Saturday, December 16, 2023

It is Time to Know Who You Are

Personality is only your outer focusing device, nothing more than a window, or a prism through which consciousness creates the experience called physical reality. That experience is actually only taking place within you. There is no “outside” - there is nothing out there – just a reflection – just as there is nothing in the image reflecting in the mirror. Reality is all taking place within consciousness.

What the personality allows itself to perceive is often built upon not only the beliefs and definitions you have been taught in life and hold to be most true, but also based upon what is technically called the soul blueprint, what you brought into this life as a theme to explore. You will always look at and experience everything that happens through that general theme. When you choose to be physical and go from a non-physical state into a physical state, in a sense what you do is a kind of crystallization. It's like going from being steam to being water to being ice. You freeze yourselves in a type of pattern. This pattern is then referred to as the soul blueprint – what you brought in with you, in general, that you will explore in this life.

Many of you have similar themes in this life because you are all exploring the ability to be aware and awake to the fact that you are free to choose your reality experience, whereas in your history you were not aware that you had this choice, this freedom. Many of you alive on this planet today are still unaware that you have this choice, that you have this freedom to chose what you wish your life to be. Many people on your planet still believe that life happens to you instead of happening through you. But it does not happen to you; it comes from you, and reflects back to you.

So what is the soul blueprint? What is it made of exactly? You are made up of quite a lot of different frequencies, quite a lot of different kinds of experience. Many in this life begin to become aware of the connection to other times, other experiences, other lives, and so forth. You may wonder how this relates to this life. You may ask “Where do I come from?” “Where do I originate? The answer to this is that you originate from everywhere, all at once, and yet nowhere. Here and now is where you come from.

What you are really asking is what other places and times and lives and experiences are you strongly connecting to from this life. In any given life - because they all exist simultaneously – past, present, future all exist now – life exists simultaneously with all other lives from every time period... in the same way that all the different programs that you could watch on your TV are all there at the same time, but you can only get the one that your channel is tuned to at any given moment. So it is with the structure of existence.

The “you” that you know is experiencing this life here and now. Other variations of your consciousness are experiencing other lives in other places and other times, also here and now, at the same instant. They are separated by the fact that they are different frequencies, much the same way TV and radio programs are separated by the fact that they are different frequencies. But they are all there at once; they all exist at the same time.

Frequency and resonance is the key. In any life you form attachments and connections to other lives going on simultaneously that have relevance to this life in terms of the kinds of experiences that are being had in those other lives by those other versions of you. The experiences they are having are relevant to the experiences you are having, and vice versa. You may be tapping into many other lives at the same time.

For example, in a life that you may call a past life you may be having a great deal of despair and hopelessness in a particular experience that you are having in that life. Then suddenly – apparently for no reason – hope and inspiration hits you, and you realize you have a way out. You don't know where that came from or why it hit you, but suddenly you just know that things can get better. Sometimes, that information, that knowledge, that certainty may have come from your guide, may have come from spirit, may have come from a variety of places... but it also may have come from an experience that you are having in another life that shows you there is a way out.

It may also be coming from this life now where you are exploring the idea that you have the freedom to choose your reality. That knowledge alone may leak into the other life and may be drawn upon by that other life. You don't know where this knowledge comes from, you don't know where this certainty comes from, but you now know you can do what you need to do. You may be sending that inspiration from experiences in this life to let others know they can rely upon your experience here and now to let them use it in their experience there and then.

You are cross connected to all your other lives. The ones that stand out energetically and vibrationally are the ones that have relevance to you in this life. Those are the ones we are referring to when we ask the questions: “Where do I come from?”, “Where is my origin?”

This also extends to other dimensions and other civilizations. You may have lives going on in other worlds, but you come from here and now on earth. You are not from some other place or time. Your Oversoul from which all your lives extend simultaneously, like the fingers on a hand, may have lives going on in other worlds, in the past, in the present, in the future, in many dimensions all at once. You don't come from somewhere as if you were once there and now you are here. That's a linear illusion. But you may sense as you gain more and more awareness of who and what you are and gather more information from the total self that you have other lives in other places simultaneously. Because you are used to thinking in a linear fashion – before and after – you assume you must come from somewhere else to get here. Not true.

You may be awakening to the fact you have cross connections to many lives simultaneously and can draw upon that, whatever you wish to use that energy for in this life now. Getting in touch with this aspect of your soul blueprint, this combination of frequencies that are relevant to this life on earth, helps you understand just who you are.

Being aware that you have connections to other realities is not about disconnecting from the earth, wishing that you could go back to that reality. The reason that you are where you are is because you chose this reality to act as a conduit to bring that energy to earth and manifest it in whatever way is relevant to the earth experience to allow the earth to transform.

Every single one of you on the earth now chose to be on earth now because you knew that you would be going through a transition and a transformation on the planet at this time in its history. In some way, on some level, you wanted to participate. You wanted to be a part of that... because earth is a very exciting place to be right now. Earth is one of the most highly focused places that we are aware of in all of creation. It is one of the few places that have gone as deeply into the dark as we have here that anyone anywhere is aware of.

When a planet, when a civilization, when a collective consciousness can allow itself to experience such a great degree of darkness and yet still find its way to the light... that is special. That is powerful. Because of that we attract the attention of many other beings from many other dimensions to watch how we are doing it. That's exciting. That's creation in the making. That's raw creation – going from absolute dark to absolute light.

The universe thanks you for your strength, your commitment, your willingness to go through this transition. It is a powerful thing to be doing, and it shows you, just by being here where you are, just how powerful you are. Never lose sight of that. To be where you are means you are a powerful being who knew just what you were doing when you chose this reality... and even though you have forgotten you knew what you were doing, you still know what you are doing.

One of the ways you have allowed yourself to co-create a way to remember that you knew what you were doing was through your creation of beings like Bashar, given them the honor of an opportunity to remind you of just how powerful you are. Bashar thanks us for the opportunity, thanks us for the gift bestowed upon them to be the ones to remind us who we are. Bashar thanks us for being allowed to be our alarm clock to help us wake up.

It is time to wake up, time to become more aware of who you are so that you can, with open eyes and certainty, live your life with full conviction, responding as you want to, responding as you prefer to, no matter what is going on in your reality... and getting the effect from that response that you deserve.

You matter. What you do matters. Energy to matter. Non-physical to physical. The effect comes from your willingness to have the conviction to know your relationship to whatever and whoever you experience, no matter the situation, no matter the circumstance.

While you are on earth only for awhile, you will continue to experience many people and situations that are not reflective of your preference... because that's the nature of earth. Many people will make the faulty assumption that just because they are changing themselves they should no longer have to interact with anyone who is not of their frequency. It doesn't work that way.

You are still on the earth. It's still going to be a mix of things for a little while longer, but that's okay. It gives you an opportunity to see absolute examples of what you do and don't prefer. It gives you a way to gauge where you are, relative to the things you know are not who you are, who you prefer to be. Use that as an opportunity.

Don't think there is something wrong. Just because you have changed to become a more spiritual person, you may wonder why you must continue to deal with people who are not acting in a spiritual way. You may wonder why you have not moved beyond that. Remember, you are still on earth. That's what earth is all about – polarity. It's all about different ways of doing different things, dark and light.

Remember, the idea of integration is that you have something to integrate. If it is all just light, there is nothing to integrate. Becoming more of yourself is becoming more aware – not only of the light, but also of the dark. The more you become aware of the light and dark choices, the more openly and clearly you can choose what you prefer.

It's not about excluding... it's about including. It is about knowing that you still can go into the dark – if you want to. But it's knowing that you don't have to. You won't stop seeing the dark as a choice. You only become more aware of the dark choice as merely being that... a choice... not as a given, not as an absolute, not as something that has power over you – just as a choice, like any other choice.

“Hey, come over to the dark side!” it may tempt. You can say “No thanks.” Not because you are afraid... but because you know it is not your preference. In order to know it is not your preference you have to be aware that it is a choice. Once you are aware of it as a choice you move toward becoming a fully empowered being that makes a choice to go into the light. That's the whole point.

Don't think something is wrong when you continue to encounter people who are not of the vibration of integrity. They give you another opportunity to see if you want to decide to continue to play that game, or whether you choose to make another choice. That's alright. They don't have any power to affect you so long as you do not agree to be affected. That's why it is so important to respond differently as if you have changed... no matter what is going on around you.

The way you get more in touch with the idea of who you are is by beginning to deeply understand your soul blueprint, what living this life is all about, what the theme is all about – which is really the freedom to choose, no matter what – and allow yourself to move with conviction and commitment in that direction, not in avoidance of anything. There is no avoiding. If you wish to grow and expand, you cannot avoid. You cannot avoid anything, because there is really no where to go. There is only here and now. You cannot run away from anything. You must invite it in and accept it as a part of who you are if you're really going to have the freedom to choose who you want to be.

Again, it's all about inclusion and integration, not exclusion and segregation. That's the old pattern. That's not you anymore. If it was, you would not be reading these words. So take that as a sign that it is time to know more about who you are. Be more of who you are and accept the dark and the light that you have, and use it in a positive way. Just because you are aware of the dark, you do not have to become the darkness. It just means you are more aware of who you are, and that's a positive thing.

by Bashar as channeled by Darryl Anka from a Soul Blueprint Workshop on May 21-22, 2005

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