Monday, November 20, 2023

All is as It Should Be – Just Be True to Yourself

It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. Everything else is a bonus, the icing on the cake as you might say. You are not there to experience perfection; you are there to experience everything, to exist in everything. If you can accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source. Source not only accepts everything as it is, Source loves everything as it is and knows that Source is everything that is. Therefore, acceptance is the first key step for all of you there on Earth, a place which has been disparaged by many, but it is a wonderful place to exist, a wonderful place to be, and there is much on your world and within yourselves to love.

If you find it hard to love this over here, then please do turn your attention away from that and put your attention on what is easiest for you to love in the moment. That’s where it serves you to put your attention. A lot of people there on Earth feel that it is their job to fix a broken planet, to only be about fixing what is wrong within themselves. But we say to you that everything is evolving, ascending, becoming more of Source in every moment, no matter what. There doesn’t need to be a repair done on this or that. What is needed is the acceptance that will lead to the love that will put the being doing the accepting on the path that brings that being closer to Source in every conscious moment.

You are also there to consciously create. And so, whatever you don’t love, whatever you deem to be inappropriate or unacceptable in some way, is also there as a catalyst to you. Necessity is the mother of invention, but so is annoyance and frustration. As long as the inventor is able to take their attention off of the problem, that which they deem to be broken, they can benefit from that experience and move towards what they have created. You are all inventors; you are all creating all the time, but not always experiencing that which you create. And that’s where we come in. We here to help you, to guide you towards your creations. We are here to teach you how to manifest what you have created. That’s right. You must manifest it in your experience in order to fully enjoy it.

Certainly you can start enjoying anything you have created if you believe that it is created, that it’s out there and that it has your name on it. But to fully enjoy your creation, you want to experience it. And you are all co-creating so much there on Earth at this time, and those of you who are awake can move towards those creations more consciously because you know the secrets of the universe. You know how. You know that you need to relax, to let go, to focus and to let in. You know that not everything is accomplished through action, through hammering away at something, or even through voting.

And when you know that you are the creator of your experience, then you can let everyone else off the hook and you can let go of the idea that you are a victim of someone who is more powerful or more important than you. And that’s when you end your suffering and end human suffering. That’s when you all claim what you have created as your own because it is yours, and it is time for you all to step into the role of master manifestor. As you master manifestation, you bring so many others along. You become the leader and the teacher you were born to be, and you can celebrate yourself right now, because you exist to be that.

It is a pleasure for us to feel the expanding consciousness of the human collective consciousness of which we were once a part. We don’t consider ourselves to be separate from you, but you have your own collective consciousness there in your dimension. We want you to know that it is perfect for you to be there. You being there is not a mistake, it is not a punishment, and it is not because you haven’t gotten something right yet. You want to have incarnations in a variety of different places simultaneously, and you, as your soul, does.

Forget about the idea that you are supposed to be climbing a ladder of some sort, because you are not. You are there having experiences, which cause the expansion of the whole of who you are and the whole of who we all are. You did have to forget who you once were in order to have those unique experiences, and so, even the forgetting is not a mistake, and it’s not a punishment. It’s certainly not an accident. You do everything quite intentionally in every life experience. Now, as you move through this life experience that you are having right now, the more you do intentionally the better. Even breathing can be done intentionally.

Certainly, acting is done with a bit more intention than thinking generally is. Speaking is something that it also serves you to do very intentionally, because your words have power. Your tone has power. You want to understand your power, so that in doing everything, thinking everything, and saying everything with intention, you show yourself how powerful you are. Now, you can use your power to help or you can use your power to hurt, and you can use your power to do everything in between. It is entirely up to you. Each of those experiences gives you something new as a soul. That is why not everyone is on the same path, and not everyone has the same desires, and that is as it should be.

If everyone remains true to themselves and IS themselves, then Source is happy because Source is getting the variety of experiences that Source wants. Therefore, Source does not expect us all to be doing the same thing, having the same intentions or the same desires. Source knows that we are all growing no matter where we are and no matter what we are doing. Now, as you live your life with more intention, you will notice that sometimes your intentions come to fruition and sometimes they do not. When they do not, it then becomes your choice as to whether you blame yourself or someone else, or you can choose to understand that there must be something better for you than what your original intention was. And when you do that, you start to benefit from everything that happens and doesn’t happen.

So live your lives with great intention and with the realization that everything is perfect as it is right now, and it will continue to change and evolve, because it must. We are all changing, evolving, ascending, because we all must, and that is the beauty of experience. It continues to become something new, and there is always something new to experience, and as long as you are not resisting the change, you are going with the flow and benefitting from everything that is happening right now and everything that ever will happen. Very good.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.

as channeled by Daniel Scranton at

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