Sunday, February 3, 2019

Lessons from Proxima Centauri

NASA is discovering evidence that the sun is becoming brighter, hotter, and more magnetic as our solar system moves into a gaseous area of magnetized plasma in our galaxy that is extremely energetic and hot. Is the sun building up to something like a solar flash, in which the sun releases a brilliant amount of energy at one time? Is something major, a Golden Age, that has been prophesied by at least 35 spiritual traditions over the ages about to occur? We now have the hard data and scientific validation that demonstrates that this is what may indeed be happening.

There is indisputable evidence that an interplanetary climate change event is occurring right now. Earth may be heating up, but so are Mars, Pluto, and the rest of our solar system. The change in the sun's activity is the common thread linking all these events. The sun used to be the color yellow when I was a child; today when you view it, it is clearly white. The gas planets are absolutely transforming. Jupiter's great Red Spot is becoming a Mustardy-Salmon Spot; the red color was always there back to when telescopes were discovered in the 1600's; now it is changed. On Saturn there is a new surface storm that extends across its entire northern hemisphere and Uranus has enormous bright storms that have only recently appeared; the planet is covered with hot spots that were never there before. The same thing is happening on Neptune with enormous areas of brightness that have never been seen before.

NASA is not exactly forthcoming on the genesis of such changes. Is it because they understand that extending the cycle of the sun's changes and its impact on the solar system may potentially alter life on earth in a devastating way? Is NASA perniciously withholding such possibilities from the public? It certainly has the legal authority to classify and conceal even its own conclusions, while the word across NASA is that many knowledgeable scientists and engineers anticipate that something big on the order of a solar flash is imminent.

The events at the boundary between the plasma cloud we are passing through and the sun's magnetic field is called the termination shock; things are charging rapidly and really getting hot. It appears NASA and the government doesn't want anyone exploring the potential consequences of this change. 

The nearest star to our solar system is Alpha Centauri, which is a trinary system of three stars with the smallest being a red dwarf star called Proxima Centauri. Like our own sun, all the stars around us are passing through this same plasma cloud with the same effect. It so happens that Alpha Centauri is just a little bit ahead of us and has already gone through a solar flash event like we anticipate happening in our own solar system. The flash lasted only a minute but was a thousand times brighter than its usual shine. The idea of a solar flash occurring in our solar system is very real and apparently very imminent as evidenced by the fact that it has already occurred with our nearest stellar neighbor.

The good news is that the solar flare that we may be about to experience may not have as devastating an effect on our solar system as many believe is our destiny in predictions of a rapture or apocalypse, but may actually have a sort of cosmic springboard effect that moves us along a pathway of ascension of consciousness, with an energetic rebooting of our own DNA. By examining what NASA has observed with the planetary systems around Proxima Centauri, we may be able to draw optimistic conclusions about our own imminent future.

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