Monday, July 18, 2022

The Trans Question

For a long time I have wondered whether the concept of “trans” was genuine or contrived. I'm a “live and let live” kind of person, so it really didn't matter to me one way or the other. I leave phobias and judgements to others. The following is an historic perspective that breathes fresh air into the conversation from one of the smartest guys on the planet - Clif High – from his newsletter on July 16, 2022, at :

The idea for ‘trans’ as a modern ‘thing’ comes from the jews, specifically from the Talmud, in which we find a description of humans as having 6 genders between “breeding male” and “breeding female” for a total of 8 genders. This idea enters the Talmud from the Elohim, those beings who came down to earth 6000 years ago, and by power of superior technology, including many flying machines, conquered the hunter-gatherer tribes for the genetic experimentation that produced modern humanity. The Torah, and Talmud, Zohar, and other jewish religious books are all about the Elohim and their adventures here on earth.

The El (one of the many Elohim) who was in charge of the jews was known as YHWH, or Adonai. He, and his wife/mate had help in organizing, and leading the population that they controlled. Some of this help came from those of the Elohim who were titled as “BAAL”. All of the Cananite tribes used the word ‘BAAL’ to mean ‘Lord’. So it was BAAL YHWH to his tribe. There were also traveling ‘Lords’, such as BAAL ZHBB, which, with the vowels put in sounds out as ‘BAAL ZhiBuB’, or ‘Beelzebub’. These traveling ‘lords’ are thought to have been inspectors, or assurance officers of the Elohim organization. Their jobs were basically quality control, as we may understand from ancient writings. Thus Beelzebub gets a very bad rep with the Adamites (those people from the GAN Eden genetic experiment laboratory complex) as he is in charge of making sure the genetic experiments were up to specifications required, or terminating them.

The idea of the six genders between breeding male and breeding female comes directly from the Elohim. Their species may have had such a spectrum of genders. There are historical texts relating just such information. The descriptions that we have of the Elohim include a range of ‘types’ that included androgynous beings that the religious literature refers to as ‘arch angels’ in the christian translations. These many classes, or types, of Elohim are also described in Vedic, and Sumerian, and other historic texts from around this planet that also provide a picture of a species with multiple genders. There are hints in some ancient descriptions that the Elohim ‘managed’ their genders shortly after birth based on the requirements their planning indicated for future generations, and so, even for the Elohim, multiple genders between breeding male and female may have been artificial, and an aspect of how they organized their species.

It is assumed by scholars that the tribe of Jacob, as primitive humans, ruled by YHWH, from whom judaism derives, were victims of a sort of ‘cult of personality’ in which ‘all things Elohim’ were to be imitated, and emulated. This desire to elevate themselves to the status (and technology) of the Elohim is a dominating theme within the Talmud. This proclivity is discussed, and alluded to constantly, with discussions about the Elohim taking their leave of our planet. This departure left a big power vacuum within human society that was filled by people we came to call ‘the priest class’.

The priest class, from all religions, are human bullshit artists who walked into an already sweet set-up & took over when the Elohim bugged off planet. These bovine excrement spewing priest people have been able to keep the scam going up to this present day, though it appears to be falling apart now.

The idea behind ‘trans’ is that the personality does not agree with the body. That is to say, a male personality gets put ‘accidentally’ into a female body, and vice versa. This means that Nature had fucked up. This is analogous to saying that the Sun broke today, or that gravity is puking buildings, & people & stuff out into space.

To my research, observation, and conclusion, there is NO evidence to support ‘trans’ within humans. Maybe in the Elohim, from which the idea originates, but not in humans.

The selling of ‘trans’ as a concept into the society at large is an aspect of the psychological war being waged against white people by the Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia believe themselves to be both jews, and the natural heirs to the Elohim. Neither is true. But the Khazarian Mafia are quite convinced of both. The KM believes themselves to be the ‘chosen’ heirs to Earth, Humanity, and all the Resources. The KM recognizes NO LAW that is not in their understanding of the Talmud. They believe themselves to be ‘holding place’ for the Elohim, who they expect to return to earth when ‘conditions’ are correct. Further, the KM believes that they have the absolute right to mess about with humanity in order that such conditions may be created.

The Khazarian Mafia are not nice humans. They are not particularly smart, but are cleaver and manipulative as they believe that they have ‘Elohim (divine) authority’ delegated to them. They think of all humans who are not Khazarian Mafia as ‘herd beasts’, or ‘cattle’.

The Khazarian Mafia is using ‘trans’ as a psychological warfare tactic to reduce the population of white people. They are doing this as part of their continuing, on-going attempt at world domination. They find it easier to control non-white people, and thus want to reduce their problems, now, and in the future where they are totally in charge in an open manner, by greatly reducing, or even eliminating white people.

The Khazarian Mafia created, owns, and controls the complete ‘psychiatry’ industry. Every person that gets gender queered by KM psychiatric warfare is one less breeder causing them problems. This is part of their agenda to proceed to their goal of taking over & creating the conditions for the Elohim to return.

The whole ‘global warming’, and all the ‘planet is doomed’, and ‘overpopulation’ memes are also related tactics in the broader Khazarian Mafia strategy to conquer the world. As is their primary weapon, the Central Bank system led by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not part of the Federal government, is not a bank and has no reserves. The Khazarian Mafia are ‘name stealers’. They use language confusion as a tactic within their strategy.

So, my conclusion is that ‘trans’ is not a real thing, as for it to be so would require, absolutely require, that Nature be broken. There is no evidence of such.

But if I say this, I will be labeled as ‘transphobic’. This word means to ‘fear trans people’. When you criticize the mind controlled trans people, or their psychiatric handlers, or their woke supporters, you are labeled as ‘transphobic’ by them, the same way that the Khazarian Mafia, the pretend jews, will label you as ‘anti-semite’ for criticizing them. This is a primary, personal, and collective tactic of the name-stealers, to pejoratively label their critics for pointing out their name stealing.

I am not transphobic. I don’t fear trans people. As people I sympathize with them being mind control victims of the psychiatric ‘industry’. I feel very bad for them being in this situation as people.

I am not transphobic, I am educated, and thus, ‘trans’ rejecting.”

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