Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tesla versus Einstein

One shocking revelation soon-to-come that few could possibly anticipate is that essentially ALL the physics that we have come to understand as the scientific basis for explaining the world is WRONG. Connected to this bold statement, as will be explained, is the fact that a large majority of the founding fathers of modern physics have been Ashkenazi Jews, who still comprise the majority of Jews today, originating in Germany.

The theories of relativity and quantum mechanics initiated in large part by Einstein are 100% bogus because ALL of the mathematics used to support these theories has been fiddled with or manipulated for effect. Mathematics has been retrofitted in hindsight to match experimental results, thus it is corrupt. Since their development, general relativity and quantum mechanics have not produced anything that would aid humanity in the way of fundamental engineering breakthroughs. As a result, the progress of humanity has largely been stymied since the time when the Khazarians forced all of us to laud Einstein over Tesla.

History forgets that there was a big battle in the 1920's and 1930's to make Tesla a pariah and to pump up Einstein by the Ashkenazi Jews, Khazarians who were successful only because they controlled the media and were able to control the thinking of the public at large. When asked for his opinion on the theories of contemporary Albert Einstein, Tesla gave a scathing analysis of relativity theory, calling it a "magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king" (Time, 1935). Tesla's own theorem went unpublished, yet his inventions displayed a beautiful simplicity that reflected the natural order: "My explanations of natural phenomena are not so involved as his. They are simpler, and... will throw light on many puzzling phenomena of the cosmos" (Time, 1931).

In Judaism there is no word for God, thus it accommodates atheism. It is no secret that the majority of Ashkenazi Jewish physicists behind the thinking of modern physics lean toward atheism. While they typically may practice Jewish rituals, they are really not under the heal of the rabbis (who are judges, not priests). The result is that the “great” minds behind the physics that we have come to believe and trust as the “truth” never really have to deal with consciousness as an underlying principle of the universe. Modern science therefore assumes that consciousness lies exclusively within us as a part of the materium.

Modern science is grounded in assumptions that are not valid. The assumptions relative to consciousness and how it originates is essentially informed by Judaism, which leads that kind of thinking astray. Ashkenazi Jews in physics today will never have primary discoveries that impact humanity in a significant way because of how their minds have been formed and the way they think about reality.

There is a huge circumstance within the Jewish social order that people don't grasp. One is that the Talmud has as its basis an exclusivity of content, that is, the Talmud does not allow any thoughts that do not exist within it to have any merit whatsoever. It denies all of reality that is not defined within its own text... excepting the base of rabinical knowledge. Rabinical knowledge is recorded by and for only people who have gone through rabinical training; thus it will never be understood by anyone not on the inside.

The Talmud is about the Torah, which in and of itself never once refers to religion or any sort of monotheistic God. The Old Testament of the Bible, in turn, is a politicized (thus suffering major errors) interpretation of the Torah. The Original text of the Torah only refers to the El (or its plural version, the Elohim) which were essentially invasive space aliens. The Torah is nothing more than the recorded history of the Judeans and what they had to do to survive. It does not have anywhere within its text any kind of origination story, so we don't have a clue as to who wrote it. The origination story that is wrapped up in the rabbinical knowledge of the Talmud, thus not from the Torah, is basically atheistic and does not acknowledge any kind of greater level of consciousness.

So, it is factual to say the Talmud does not allow for the idea that each of us is an encapsulated bit of a greater consciousness entering the world of the materium to do things and accomplish specific objectives. What it does allow is that consciousness is a part of the materium and that it is different from but sometime will return to some source (or God) that is not referenced in the Torah. Very incongruent. There are many references to God and gods in the Talmud, certainly, but they don't connect back to anything written in the Torah - because no God is referenced there.

The Ashkenazis come from a precept that consciousness writ large does exist and is all pervasive, but they won't acknowledge that it continues within the materium as part and parcel of the entirety of consciousness. Einstein's general theory, because of this, is all wrong; quantum mechanics followed his theories in its support only to stretch modern science further from what is real. The result, using for instance the idea of irrational numbers in mathematics to explain their theories, is a modern science that is absolutely useless in the real world. The best of science that humanity believes to be true will never take us anywhere.

It is their fundamental atheism that makes the situation the way it is now. They think of the materium as dead. Rocks are dead. Dirt is dead. Mountains are not animated matter. Modern science therefore does not allow that consciousness is infused in all matter, but that is the nature of reality. Proof is that if consciousness is withdrawn, matter no longer exists. The only difference between one thing and another is essentially its degree of consciousness.

Because consciousness is all pervasive, so everything is conscious to some degree. Modern science tells us otherwise only because the Khazarians want us to believe certain things to take and keep control of humanity. That is why they buried Tesla's findings in favor of Einstein's one hundred years ago.

More and more people are coming to understand this, challenging the narrative theme of the standard scientific explanation. As the truth emerges, the science of Nikola Tesla, a knowledge of reality that has heretofore been denied to us will rise to serve humanity in ways most cannot now imagine.

adapted from Clif High's Substack Newsletter of April 5, 2023

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