Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Impact of Scalar Energy on Health

Scalar waves are a well-known phenomenon described in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. They occur naturally in Nature (e.g. thoughts, DNA, food), and are are non-linear, non-Hertzian waves, that have the ability to carry information. They travel faster than the speed of light and do not decay over time. Scalar waves are self-contained three-dimensional waves that spin on a fixed axis. Non-linear waves propagate throughout the body via the crystalline lattices of the elaborate collagen network.

Scalar waves are actually a pretty straightforward part of everyday life for all of us. Scalar waves are all around us. They’re often referred to when talking about quantum physics, but the main point to keep in mind is that these waves are a natural form of energy that’s shaped like an hourglass.

How do we know scalar waves exist and what their shape is if they are invisible? They can be observed and studied through spectrograph imaging. A spectrograph is a scientific tool that splits up light by its wavelengths and documents data on said wavelengths. Why is it significant that scalar energy operates on an hourglass shape? All of your DNA and cells operate on an hourglass shape – making scalar waves entirely body-friendly.

The first person to observe and document scalar energy was Scottish scientist James Clark Maxwell, born in 1831. An expert in mathematics, Maxwell created two crucial theories that inform all subsequent research on scalar waves: electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields. Albert Einstein then continued Maxwell’s work and eventually discovered “The Theory of Relativity.”

But the real rockstar of scalar wave research was Nikola Tesla. Tesla endeavored to bring scalar energy to the mainstream by positing that scalar energy is one of nature’s primal forces because it is free, renewable, and exists everywhere – just like air.

Tesla believed that if we could learn how to contain the power of scalar energy, we’d have boundless energy and limitless possibilities. Thus, Tesla is often called the father of scalar waves, and to this day, scalar waves are also known as “Tesla waves.”

Here are four ways in which electromagnetic waves and scalar waves differ:

  1. Scalar waves encompass a field and are longitudinal

  2. Electromagnetic waves are transverse and travel like waves

  3. Scalar waves are immediate and have no loss of power over immense distances, whereas electromagnetic waves lose power over distance

  4. Scalar waves have the ability to pass through hard metal objects with no power loss; electromagnetic waves cannot

Scalar energy is produced when two electromagnetic waves from two opposing paths ultimately converge. When these energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other out, leaving a static or stationary form of energy and zero frequency.

Scalar Waves work to:

  • Increases the energy level of every single cell to its ideal point

  • Facilitate the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell

  • Trigger cellular and blood detoxification

  • Increase brainwave coherence and mental focus

  • Balance both hemispheres of the brain improving mental focus and balance

  • Promote heightened states of creativity and awareness

  • Trigger a positive increase in immune function

  • Clear negative memories stored in cells

  • Counteract the effects of harmful EMFs

  • Promote healing and regeneration

  • Function as an antidepressant

How they Work: A sore limb keeps giving you pain because the information at that level is not changing and entropy is setting in. The frequency is scrambled, and to permit a natural occurrence called photo repair to happen, the attenuating frequency needs rearranging. Think of an old desktop computer that is limping along – running slower than ever. However, when you reboot, defrag, and clear the memory, the computer starts functioning again as it should. This is how scalar energy works; it gets you back to prime optimization by “rebooting” an area contaminated by debris.

The body was designed biologically so as to be able to self-repair in its naturally occurring environment…So why do people get stuck and not heal?

This is where scalar waves come in. Our bodies obey a healing force which gives shape to everything on earth, from apples to oranges, to DNA and collagen, or microtubules. Anything that impedes this natural energy will garble the information required to heal. Like bits of plastic in an electromagnetic field dominated by iron filings. Scalar waves remove those unwanted impedances which simply shouldn’t be there, and allow the body a fresh canvas with which to heal.

This technology was once only conducted in a medical setting. However, due to recent advancements in this field of science, affordable at-home options are now available.

What conditions can you treat with scalar wave healing? Scalar wave technology is instrumental in the treatment of stubborn conditions like:

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic pain

  • Extreme nerve pain

  • Gut pain

  • Hernias

  • Migraines

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • TMJ

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