Friday, November 24, 2023

Existentialism and Earth Prophecy

Have you ever wondered who you are exactly? And why you are here? And have you ever pondered what the point is of all this chaos that we are experiencing right now?

And taking a step further... have you ever wondered about who we are as a human species? Or why are we here? And why are so many extraterrestrials and beings of higher vibration even bothering with us?

Are we some sort of experiment? Are we special in some way... or are we just another third-dimensional ant-like species not unlike many, many others in the universe? The answers Elizabeth received in her meditative contact with extraterrestrials to these inquiries may be surprising.

This planet – Earth – is one of the most important planets in the entire universe. No exaggeration.

In this video, Elizabeth's explanation is designed to speak to every old soul, every starseed tuning in. This is a full overview of what planet Earth is, who we are, and how we came to be.

So what is our history? In 2011 and 2012, Elizabeth asked the Galactic Federation (GF) why we are special, and asked her extraterrestrial contacts why they are giving us so much attention at this time. The following is what they conveyed to her.

A very, very, very long time ago – perhaps tens of millions of years ago – there was an ancient mystic extraterrestrial who proclaimed that one day there would be a species that would end all wars. This species was meant to be the children of some of the oldest and most powerful species in the entire universe. This hybrid species would have some of the highest and some of the lowest vibrational DNA within them. The Creators of this species would have a hand in indirectly influencing their creation. This vision by an ancient, very well known and much revered mystic has been known throughout the universe for countless eons by many, many species throughout the galaxy, yet generation after countless generation its prophecy has gone unfulfilled, so naturally, the hope in the hearts of so many over time began to fade.

Somewhere along its path, this ancient prophecy has become somewhat of a legend, or perhaps even a fable to share with children during storytime – that one day there will be a species that will move the entire universe away from ever warring again.

When our solar system came into being, its third planet from the sun, our Earth, was able to be home to a variety of life forms. Its diversity was not exception. Many other planets share this same characteristic, so Earth was nothing special – not even on the radar of the Galactic Federation. This was true for a very, very long time.

At some point, a reptilian species of Draconians arrived on planet Earth, still in its infancy in many ways. The Draconians ruled during the time of the dinosaurs because of their intelligence and technological and spiritual advancements. This went on for many generations; many Draconians have lifespans of hundreds of years. Earth was their domain.

Then along came the Annunaki who arrived to mine resources from Earth's bounty. (This is all corroborated by ancient Sumarian writings.) The reptilians were not happy about these visitors to “their planet”; they didn't need the gold that the Annunaki were mining, but still they didn't want them here. That wasn't the only problem for the Annunaki, however – it turns out that there weren't enough Annunaki to do the work needed to mine what they needed. Even though the Annunaki were extraordinarily more advanced that the rudimentary Draconians, things evolved into a bit of a stand-still for them.

The Annunaki asked the Draconians if they would help them mine for gold, but the reptilians had no interest in helping these unwanted visitors. As a solution to their labor needs, the Annunaki created a human species to work for them. As a Creator species, this was not the first time they had done this. They have a very long history of creating many humanoid species across the universe whenever it suited their needs. Many of the oldest species in the universe were either created by or assisted in their developmental evolution by the Annunaki, such as the Pleiadians.

In general, the Annunaki are known to be a bit irresponsible. They have populated a lot of the universe out of their own need before abandoning their creations and moving on. Over time, some of these beings grow and flourish, while others die off and disappear.

The Annunaki took an existing foundation of DNA already here on planet Earth and created our human species out of it. This really upset the Draconians. To make peace, the Annunaki shared some of their human worker slaves with the Draconians. This got the attention of the Galactic Federation, which oversees all civilizations to ensure everyone is abiding by the laws of the universe.

When the Galactic Federation turned its attention to what the Annunaki and Draconians were doing with this new human species on planet Earth, the ancient, mystical lost prophecy aforementioned re-emerged. The reason why it came up after so many eons is that in the larger scheme of things, it is very rare for such a low-level species as the reptilians and a high-level species like the Annunaki to work together. This was certainly not the first time.

When these two species at opposite ends of the spectrum worked together to bring about our human species on this planet, a realization occurred that this budding civilization may be the species foretold in prophecy, so the Galactic Federation gave it its blessing. This is when the Galactic Federation sent out word to encourage civilizations around the universe to add their DNA into the mix of this new human species.

It did not take long before the rumor that the prophecy planet had been discovered. Many, many civilizations, believing that this was the real deal, stepped up and volunteered to be a part of this. Not every volunteer was accepted to meld their DNA with ours. The consequent genetic splicing of 20 to 30 unique extraterrestrial species was done in a very specific, but gentle way, while the Galactic Federation maintained strict oversight and scientific control. The result is that our human DNA is a repository of the best of the best across the universe.

Ever since we have been discovered as the prophecy planet, Earth has been closely monitored by a large number of vested extraterrestrial civilizations. We have been on lock-down for quite some time; no one gets in without collective GF approval. Of course, some bend or break the rules from time to time without approval – but there are consequences.

There were times in Earth's history when many different species of extraterrestrials walked among humans on the Earth. At some point the Galactic Federation stepped in, however, and chased all extraterrestrials off the planet, enforcing a quarantine to allow humans to develop on our own. Most gave little argument; the creator Annunaki had no problem with leaving, but the Draconians were furious that they were ordered to leave “their” planet. They had been managing humans and often weren't very nice about it. They absolutely did not want to leave.

Because the reptilians had been here before humans, they had a certain right to be here, so a contract was drawn up by the GF whereby the Draconians agreed to no longer have a direct influence over humans and agreed to no longer be seen by humans. So the reptilians went underground, which is their preference anyway. They did not give up control, but figured out how to maintain control without violating their contract or being seen. The reptilians know the laws of the universe and the laws of karma, and they have abided by them, so the GF has had no recourse other than to allow them to continue... until now... because the shift in the vibrational frequency of the planet is either going to make them shift as a species or completely kick them out. They can manipulate a contract, but they cannot run or hide from inevitable vibrational change.

When the reptilians began to manipulate us covertly, because this planet was known at that time as the prophecy planet, the GF said there is nothing they can do about the reptilians manipulating humanity. The reason is that the reptilians were not breaking any rules, and besides, they helped create us, and they were, in fact, a part of us... and the prophecy clearly states that the creator of the species were allowed to have an indirect influence upon their creation.

So the Galactic Federation stepped in with a creative strategy... since they really couldn't do anything to stop the reptilians from indirectly influencing this very powerful hybrid species, they had to come up with something to offset the reptilians to get us back on track.

After several failed strategies, Galactic volunteers agreed to incarnate as models of possibility, or way-showers. The first great volunteer experiment was the Buddha. Then there was Jesus. All starseeds are essentially volunteers from the Galactic Federation agreeing to incarnate on Earth to aid in raising the vibration of humanity as a whole to move beyond the influence of the reptilians and move humanity toward the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.

So, as this hybrid prophesied species, what are we supposed to do here? Once we become awakened, how do we as a species end all wars? Elizabeth posed this question to the Galactic Federation five years ago and they would not give her an answer other than to say we as a species are not meant to know just yet. Two years ago they finally gave her the answer.

Each of us has a mixture of both the highest and the lowest vibrational DNA from a variety of very powerful extraterrestrial parents. It comes down to choice. It comes down to free will. Yes, we can choose to be indirectly influenced by the reptilians or not. It is up to each one of to choose what DNA we want to activate. Do we want to be greedy and selfish and to have power over others along with wealth and resources for ourselves? Or do we choose unity, working collectively together to better others around us, to better the entire universe?

What choice do we want to make? What DNA do we want to activate? Whatever choice we make is fine by the universe. There is no wrong answer. There is no wrong choice. But if we as a species choose the light over darkness, the reptilians are not just going to roll over and accept it.

What the Galactic Federation told Elizabeth in answer to her questions is that we human beings are so powerful that we are a threat to lower vibrational beings out there because we have the power to make a choice. If we choose the dark side, we then become a huge asset for lower vibrational beings. We are a huge asset to one side or the other, just by virtue of who we are.

Awakened humans on Earth become the overseers of the universe. There is no stopping us. That is the message that same through.

If we choose the light, we shall have no equal when it comes to power in the universe. We will have a very active role in bringing balance and ending war.

The irony of today's circumstances is that the more the dark side pushes fear, corruption, and lack, the more humanity is awakening to want the opposite. They think they have it all figured out, but have no idea how the light works.

Our Mission as Galactic volunteers, as Starseeds, as one of the most important species to ever exist in the entire history of the universe is to utilize our free will and choose. But before we choose who we want to be and where we want to take that energy, we have to remember. That's it.

If all you accomplish in this lifetime is to remember who you are, and make a choice as to who you want to be, you never have to give a second thought into what is happening around you... because your choice, your actions, your focus in how you choose to show up as a human is all that matters. First you have to remember.

So, will it be light, or will be it be darkness? Or is the real choice in understanding both??? Maybe it is okay to have both the light and the dark. Maybe it is just fine to have both high vibration and low vibration. We live in a binary, dualistic universe. We need both. Consider that if the universe was just all light, there would be no purpose in having incarnations. Existence would cease if it was all light.

So perhaps the choice is not just between light or dark. Perhaps we must choose for objective awareness. Whether to live in the light or live in the darkness should not be a battle. It is okay if one chooses to live separated from Source. It is their choice, their free will.

I hold both dark and light within, but choose to activate the light within. I choose to activate the DNA of 20-plus species that resides within every one of my cells. With those abilities activated we can oversee neutrality, above judgement, and experience peace throughout the entire universe.

adapted from video by Elizabeth April on October 30, 2023 at

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