Friday, December 1, 2023

Ancient Enlightenment

Your meaningfulness and worth in life as an individual is not at the mercy of nor dependent in any way whatsoever upon any religion for your well-being and sustenance. Religious indoctrination is not necessary. You were never lost, therefore you need not be “saved”. You were not born with original sin that religion must wash away or you go to hell. In actuality you were born into a loving state of grace which follows you throughout your life and into death. Therefore you cannot fall out of grace, although you can ignore it.

There is no such thing as a sinner, even though a person can sin by committing a violation against natural law. There are no final destinations upon death called heaven or hell. You create and experience your so-called heaven or hell right here on earth during your lifetime, for you can make your life a joyous heaven-like experience... or the opposite... according to your beliefs. For your beliefs are what forms your reality. YOU GET WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.

You and you alone determine the true meaningfulness of your life, for your future and everything in it is yours to create. You are not dependent upon outside influences such as religion with its ego mind and belief control.

by Ronald H. Card on Facebook on November 5, 2023

When you find yourself enraged or even just upset about world conditions or the behavior of your fellow men, certainly admit your feelings and express them. Realize, however, that it is up to you in which areas of reality you concentrate.

An overconcentration in those areas helps bring about those conditions in your own experience.

To some men, there is no good. The world is not to be trusted. And, their experience proves it. Others dwell in a world that is filled with all kinds of abundance. Both worlds are real. Both are created by those who experience them.

You know that robbers exist. You do not dwell on the matter, however. It hardly overbalances your greater feelings of trust. And so, while granting that thieves live, you go unbothered. If you began a practice of following all reports of such crimes, you would soon find yourself experiencing the fact of thievery, drawing to you those people because of your own concentration. The same applies to all areas of activity.

by Seth on August 16, 1971, in The Personal Sessions, Book 1 of the deleted sessions

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