

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, the great Bengali mystic, has talked about the difficulty he faced in communicating the nature of his Samadhi, a deep mystical trance. Speaking in the language of parables, Ramakrishna says that a salt doll went to measure the depth of the sea, but could not come back to report its findings. Similarly, he has talked about the transitory character of mystical experiences.

He says that one can have a strikingly deep insight into the reality or the self during the moment of mystical ecstasy, but that insight can suddenly go away: it is like someone separating the thick covering of water lettuce on the surface of a water body and looking in to see a reflection of the face. The moment one takes one’s hands away from the water lettuce, the thick green covering closes as before, and the reflection is lost.

Mystical experiences are not understood easily, but they never fail to fascinate people. It is true that “Mysticism is one of the least understood aspects of spiritual experience. It is, in a sense, hidden from the regular religious practitioner—a sometimes mysterious and strange aspect of the religious life.

Nevertheless, it has never failed to attract people through the centuries”. In all religious traditions, mystics aspire for immediate and intimate contact with God and do not seem to lay much stress on following the mainstream orthodox tradition with all the official rites and rituals. Many great Hindu devotees including Ramakrishna insist that one must attain true discretion by never forgetting that the world is not real and that God alone is real.

Sufism also lays great emphasis on remembrance, and what needs to be remembered is “the reality, the real (haqq), which is nothing but the plain fact of God’s activity and presence in the world and the soul.”

The experience of connectedness with God that Sufism and other mystical traditions share is something that is valuable and reassuring for many people. Despite the spread of a global, urban culture based on technology, trade, consumerism and careerism, many people feel incomplete or even empty without realizing the spiritual dimension of their selves.

Also, “For many of us, the idea that we are part of something greater, which is also a part of us in return, is a reassuring idea. It provides a sense of purpose and significance in life. Such a mystical idea has been with us for a long time in various forms and in various traditions. Yet there is a timelessness about such ideas. They appeal to human beings in all ages, including our computer-based, globalized society.”

It is perhaps in this context that we may understand why, for instance, the poetry of the Sufi saint Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) is so popular in the west today. Sufi saints have never stopped with the attainment of their personal contact with the Divine, but have always made use of their esoteric experience by reaching out to the people, teaching them how to enrich their spiritual lives, how to be good Muslims, good human beings.

Rumi, for instance, wrote poetry in order to transform his listeners and readers, to take them out of themselves, to make them drunk with the Divine.

In this disenchanted contemporary age, rootless human beings float aimlessly in a sort of postmodern illusoriness, and what Rumi has to offer has significance for all of us. His poetry ignites a yearning for attaining greater levels of awareness in ourselves, for connecting with something unimaginably greater than ourselves, a life-enhancing whole.

The Western Christian concept of mystical union or unio mystica, the moksha or “salvation” of Hinduism, the state of bliss or nirvana in Buddhism and “the snuffing out of self” or fana in Islam are actually allied experiences. We can also see this as the result of the bonding that takes place between the individual soul and God.

In her book The Essentials of Mysticism and Other Essays Evelyn Underhill considers the criticism that mystics have to face regarding the allegedly closed, individual nature of their experiences. If a mystical experience cannot be represented in ordinary language, what use does it have save perhaps for some personal satisfaction to the mystic herself?

Underhill argues that the great mystic is not a spiritual individualist cut off from the rest of the world, but a representative of the age: The great mystic’s loneliness is a consecrated loneliness. When he ascends to that encounter with Divine Reality which is his peculiar privilege, he is not a spiritual individualist.

He goes as the ambassador of the race. His spirit is not, so to speak, a “spark flying upwards” from this into that world, flung out from the mass of humanity, cut off; a little, separate, brilliant thing. It is more like a feeler, a tentacle, which life as a whole stretches out into that supersensual world which envelops him.

Underhill further asserts that after his union with Divine Reality, the true mystic reaches out to his fellow beings, passing on to them the revelation that he has received, becoming something like a mediator between the transcendent and his fellow human beings. Thus, it is wrong to argue that mystics are aloof from the realities of the world and are cocooned in their own esoteric, personal experiences.

An overwhelming consciousness of God and of one’s own soul constitutes one of the important features of any mystical experience including Sufi experience. According to Palmer, “The Sufis consider it an axiom that the world must have had a Creator. They affirm that He is One, Ancient, First and Last, the End and Limit of all things, Incomparable, Unchangeable, Indivisible, and Immaterial, not subject to the laws of time, place, or direction; possessing the attributes of holiness, and exempt from all opposite qualities.”

Sufis are known for their scrupulous observance of divine law as stated in the Quran and the traditional sayings of the Prophet. Throughout the ages, Sufis have also been actively educating the masses and deepening the spiritual lives of Muslims.

One of the evidences of the commonality of the mystics’ way is to observe the similar manner in which mystics from Christian, Sufi and other traditions talk about the degrees of spiritual ascent. They talk about many stages through which the soul rises to the highest level of truth.

Thus, the Christian saint St. Teresa talks of seven steps of spiritual ascension just as the Sufi mystics talk of seven stages of the soul’s ascent to God. It is quite obvious that the landmarks described may be different for different traditions, but the road is the same.

That Sufism is not errant Islam but the very core of Islam is evident from the fact that the central personality of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, is not just the central figure in Sufism, but also the axis around which the Sufi world revolves. In fact, Prophet Muhammad is the most perfect of all mystics, in constant contact with God, even in deep sleep, and the Sufi’s endeavor is to venerate the Prophet and follow Him.

For a Sufi, to love and adore the Prophet—who is Habib Allah, i.e., ‘beloved of God’—is to love and adore God. All this is in keeping with the teaching of the Holy Quran which establishes the Prophet’s superiority over all earlier prophets, and warns against referring to or dealing with the Prophet except in the most respectful manner. Sufis believe that Allah the merciful can forgive anything except disrespect or disregard for his beloved Muhammad.

The Bhkati movement of medieval India was fueled by Islam in different ways. Some sections of Hindus, particularly those on the lower rungs of the caste hierarchy, felt attracted towards Islam which did not recognize caste hierarchy and the special privileges of the priestly class. This propelled Hindu leaders to think about ways of saving their religion from extinction, and they found the method of Bhakti to suit their needs perfectly.

Many of the Bhakti reformers preached the unity of God, as in Islam, and also the oneness of humanity. Bhakti reformers like Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev were greatly influenced by the teachings of Sufi saints who taught that the human soul could unite with God through sincere devotion and love for God and for fellow human beings, and that only a true teacher or guru could guide an individual on the path of God realization.

Sufism and Bhakti Marga are parallel in their emphasis on the need of the individual soul’s union with God through intense devotion and their disregard for mere conventional rituals.

Sufism, which spread quickly throughout the Muslim world after its appearance in the 7th century, i.e., the first century of Islam, also reached India at an early date, and interacting with the thought of Indian religious traditions, acquired a new identity in the Indian subcontinent. If we compare the important teachings of the Sufism with those of Bhakti Marga, their many intersections, overlappings and parallelisms become abundantly clear.

Bhakti reformers taught that God was one, although different people might call Him by different names. They taught the importance of good deeds comprising such things as practicing honesty, purity and justice in one’s thought and action and abstaining from greed, dishonesty, selfishness, etc. They emphasized the unity of all human beings and sought to abolish caste hierarchies.

Their worship usually consisted of greatly emotional prayers, the repeating of God’s names and singing His glories. Bhakti Marga generally emphasized the importance of the guru or the spiritual preceptor and belittled the importance of rituals. Many of the Bhakti reformers condemned the worship of idols and stressed the need for realizing God in one’s heart or soul.

Sufi saints taught that the highest good that a human being could achieve was to have direct communion with God, i.e., the union of the human soul with God. For Sufis there is only one God, Allah who is omnipotent. In their desire to achieve union with God Sufis generally renounce the ordinary material pleasures of the world and embrace an ascetic way of life.

Sufis emphasized on non-violence and pacifism so much so that some of the Sufi saints actually became vegetarians and some Hindus may have been attracted to them because of their vegetarianism. They also taught that all human beings were equal in the eye of God, and artificial differences such as caste hierarchies were meaningless. Sufism stressed the importance of the murshid or the spiritual guide who could show the way to a disciple.

Sufi saints insisted on moral practices such as speaking the truth, practicing purity, justice, goodness, not stealing, not hurting anyone in any way, and shunning hypocrisy. It is easy to see how the set of values cherished by the two parties are in fact common values.

Another Indian religion, Sikhism, is a religion which has been influenced by Sufism to a significant extent. In his book A History of the Sikhs. Khuswant Singh has famously asserted that “Sikhism was born out of wedlock between Hindusim and Islam” but there are other scholars who have sometimes questioned the correctness of Singh’s statement.

W. H. McLeod, for instance, has said that Sikhism derives more from the Hindu tradition than from Islam. However, no one can deny that Sikh thought is significantly influenced by Islamic, particularly Sufi, thought and practice.

Finally, a disclaimer: Discussions such as the present one, are usually dependent on information derived from books, but the great mystics of all traditions—Christian, Muslim, Hindu—have often asserted that the knowledge derived from books is inadequate to the actual realization of truth. Understanding mystical experience is ultimately dependent on mystical experience itself!

by Sanjeev Kumar Nath at on October 17, 2023

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Heart of Buddhist Wisdom

Anicca and Anatta – the two core concepts in Buddhism, both stemming directly from the teachings of The Buddha Himself. Anicca, or impermanence, refers to the transient nature of all things, highlighting the constant state of flux in our experiences and the world around us. Anatta, or no-self, challenges the notion of a permanent, unchanging self, asserting instead that what we consider as ‘self’ is a collection of ever-changing components.

Together, Anicca and Anatta form a profound framework for understanding the nature of existence, steering practitioners towards enlightenment. Recognizing the impermanence of all phenomenon leads to a reduction in attachment and craving, as one understands that clinging to the transitory only leads to suffering. This insight directly correlates with the realization of Anatta, as it becomes clear that there is no permanent self to cling to.

This realization is uniquely Buddhist, emerging from Tathagata Buddha’s deep meditative insights. It sets Buddhism apart from other spiritual traditions that might emphasize a permanent soul or self. Through understanding Anicca and Anatta, practitioners are able to see through the illusions of permanence and self, leading to a transformation in perception and a diminishing of ego.

With this transformed perception comes a profound sense of liberation. The relentless pursuit of permanence and stability loses its grip, and the illusion of a separate, enduring self fades away. This does not lead to nihilism, but rather to a more authentic engagement with life, free from the delusions of permanence and self.

The path to awakening in Buddhism is deeply intertwined with understanding Anicca and Anatta. By integrating these concepts into one’s practice and daily life, the practitioner sets forth on a journey towards liberation, navigating through the illusions of existence with wisdom and clarity. The fruits of this journey are immeasurable, as one finds peace and freedom in the heart of impermanence and non-self.

In embracing Anicca and Anatta, one embraces the core of Buddhist wisdom, unlocking the door to a profound and transformative understanding of life. These concepts invite us to look deeply into the nature of existence, guiding us towards a liberation that is both radical and profoundly peaceful.

posted on X by Buddha Beings on November 3, 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

You Are the Ones

You are the ones that came here to be this ascension process. To move this ascension process forward. Without all of you, the Lightworkers and Light-Warriors, without you, the Boots on the Ground, there would be no mass ascension.

But know that you are the ones that are paving the way. Just as John the Baptist paved the way for the Messiah to come those two thousand years ago. You are the ones that are paving the way for those that follow after you through this ascension process. You are the ones that are carrying the Christ Consciousness forward. And as you carry the Christ Consciousness forward, those that come after you can also take on the Christ Consciousness. For it is not for only one, it is for all. All to realize. All to remember and understand, and to be.

You are in these moments right now, moving through this transition, and moving through this ascension process, all of you to be in that first wave of ascension, which is, indeed, at this time fast approaching. Yes, indeed, there will be some rough times still ahead. But you have been preparing for this time. You have been prepared to make it through these times.

It is not for you to fall back ever again. Until such a time that you will choose once again find yourself in this situation again on another planet, another system, whatever is called for. For you will indeed choose to volunteer again. Because as you have heard many times, that’s who you are, each and every one of you. Can you choose to not do that? Yes. It will be up to you. But as you have heard, many of you will turn right back around again after a period of rest and relaxation, after a time of fully remembering who you are, and being able to bask in that new light of truth. After a time, you will likely choose to move again to help another system to go through another system-busting experience. But that time is not now.

The time now is for you to move through this experience. To move through this part of your journey, and to continue to allow everything to move along at its pace, whatever that might be. Whatever that might be within your life right now, know that it is only a moment. A moment.

And in each and every moment, everything changes the next moment. You have to remember that. It is all about your intention. Your intention and allowing for the process, the ascension process to move through you, however that might be. Whatever form it might take for you, that part of your journey.

Only you can live that journey. No one can live it for you. It is your journey. You are all about that journey, and about moving about your Father’s business, moving through your mission, whatever that might be, and whatever form that might take, as you continue to move along through this transition.

Everything, everything is right there now in front of you. Simply find yourself more and more raising your vibrations, keeping your vibrations high–higher, and higher, and higher. And stay out of the low vibrations as much as as you possibly can.

But know that as light attracts light, you will be attracting to yourselves a like vibration to whatever you are in, and therefore you are in the higher vibrations and you will attract others who are also in that higher vibration. Until such a time as you will move into those higher vibrations, and then you will attract others. The light attracts the moths to that light.

You will be that attraction. Just as Yeshua was the attraction to all of those who were ready to follow him, and follow his mission, and follow his words. This is your mission now. Go about it in peace and love.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you will continue to hold that vibration that you reach in this meditation in this self. For the I Am Presence is right there within all of you, whether you are aware of it or not.

as channeled by James McConnell at on September 17, 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Intentionally Choosing Our Reality

If we wish to create a world of eternal love and joy for all conscious beings, we can realize that we already have done this, and we can recognize it now. We can be living in a higher dimension of freedom and sovereignty with all of our needs fulfilled. This dimension exists for us when we imagine and feel ourselves living in it. This is our natural state of being. We are constantly created in deepest love and joy. This is what we want, because it is our real experience, when we have transcended our limiting beliefs about ourselves. We can realize that we are unlimited in every way, and we can live now in the world we most want to experience. To realize its reality, we have to align our personal vibrations with it.

It is possible for us to be aware of our infinite essence expressing itself as our human selves, while participating in our lives here in ways that come from compassion and joy in the enhancement of all life. We can intentionally express these qualities. This is how we are created to be, and how we prefer to live in infinite awareness within our attention. By expressing the true intention of the creative life force that constantly enlivens us, we gain creative power exponentially. In this way, our influence spreads throughout humanity, making it easier for everyone to open to awareness of our expansive Self.

We can create realization of realities. Our reality is our interpretation of the energetic circumstances that we align with. Each of us has conscious qualities that are unique to us in the way we modulate the conscious life force that we wield with our attention and our vibratory alignment. We can express ourselves from the feelings of our deepest essence. As we do this, we are living in the dimension that aligns with our vibrations. The qualities of our personal lives can be vastly different from the situations around us. They may appear chaotic and threatening, but they are in a different dimension and do not have to affect us personally.

We do not have to change anything outside of our own consciousness. Everything already exists in the quantum field, waiting for our recognition and realization. By imagining ourselves living in a realm of beauty, love and joy, we align our vibrations with those qualities and move into the dimension that enhances life. We can go back and forth in energetic dimensions and stay as long as we choose. The qualities of our experiences are created by our perspective in our mental and emotional processes. These create our personal energetic signature, expressing our non-localized presence of awareness.

Once we succeed in directing our attention entirely to life-enhancing energies, we enter a timeline or dimension that is filled with those energies. This shift in our life experience is a result of the shift in our consciousness. We can vibrate at the level of our heart-consciousness, and we can direct our ego to align with our inner knowing.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on November 1, 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Understanding Multidimensionality

There is an infinite number of space/time dimensions and beyond. The entire experience and awareness of each of us is unique to our own perspective and belief system. They are our boundaries within universal consciousness. They define the energetic spectrum of our reality. As we use our imagination and emotions, we continually change dimensions. When we are unaware that we are constant creators and are stepping from one dimension to another, we do not believe in miracles. When we create something extraordinary that appears to be a miracle, we do not change anything, but because the energetics are not in alignment, we move into a dimension where the energetics match. Usually this would be essentially identical to the dimension we just left, and those who are present energetically align with some aspect of ourselves, including the miracles. They are not miracles in this dimension. They are part of its unique timeline.

According to our vibrations, we change dimensions from moment to moment, which changes our experience of reality. In the timeline that excludes the miracle, our limiting beliefs restrict our awareness. Skepticism is needed when relying on ego-consciousness, but it disables our creative awareness and limits our experience. Our true knowing is our creative power. It comes to us in our seeking it. It is a paradox that the ego does not understand. We can have our miracles only when we realize that we already have them. This is how we transform our experiences. We change timelines and dimensions, and we can live with miracles.

We are creators of our experiences, which we share with all other conscious beings, who also participate in universal consciousness. We are free to create whatever we want, provided that we do not limit ourselves, but we have gone to great lengths to limit ourselves, and we have not realized what we have done to ourselves. If we have any fear of the unknown or doubt about our capabilities, we are keeping ourselves from knowing the unconditional love and fulfilling energies that we can align with.

Everything is as it should be in every dimension, and we do not change anything. We can transform our experience by recognizing the reality that we choose and realizing that it is real. We do this by changing to a timeline that expresses the reality that we recognize. This is a complex process, but we do it all the time. Our reality is what we realize it is. For each of us, this may be different in some way, depending on our own perceptive ability and perspective.

The lesson here is that we are free, sovereign Beings, able to create whatever reality we want in whatever timeline and dimension we recognize as real. This is what we do, and it’s time to realize it. We’ve been sleep-walking through life, not knowing how we’re creating it as we go along. When we decide that fear, doubt and anger have served their purpose, we can recognize our limiting beliefs and resolve them, by realizing that they are self-imposed and have become undesirable. We know what they are. We can resolve them and release them, opening our awareness to our multi-dimensional, infinite essence and creative ability.

from the blog of Kenneth Schmitt at on October 31, 2023

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Recognizing the Shadow Within

We live in a time of the emergence of great darkness in our world. The great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, who came up with the idea of the existence of the shadow within the human psyche, had deeply valuable insights into the nature of the psychological situation in the world today, particularly the role that the darkness of the shadow plays in our modern world. Jung felt that the catastrophic evil that is manifesting in our world today is an archetypical expression of the process of humanity’s transition from one epoch—and state of consciousness—to another. He was of the opinion that the fate of the world literally depended upon the recognition of the shadow elements within us and their assimilation into a more expanded sense of self that includes both our light and dark aspects.

What we don’t accept in ourselves, but rather, exclude from our self-image and push into the shadows of netherworld of the unconscious—thereby depriving it of light—becomes toxic. These repressed shadowy contents build up a charge in the unconscious, becoming contaminated with archaic archetypal energies from the collective unconscious. It is truly frightening how many of us are so out of touch with our own shadow that we can easily become unconscious instruments through which archetypal evil, which lies hidden within the dark side of the human psyche, can act itself out through us into the world.

We still go on thinking that we are "simplex and not duplex," to use Jung's words. We thus imagine ourselves to be "innocuous, reasonable and humane." We don’t deny that terrible things are happening, but since we regard ourselves as harmless, Jung points out, “it is always ‘the others’ who do them.” When we are not in touch with the potential evil that dwells within us, we project it outside of ourselves in a futile attempt to disown it, thereby falling prey to and unknowingly acting out in the external world the very evil that we are turning away from within ourselves. Evil thrives on our turning a blind eye towards it.

To quote Jung, “Evil today has become a visible Great Power…. We stand face to face with the terrible question of evil and do not even know what is before us, let alone what to pit against it.” Most ordinary, psychologically and/or spiritually under-developed people have trouble even imagining the utter depravity of the evil that can potentially play itself out through individuals or groups (not to mention through themselves) who are taken over by the will-to-power of the shadow. In order to develop a sense of how to deal with evil, however, we first have to try and understand the nature of the beast with which we are dealing.

The first principle of psychological method is that any phenomenon to be understood must be sympathetically imagined. No syndrome can be truly dislodged from its cursed condition until we first move imagination into its heart. One of the most crucially important steps in dealing with evil is, according to Jung, to develop what he calls an “imagination for evil.” If we can’t imagine the evil that human beings are potentially capable of—and of which we ourselves, under the right circumstances, could also be capable of—in our naivety, we offer ourselves into evil’s hands. If evil escapes the reach of our imagination, it will dictate, enforce and establish dominion over us, both within our imagination and in our concrete lives. Because our imagination can help us get a handle on evil, evil tries to stifle and ultimately destroy the imagination, which is why mobilizing the creative imagination is crucial in dealing with the powers of darkness. 

If we don’t develop an imagination for evil, we can lose touch with our shadow and identify with what Jung calls a “fictive personality,” which is to say, in splitting off from our darkness, we conceive of ourselves as being someone who we’re not – a “lite” version of our selves. We all have a darker half, but to the extent we are overly identified with our lighter side at the expense of the darkness within us, we wind up being unable to imagine the depths of darkness of which we are capable. Jung pulls no punches in making this exact point when he writes, “we are always, thanks to our human nature, potential criminals. In reality we merely lacked a suitable opportunity to be drawn into the infernal melee.” We are all inseparably interconnected and partake of the shared collective (darker) unconscious of humanity—the shadow side of being a human being—which is why Jung wrote, “None of us stands outside humanity’s black collective shadow.”

There are impersonal forces that animate and inform the collective shadow that lurks in our unconscious. In Jung’s words, “We are blissfully unconscious of these forces because they never, or almost never, appear in our personal relations or under ordinary circumstances. But if people crowd together and form a mob, then the dynamisms of the collective man are let loose—beasts or demons that lie dormant in every person [are let loose] …. The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast.” The petri dish of the masses is a breeding ground for evil to flourish and propagate itself. We are dealing not just with merely personal forces that have to do with us as individuals, but with impersonal, transpersonal forces – the Bible’s “powers and principalities.”

These collective, impersonal and archetypal forces can be so overwhelming that—when we come together in a larger group—they can take on a seeming life of their own, possessing our egoic identity, turning us into their accessories such that we become the unwitting puppets and marionettes of these forces. Collective possession can then easily turn into a psychic epidemic—a collective psychosis—something that is important for us to be alert to in times such as ours when mob violence is increasing in our world.

Jung writes, “The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events…. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution … modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth.” In other words, the great power—and seemingly darker force—that is threatening us today is to be found in the place where it originates, within our psyche. We should no longer underestimate, but rather, recognize the primary role that the psyche is playing in world affairs.

The next step for us to take in dealing with evil—in Jung’s words, “what to pit against it”—is to recognize that the darkness in our world is revealing to us something within ourselves that it greatly behooves us to know. To look for the solution to the world-wide problem of evil outside of ourselves is to distance and distract ourselves from the source of the problem (as well as the potential solution), which as Jung points out again and again, is only to be found within the individual. Although the roots of evil can only be discovered within the individual, this doesn’t mean that the forces of evil that can be encountered within an individual psyche are merely a personal matter. In probing into our own depths, we can potentially come face to face with the vast and formidable forces of the archetypal, collective shadow within ourselves, as we are all, in the deepest recesses of our being, fundamentally connected to the transpersonal psyche, in both its light and dark aspects.

A failure of imagination has been the cause of some of the major calamities in world history. Jung was of the opinion that if we have no imagination for evil, “evil has us in its grip.” Being out of touch with our own potential for evil ensures that we will unknowingly act it out. If we don’t develop a multi-faceted imagination for evil, there is no way for us to know what we are up against. Our lack of imagination for evil is the best way of making us, to use Jung’s words, “an instrument of evil.” Our lack of insight into the evil that any of us are capable of, to quote Jung, “deprives us of the capacity to deal with evil.” We need to be on intimate terms and know the darkness within ourselves if we want to have any hope of effectively dealing with the darkness in the world at large.

It is crucially important for us to cultivate the faculty of the imagination so as to be able to deal with the evil in our world. “Evil,” Jung writes, “can no longer be dismissed from the world by a circumlocution. We must learn to handle it, since it is here to stay.” We can deny this all we want, insisting on staying blind - like ostriches, putting our heads in the sand. There is, however, no getting away from the fact that—as a way of finding and deepening our connection to the light—we are fated to come to terms with the darker side of ourselves and of the universe as a whole, which is only emerging into view because of the proximity and intensity of a great light.

Integrating our shadow is not an intellectual pursuit, but is a moral problem that challenges the whole person. Becoming conscious of the shadow is essential for any degree of self-knowledge. The process of shedding light on the shadow is usually met with strong inner resistance because ignorance has an inertia that must be overcome to make way for the light of self-knowledge.

To quote Jung, “Therefore the individual who wishes to have an answer to the problem of evil, as it is posed today, has need, first and foremost, of self-knowledge, that is, the utmost possible knowledge of his own wholeness.” In our current catastrophic times, knowledge of the innermost foundation of our being—our intrinsic wholeness—is absolutely imperative. Jung concludes, “Individual self-reflection, return of the individual to the ground of human nature, to his own deepest being … here is the beginning of a cure for that blindness which reigns at the present hour.” Whenever we reflect upon ourselves we are bound to encounter the living frontiers of the unconscious itself, which is where the very medicine that heals our blindness is to be found.

by Paul Levy at

Friday, November 24, 2023

Existentialism and Earth Prophecy

Have you ever wondered who you are exactly? And why you are here? And have you ever pondered what the point is of all this chaos that we are experiencing right now?

And taking a step further... have you ever wondered about who we are as a human species? Or why are we here? And why are so many extraterrestrials and beings of higher vibration even bothering with us?

Are we some sort of experiment? Are we special in some way... or are we just another third-dimensional ant-like species not unlike many, many others in the universe? The answers Elizabeth received in her meditative contact with extraterrestrials to these inquiries may be surprising.

This planet – Earth – is one of the most important planets in the entire universe. No exaggeration.

In this video, Elizabeth's explanation is designed to speak to every old soul, every starseed tuning in. This is a full overview of what planet Earth is, who we are, and how we came to be.

So what is our history? In 2011 and 2012, Elizabeth asked the Galactic Federation (GF) why we are special, and asked her extraterrestrial contacts why they are giving us so much attention at this time. The following is what they conveyed to her.

A very, very, very long time ago – perhaps tens of millions of years ago – there was an ancient mystic extraterrestrial who proclaimed that one day there would be a species that would end all wars. This species was meant to be the children of some of the oldest and most powerful species in the entire universe. This hybrid species would have some of the highest and some of the lowest vibrational DNA within them. The Creators of this species would have a hand in indirectly influencing their creation. This vision by an ancient, very well known and much revered mystic has been known throughout the universe for countless eons by many, many species throughout the galaxy, yet generation after countless generation its prophecy has gone unfulfilled, so naturally, the hope in the hearts of so many over time began to fade.

Somewhere along its path, this ancient prophecy has become somewhat of a legend, or perhaps even a fable to share with children during storytime – that one day there will be a species that will move the entire universe away from ever warring again.

When our solar system came into being, its third planet from the sun, our Earth, was able to be home to a variety of life forms. Its diversity was not exception. Many other planets share this same characteristic, so Earth was nothing special – not even on the radar of the Galactic Federation. This was true for a very, very long time.

At some point, a reptilian species of Draconians arrived on planet Earth, still in its infancy in many ways. The Draconians ruled during the time of the dinosaurs because of their intelligence and technological and spiritual advancements. This went on for many generations; many Draconians have lifespans of hundreds of years. Earth was their domain.

Then along came the Annunaki who arrived to mine resources from Earth's bounty. (This is all corroborated by ancient Sumarian writings.) The reptilians were not happy about these visitors to “their planet”; they didn't need the gold that the Annunaki were mining, but still they didn't want them here. That wasn't the only problem for the Annunaki, however – it turns out that there weren't enough Annunaki to do the work needed to mine what they needed. Even though the Annunaki were extraordinarily more advanced that the rudimentary Draconians, things evolved into a bit of a stand-still for them.

The Annunaki asked the Draconians if they would help them mine for gold, but the reptilians had no interest in helping these unwanted visitors. As a solution to their labor needs, the Annunaki created a human species to work for them. As a Creator species, this was not the first time they had done this. They have a very long history of creating many humanoid species across the universe whenever it suited their needs. Many of the oldest species in the universe were either created by or assisted in their developmental evolution by the Annunaki, such as the Pleiadians.

In general, the Annunaki are known to be a bit irresponsible. They have populated a lot of the universe out of their own need before abandoning their creations and moving on. Over time, some of these beings grow and flourish, while others die off and disappear.

The Annunaki took an existing foundation of DNA already here on planet Earth and created our human species out of it. This really upset the Draconians. To make peace, the Annunaki shared some of their human worker slaves with the Draconians. This got the attention of the Galactic Federation, which oversees all civilizations to ensure everyone is abiding by the laws of the universe.

When the Galactic Federation turned its attention to what the Annunaki and Draconians were doing with this new human species on planet Earth, the ancient, mystical lost prophecy aforementioned re-emerged. The reason why it came up after so many eons is that in the larger scheme of things, it is very rare for such a low-level species as the reptilians and a high-level species like the Annunaki to work together. This was certainly not the first time.

When these two species at opposite ends of the spectrum worked together to bring about our human species on this planet, a realization occurred that this budding civilization may be the species foretold in prophecy, so the Galactic Federation gave it its blessing. This is when the Galactic Federation sent out word to encourage civilizations around the universe to add their DNA into the mix of this new human species.

It did not take long before the rumor that the prophecy planet had been discovered. Many, many civilizations, believing that this was the real deal, stepped up and volunteered to be a part of this. Not every volunteer was accepted to meld their DNA with ours. The consequent genetic splicing of 20 to 30 unique extraterrestrial species was done in a very specific, but gentle way, while the Galactic Federation maintained strict oversight and scientific control. The result is that our human DNA is a repository of the best of the best across the universe.

Ever since we have been discovered as the prophecy planet, Earth has been closely monitored by a large number of vested extraterrestrial civilizations. We have been on lock-down for quite some time; no one gets in without collective GF approval. Of course, some bend or break the rules from time to time without approval – but there are consequences.

There were times in Earth's history when many different species of extraterrestrials walked among humans on the Earth. At some point the Galactic Federation stepped in, however, and chased all extraterrestrials off the planet, enforcing a quarantine to allow humans to develop on our own. Most gave little argument; the creator Annunaki had no problem with leaving, but the Draconians were furious that they were ordered to leave “their” planet. They had been managing humans and often weren't very nice about it. They absolutely did not want to leave.

Because the reptilians had been here before humans, they had a certain right to be here, so a contract was drawn up by the GF whereby the Draconians agreed to no longer have a direct influence over humans and agreed to no longer be seen by humans. So the reptilians went underground, which is their preference anyway. They did not give up control, but figured out how to maintain control without violating their contract or being seen. The reptilians know the laws of the universe and the laws of karma, and they have abided by them, so the GF has had no recourse other than to allow them to continue... until now... because the shift in the vibrational frequency of the planet is either going to make them shift as a species or completely kick them out. They can manipulate a contract, but they cannot run or hide from inevitable vibrational change.

When the reptilians began to manipulate us covertly, because this planet was known at that time as the prophecy planet, the GF said there is nothing they can do about the reptilians manipulating humanity. The reason is that the reptilians were not breaking any rules, and besides, they helped create us, and they were, in fact, a part of us... and the prophecy clearly states that the creator of the species were allowed to have an indirect influence upon their creation.

So the Galactic Federation stepped in with a creative strategy... since they really couldn't do anything to stop the reptilians from indirectly influencing this very powerful hybrid species, they had to come up with something to offset the reptilians to get us back on track.

After several failed strategies, Galactic volunteers agreed to incarnate as models of possibility, or way-showers. The first great volunteer experiment was the Buddha. Then there was Jesus. All starseeds are essentially volunteers from the Galactic Federation agreeing to incarnate on Earth to aid in raising the vibration of humanity as a whole to move beyond the influence of the reptilians and move humanity toward the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.

So, as this hybrid prophesied species, what are we supposed to do here? Once we become awakened, how do we as a species end all wars? Elizabeth posed this question to the Galactic Federation five years ago and they would not give her an answer other than to say we as a species are not meant to know just yet. Two years ago they finally gave her the answer.

Each of us has a mixture of both the highest and the lowest vibrational DNA from a variety of very powerful extraterrestrial parents. It comes down to choice. It comes down to free will. Yes, we can choose to be indirectly influenced by the reptilians or not. It is up to each one of to choose what DNA we want to activate. Do we want to be greedy and selfish and to have power over others along with wealth and resources for ourselves? Or do we choose unity, working collectively together to better others around us, to better the entire universe?

What choice do we want to make? What DNA do we want to activate? Whatever choice we make is fine by the universe. There is no wrong answer. There is no wrong choice. But if we as a species choose the light over darkness, the reptilians are not just going to roll over and accept it.

What the Galactic Federation told Elizabeth in answer to her questions is that we human beings are so powerful that we are a threat to lower vibrational beings out there because we have the power to make a choice. If we choose the dark side, we then become a huge asset for lower vibrational beings. We are a huge asset to one side or the other, just by virtue of who we are.

Awakened humans on Earth become the overseers of the universe. There is no stopping us. That is the message that same through.

If we choose the light, we shall have no equal when it comes to power in the universe. We will have a very active role in bringing balance and ending war.

The irony of today's circumstances is that the more the dark side pushes fear, corruption, and lack, the more humanity is awakening to want the opposite. They think they have it all figured out, but have no idea how the light works.

Our Mission as Galactic volunteers, as Starseeds, as one of the most important species to ever exist in the entire history of the universe is to utilize our free will and choose. But before we choose who we want to be and where we want to take that energy, we have to remember. That's it.

If all you accomplish in this lifetime is to remember who you are, and make a choice as to who you want to be, you never have to give a second thought into what is happening around you... because your choice, your actions, your focus in how you choose to show up as a human is all that matters. First you have to remember.

So, will it be light, or will be it be darkness? Or is the real choice in understanding both??? Maybe it is okay to have both the light and the dark. Maybe it is just fine to have both high vibration and low vibration. We live in a binary, dualistic universe. We need both. Consider that if the universe was just all light, there would be no purpose in having incarnations. Existence would cease if it was all light.

So perhaps the choice is not just between light or dark. Perhaps we must choose for objective awareness. Whether to live in the light or live in the darkness should not be a battle. It is okay if one chooses to live separated from Source. It is their choice, their free will.

I hold both dark and light within, but choose to activate the light within. I choose to activate the DNA of 20-plus species that resides within every one of my cells. With those abilities activated we can oversee neutrality, above judgement, and experience peace throughout the entire universe.

adapted from video by Elizabeth April on October 30, 2023 at

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Turbo Cancers and Treatment by Melatonin

Young people, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, are developing aggressive and rapidly-growing "turbo cancers."

Dr. William Makis, the Chief of Oncology at The Wellness Company ( and cancer researcher who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his career, says, "I've never seen anything like this."

Dr. Makis' full statement: “There are only a handful out of the 100,000 doctors, Canadian doctors, that didn't take the vaccine, that are still practicing medicine. So, it's something like 99.9% vaccination rate. And they were the first ones to line up for their vaccines. Well, as I started looking at the sudden deaths of Canadian doctors, I realized, yes, most of them are dying from cardiac issues, heart injuries, cardiac arrests, dying while jogging or swimming, dying in their sleep. And Dr. Peter McCullough has talked about this extensively, about the myocarditis and the damage to the heart, the scarring to the heart. And then some were dying from blood clots, pulmonary embolism, strokes.

But then there was quite a large subset of doctors who were developing extremely aggressive cancers and cancers at an age that they shouldn't be getting. So, for example, there was a doctor who developed gastric cancer in his 30s, presented at stage four. He was dead in less than a year. Very rare brain cancers in young individuals in their 20s and 30s, medical students, and medical residents. And these cancers would always present at stage four. And they would always kill them in a matter of a few months. And it was always less than a year.

And at first, I didn't know what the term for this was or what the phenomenon was. I just started really paying attention to it, tracking it. I then realized that this is being called “turbo cancer” by people on social media. Turbo cancer is not a medical term, but it's a term that people came up with to really describe the extremely aggressive nature of these cancers in the COVID-vaccinated. And these cancers behave completely differently, unlike anything I've seen before in my career. And I've diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients in my career with cutting-edge PET, CT, positron emission tomography, imaging, CT, MRI, pathological correlation.

I've never seen anything like this. I've never seen stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their 20s. I've never seen stage four colon cancers presenting in men and women in their 20s and 30s. Leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis. Lymphomas that, again, kill you in a matter of months.”

According to clinical investigations, melatonin has the potential to prevent and cure cancer. Melatonin is crucial for tumor development. Low levels of Melatonin accelerate tumor development. At normal dose levels ranging from 10 to 50 mg/day, it can treat a variety of cancers in vivo (breast, lung, colon, liver, gastric, glioblastoma, ovarian, cervical, prostate, skin).

There is strong proof that it reduces adverse effects while improving the therapeutic benefits of chemotherapy and radiation. Due to its chemical characteristics, Melatonin has a restricted ability to penetrate mucosal and dermal barriers, has a shorter half-life, and is rapidly eliminated from blood circulation;

the use of Melatonin is currently limited due to its unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties. Nanoparticles are being developed to deliver Melatonin and potentially increase its use in cancer treatment.

Prostate cancer risk has been associated with exogenous factors that interfere with normal pineal secretory activity, including aging, poor sleep, and artificial light at night. Melatonin secretion becomes circadian between the age of one to three years and gradually diminishes by 10-15% per decade. Diminished lifetime secretion of melatonin has been suggested to be a catalyst for not only aging (dubbed “Age Clock”), but also age-related conditions like cancer.

Disruption of the circadian rhythm can increase the risk of cancer relationship between light exposure at night and the risk of prostate cancer. Several reports have correlated non-standard shift work and shift work sleep disorder with poor health consequences notably on men’s urologic health such as infertility, lower urinary tract symptoms, and prostate cancer. Significant increase in the risk of prostate cancer in rotating shift workers who alternate between a day and/or afternoon shift and a night shift

Melatonin action on prostate cancer cells: Melatonin prevents carcinogenesis by reducing genomic instability; Melatonin inhibits glucose metabolism of cancer cells; Melatonin inhibits DNA replication in cancer cells and cell proliferation;

Melatonin downregulates NF-kB activities leading to promote apoptosis and inhibit cell proliferation; Melatonin inhibits angiogenic processes; Melatonin attenuates androgen receptor activity; Melatonin inhibits metastasis by inhibiting enzymes that help cancer cells metastasize (Matrix metalloproteinases); Melatonin inhibits initiation and progression of cancers by modulating mitochondrial activity and function (melatonin improves mitochondrial function by inhibitory effect on Akt/mTOR path); Melatonin has anti-inflammatory effects on inflammatory cytokines like IL-17 that promote cancer; Melatonin has anti-cancer effects by resynchronizing the circadian rhythm; In previous clinical trials that investigated the anti-tumor effects of melatonin, the maintenance dose was mostly 20 mg per day and the duration varied from several weeks to some years.

“Considering that there were no major side effects related to melatonin except for minor psychological or neurocognitive problems, we recommend a higher dosage for a definite anti-tumor activity.”

extracted from on October 8, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Collapse and Rebirth

There is a matrix around the Earth, below the Ascended Crystalline Grid, that is now imploding upon itself. As the domination of men is continuously challenged and under scrutiny, humankind grows ever weary of the violence, war, corruption and crimes against humanity that are forcing many humans to exit the planet. There is no end to the misery for many, while the world waits for news of the next war, the next catastrophe and the next pandemic.

Think, for a moment, of the fleeting nature of life and consider, if you will , about the permanent nature of death. Or is it? Death is a transition from the physical form to the etheric, and the freedom that having no human body brings is unimaginable. Loved ones left behind grieve, but the soul flying free rejoices that their time on Earth is over so the real work can begin.

Even so, what is occurring on Earth is both caused by and causing major energetic shifts in the consciousness of man, and the consequences upon the dark souls who control the matrix of power around the world is clearly evident. While the turmoil grows more intense and disturbing for those watching it unfold on their television screens, the reality for those caught up in any of the multiple conflict, health crisis and disasters is like a never-ending nightmare they cannot wake from.

Dear Hearts, the state of the Earth is one of constant flux due to the escalating attempts of the dark to overtake the light. If humans allow themselves to submit to the fear and acts of oppression, they will lose sight of the light that is ever present and there as a way forward. Light always overcomes dark, and as the matrix pulls tighter, attempting to gain or regain control, the space left for the light grows ever wider.

What can you do? Pray, meditate and love – yourself, your loved ones, friends and those that you cannot abide. Send love to your friends but moreso to your enemies, for they need it the most as they embark on the journey of repaying the karma they have created and of learning the lessons they have ignored. The more love in the world, the more light, which then shows the way to those who have previously been lost. See the good in the world and focus on building upon it. It does not mean that you ignore what is happening, but how can you assist through service rather than emotion that only leads you down the spiraling path of despair and loss of hope. Where there is life there is love, hope and the human spirit, which is actually born from the light of Source and therefore never lost and never alone.

The Flower of Life (FOL) is a symbol steeped in mythology but relevant to the modern and current world. Its symmetry is sacred and healing in nature and can be used by the healer and lightworker in conjunction with the codes and rays of Creation to extinguish darkness and activate the light. The Flower of Life in its simplicity, that is, one flower on its own, is enough to activate powerful light codes that connect each person to their Christed-self through repeated symbols of infinity. The three intersecting infinity symbols within each flower represent the sacred triad, or each person’s etheric replica and is therefore a crucial tool in helping each person to cleanse and reharmonize soul fragments to bring the person back into alignment with their I AM Presence. If one considers that the rays held within the sacred triad are those of diamond, silver and gold, the power of the symbol will become clear. Each flower is situated in a circle, which represents infinity as well as the never-ending Circle of Life that is cyclic and symbiotic in nature.

If one examines the diagram closely, the entire picture represents the Omniverse. The 12 circles represent the 12 universes within. They are all interlocking, which represents Oneness. 12 is the number of Creation and thus of every person’s own divinity. It contains the 12 rays of light which make up the white light of the Source of Creation. When one consciously connects to this light, their spiritual journey will become a way of life and a crucial part of the ascension of Earth.

The magic of life and of Creation itself is held within every petal and intersection of the lines within the symbol of the Flower of Life. It is the first symbol of Ascension, activating light codes within each chakra that open the person to higher levels of consciousness. The frequency of the codes are dependent upon the person’s current level of consciousness, as well as their ability to hold the vibrations in their energy fields without succumbing to the lower energies of 3D Earth. Without mindful intent, raised vibrations can plummet very quickly when a person allows the negativity of other people’s realities to permeate their consciousness. Along with the Violet Flame of Transmutation, using the Flower of Life as a tool of Ascension is one of the most powerful things one can do to help bring Earth out of transition and fully into the Age of Aquarius.

The symbol of the Flower of Life is now available to every Lightworker, awakening and emerging soul who is intentionally sending love and healing to the Earth, the Human Collective Consciousness and the Golden Crystalline Grid. All you need to do is to focus your attention on it and intend that it multiplies its form and strengthens its energy wherever there is love and light being projected from people all around the world. The power of this one intention can never be underestimated. Please make it a daily practice. I AM Lord Melchizedek.

as channeled by Victoria Cochran at on October 30, 2023

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Arcturian Message to Humanity 20231105

This shared post by channeled teachers of Light is dedicated to the promotion of truth and Light at this powerful evolutionary time. Mankind has journeyed through lifetimes in which false concepts, beliefs, and fears were blindly accepted as the truth and in our ignorance, we gave away our power. The Arcturians, one group of many highly evolved beings from other galaxies, wish to present their messages of love and guidance in order to assist the people of Earth in letting go of the false fears that were given to and accepted by mankind. They stand ready to offer spiritual and technical assistance when and if desired. Free will does not allow them to step in unless asked. It is time to embrace the truth of who we are and why we are here. The answers are now pouring in from multiple Sources of Light. Events of great energy and change began manifesting in 2012 and will continue. It is crucial that mankind become informed and thus be prepared as changes occur. There is absolutely no reason to fear. This is a graduation.

We are the Arcturian Group – November 5, 2023 - from

Dear readers welcome once again to our message. Trust that all is proceeding according to plan. Dark and heavy energies manifesting as hatred, violence, judgement, and separation are presently affecting everyone's life in some way. The increasing presence of spiritual Light on earth is forcing energies that have long been hidden from general awareness to surface. This is forcing many who have been living with their heads in the sand, unwilling to look at or acknowledge anything other than what they have been told to start seeing with new eyes.

Creations of duality and separation consciousness must be recognized for what they represent before they can be eliminated from the world's collective belief system. Many are now for the first time beginning to comprehend the overwhelming vastness of lies, deceptions, and self serving greed that has and continues to be promoted as being in everyone's "best interest" by some leaders and politicians, a few organized religions, and many small and large corporations.

The Divine plan is alive and well, but is dependent upon the people of earth to implement it. Those observing and assisting earth from the other side cannot step in and change things because every person's free will must be honored and nothing would be learned from having evolutionary work done by others.

The presence of high frequency energy Light carried by evolved states of consciousness automatically and without conscious effort, acts to expose and dissolve lower resonating energies which is how Jesus and others of high resonating consciousness did and still do healing work. Everything that has been accepted as "normal" but which in reality represents separation, is or soon will be affected by the increasing presence of high resonating energies pouring to earth.

Practice acknowledging the Christ-hood of every individual. It is easy to automatically and without conscious thought label someone as fat, ugly, stupid, dishonest, etc. When you find yourself doing this recognize that even seemingly harmless labels represent judging by appearances.

This does not mean that you pretend not to see an appearance or condition and it does not mean you cannot not discuss it with the person if he/she wants to do this. You don't ignore physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual appearances, rather you see through them by acknowledging the spiritual reality that underlies all material appearances - the good as well as the bad.

When confronted with or simply becoming aware of some negative situation or person, say to yourself something like; "I know who you really are, an expression of the living God." Use whatever words you want. This doesn't mean that you suddenly become unaware of some appearance but rather means that you are living a state of consciousness able to see through material appearances no matter how devoid of light they may seem to be which in turn can actually lift or heal if the person or persons are receptive.

The three dimensional belief system teaches that a person must do this or do that etc.etc. (according to current beliefs) in order to attain success and happiness in life. Success and happiness already exist fully present within every person and need to be acknowledged rather than be attained, but the majority remains unaware of this and so most continue to "do", in often futile attempts to draw to themselves whatever it is they believe will bring them fulfillment.

Learn to be rather than do. Living from a consciousness of be-ing oneness rather than one of constantly do-ing in order to attain what is already fully present within, allows and opens the avenues necessary for its expression. Never forget that because you are consciousness and consciousness is the substance of form, a consciousness of "I don't have. I need. etc" will create and manifest exactly that.

For eons parents have taught their children from what they know, religions have promoted their beliefs, teachers teach students current information, and experts proclaim the truths of their area of expertise. All of these areas are evolving and opening which is causing resistance from those who have built their lives around currently accepted facts.

Allow yourselves to open which may very well entail leaving behind a few concepts and beliefs you are comfortable with and that have served you well in the past. It is important to understand that no matter how seemingly good, anything born of duality, separation, and a belief in two powers can only ever be illusory.

The world is separating. There are those living from higher states of consciousness and those choosing to remain in that which is old and false. You are going to begin witnessing increasingly more incidents of distinction between the two and it will become increasingly apparent to the majority that there is an element that wants to keep the world in darkness simply because it serves their interests.

You are beginning to see signs of this as increasingly more people start questioning and refusing to accept at face value much of the information being promoted regarding both local and global issues. Each day more are awakening even if it doesn't look that way. Oneness is rapidly finding a place in human consciousness and this in turn is serving to lift and open earth's collective consciousness.

Allow global and personal issues to unfold from a place of detachment as if watching a movie in the realization that God has never, never could, and never will manifest ITself as war, violence, dishonestly, or any sort of separation. This does NOT mean you take no action if action is required. To stay in an abusive or violent situation out of the false belief that you are being spiritual and loving, is foolish and represents the absence of self/SELF love.

It is important to understand but often hard to accept that there are no accidents. Those suffering and dying throughout the world at this time were aware of and chose their experiences before incarnating. Some needed this type of experience in order to understand how it feels to be on the receiving end of the choices they may have made in previous lifetimes. Some simply need these experiences as part of their evolutionary process. However, many spiritually evolved souls have chosen to be in a situation of violence and trauma as their service, their Light work, their way of helping to awaken a sleeping world to the obsolete status of so much still being accepted as the way of doing things.

Be the light that you already are without feeling any need to do, act, plead, or beg. Stop the rites, rituals, and seeking meant to make you what you already are and always have been. These things were an important facets along your spiritual journey, but you have evolved beyond them. The only thing you need ask for is more Light.

Acknowledge and rest in the reality of SELF and all life being the ONE Divine Consciousness manifesting ITself as infinite form and variety.

Monday, November 20, 2023

All is as It Should Be – Just Be True to Yourself

It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. Everything else is a bonus, the icing on the cake as you might say. You are not there to experience perfection; you are there to experience everything, to exist in everything. If you can accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source. Source not only accepts everything as it is, Source loves everything as it is and knows that Source is everything that is. Therefore, acceptance is the first key step for all of you there on Earth, a place which has been disparaged by many, but it is a wonderful place to exist, a wonderful place to be, and there is much on your world and within yourselves to love.

If you find it hard to love this over here, then please do turn your attention away from that and put your attention on what is easiest for you to love in the moment. That’s where it serves you to put your attention. A lot of people there on Earth feel that it is their job to fix a broken planet, to only be about fixing what is wrong within themselves. But we say to you that everything is evolving, ascending, becoming more of Source in every moment, no matter what. There doesn’t need to be a repair done on this or that. What is needed is the acceptance that will lead to the love that will put the being doing the accepting on the path that brings that being closer to Source in every conscious moment.

You are also there to consciously create. And so, whatever you don’t love, whatever you deem to be inappropriate or unacceptable in some way, is also there as a catalyst to you. Necessity is the mother of invention, but so is annoyance and frustration. As long as the inventor is able to take their attention off of the problem, that which they deem to be broken, they can benefit from that experience and move towards what they have created. You are all inventors; you are all creating all the time, but not always experiencing that which you create. And that’s where we come in. We here to help you, to guide you towards your creations. We are here to teach you how to manifest what you have created. That’s right. You must manifest it in your experience in order to fully enjoy it.

Certainly you can start enjoying anything you have created if you believe that it is created, that it’s out there and that it has your name on it. But to fully enjoy your creation, you want to experience it. And you are all co-creating so much there on Earth at this time, and those of you who are awake can move towards those creations more consciously because you know the secrets of the universe. You know how. You know that you need to relax, to let go, to focus and to let in. You know that not everything is accomplished through action, through hammering away at something, or even through voting.

And when you know that you are the creator of your experience, then you can let everyone else off the hook and you can let go of the idea that you are a victim of someone who is more powerful or more important than you. And that’s when you end your suffering and end human suffering. That’s when you all claim what you have created as your own because it is yours, and it is time for you all to step into the role of master manifestor. As you master manifestation, you bring so many others along. You become the leader and the teacher you were born to be, and you can celebrate yourself right now, because you exist to be that.

It is a pleasure for us to feel the expanding consciousness of the human collective consciousness of which we were once a part. We don’t consider ourselves to be separate from you, but you have your own collective consciousness there in your dimension. We want you to know that it is perfect for you to be there. You being there is not a mistake, it is not a punishment, and it is not because you haven’t gotten something right yet. You want to have incarnations in a variety of different places simultaneously, and you, as your soul, does.

Forget about the idea that you are supposed to be climbing a ladder of some sort, because you are not. You are there having experiences, which cause the expansion of the whole of who you are and the whole of who we all are. You did have to forget who you once were in order to have those unique experiences, and so, even the forgetting is not a mistake, and it’s not a punishment. It’s certainly not an accident. You do everything quite intentionally in every life experience. Now, as you move through this life experience that you are having right now, the more you do intentionally the better. Even breathing can be done intentionally.

Certainly, acting is done with a bit more intention than thinking generally is. Speaking is something that it also serves you to do very intentionally, because your words have power. Your tone has power. You want to understand your power, so that in doing everything, thinking everything, and saying everything with intention, you show yourself how powerful you are. Now, you can use your power to help or you can use your power to hurt, and you can use your power to do everything in between. It is entirely up to you. Each of those experiences gives you something new as a soul. That is why not everyone is on the same path, and not everyone has the same desires, and that is as it should be.

If everyone remains true to themselves and IS themselves, then Source is happy because Source is getting the variety of experiences that Source wants. Therefore, Source does not expect us all to be doing the same thing, having the same intentions or the same desires. Source knows that we are all growing no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing. Now, as you live your life with more intention, you will notice that sometimes your intentions come to fruition and sometimes they do not. When they do not, it then becomes your choice as to whether you blame yourself or someone else, or you can choose to understand that there must be something better for you than what your original intention was. And when you do that, you start to benefit from everything that happens and doesn’t happen.

So live your lives with great intention and with the realization that everything is perfect as it is right now, and it will continue to change and evolve, because it must. We are all changing, evolving, ascending, because we all must, and that is the beauty of experience. It continues to become something new, and there is always something new to experience, and as long as you are not resisting the change, you are going with the flow and benefitting from everything that is happening right now and everything that ever will happen. Very good.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.

as channeled by Daniel Scranton at

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