Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hyper-Novelty in the Froth of the Moment


Grammar is necessary so that you know what you're talking about. You define words so that there's no ambiguity. You also define the relationships between words so that you eliminate as much ambiguity as possible from creeping into the language in order to effectively communicate. Logic allows you to take the grammar and build a construction of reality around it. Rhetoric allows you to express and describe what you've just created.

The subject today is about the dynamics of what humanity is going through at this current time. We're in a period of hyper-novelty, which I'm defining as that period of time when there is no longer authority that backs information. So all information is just out there on its own. There's no authority backstopping it to allow you to have trust in it.

So you can't trust government. You can't trust media. You can't trust the people next door because you don't know what their inputs are and how their mental processes are dealing with those inputs. So their conclusions are suspect.

Thus, you need to have a new way of dealing with the whole planet and all of humanity and what's going on. You can no longer go along in a complacent state based on the assumption that you were given a factual representation of our reality and have been accurately, truthfully educated. We know that that's not the case.

You've been schooled, and schooling is mind control, and it's been deliberate disinformation from the time you entered school, which is a government-funded mind control organization, in a process that takes up much of your life in order to build into you a false narrative that you will operate within the rest of your life, more or less. And then government sets about corralling and dealing with those people that don't stay within that narrative.

So you've not been educated, you've been schooled. Schooling requires the heavy hand of authority. Teacher says, it is thus because I say it is thus, and I have the authority of the institution behind me. The preacher or the priest says, it is thus because I say it is thus, and I have the weight and authority of the institution behind me. Same thing with colleges, same thing with judges, same thing with government.

And so we're now at that point where you can remove the word authority because we know they're all lying and there is no truth or fact in anything that they're putting forward. And if you persist in analyzing anything that you are given and follow it, you now have the tools and the availability of the contrary information on the Internet to find it out.

Then you discover that the people presenting themselves as authorities are not that they have no authority and they don't understand the spew that they're putting out because mainly they're all minions and stooges for a mind control power structure. These minions and stooges, for all of your life, have defined the words that you use.

And it is through those definitions, through the grammar, and then following on with the logic and the rhetoric, that they have defined the reality in which you've been living. They've defined the construct in your mind that you look and see a particular reality that's been put there by them. Because of their ability or because of their control in the definition department, by way of academia, the interrelatedness of academia and government, courts, etc., etc... they are in a unique position of being able to control the social dynamic at a very broad level.

It takes them energy to change it. It takes them effort. They have to make a deliberate move to do so, but they are able to do so. So they have induced the “mind virus”, as Elon Musk calls it, but they have induced this upsettedness within the common consensus reality in order to induce strife, stress, mental anguish, terror, pain, and civil war, and huge levels of contention and discordant discussions. And they are doing this for their own purposes because they want depopulation, they want human sacrifice, all their satanic stuff, blah, blah, blah.

But what's interesting to me is that they were easily able to do it. It took them 40 plus years in the Western republics. to achieve this, but there was no impediment to them doing it once they set about it in a slow, methodical way. And the way they achieved that was through redefinition.

So they changed everything from prior to 40 years ago. The white race was seen as intelligent explorers, scientists, going on to conquer space. Now, whites are mean, evil, demons, all of this kind of stuff, right? Right now, everything that's ever been good came from a black person in terms of the social milieu put on you by the Elohim worship cult, which, by the way, are primarily Jews.

The redefinition of everything avoids facts, disputes facts and will run away from facts. So our understanding, our paradigm, has been upended by the Elohim worship cult that is in control of the definition of language by virtue of their control of their interconnected institutions. They control language, and thus are able to decide to disturb the minds of all of the people by simply redefining language and making it wonky as shit.

And this is what they've done over these last 40 years, and we now find ourselves in this particular state of... aggravated contention with about 20% of the population suffering from this mind virus, which is a result of the twisting of the narrative by the Elohim worship cult through the institutions, primarily through media and education, which is called education, but it's schooling, it's mind control. And this is where we're at at the moment.

from the substack of Clif High on September 1, 2024

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